HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-11-21, Page 9GK GK GK GK GK GK GK OK OK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK G4 16 For Sale COMMODORE 64, 1541 disc drive and top quality primer, $650. Phone 235-2033. 46• DECORATIVE CHIMNEY FIREPLACE with Mg burning effect and 1500 amp elec- tric heater built in. S65. or best offer. Call 235-2615. '46SA DON'T WORRY about your drinking water let AQUAFINE make it safe! For an appointment call Bruce Falconer at Aquafine 1-800-265-5735. 46,47c 1980 FRUEHAUF F.R.P. 3 axle 45x102 Van, all air ride, radials, good highway frailer: Phone Exeter 235-1353. 46,47' 12" COLOUR TV S125, movie disc player S25.. blue chesterfield and chair 5150., ladies bicycle S35., new black motorcycle helmet 520., quantity of bird cages, small electric water pressure pump and tank S50. Call afternoons 238-2287. 46c ARTIST SUPPLIES Artboards, Brushes, Acrylic- Paints, Charcoal Pencils, Art Nibs Sketch Pads, Calligraphy-. EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE 30tfnx Y.ARN - Discount Prices, Beehive Brands, Ron's Health'Centre, Hensall. 32tfn USED CAR and truck parts. Phone 228-6214. McStephen Auto Wreckers.. 26-53• MICROSCOPE - Swift Stereo Zoom low power compound microscope. Man's dia- mond ring, '66 kampler American, 2 -door hardtop. Restorable. Snowtires G7814's 530, 2-14" AM rims. Phone236-7371.46SA BABY'S CHANGE TABLE, Royal Albert dishes - Tranquility, complete set,9 pc. pine dining room set, all items like new. Phone 238-8683. 46SA FILTER QUEEN VACUUM in excellent condition will all attachments. Call 228-6531: 46SA MIRROR 26x20, step 4 coffee table, stereo, organ, hamper, arm chair, bible story hooks, Cooey 22 rifle, Cooey 410 shot gun, maternity clothes size 8-10; baby clothes. Please call 461-0414 anytime. 46SA FIREWOOD - Well seasoned hardwood. Call 227-4939, ask for Ed. 44-46c 16 For Sale SPRUCE AND PINE TREES l8 to 36" tall, S5 to 510 dependingon size. New 600-16 implement tire 55.00; AM/FM stereo radio, fits 1984-1986 Ford Ramer qr F -Series truck 550.00. Call 461-0709 after S p.m. 46SA CHESTERFIELD & CHAIR plus large chair, end tables and coffee table, new Elec- trolux shampooer, antique sewing machine (Goodman), immaculate,- hockey equip- ment. Call after 6 p.m. 225-2609. 46SA LLOYD'S COMBINATION STEREO, tape deck and record player with two speakers. 575. Phone 238-2180. 46c HOCKEY EQUIPMENT complete from helmet to skates, size 10, excellent condi- tion. Phone 227-4381. 46,47c BREAKFAST NOOK, Mate's bed, antique table. Simplicity washer spin dryer, macrame table lamp combination, homemade crib. Call 262-2300 anytitife, 46,47c MOTOR _from 1974 Meteor, dry birch firewood. -Phone 237-3207. 46,47• USED MYERS water softener, M-120 W, three years old, good condition. Two used aluminum doors, good condition, S25 each. Phone 238-2301 from. 8-5. 46,47c TWO WOOD STOVES. Phone 225-2609. 46SA STOVE 24", good condition, 575. Wed- ding dress 7-9, excellent condition, 5150. best offer. Phone 229-6436. 46SA BATHROOM SINK, white, good condi- tion, 525 or best offer. Phone 229-6329. 46SA BABY SLEIGH with pad 512., spring horse rider 515., winter coats, excellent con- dition, girls size 12, boys large, ladies small, only 510. Please call 284-1485 anytime. 46SA QUANTITY OF LUMBER, boards Y+" thick x 9 to 11" wide by 12 feet long, smooth one side, as new. Phone 284-2060. • 46SA 555 SACRIFICE SACRIFICE 555 Buildings priced for immediate liquidation. All items in stock. 28x40x14 S4,750, 40x50x14 $6,950, 46x70x16 59,850, 60x80x20 S16,900. Various sizes available up to 120 ft. wide. Factory direct clearance. Serious buyers only. All buildings priced for immediate delivery call toll free 1-800-387-2115 or (416) 858-2446. 