HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-11-21, Page 8Page 8A Times -Advocate, November 18, 1987 IOC rH GUARANTEED RESULTS ALL VSA or CA MA1ERCARD rd ha. IP P •069 fr ""j WITH OUR NEW 'S NOW You Can Place Your Ad Anytime Ua,rr rn'111 one,' SP Mo lw •vw ,l , „n .all anke r ✓w h i 1^ take n0' ✓dere, „a ✓r, me ,,t the. orate n ra 9we to"u, no, a unvM,en, ro wlk u, answer mg au,,woe �`:r we 11 hove nm • ,esa9P one , ,,,✓e Dnn r fo, gpr ro leol(P unJahor9eam Jnumb••, CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges ore based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $4.50, 15C per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 15a per word, minimum $3.00. SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $6.50 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - $5.00 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 1 inch. Accepted in ..multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office $2.50 per insertion. BIRTHS - 30 words $4.50, 154 per word thereafter. MARRIAGES - Engagements, Death Notices - 20 -words $4.50, each additional word 15t IN MEMORIAMS - $4.50 plus 25C per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 20 words $4.50,each additional word 15c. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARDS OF THANKS - - 30 words $4.50, additional words 10C each. Above rates are for pre- paid advertisements. Add 51.00 for advertisments to be billed. Deadline: for classified ads is 4:00 p.m. Mondays. VISA Phone 235-1331 X TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVICES SALES AND OFFICE FILL THAT EMPTY POSITION WITH RELIABLE COMPETENT HELP FROM MT SERVICES REASONABLE RATES (519) 235-2739 Full Time CAREER OPPORTUNITY If you are looking for a successful begin- ning in a sales orjent- ed business, this could be the right opportu- nity for you. Please apply to: P.O. Box 1034 Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S0 Advertisers want one thing ... RESULTS. And that's what we guarantee when you'place o SUPERAD with us. For only one low fee'of $5 well run your`od in our newspaper until you get the results you want. All you do is call us by Friday and ask for SUPERAD. You con .SUPER AD!! (Private non-commercial ads only) take up to JO words and we recommend you use a . price for whatever you are advertising. 7f you do not gel results by the following weekend. call us on Mon- dayand we 11 gladly repeat thq ad at no charge. And we'll keep running the ad as long as you want. • Plus Your Ad Will Reach. Another 10,000 Extra Readers In Our Sister Paper, The St. Marys Journal -Argus At No. Extro Charge11 CALL YS AT 235.1331 classifications 1 Lost, Strayed 2 Found '3 Situations Wanted 4 1Iclp Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services - 7 1 ise'tock 8 I• a1III Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Veit. 11 Can, Trucks • 12 Pets . 13 Musical Instruments 14 Appliances. Television - 15 Personal 16 Ivor Sale 17 Wanted To Buy• 18 Wanted 19- Properly For Sale 20 Properly 1 -or Rent 21 Tor Rent 22 For Sale or .Rent 23 Wanted Tod Rent 24.Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders' Wanted 28 Auction Sales 3 Situations Wanted WAN"/ A NIGHT OUT? Need a babysit- 1 ter? Call a mom. 235-0621. 1ltln MOTHER OF TWO will babysit in my home at Kirkton, SI per hour including meals. Call after 6_ p.m. 229-6792. 46SA WILL. BABYSIT in my' home in Kippen. Call 262-6702. 46,47c 4 Help Wanted A CAREER IN TRUCKING. Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class A Licence. For pre-screening in- terview and job placement information, contact Mery Orr's Transport Driver Train- ing. London. 1-800-265-3559. 