Times-Advocate, 1987-11-18, Page 15LIONESS DRAW - Winners of the November draw for a trip for two to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, were Linda
Stewart and Gene Grenier, center. Jeannette Stellingwerff, left, drew the lucky ticket at the Bank of Montreal,
while Lioness secretary, Sandra Norris watches. Grenier was a second -time winner in the Lioness draw. Draws are
made on the fust Friday of each month.
and district news
Lynne Desjardine - 238-8768
• Roberta Walker - 238-2471
Students win' points for. school
Parkhill novices down Goderich
After a scoreless first period, ten
goals were scored in the game when
the Parkhill novice team downed
Goderich 9-1 last Friday night.
Simon Desjardine chalked up six
points, with two goals and four as-
sists, followed by Tristan Hatfield
with the hat trick and two assists.
Casey Wall notched two goals, with
Matthew DeJong and Mark Weiler -
Maguire adding singles. Drawing
assist were Justin Michelsen and
lay Treumner, and Kyle Vermeulen.
Goalie Shane Maguire who only
let one get by him was named for
the team effort award, by his team-
mates vote.
On Saturday the novice Shamrock
team travelled to St. Marys, where
they lost with a 4-2 score.
Justin Michelsen and Vermeulen
scored Parkhills two goals with as-
sists going to Hatfield and Michel -
sen. Justin won the team effort
award for this game in St. Marys.
Coaches Ken Symons and Kevin
Maguire said the. team now have
eight wins, two losses, no ties in
the league standings. They play Mt.
Brydges this 1~riday night, then trav-
el to Exeter on Sunday afternoon.
Part of School team
Lisa Turnbull, 11, and in Grade six
at Grand Bend Public School, fin-
ished fourth in the Bantam girls
cross country meet in Forest, re-
cently. She was one of five students
who won points for the school.
Sorry for omitting your name last
week, Lisa. Great run!!
Join the choir
Sunday morning the GB United
Church congregation learned of 10
reasons why they should join the
choir. Later the choir sang
"Worship Him" a varied musical ac-
companied at the organ by Idella
Dianne Rice read the lessons from
Il Chron. 7:12-22 and Colossians
3:1-17, wherein Rev. R. Peebles
based his topic "Witnessing -- Prep-
aration." He took his message espe-
cially from verse 14 in II Chron.
Prayer leads the way for all witness-
es, he said and believe in your
prayers if you want results!
The children stayed downstairs to
practice for the upcoming Christ-
mas songs. Rev. Peebles told about.
Little Henry the dreamer.
Don't forget the Choir practice on
Wednesday evening at 7 p.m.
Catholic news
Pastor Father Paul Beck was cele-
brant at all masses at Immaculate
Hean of Mary Church on the week-
end. Mary Fran Gaiser was reader at
the 11 am. mass, and she and Phil-
ip Walker were Eucharistic Mini-
sters. The choir sang ""Pass It On!"
at communion, and organist Paul
Dietrich was cantor.
Father Beck based his sermon on
the gospel of the talents given to
three servants, and how they ac-
counted for those gifts. There have
been extremely gifted people, like
the child -genius Mozart, who used
their talents and are still remem-
bered today.
Do we make good use of the gifts
God has given us? We are all gifted
with the knowledge of Jesus Christ,
and this knowledge and commit-
ment deepens as we mature. Christ
said that we must all bear fruit in
our lives and not bury out talents in
the ground.
There is a general information
meeting at the Lambton Right to
Life, Forest, on Thursday Novem-
ber 26 at 8 p.m. Everyone is wel-
Church of God
Pastor Desjardine called the people
to worship at the Church of God
with words from II Timothy 2.
George Winegarden led the service,
and also sang a special number
"Burdens are Lifted at Calvary".
In the sermon, they heard the story
of Paul and Bamabas' missionary
journey, which continued despite
the many hardships they faced. In
the evening service, led by Pat Des-
jardine, the Youth Group sang a
special number "I walk With His
Hand in Mine".
Pastor Desjardine encouraged peo-
ple, in his sermon, to pursue spirit-
ual growth, to give them strength
to minister as a church.
All friends are welcome to a turkey
supper served at the Church of God
on Friday, November 20 at 6:15
p.m. Rev. John and Betty Campbell
will be guests that evening, and
will show slides of their trip to Ko-
rea last July.