46x FALL CLEARANCE ON ALL STEEL buildings. Quonset and straight -wall models. Large selection. Miracle Span, toll free 1-800-387-4910. 46x CREATIVE REALTY Branch Office 14 Main St., Grand Bend 238-5700 EXETER - RETIREMENT/STARTER HnME Brick side split. 2 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, kite, .en, dining room, living room, recreation room. Electric heat Car Excel- lent location. $73,900. EXETER Building lots on Huron St. west ranging from 75 ft. - 90 ff. frontage. Some with mature trees. Excellent value from $15,000 - $20,000. Buying or selling - call on experience, competence and performance. Dawson Hayter 238-5891 Res. .ar £'%de Rea* ,4945- feel "FOR OLD FASHIONED SERVICE" 2C. ©0© e.at,or $24,000 WILL BUY this 3 bedroom 68 ft. mobile home In country setting close to town. Large deck, air condi- tioner included. Excellent starter home. $49.900 3 bedroom home on LARGE lot - includes eat in kitchen with lots of cup- boards, main floor laundry room, double living room with French doors, 1 1/2 baths and much more. REDUCED TO $34.900 - Handytnans special on No. 4 Highway. Immediate possession. 842,000 STARTER OR RETIREMENT home In Exeter, walking distance to downtown, 2 bedrooms, main floor laundry. 2 BEDROOM HOME excellent condition in Exeter, Targe living mom, family room, full basement, can be pur- chased with additional land, excellent potential, $66,000. '11 PERCENT ASSUMABLE MORTGAGE one year old brick 3 bedroom home,close to downtown, oak kitchen, finished basement, with 4th bedroom. MAKE AN OFFER. $96,600 NEW 3 bedroom split level,completelyMlshed on all floors, oak kitchen, choose your own carpet colours and move In TODAY. POLENTIAL FOR COMMERCIAL OR RESIDENTIAL USE; 1 BLOCK OFF MAIN STREET. completely renovated 3 or 4 bedroom home, corner lot, $79:900. MAIN STREET LOCATION perfect for office and living space. $85,000. FORMER HOTEL can be restored to Its original use, or plans available for 10 unit apartment building. Owner atntlous to sell. 431 Main St. S., Exeter Phyllis Johnson Heather Rogers Dwight Monck 235-1805 • 235-1732 236-7117 \Yr, • rl.f 'yr, • - - - 1 \(r+- -. ele ,f \r,• • irt 1% 16 Fot Sole SPRING LAMB - the ideal treat on your barbecue this summer. Get one now for your freezer and be ready to treat your, family and guests royally. Call Bill Batten at 235-1331. 24tfx I BOOKS. BOOKS, BOOKS. 15-20 thou- I sand in stock, Dewitte Antiques and Flea Market, I mile south of Grand Bend, Hwy 21. Phone 238-5121. Closed Mondays. Best deal around. - 36•37tf6 MONTREAL MILITARY SURPLUS: Work shirts $2.75, work pants 53.50, work boots 515. Send $2 for catalogue (dtdm- bursement first order). Military Surplus, Box 243, St-Timothee, Que. JOS 1X0.46x GREENHOUSE & Hydroponic equip- ment, supplies. Everything you need. Best quality super low prices. Greenhouses 5175, Halides 5115. Over 3,000 products in stock! Send S2 for info pack and free magazine to Western Water Farms, 1244 Seymour St., Vancouver, B.G. V6B' 3N9 1-(604) 682-6636. . 46x USED BRICK, good, cleaned, excellent quantity, all palleted. For more informa- tion call 482-9297 or 565-2728. 33tfnc STANLEY OVERHEAD DOORS 1 pc. 7'x9'; 1 pc. 7'x8'. Apply to Gus Gregus 235-1647. ' 39tfnc APPLES Spys, Delicious,. Macintosh SATURDAYS Frank Sawyer Crediton Sideroad Hwy. no. 4 4 Itfn SATELLITE DISH FOR SALE: 10 ft. dish and Uniden 7000 receiver. Confplete with remote control satellite and channel selec- tor. Just over one year old. Call 235-1459. 46SA VISSCHER FARMS COUNTRY MARKET * Cauliflower * Kale • Broccoli * Cabbage APPLES $10 bushels (most varieties) • Macs • Spartans • Red & Golden Delicious * Courtlands • Empires • Ida Reds • Matsus • Spys ' FRESH APPLE CIDER $3.00 a gallon 3 miles west of Exeter on hwy. 83 OPEN 9-5 daily CLOSED Sundays PHONE 237-3442 43tfn METAL BUILDING Year-end factory clearance. Straight wall or Quonset styles, certain models special discounts, (will) hold for spring delivery. Save thousands, limited quantitites. - Pioneer/Econospan 1-800-387-6896. 