30tfn PERSON for food processing plant. App- ly to Box 80P, Exeter Times Advocate, Ex- eter, NOM ISO. 35tfn TRAIN FOR A JOB with a future... with Tri -County Truck Driver Training. Job search assistance available. Kitchener 720 King E., (519) 743-5011, Brantford 300 Colborne E., (519) 756-0223. 46x J PERSON with mechanical, electrical and welding experience required." Phone 237-3724. 38tfn JDJS MECHANICAL LTD. requires licensed plumber. Please reply to Box 812, Exeter, Ont. NOM ISO. 44tfn MATURE LIVE-IN HOUSEKEEPER, five days a week, three school age children. Responsibilities to include answering business phone. Send resume to Box 340, Zurich. Ont. NOM 2T0. 45,46c SHORT ORDER COOK wanted. Apply in person, Oakwood Inn. 45,46c The Huron Addiction Assessment and Referral Centre requires a Full -Time Case Manager with formal counselling edu- cation and experience to provide case management services to Huron County cli- ents of this agency. Responsibilities Include main- tenance of confidential client records, establishment of In- teragency communication and participation In public education programs in the country. Minimum educational re- quirement: M.S.W. or equival- ent health care degree and appropriate counselling ex- perience. Preference T Oven to non-smokers. / Qualified applicants, please apply In writing with resume and three references by De- cember 4, 1987 to: L.A. Price, Director HURON ADDICTION AS- SESSMENT & REFERRAL CENTRE P.O. Box 1120 Clinton, Ontario NOM 1L0 Coconut Bay Dining Lounge 'Grand Bend requires wait persons Thursday to Sunday immediately. Apply in person Thursday November 19 between 1 and 3 p.m. or send resume to Box 1268, Grand Bend NOM 1TO 4 Help Wanted CLASS A MECHANIC required. Ford ex- perience an asset. Apply to Hensall Motors 262-2604 or 227-1020: 45,46c HOUSECLEANER for one day a'week. 235-0407. 45.46•- WAITRESS/WAITER wanted. Experience not necessary. 18 yrs. and older. Apply at Three AAA Restaurant. 45:46c "BARTENDERS and Waitpeople. Full and part time. Apply in person to Exeter Inn. 45:46c MECHANIC'S, Class "A", own tool. Hal rate, top wages and full benefits. Resume to Service Manager, Canadian Tire. Highland Plaza, Cambridge, Ont: N I R 5N6 or call 519-621-8181. -46x AIRLINE/CRUISE.SHII' jobs. All posi- tions. -Amazing recorded message reveals employment information. Guaranteed to get youhired or no Ile. _r -116-482-4l00 X101 Days/Evenings/Weekends. 46x ORGANIST and/or supply organist re- quired for • Triviti Memorial Anglican Church, Exeter. Phone 235-2565 or 235-2373._ 4_6-48c MINK SKINNING and fleshing help wanted to start approximately November 25. Please call 229-8885 after 6:30 p.m. • 46-48c VEGETABLE -PROCESSING PLANT. packing and preparing. Phone 237-3369. - 46c CUSTODIAN FOR THE DASHWOOD and Area Medical Centre. Duties to tom= mence January 1, 1988. For information please phone or write - Chairman, Mr. Robert Hoffman, RR3 Dashwood, Ontario NOM 1 NO. Phone 237-3352. Application " deadline, November 3(1, 1987. 46,47e IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR A WELDER, saw operator. torch operator and drill press operator in welding shop in area. Phone 228-6538 between 8 - 3:30.46c BABYSITTER - Dashwood area, three hours, Ihrec•afternoons a week for three children. Phone 262-2139. - 46c ENTHUSIASTIC BUSINESS BUILDERS very little inventory required. Excellent op- portunity to build your own business, with many extra benefits as you advance. For appointment, phone 235-0922. 46,47c' AUTOBODY - experienced person need- ed. ed. Apply St. Marys Journal. Argus, Box 35, St. Marys NOM 2V0. 46c TWO'PEOPLE TO HELP with my think harvest until Christmas. Phone 225.2462. 