HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-11-21, Page 15UCW November meeting The November meeting of Unit II U.C.W. was opened by Eleanor Mansfield with a poem "Remembrance Day". The roll call was answered by 12 members who read a Bible verse with the word 'peace'. Dorothy Cor- bett's theme for the devotional was "Armistice". She read a poem "The Poppy Was Special to Her". The group's special project for November was a gift of canned goods to Friendship House in Gode- rich. The remainder of the evening was spent making Christmas placemats for Queensway Nursing Home. Sev- enty were made this year. Ann Brock and Florence Slade were hostesses for the evening. Northcrest News Mrs. Jim Lawrence of West Lorne visited her aunt Ida Dickert on Sunday. Lois and Don Walden of Kincar- dine enjoyed a visit fast Tuesday with the former's mother Margaret Mole. Jack McKnight of Ottawa visited with his parents Glen and Pearl McKnight over the weekend. The McKnights also enjoyed the compa- ny of their daughter Mary Gravett of Hanover on Sunday. Rose Pyke of Northcrest left on Sunday to spend the winter months in Florida. Jessie Armstrong spent the week- end with her daughter and son-in- law Betty and Don Flear in Grand Bend. Shuffleboard Please note that the Happy Push- ers will shuffle on Tuesdays instead of Thursday until further notice. Newcomers arc welcome as always. Scores for last week were: high five game winners; Eileen Dowson 319, Gertic Moir 285, George Dow - son 331 and Phil Regicr 321. High scores for six games were: Pearl McKnight 424, Betty Grenier 236, Dave Kyle 489 and John Pep- per with 330. Three Links Seniors The regular meeting of the Three Links senior citizens was held last week with president Evelyn Flynn presiding and Dorothy Mickle at the piano. Twcnty-four members and one guest answered the roll call. Appeals were read from the Town and Country Homemakers and the Huron Day Care Centre for the Homebound. It was decided to wait until December before replying. The financial report was read by Rosa Harris. Happy birthday was sung for Evelyn Flynn and Carl Payne. Hilda Payne gave a report on the Z me Rally. The next meeting will be held De- cember 8 when we hope to have a Christmas dinner catered to. Eileen Rannie, Jeannette Turner and Helen Anderson will arrange the program. Another euchre party will be held November 24. All are welcome, la- dies please bring lunch. After everyone admired the lovely new clock donated by Clarence Vol - land in loving memory of his wife Aldeen, some games of euchre were played, followed by a lovely lunch served by Irene Finlayson and Nellie Riley. Prizewinners for the card -playing were: ladies high - Gertie Moir, sec- ond Dorothy Brintnell, men's high - Pat Volland, second Carl Payne, lone hands - Pearl Shaddick, lucky cup - Vera Ross. United Church Hensall United Church celebrated its 101st anniversary on Sunday with a lovely service with many church members and the Sunday school taking part. Following the call to worship by Rev. Douglas Wright and prayer, Jr. minister Victoria Bisback gave the Old Testament lesson. The junior choir sang "On Eagles Wings". Two children were welcomed into the church family by the sacrament of baptism. They were Blair Camp- bell, son of Bob and Nancy Camp- bell and Merissa Thompson, daugh- ter of Stephen and Julia Thompson. Following the service coffee and tea were served in a spirit of fellow- ship. Greeting worshippers on Sunday were Peter and Pat Pryde. Ushers were John Thomson, Hans Gersten- korn, Doug Kyle and Charles Dox- tator. Sunday, December 6 will be White Gift Sunday. •Alt offerings that Sunday will go to support the vital work of the United Church Mission and Service Fund. It is through this fund that we extend our outreach and mission to the rest of Canada and the world. Kinettes The Hensall and District Kinettes will once again be selling poinset- tias during December to raise mon- ey for MS research. Keep any eye open for posters and watch the paper for more details in the near future. Times -Advocate, November. 