24 hours. 46x •LAST CHANCE* GREATEST SAV- INGS NOW! Patio furniture Warehouse, open Fridays and Saturdays, 71 King W. Forest, Ont. (519) 786-4405. Closing December 1-2. Watch for spring opening. 44-49c ANTIQUE OAK DRESSER with.mirror, 4 high back dining chairs, dry sink reproduction, 3 Fisher Price construction . toys. "Realistic" car stereo cassette player. • Phone 235-1497. 44tfn FIREWOOD - loads of Ash and Oak, slabwood and edgings. Phone R.J. Dungey and Sons 1-348-8477. 44-47c FLOOR MODEL DRILL PRESS 5325., Bench Drill Press 5250., 8" Bench Grinder 5110.,6" Bench Grinder 555., 30 ton Press 5530., Metal Bandsaw $275., Milwaukee Paint Spray Gun 560., tow ropes 522. All new. One used Coldchcster 12"x24" stu- dent lathe 52,500. Used drill bits 2" to 1/2", pulleys, sprockets, chains. bearings. welding supplies, tools, new and used steel. L. Hamilton Machine Shop Ltd., Hwy. 83 W. 235-1655 after 6 p.m. call 235-2598. 44tfnc EVERTHRIFT now open from Monday to Friday. Children's winter wear, ladies winter coats, high chairs, swing-o-matic and lots more. 157 Main Street, Exeter. phone 235-2687. 45tfnc WATERBED - super single, complete. Phone 235-0688.. 45,46c YORK STEREO set, combination record player. tape player, records, two speqkers with stand. Phone 23570755. 45,46• SET OF RACKS for half -ton GM truck plus extensions. Phone 229-6685. 45,46• SNOWBLOWER, 8 HP. with track, used only three times, excellent condition. Call 236-7315. 45,46c 17 Wanted To Buy FRIDGES, STOVES; WASHERS AND DRYERS and freezers, working or not working. Call after 6 p.m. 235-2969.49tfnc- RATTAN OR WICKER FURNITURE. Please call 235-0739. 45:46c OIL SPACE HEATER with tank on back. Phone 262-2544. 46SA 17 Wanted To Buy CASH FOR USED cars and trucks for wrecking. 228-6700. John Brock Auto Wreckers RR 1 Crediton. 3tfnc SCRAP CARS OR TRUCKS. Highest prices paid. Phone 228-6214. 26-53• OLD WRISTWATCHES WANTED - Men's only - old Rolex and Patek Phillip wristwatches wanted - Also wanted Eatons , "-Quaver Century" Rectangular wristwat- ches (25 years service) will pay $1,000 and up for this watch. Phone (416)365-7240 or write B. Walsh, 173 Queen St. East, Toron- to, Ontario MSA IS2. 46x 18 Wanted HOUSE AND BARN with some pasture land suitable for cattle and pigs. Phone col- lect if necessary 666-0700. Keep trying if no answer. 46* TEACHER. COMMUTING Grand Bena - London, has room for additional passengers. Leave Grand Bend 7 a.m., leave London 3:30-4:30 p.rn. If interested phone 238-8759. 46c BOARDER WANTED TO SHARE three bedroom home in Hensall. Phone 262-2300 anytime. 46,47c 19 Property For Sale TWO LOTS ON VICTORIA ST. Exeter, serviced. Size 62.7 x 100. Ideal multiple unit site: Phone 235-1329. 44tfnc 'GOOD'FRAME HOUSE to be removed from property, priced to go. would make excellent starter home orcottage. Apply to Box 96P, Exeter Times Advocate. 46,47c 20 Property For Rent PRIME RETAIL. or OFFICE space available. Call 235-0141. ' 16tfnc SHOW ROOM AND OFFICE, Main St., S. Exeter. Reasonable rent 235-1462.201fnc INDUSTRIAL WAREHOUSING, also of- fice space with ample parking facilities • 262-2928 or 235-2302. 26tfn c APARTMENT MAIN ST. Exeter: Modern one bedroom, 'appliances, non-smoking preferred. Available October 1. Phone 235-2557. 37tfnc ONE BEDROOM apartrpent Exeter,newly decorated, 4 appliances, lease, references required. Convenient to shopping. Phone 294-0280. - 38tfn LUXURY TWO BEDROOM apartments, available. immediately. Inquire Laraugh Corporation 235-0141. 39tfnc ELIZABETH COURT - HENSALL & 2 bedrooms features appliances and carpets ASK ABOUT OUR BONUS" - Call 262-3403 38tfn TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT in Ex- eter, heated, 5300 a -month, available im- mediately. Phone 284-1858. 