46-48c 5 Business Opportunities CASH IN - CASH OUT COKE, PEPSI,- LIBBY'S, HEINZ World famous drinks you will re -fill in your new, unique cold pop/juice vendors with separate price settings. Min. investment of SI 1,980 secured as we supply freight. equip- ment installed in locations, product fills, supplies, etc. Own your cash business, your choice, part or full time. ('all/Write (24 hrs.) for brochure. Solar Business Centres 100 East Dr., Ste. 200, Bramalea, .Ontario L6T 1B3 Mr. Halbot 14416)761-5705 39-47c DYNAMIC BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY! Leaders and distributors needed. Calorad family of weigh) control -products. Calorad is sweeping the country. 1•or free informa- lion package contact House of Sherwood - Calorad, 3345 North Service Rd , Burl- ington, Ont. 1.7N 362 (416)332-5000.46x I.EARN AUCTIONEF.RING at the Southwestern Ontario School of Auc- tionecring. Next class January 16-23. Box 145cn, Innerkip, Ont. NOJ IM0 (519)469-3936. (519)537-2115. 46x CONDOMS. ProVend has developed a program of condom sales through strategically placed condom vending machines that will Scc a resurgence and growth that will surpass all previous sales levels. Your investment will cover vending machines phased on location, condoms. supplies and complete route management system. Investments range from S7.000 to 560,000. To receive complete information on this exciting business opportunity of the 80s and 90s, contact ProVend Int -I. Inc. 1-800-263-8533. 46x INCOME TAX BOOKKEEPING courses by correspondkncc. Free brochures, no obligation. U & R Tax Services. 205-1345 Pembina Hwy.. Winnipeg. MB, R3T 2116. Franchises available. 46x OVERSEAS POSITIONS: Hundreds of top paying positions. Attractive benefits. All occupations. Free Details. Overseas Employment Services. Dept. Ca, Box 460, Mount Royal, Quebec 111P 3('7. 46x BUSINESS FOR SALE. hotting and Sheet Metal Business Sales and Service. Excellent return. Lease or purchase building in small Renfrew County village. For further infor- mation call (613) 628-2805. 46'. 6 Services 6 Services SOUTH HURON AGRI SYSTEMS PATZ - 1 ceding and Manure Handling Equipment 'FARM EZE Belt conveyors and feeders Grain Brain - • BSM Stabling - Hog and Dairy • BERG , Siahle Cleaners. Mixer, Meter Mills FLEX AUGERS DYNAVENT HAY DRYERS RR 2 Crediton 234-6403 11 ttnc M&M PAINTING RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL Free Estimates" Phone: 235-1701 evenings Stfnc PAT'S PET SHOP -RR 2 DASHWOOD 1 Mile west of Dashwood on Hwy-. 83 ( AR-RYING A FULI. LINE Oh "HAGEN" ('ET SUPPLIES . Dog, Cat, Fish and Bird 237-3779 111111 MORRISSEY DEMOLITION • Custom bulldonng • Fake doss silos - no dynamite • Will mus c buildings of any description . • All types of used building materials • for sale . .BOB MORRISSEY RR 2 CREDITO N 234-6783 - - - - 43tfn SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS All makes and models All repairs guaranteed 20 years experience Nev, and Used Machines Available FOR SERVICE CONTACT Little People - 397 Main St. Exeter - 235 -1113 36t in 7 Livestock LARGE SELECTION, good quality, ag- gressive working boars, York, Land, Duroc, Hamp, Spot Hamp x Duroc, York x Hamp, Durex x Spon. Also bred and open gilts. ROI' tested. Reasonably priced, guaranteed! breeders. Delivery available. Richard Stroehel, RR 2 Granton," 519-225-2587 or 284-2628. 7tfnc PUREBRED DUROC, York Boars, ROP test. Also bred and open gilts. Government health inspected. Also a good selection of Yorkshire Gilts bred I.andrace. Ted Schendcra, 225-2734. 28lfnc 30 PIGEONS, some fancy. must be sold as a lot. 545. ('all afternoons 238-2287. 