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Times -Advocate, November 25, 1987
BROWNIES JOIN - New brownies in the Grand Bend group were offi-
cially enrolled Monday night at St. Jchn's Anglican Hall. Standing in the
back are leaders Cathy Smith, "Screech"; Margaret Miller, "Snowy"; Mar -
grit Breuer, "Brown Owl'; Kathy Hayter, "Tawny"; and Dale Marshall,
"Wise Owl". In the front is Stephanie Rader, Erin Jennison, Kim Keller,
Julie Guenther. In the middle is Deanna Turnbull, Rachel Edwards, Jennifer
Miller, Melissa Miller and Laura Tiernan.
Grand Bend
and distrkt naves
Lynne Desjardine - 128-8769.
Roberta Walker - 238-2471 ,
Crafts are focus of
November WI meeting
The Grand Bend Womcns Institute
met on Thursday, November 19th
in the Sunday School rooms of GB
United Church.
Twenty-two ladies were present to
participate in this November craft
meeting. Tatting, wood -carving,
basket weaving, knitting, china and
oil painting were some of the crafts
named by all to answer the roll call.
President, Millie Desjardine opened
with the I.O.D.E. and Mary Stewart
Collect, followed by a short sing-
song with Jeanne Crocker at the pi-
Donna Lovie read the minutes and
gave the financial report. Twenty-
five dollars was given to the Chil-
dren's Hospital of Western Ontario.
Further plans were made for the ca-
tering to the Seniors Christmas
Dinner on Wed., December 2nd.
The Institute decided to cat out for
their December meeting.
Samples.of the awards given to
the 4-H members on the completion
of their first, sixth, and twelfth
clubs, were displayed by Donna Lo -
vie. Nola Taylor gave a brief report
of the District Directors meeting
held at Hensall.
Doris Bestard and Olive Wcbb
took charge of the crafts. Members
and visitors enjoyed very much the
social time around the tables, as
they made dainty little snowflakes
on canvas, and pretty, colourful
bead Christmas wreaths.
Cookies and tea were served by
hostesses Karen Woods, Catherine
Junkcr and Loreen Gill.
Darts at Legion
Thcrc were about 20 out for darts
at the Grand Bend Legion last Tues-
day night. Rick Tiedeman and Eu
Gowing won first place, with Ron
Crown and Carrie Tiedeman taking
second. Buster Randall won the door
Winners of the Friday Meat Raffle
were: Janet Chambers, Bob Hedley,
Howard Costigane, Ted Carnes, and
Ken Pollick. The door prize winners
were Alma Thompson, Ralph Wil-
liams and Phil McLaughlin.
On December 11, Friday, there
will be a special Turkey Raffle, in-
stead of the regular meat raffle, so
be sure to try and win yourself a
holiday bird.
Tickets are now on sale for the
Christmas Stocking made up by the
Legion. Imagine - just a $1.00 tick-
et gives you a chance on winning a
sock crammed with $350 worth of
prizes and gift certificates - get your
ticket today!
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News from the Grand Bend churches
A Crusade Rally is being held
Sunday night, November 29 at Tri -
vitt Memorial Anglican Church in
Exeter at 7.30 p.m.
In addition to guest speaker Cru-
sade Director Jim Wilson, the mes-
sage in song will be presented by
the Crusade Choir, youth soloist
Kevin Rogers and soloist Janet
The program will be followed by
a fellowship hour and coffee..
Catholic news
The Immaculate Heart of Mary
Council of the Catholic Women's
League met on November 17 at the
Alhambra Hall, with 24 members
and Father Beck present. CWL pres-
ident Rose Van Bruaene convened
the business.
A total of $106.68 in pennies was
rolled at the October meeting, to be
sent to the Esk-Omi Missions in
Northern Canada. The Lioness have
invited the CWL to attend a "Gold
Party" (jewelry), to be held at Oak-
wood Dining room on November
TheCWLeamed $30 worth of free
toys from Creative Kids, at the toy
demonstration following the Octo-
ber meeting. The toys will be do-
nated to needy children for Christ-
mas baskets.