Grand Bend Golden Agers
The Grand Bend Golden Agers met
on Wednesday, November 11 at St.
John's Parish hall with 17 in atten-
dance. Beaulah Holt presided for the
business meeting. Plans were final-
ized for the December dinner meet-
ing to be held on December 2 at
12:30 p.m. Members are asked to
bring a friend, and let your group
leader know how many will attend
the dinner.
Seven members attended the Zone
8 Fall Rally held at Holmesville in
October. Beaulah Holt reported that
the guest speaker was Miss Bev
Brown, who spoke about Town and
Country Homemakers, their servic-
es and transportation. Miss Brown
told thein an institution is not al-
ways the answer for seniors, some-
times staying home is best.
"Happy Birthday" was sung to Liz
Rclouw, with a November birthda .
BAND TO P ,RFORM - Dan Timmcrmans, John Bender, Janet Sar-
gent, Margaret Wolf and John Dugan, members of Cathedral Brass will be
performing at Grand Bend United Churchon-November 25.
Nola Taylor's group was in charge
of the program. Nola read an essay
by a school girl in Clinton on
"Why the Poppy for Remembrance
Day is special to her.
Jim Prance had everyone stand and
do a few exercises, and read "If God
Went On Strike". He closed by
singing "Count Your Bless-
ings"with all joining in the chorus.
Two moments of silence were ob-
served by the group, in honor of
Remembrance Day. Games of euch-
re and crokinole rounded out the
time with lunch refreshments.
About town
Don't forget that the second concert
in the Youth and Music Canada Ser-
ies will take place on Wednesday
November 25, at 8 p.m. in the
Grand Bend United Church. The Ca-
thedral Brass, a group of five talent-
ed young ,people, will be perform-
ing music of many different styles,
sure to please your car. They have
performed in Europe, at '86 and
with the Toronto Symphony Or-
chestra. Don't miss this'one!
The ladies from Greenway United
Church have invited all the ladies of
Grand Bend to their Christmas Ecu-
menical, to be held on December 1
at 8 p.m. Members of the Church
of God, Grand Bend United, Angli-
can, and Catholic churches are asked
to come and enjoy their Christmas
choral service.
Community sympathy is expressed
to Mrs. Annabelle Richardson of
Southcott Pines, her family and
grandchildren, in the death of her
husband, Bill Richardson last week.
Elda Adams visited a few days last
week at her daughter's home in Wy-
oming, with Pauline and Don Hen-
Mrs. Marie Chowen of Stratford
formerly of Southcott Pines, visited
last week with Mrs. Bertie Keyes in
Green Acres.
Legion news
There were about 15 out for darts
last Tuesday evening at the Grand
Bend Legion. Carrie Tiedcman won
the door prize for the second week.
There was a three-way tie for first
place, between Emma Couckuyt and
Jack Hoffman., Dec Rath and Kevin
Henry, and Velda Clark and Rick
Tiedeman. •
Winners of the Friday Meat Raffle
were Ann Jones, Jean Chambers,
Harold Smith, Herbie Miller and
Bob Hedley. The mystery prize win-
ners were George Gallant, Eira Dug-
gan, and Allan Summerscales.
There will be a general meeting for
all legion members on December 7
at 8 p.m. sharp. Tickets are now
available for the annual Christmas
stocking, at $1.00 apiece; a chance
to win a sockfull of goodies worth.
several hundred dollars!
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Times -Advocate, November 18, 1987 Page 15
Tempers flare
Sewer issue boils over again
The issue of granting sewer access
to the Oakwood expansion project
reared it head again at Grand Bend
council Monday Right. Discussion
was heated after reeve Harold Green
asked council members to publicly
declare their stand on the issue.
"I've been hearing disturbing re-
ports about our sewage situation,"
Green said by way of explanation.
Councilor Bruce Woodley declared
that he was open to discussion on
the subject.
"Depending on the rate, Grand
Bend could stand to make money on
it (Oakwood's use of the system),"
Woodley said, noting that villagers
have approached him who are in fa-
vour of the Oakwood hook-up.