46c 8 Farm Machinery FIVE FARROWING ('RATES, two 402 weaner decks, two 808 weaner decks. All in good condition. Fifty Bcalty cattle ston- chcns. Phone 262-2545. 44-47c 9 Sports Equipment,Vehicles 1978 POLARIS 440, dual carbs, ncw sliders. Ask for Rob 349-2819. 46SA 1978 SKIDOO 444. liquid cooled, gas engine, needs work or for parts. Phone 284-2232. 46SA_ 1977 SKIDOO EVEREST 340, low hours, very good condition. Phone 227-4609.46• 11 Cars, Trucks 1984 MAZDA B20(10 pickup. long hos, spoils deluxe, AM/FM stereo cassette, tach, fog lights, interior wipers, etc. Ex- cellent mileage. excellent condition. 56,1100 or hesi offer. 482-7441 evenings.' 46c 1984 PONTIAC' GRAND PRIX LE, PS/PB, 8 cylinder, automatic, power win- dows, electric trunk opener, twin outside mirrors, T -bar roof (and vinyl), cruise con- trol, intermittent wipers. AM -FM cassette stereo with four speakers, rear window defroster, split bench scat with passenger recliner, four new tires plus snow tires, 76,000 km. ,Excellent condition. Safety checked. Phone 235-2724 eveninjs.451fnx 1977 PONTIAC' LAURENTIAN. 2 door, good condition. 5800 or best offer. Phone 235-2214. 45:46c 1981 TC3 HORIZON hatch hack, 81,000 DRIVERS' VEHICLE LICENCE OF- km., 2.2 litre engine, one owner, lady F 1(1 . 46 Main St. 1:.. Zurich. 236.4830 driven 52500 or best offer. 235-2432 or (beside Vet Clinic) 1Ilfile 434.3141 evenings. 46SA N.D. MARINE CONTRACTORS . LAKEFRONT EROSION CONTROL •Steal Groyne Waite and Pianos; Dredging •Farm Ponds •Armor Stone Protection and Rip Rap aysllabi• SERVING GRANO BEND, 9AYFIELO, DOO(ICH • AREA (519) 565-2157 7 DAYS A WEEK • 11 Car s, Trucks PERFORMANCE and CUSTOM EQUIPMENT Fur Can, Trucks and Vans available at EXETER PRECISION MACHINE and WELDING 168 Thomas Rd. W. Exeter. Ontario Phone 235-1035 Itfn 1975 TRANS AM, power windows, p.s.,-- p.b., tilt staring, good condition. Best of- fer. .Phone 284-2469 after 5 p.m. or anytime. Phone 284-2772 and ask for Stan. 46SA 1972 PLYMOUTH DUSTER, 6 cylinder automatic p.s., new brakes, good battery, Mechanically good, excellent winter car. Sold as is. Call 284-1365 or 284-2012.46SA 1983 PONTIAC PARISIENNE BROUGHAM station wagon. Nine passenger,loaded, economical diesel engine, certified. Ideal for family or trades person vehicle. Call 235-0514 after 5:30 p.m.45tfnx 1977 CUTLASS SUPREME, 2 door great winter car, 76,000 original miles. 51000 firm as is. St. Marys 284-2472. 46SA 1984 CARAVAN SE, 7 passenger, excellent condition. Phone 238-$638. 46c 1976 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME, good tires, battery and motor', body needs help. 5275 as is. 238-2180. 46c 1981 CHEVETTE, 4 door, dark blue, 4 cylinder, 4 speed, safety checked, 51,600. 1976 Chev ''h ton pick-up 6 cylinder - automatic, not safety checked, 5550. Phone 262-2719. 46c 1960 CHEVY BISCAYNE with 29,000 original miles in exceHent condition, ask- ing 53,400,safety checked. Contact Mike O'Hearn at 176 Sanders St. Apt. B2 in Ex- eter or -phone 284-2859 St. Marys. 46SA 1979 GMC r/ ton Suburban, tilt, cruise, p.s. and p.b., rear air conditioning, trailer towing package, rootrack, running boards, excellent condition, S4,295. Phone 235-2592. 46SA 1984 PONTIAC ACADIAN, 2 door, cer- tified, $3,800. Phone 284-2234. 46SA 1986 PONTIAC GRAND AM, one owner, excellent condition, 2 dr., power steering and brakes, red and grey interior, fuel in- jection, AM/FM cassette, 35,000 miles. Asking 59,600. Kintore 1-283-6450 after 6 p.m. -- 46SA MUST SELL, '85 Ford F150 4x4, 4 -speed,- 301) 6 cylinder, 52,000 kms. excellent con- dition, 59,500 or best offer. ' Phone 349-2479 after 5 p.m. 46SA 12 Pets BORDER COLLIE female from working parents. One year old, -wormed, all shots. Keen to work. Phone 666-1777. 