4211n SPACE' FOR DOUBLE -WIDE mobile home, Dashwood area. Farmer Bill's Greenhouses. Phone 238-8638. 43ifnc ONE BEDROOM apartment. Downtown, fridge and stove, no pets. not suitable for children. Phone Standard Trust 235-1060. 43tfn 2 BEDROOM APT. in Grand Bend. Stove, refrigerator. Available immediately. Phone 238-8987. 46,47nc EXETER - three bedroom townhouse, Simcoe St.. available December 1. Phone 236-4230. ' 45tfnc AVAILABLE DECEMBER 1, three bedroom duplex, fenced yard. close to'' downtown, no pets. S442.50 per .montb. Call 235-0690 or 235-0233. 45,46c HENSALL GROUND FLOOR one bedroom apartment, 5360 per month. Heat and hydro included. Phone 262-2119 or 235-2420 before 5 p.m. 45tfnc ZURICH AREA - three bedroom coun- try,home,large kitchen, full basement, 5450 per month. Call 296-4750. 45,46c ROOM FOR RENT to clean responsible adult. Call 228-6792 evenings and 235-0301 days. 46c TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT available December 1, 5375, heat, hydro, four appliances included. Phone 234-6256. 46• ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT, fridge and stove supplied available December I. Apply Estate Reality. 46tfnc HENSALL TWO EDROOM apartment, available December 1. Stove. fridge and heat, carpeted. Call 262-3146 after 5 p.m. 46tfnc 21 For Rent THE "OLD TOWN HALL" auditorium for rentals including weddings, meetings,. banquet room, lectures, exhibitions. films. etc. Kitchen facilities available. Phone 235-2365 or 235-1020.. 24tfn 1 INI dill♦ fl♦1111111111111 - Ifw l•■ - - E - E 1 1 1 1 DIIt(M 1101 REAL E 11110K F (519) 235-1055 Dirk Coolman - 235-1950 Joan Hunking - 235-1848 Marlene Parsons - 235-1304 Glenn Robinson - 235-2307 Bill Gilfillon - 482-5824 collect I- Prof....tonal Reel f .rite` Ser w INVEST IN EXETEP AREA FOR G• ROWTH AND OUALITY OF LIFE 1 147 Main Street, Exeter Ontario 1 (519) 235-1055 (Across from Liquor Store) 1 FRAME BUNGALOW three bedrooms, large lot, family room 1 in large newer addition. A family home with room to grow. $79,900.00. 1 11/2 STOREY BRICK HOME three bedrooms, 2 and 3 piece both, paved drive, new soffit and fascia, nicely landscaped, $69,900.00. - B RICK BUNGALOW three bedroom 3 and 4 piece bath, dou- ble garage, deep lot, large family room with wet bar and kit- chen downstairs, electric baseboard heat, above ground pool and much more to the liking. $110,000.00. B ACK SPLIT three bedroom full bath, dinette, cliningroom, liv- ing room, a new home for $124,900.00. 1'/2 STOREY FRAME Hensall, two bedrooms, kitchen and din- ing area remodelled, deck in back yard. A good starter home close to school. $59,500.00. 30.75 ACRE FARM with 11/4 storey house, four piece bath. 3 bedrooms, $99,000.00. 70.50 ACRE 1 storey house, three bedrooms, $91,000.00. 86 ACRES 68-71 workable, creek, $111,000.00. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 OVER$39,000.00annuol gross income, 12 unit row apartment block, no vacancy, low maintenance, good net income and pric- ed 1 at $215,000.00. 21/2 ACRES lovely 3 bedrr* O%,O -k house, excellent barn, 1 located just minutes from S .:,er. Only $74,500.00. BRAND NEW RANCH 3 bedrooms plus completely finished 1 basement, extra both, concrete drive, carport, treed lot. take 1 a look only $110,000.00. 846,500.00 completely renovated, 4 bedroom horse, all 1 maintenance free exterior, built in dishwasher, family kitchen, main floor laundry and more. Can't beat the price. Coll Now! is fl• -- III•- -1111--IiiEll NI III f• III In Times-Advocate,November 18, 1987 is 21 For Rent - STORAGE - CARS, BOATS, MACHINERY NEW SHED 14 ft. clearance, 24 ft. door Coll Jack Taylor After 6 p.m. 229-6472 41tfn MARCH BREAK March 12-19/88, air on- ly from Detroit -Tampa from 5299; Ft. Lauderdale from 5319. Additional packages to Orlando, St. •Peters¢urg, Jamaica, Acapulco, Mexico Cruise, Las Vegas. Call 1-800-265-0900, T & S Tours for information. 