Green pointed out that council has
drawn the conclusion, based on vari-
ous studies, that the system is vir-
tually at capacity. He added that, if
Woodley was Rot aware of that fact,
UCW meets
Members of the United Church
Women met last Thursday afternoon
in the Sunday School rooms at
church. Marjorie Sturgess and Nor-
ma Carey opened with a worship
service based on the theme of Re-
membrance Day. Marjorie read
about thoughts and memories that
people have on Remembrance Day.
Norma Carey read "Legacy" and
"What Price is Freedom?" Two
hymns ".Softly and Tenderly Jesus
is Calling" and "Onward Christian
Soldiers" were sung, accompanied
by Enid Warren at the piano. Roll
call was answered with "A war -time
memory" which revealed both sad
.and amusing memories.
Members brought in a good sup-
ply of clothing items for Family
Services to go to Goderich in Huron
County. The annual committee re-
ports were given by the conveners.
Elizabeth Norris read the results of
the nominating committee: Past
president - Loreen Gill; President,
Elizabeth Norris; Recording and cor-
responding secretary - Eleanor Du-
rie; Treasurer Teri Wright; Unit
Assistant Treasurer - Hazel Broad;
Stewardship and Finance - Beulah
Holt; Church in Society - Eleanor
Durie; Christian Development -
Norma Carey; World Outreach Haz-
el Broad; Communications - Annie
Morenz; Manse Committee - Bertie
Keyes, Elizabeth Norris, Loreen
Gill and Evelyn Johnson; Pianist -
Nola Love and Clara Watson; So-
cial Conveners Elda Adams, East -
Mary Love; Official Board Repre-
sentative -Elizabeth Norris; and An-
niversary Fowl Supper Elizabeth
The nominating committee was . 21" Stereo T.V.
Loreen Gill and Norma Walper; Vi-
siting committee - Iva Latta; Com-
munion Coordinator -Olive Webb
and Jeanne Kading; Card salesperson
- Marjorie Mason and Card Secre-
tary -.Annie Morenz.
Monetary donations were voted to
be sent to missionary families, the
Holbrooks in Nepal and the Wit-
mers in Japan; also donations to
Medical Electives, the Fred Victor
Mission, Camp Menesetung and the
Leprosy Mission. It was announced
that the Christmas Ecumenical will
be held on December 1 at the Green-
way United Church at 8 p.m.
President Loreen Gill closed with a
poem "Quiet Time". Lunch hostess-
es were Beatrice Wilson and Olive
Webb. The next meeting will be on
December 10, opening with a pot
luck luncheon at 12:30 p.m.
he should have been.
The reeve maintained that allow-
ing Oakwood into the system would
set a precedent and that it would dis-
criminate against previous delega-
tions who requested a hook-up and
were refused
"Where do you draw the line at
who you're going to let in?" an up-
set Green asked Woodley. "You've
either got to say yes to everyone or
no to everyone."
Councilor Woodley indicated dis-
belief over recent sewer status re-
"I find it impossible to believe
that the sewage was built for 40
years (capacity) and now it's down
to five," Woodley said. "I can't dis-
pute the figures -- there they are --
but I still can't believe it."
Reeve Green concluded that coun-
cil has made a decision and that de-
cision stands.
Councilor Marsha Lemon noted
that Stephen township has a part to
play in the controversy, adding that
the entire problem could be solved
by the annexation of Oakwood -- a
step opposed by Stephen.
"If he (Bob Scatcherd) has the
same goals as us, it's a pity that he
doesn't pay taxes to us so that he
can benefit," she said.
Noting that Stephen has offered
no assistance to Scatcherd, Lemon
suggested the township had different
"Stephen township's goals are not
the same as Scatcherd's develop-
ments. If he was in the village, he
would get sewers and we could help
The Oakwood Inn development
was denied access to the Grand Bend
sewer system early this fall on the
grounds that it woulU be Unfair to
grant non -rate payers access while
rate -payers were denied the privi-
SCOUTS TAKE PART - Last Wednesday the students at Grand Bend
Public School took part in a Remembrance Day service in the gym. Here
Cub Liam Karry, left, Melissa DeBrum, narrator; Stan Whitney, reader,
and Brownie Carrie Illman, singer, stand by the cross, flags, and poppy -
OiiaticiaWaRiitoa e a r a44•a n ;a ainaisoieriN ata eaasas s
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