33t fin WALKER REDBONE PUPS for sale. 3 months old. Phone 229-6876. 45:46c PUPS - Quality purebred female German Shepherd. Father registered. 5125 each. Phone 294-6576. 45:46c IAMS, SCIENCE DIET, Technical Purina Master Shurgain and other brand name pct foods available at your one stop pet food store. Kennel owners welcome, - daily specials. EIginfield feeds. Phone 227-1157. 14 Appliances, Television WASHER AND DRYER, good working condition, 575 each. Phone 227-4431.43tfnc. 26" COLOUR T.V. 5150.00. Phone 235-1251 after 6. 46SA ELECTROLUX VACUUM CLEANER, excellent condition with all attachments for only 5235. Call Centralia 228-6531.46tfnc AUTOMATIC WASHER AND DRYER. HUMIDIFIER, drum type, two speed. Phone 235-0561. 45tfnx GOLD APPLIANCES - Good selection of reconditioned Harvest. Gold washers, dryers, stoves, fridges. See them now while they last at Drysdale Appliances, Hensall, 262-2728. Open Mondays in December.46c KOGERS MAJESTIC 26" colour cabinet T.V. Phone 237-3211. ' 46c USED REFRIGERATOR 5150. Phone 238-8987. ' - 46c 15 Personal II- YOU WANT to drink that's your business. If you want. to quit (hat's ours. To speak with an AA member please phone 235-0294 or 345-2536. 48ifn DATES GALORE: For all ages and unat- tached. Thousands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances call tollfrcc 1-800-263-9163. Hours noon till 8 p.m. - 46x COMING TO GRIPS WITH GRIEF - An audio cassette that guides the widowed successfully through the early years without a life partner. Mail SI0.65 including tax. Cheque, VISA, M/C, including expiry date to: People in Touch, Box 101, Station U. Toronto, M8Z 5M4. 46x ASIAN LADIES seek friendship and romance. Asian Friendship, 13ox 7121, Sta- tion J. Ottawa, Ont. K2A 4C5. 46x PREGNANT? Loving couple wishes to adopt, provide a home an) best of care for your unborn chld. Working with approv- ed agency. ('all Pat collect (416)482-4508. 46x BACK TO GOB HOUR! Sunday 7:30 a.m. CHAM 820 Hamilton 9:30 a.m. CKAN 1480 Newmarket, and at 7:30 p.m. FM 108 Burlington, or watch FAITH 20 Global T.V_ Monday_ Friday at 5 a.m. 46x NEED HELP???? Listen to the Back to Got( Hour! Sunday 7:30 a.m. ('HAM 820 Hamilton, 9:30 a.m. CKAN 1480 Newmarket, and at 7:30 p.m. FM 108 Burl- ington, or watch FAITH 20 Global T.V. Monday - Friday at 5 a.m. 46x 16 For Sale ICY SI DE W A LKS! Introducing Ice Guard (Reg). The easy to apply anti -slip agent. Special adhesive and grit formula which ap- plies basalt footwear. Help prevent winter fall!! To order call tollfrcc (519, 416, 705) 1-800-265-2550, 5-10 p.m. or send cheque for 512.95 to Ice Guard (reg), Box 273. Elmira, Ont. N3B 27.7 (Div. of 624839 Ont. Ltd_) 46x HYDROPONICS. - Garden indoors all year. Even iff winter, in your spare room. basement or greenhouse. Largest. selection, best prices in Canada. Send S2 for catalogue 10 Canadian Hydroponics, 8318 - 120 St., Surrey, B.('. V1W 1N4. 46x 16 For Sole CHRISTMAS GIFT SPECIAL. Flags for all nations, custom-made flags from your sketch. Send for free quotation. House of Flags, Box 817, Forest, NON 110 (519) 786-6300. 46* HOMEMADE CROCHETED SWEATERS for sale. Great Christmas gifts. Phone 294-6644 after 5:00. 45:46c , TYPEWRITER : Canon S-60 electronic memory typewriter, 2 type styles many useful automatic operations. Hardly used, with case and rechargable battery pack. 5300. Ricoh FF -70 35 m.m. auto focus camera with automatic exposure, digital read out. 5150.237-3319 after 5 p.m.4SSA OIL SPACE HEATER, Coleman 35000 BTU complete with 45 gal. storage drum and stand, some pipes with roofcap and flashing. Ideal for garage or workshop. 540. Phone 235-1656. 