45x 22 For Sale or Rent NEAR ST. PETERSBURG, FLORIDA doublewide mobile home, Golden Lantern Mobile Park, Lot 64, 7950 Park Blvd., Pin- nelis Park, Florida, directly across from 'Wagon Wheel Flea Market. Written in- quiries welcome to the above. 46• 26 Legal Notices • NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Huguette Dobney Late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Housekeeper, who died on or about the first day of November, 1987. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersign- ed on or before the fourth day of December, 1987 after which date the estate assets will be distributed having regard only to claims that have then been received. Raymond and McLean - Barristers and Solicitors Exeter, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor ' 46. Page 9A 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Myrtle Idella Sherritt deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Myrtle Melia Sherritt, late of the Village of Hensall, County of Huron, who died on or about the 13th day of September 1987 are required to file particulars of same with Elmer D. Bell, Solicitor, Exeter, Ontario by the 28th day of November 1987 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. ELMER D. BELL Solicitor for the executor, Exeter, Ontario NOM ISO 45-47c 28 Auction Sales HILBERTVAN ANKUM: Simmental Sale Saturday November 28, 1 p.m. at Carsons Sales Arena, Listowel. For information call (519) 291-2049. 46x FALL AYRSHIRE Consignment sale, Wednesday, November 25 at 1 p.m. at Car - sons Sales Arena, Listowel. For more in- formation call (519) 291-2049. 46x Renting Now Queen Mary Apartments Hensall 1- and 2 bedroom apartments, handicap unit. T.V. tower reception included in rent plus 2 small commer- cial units. This building was built under the convert to Rent Program • 262-2401 or 262-3529 OR SALE LUXURY HOMES in STONEY RIDGE ESTATES, EXETER (Right off Huron S. East) 505 PINEWOOD AVE. Stoney Ridge Estates • Contemporary design ' 2309 sq. ft, • 3 bedrooms. 3 bathrooms. dining room. sunken fomily room with fireploce • Open oak staircase • Solid oak kitchen cabinets • 2 car garage • Brick walk and driveway (Choice of lighting and floor coverings) 2 ABSEYLANE Stoney Ridge Estates • Contemporary Design .with open concept • 1950 sq. ft ' 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms ' Open Oak staircase • Family rooks with fireplace • 26 1t. solid oak kitchen cabinets • One car garage • Brick walk and dr,veway ' Choice o1 torpors now (Occupancy mid-December) 160 MILL STREET • 1935 sq. ft. Bocksp.t • 4 bedrooms • 2 bathrooms • Dining room • Family room with fireplace • Kitchen with dinette • Semi-solid ook cabinets • Two cor garage • (Choice of Carpets) (Available midJanuary) Quality Built with Many Extras For Information and Showings CALL JACK TAYLOR Stoney Ridge Developments Inc. R.R. 3 Exeter • Evenings 229-6472 Exeter Hensall Grand Bend Clinton 235-2420 262-2119 238-8484 482-9747 RIALTOS GK Realty & Insurance Inc. NEW LISTINGS IMMACULATE FAMILY HOME on 1 17 x 300 double lot. 'A storey brick w' new modern kitchen dinette area. dining room, noin floor laundry and den. 4 bedrooms, 1') baths. Low costt,kgh efficiency gas heot w electronic air cleaner 16' x 22' garages. 21' x 30' 2 storey barn. Located in Hensall and excellent value at $96,900.00. ER 66. HENSALL 1' , storey 3 bedroom sided frame home with newer family room addition at rear. 51" x 11'5" rear (side) enclosed entry. 60 amp hydro. Utility shed with wood floor. Sump pump. $39,900.00. ER. 65. Dwayne Tanney 235-1408 Murray Keys 235-2898 8111 Fuss 262-2946