They received the invitation from
Greenway United Church to attend
their Christmas Ecumenical on De-
cember 1 at 8 p.m. On December 3,
the CWL is invited to attend a Pot-
luck Supper in Watford, with a pen-
ny sale and a play. There will be a
special Mass on December 6 at 11
a.m., on Respect for Life Day, with
CWL members as readers, ushers
and eucharistic ministers. All mem-
bers are encouraged to either attend
Mass at the Basilica in London or at
their parish church on December 8,
the Feast of the Immaculate Con-
ception. The rosary is to be recited
by all CWL members that evening,
in honor of this Marian Year.
Plans were made for CWL Christ-
mas baskets to the sick and shut-
ins. The parish collection of gifts
and canned goods will be taken up
on the third Sunday of Advent, De-
cember 13. All toys and gifts will
be distributed among the needy of
the parish and the Family and Chil-
dren's Services. The canned goods
will got to needy parishioners and
to the Soup Kitchen in London. If
anyone knows of a family who
would appreciate a helping hand, or
someone shut-in or ill, please con-
tact Father Beck.
Religious calendars will be availa-
ble in church on December 6, and
the religious articles supply will be
available after Masses each Sunday
until Christmas. Father Beck an-
nounced that the Christmas Eve
•mass will bcgin at 7:45 p.m. this
year, instead of 7:15 p.m.
The next CWL meeting will be a
Cl.ristmas Party, on Monday De-
cember 14.
"'allowing the meeting, the ladies
watched a craft demonstration from
Joanne Bengough, who works at
Country Flowers in Exeter. Then
each lady used the materials she pur-
chased, or brought with her, to
create wreaths out of straw or grape
vines. The results were really beau-
tiful, as each CWL member took
home a special wreath for Christ-
Sunday was the Feast of Christ
the King at Immaculate Heart of
Mary Church in Grand Bend. Father
Paul Beck was celebrant at all the
Masses. In his sermon, he referred
to the gospel reading about separat-
ing the sheep from the goats. In to-
day's clergy, they often try to label
people as Pre -Vatican II Conserva-
tive Catholics or Post -Vatican II
Liberals. In the end though, people
will be judged according to those
who care and those who don't care.
That is the difference that really
counts with God.
Next Sunday will be the First
Sunday of Advent to prepare for the
coming of Christmas. Also next
Sunday, a children's prayer book
will be available, for 25 cents, con-
taining prayers and readings for each
particular Sunday. The readings for
the feast of Christ the King portray
Jesus as the Glorius Risen Lord,
and also the Judge at the end of
Time, Jesus the perfect Ruler.
Church of God
The Church of God welcomed Mr.
and Mrs. Elford Ropp from Tavis-
tock, who provided special -music
for the Sunday morning service.
The door greeters were Mrs. Millie
Desjardine and her son Richard.
Rev. Desjardinc's sermon was tak-
en from the Book of Malachi 3-4,
which speaks about the fact that the
world is in confusion. The answer
to this dilemma is that people need
a reverence for God, a reminder of
Answer two fire calls
After regular monthly fire practice
on Monday, November 16 the GB
and arca firemen were summoned
out twice last week.
Friday morning, shortly after 8
a.m. the brigade rushed to the home
of Donna and Larry Lovic, on the
Mollard Linc. A mattress fire there'
was quickly extinguished. 't hen,
Saturday evening, at 5:30 p.m. fire-
men were called to the home of
Connie and Hans DeJong, RR 2
Grand Bend, to check on a chimney
fire there. No damage was reported.
About town
Well, now we've had our first
taste of real winter weather. That
was quite an Arctic blast, although
Grand Bend didn't get as much snow
as towns further inland.
Check out your snow tires and
change your motor oil, if you ha-
vcn't already, and please slow down
for weather conditions. Don't wind
up as a traffic statistic this winter!
Mcmbcrs of the Order of the Al-
hambra No. 168 held their annual
cash draw dance on Friday evening.
Despite the stormy weather, they
had a good crowd of nearly 375 peo-
ple out to enjoy the toe -tapping
music of the Whiskey Jack Band,
back by popular demand from last
A. John Hughes, C.D.
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Grand Bend
The grand. winners of the S2000
first prize were Jerry and Alda Bonz-
crs, of RR 6 Forest. The young
couple was present at the dance, and
delighted to claim their prize.
Frank Humer of Grand Bend was
pretty pleased with his winnings
too, $500. worth.Mary AnnVanEyk
of Strathroy won $300, and a visi-
tor, Franz Vanden Broeck of Hol-
land won $100. John C. Aarts of
Watford won $75 and Bill Battram
of Parkhill got $50. There were also
a number of $25. winners, and con-
gratulations to all of them.
The ladies of the Catholic Wom-
en's League catered the midnight
lunch, with chicken from the Colo-
nel and a variety of delicious salads.
Grand Commander Martin Kelders
would like to thank all the Sir No-
bles and their Sultanas for the ticket
sales and help in the dance, to make
anothcr silccessful fund-raiser for the
Next week the children of the Al-
hambrans will be treated to a
Christmas party at the Alcazar.
There'll be gifts, treats, and music
and maybe even a visit from that
jolly old elf from the North Pole!
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the corning judgment and a return to
God's Word.
In the evening service, singers
Mr. and Mrs. Ropp were joined by
their friends Mr. and Mrs. Smith in
several numbers. The pastor spoke
about "Waiting on God for 1lis
Next Sunday night the Grand
Bend Church of God will join with
other churches to attend the Barry
Moore Campaign Rally at Trivia
Memorial Church in Exeter, at 7:30
Over 1(X) people crowded into the
church basement on Friday evening
for a delicious turkey dinner, put on
by the ladies of the Church of God.
The basis of the banquet was two
35 -pound turkey gobblers, gener-
ously donated by Mr. and Mrs. Ar-
nie Gaiser.
Special guests were the former
pastor, Rcv. John Campbell and his
wife Betty London, who presented a
slide show- of photos taken on their
trip last July while attending the
World Conference of the Church of
God in Seoul, Korea. There were
pictures from their travels in and
-around Korea, Japan, Hong Kong
and Hawaii, plus an interesting
The Campbells wound up being
overnight guests at the Dcsjardine's
manse, as they couldn't get safely
back to London in the storm on Fri-
day night.
Bible Class
The Tuesday morning Bible Class
convened at the Sauble Court
Lounge with 16 ladies. Nita Sin-
clair opened with a prayer and Mil-
lie Dcsjardine led the hymn sing.
They concluded_thcir study of the
subject "Do 1 Try to Play God?" by
considering Psalm 61 and the events
related in 1I Samuel 2,3 4 and 5.
They found that they shouldn't
mourn over those whom God has
rejected as Samuel did when God re-
jected Saul as King in I Samuel
16:1. God loves His people so
much that He will provide someone
better. He doesn't ask us to do any-
thing for which we arc not prepared,
but if we have patience and trust in
Him, He will transform us, and lead
us step by step, fighting our battles
for us. If we arc sincere we will re-
joice and give God glory and praise.
Vera Brown led the lesson and
gave the closing prayer. There will
he a new lesson beginning next
Tuesday morning.
G11 United Church
Next Sunday, the 29th will be the
Sacrament of Communion at the
GB United Church.
Ann Russell read the scriptures
from Isaiah '43:1-13 and Acts 5:17-
29, wherein Rev. Robt. Peebles
based his topic "Witnessing ... Re-
quirements.' He said that a person
must cultivate noble ambitions,
have personal purity and concentrat-
ed efforts with much determination
to become a proper witness.
White gift Sunday will be cele-
brated on December 6.
DOOR TO DOOR DELIVERY - Lots of fluffy snow and wind didn't•
bother six-year-old Kristin McIntyre, as she delivered Hay Telephone book
to Grand Bend residents Saturday morning. Kristin was just one of a num-
her of children and parents from the Zurich figure skating club, performing
this yearly task.
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