18, 1987 WEEK OF CHILD WINNERS- Hensall council presented prizes to the winners of the Week of the Child contest. Those with the most points for participation were: back row from left: Mark Bell, 1st of grades 3,4 and 5, Victoria Bisback, 2nd grades 6,7 and 8, Brian Gardner, 1st of 6,7 and 8, Mindy Bell 1st of 6,7 and 8, and Brad Hartman, 2nd of grades 3,4 and 5. Front row from left: Lisa Rooseboom, 2nd of grades 1 and 2, Ryan Groot, 1st of age three to kindergarten, Stacey Butson 2nd of age three to kindergarten, and Karrie Consitt 1st of grades 1 and 2. Kippen community news By MARGARET HOGGARTH Congratulations to Laird and Ruby Finlayson who were presented LEGION DINNER - MP Murray Cardiff was guest speaker at the Hensall Legion's Remembrance Day dinner. With him are Hensall Legion Branch president Dave Smale and Jessie Cameron, president of the Ladies Auxil- iary. John McAllister paid tribute to the accomplishments of the Auxiliary. Busy week at Queensway Hello! Welcome to Queensway news. Monday residents played Bingo CERTIFICATE- Hensall reeve Jim Robinson presents works superin- tendent John Baker with the certificate for equipment maintenance from the Ontario Good Roads Association. \\v\7/®.s 1 0eraar • Meg& 4 1 Microwave Oven ti will be SOLD OUT byn ti will Popular Sa 6 cu. ft. compact micro '198.00 Limited Quantity Convection ovens from '699.95 some one of a kind IS 4 -11%t. Inglis Over Range Model immune Ise Special 4 only Reg. '899." Sale $669.95 cash and carry SAVE SPACE WITH THIS OVER- THE•RANGE MODEL. Designed to replace the conventional hood over your range. Fits into stan- dard 30" wide opening. Con be vented or recirculated with 2 speed exhaust fan. Fluorescent surfoce light. 650 watts with 5 power levels including defrost • 1.0 cu. ft. capacity • manual 8 automatic temperature probe set- tings • time -of -day clock 'with 100 -minute digital timer • elec- tronic touch controls • 12 hour delay start • 3 cooking stages • minute 'minder timer • deluxe cookbook. 3 year warranty on everything, 6 year warranty on Magnetron. Includes labor. MICROWAVE COOKING SCHOOL TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1st 7 - 9 p.m. At Our Store Tickets limited CaII now for tickets OVER 100 DIFFERENT MICROWAVES TO CHOOSE FROM We Service Whet We fell DRYSDALE MAJOR CENTRE APPLIANCE HtNSALL 767 7778 Ontario CLOSED MONDAYS OPtN MIDAS' TILL 0 P.M. 114E PLACE TO BUY APPLIANCES ,• , ... \� • ',•'' * • NOTE We are open Mondays in December with the Bethel Reformed ladies providing assistance and prizes. Af- terwards we held a hymn sing. We appreicate these ladies spending their Monday afternoons with us. Tuesday our ladies Auxiliary met and plans were finalized for our Crafts and Bake Sale, November 18 which we know will be a huge suc- cess with your help. In the after- noon we welcomed Rev: Stojkovic as he led our worship service with his wifc Jill as pianist: Wednesday residents got together at Fun and Fitness. Everyone is get- ting really serious about our work- outs to help combat that inevitable weight gain that seems to go with the Christmas season. Immediately after our exercise session Beth Jant- zi met with the residents to discuss our Christmas Pageant planned for 2 p.m. the day of our family Christ- mas dinner, December 13, 1987. It will be an ambitious undertaking masterminded by Beth. We will keep you informed. Thursday residents workcd on crafts with the assistance of Lil Baker and Velma Robinson. In the evening many residents enjoyed the movie feature "All of Me" starring Lily Tomlin and Steve Martin. Friday was a very full day with Fun and Fitness in the morning and MI Ile lINil MI11111 MN 1 TRUST 1 1 COMPANY 1 1 GUARANTEED 1 1 CERTIFICATES 1 1 AVAILABLE 1 1 Representing many trust 1 companies, highest rates 1 usually available. 