45SA' SATELI.ITE DISH- - 10' fiberglass dish, Chaparral feedhorn, LNA, , adjustable stand, Toki LED digital receiver with stereo, audio memory, electronic fine tune, wide and narrow bands, auto scan, full function remote control (includes remote dish positioning), matching Toki LED digital satelite tracker arm. Includes all hardware, connectors and 150' of coaxial cable. Owner manuals included. Excellent condition. 1986 model. 51795.00 guaranteed. 238-5501, 46SA SHOES - 3 pair lady's Tender Tootisie shoes, size 9; lady's new virgin wool winter coat, size 18; burlap approx. 60" length and 40" wide. suitable for covering trees: Hoover deluxe rug shampooer with at- tachnient,s. Phone 284-1243. 46SA COAT -- lady's new Fortrel-polyester and fibrefill size 321/2 . Brown with fur collar. Phone 235-1826. 45:46x FREEZER - '13 cu. ft., 3 yrs. old 5250; humidifier S40; floor fan 520; baseboard heater 525; portable roll -away bed 550; kit- chen table, six chairs 5150; solid oak cof- fee table, smoke glass top 560; Lazy -boy chair 5100; mirrored door closet 560. All items in good condition. Call evenings 284-2469. 46SA KING SIZE WATERBED 100 percent mo- tionless, padded rails, bookcase headboard with mirror, six drawers under bed. 5599.00 or best offer. Phone 1-473-1745. 46SA BEAVER COAT, lady's size 12-15 with mink collar in excellent condition (presently in storage). Asking 5800. 284-1774 (call evenings)., 46SA bUITAR - Electric Ibanez Roadstar II Series with leather case. Excellent condi- tion. 5250.00. Call 284-2602. Ask for Scott. 46SA WHAT'S HAPPENING IN ONTARIO in both urban and rural areas? Subscribe to the OCNA Clipping Service for valuable in- formation clipped weekly from over 300- comunty newspapers. Monitor the competi- tion; get sales leads; read related opinions; discover market trends. For prices call On- tario Community Newspapers Association. (416) 844-0184. 46x GUN BARGAINS - Save up to 40 per- cent - by subscribing to "The Gunrunner". The Canadian monthly newspaper listing hundreds.of new, used, modern and anti- que firearms for sale or trade. Subscription 520 per year to Gunrummer, Box 565T, Lethbridge, Alberta TI J 3Z4. Sample copy 51.50. 46x 1980 BOMBE CRAWLER with hydraulic trial groomer overhauled ready to groom your trails. 515,000. 705-687-6726. 46x COLLECTOR'S plates, new and many back issues, check our:prices! Call or write for free catalogue, The Country Collection, RR 3, Pakenham, Ontario KOH 2X0 (613) 623-2749 evenings. 46x NO. 1 WILD RICE $6.95/16. with recipes book directly from grower. 10 pounds plus -postage paid. Makes excellent Christmas - gift. Visa or Mastercharge. f-800-667-9100. Riesc's Canadian Lake Wild Rice, Box 899, l a'Ronge, Sask. SOJ 110. 46x 1978 IORD COURIER, 4 cylinder. 5325. as is. Folding steel garage doors, 7'x9'. 525. Phone 262-5250. 46.48' FIREWOOD delivered by cord or larger truck loads. Phone 236-4457. 46tfnc ROCKWELL BEAVER 6" Jointer. Phone 235-1560. 46,47• OVEN READY DUCKS and geese for sale. Phone 237-3721. 46,47• ELECTRIC' LIFT CHAIR. like new, 51,500. Phone 235-0718 evenings 7-9 p.m. 46c (FILMARI tR=stirsTEms LT Quality Grain Storage Drying & Handling Products DESIGN • SALES • SERVICE AL•MAR GRAIN SYSTEMS LTD. 263 MAIN ST N PO 805 550 EXETER ONTARIO NOM ISO Plane Bus 1519)235-1919 Res 1519) 345-2284 • USED VCR'S 2 RCA VCR's 1.99 ea. 1 Hitachi VCR with wire remote 249 Hitachi VCR's� with wireless remote$299 All used VCR's fully recondi- tioned with a one year warranty. GRANADA HOME ENTERTAINMENT 358 Main St. S. Exeter 235-2685 � J Budget Rent-A-Car of Exeter Mensal! Motors Ltd.) Daily - weekends and weekly Rentals - economy cars and cargo vans Leasing to 2-4 years - new cars and trucks (Sales - used cars and trucks) Ed Hearn 235-2070 t';+ 1