1 For more Information 1 • contact John R. Cons/tt ID at 236-4381 or 236-4560 1 IIIII Ell Ell III i•11111OM early in the afternoon our faithful pianist Joyce Pepper came in to play for choir practice. Later in the day several ladies joined me for the. baking club. We made carrot loaves. A meeting was also held with Beth for those residents having parts in our pageant. We will soon be soliciting recipes from anyone in our community who would like to contribute to our recipe book which we are planning to have published in the new year. This is a fund raising project by Queensways Resident Council. Forms can be picked up at Queens - way's Activity Room 8:30 - 4:30 week days. Well goodbye from a busy Queensway and will see you next wcck. Hensall Arena Events Wed. Nov. 18 2.30-3 30 p m Moms 8 Tots 5 15 p m PeeWee vs Zurich Atom vs Goderich Thurs. Nov. 19 530 p m Ringette 8 15 p m Roc Hockey Fri. Nov. 20 4 15 p m Hensall Figure Skating 730 p.m Jr Farmers Broomball Tournament Sat. Nov. 21 8 00 arm -600 p m Jr Farmers" Broomball Tournament 8 00-10 00 p m Public Skating Sun. Nov. 22 .1 00-300 p m Public Skating 3:15-4 45 p m Midget vs Mitchell 5 00-6 15 p m Bantam Mon. Nov. 23 5 15 p m Hensall Minor Hockey Tues. Nov. 24 4 15 p m Hensall Figure Skating 8 00 p m Broomball This advertisement sponsored by GBAILEY3 Heating & Air Condttioning Hensall 262-2020 "We're proud to be your Lennox Dealer' Hensall Civic Corner i ! FOREIGN t INVESTMENT I 'I • It Can Work For You In Hensall- Join Hensall Council and the Hensall Economic Development Action Review Committee, on Thursday, November 26 7 30 P.M. Upstairs At The Hensall Arena with a granddaughter, Kimberly Sue. Proud parents are Ed and Sue Anne Van Miltenburg. Don and„Yvonne Reynolds be- came grandparents again when their son Colin and wifc Gwcn presented them with a granddaughter, Stepha- nie Anne. Thea Wisch is holding her third annual open house on Saturday and Sunday November 21 and 22. Thea specializes in dried flowercrafts which she makes from the flowers, •.. and herbs grown in her own garden. Kippen United Church Mary Moffatt presided at the or- gan of St. Andrews on Sunday No- vember 15. Rev. Lorne Kcays' sermon was based on "The Love of God". Thanks to the cooperation of the congregation and the community, Kippen United Church had a very successful supper. HenSaII and -district news Susan Hartman 262-2449 PUBLIC MEETING CONCERNING A' PROPOSED OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT AFFECTING THE TOWNSHIP OF HAY TAKE NOTICE the corporation of the County of Hu- ron will hold a public meeting to consider a proposed Offi- cial Plan Amendment under Section 17 of the Planning Act on Monday, December 21, 1987, at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Hay Township Clerk's Office in Zurich. The proposed Official Plan Amendment would change the designation of lands within Registered Plans 531 and 524 currently designated "Recreation " to "Urban". This redes- ignation would result in the expansion of the urban bound- aries of St. Joseph and would allow for the establishment of permanent residences. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support of or in op- position to the proposed Official Plan Amendment. ADDITIONAL information relating to the proposed official plan amendment is available for inspection at the Huron County Department of Planning and Development in Goderich or at the Village Clerk's office in Zurich during reg- ular office hours. DATED AT THE TOWN OF GODERICH THIS 18TH DAY OF NO- VEMBER, 1987 B.G. Hanly Clerk County of Huron Court House, The Square Goderich, Ontario Telephone 514-2188 (Planning Department) • 114 SCIII•:DCLG A MOOR( COUNT 46, St. Joseph lands proposed to be • • - redesignated from "Recreation" to "Urban” location ' within Har Townshl ;r: = ..... �a• Vii..: