HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-11-18, Page 14Page 14 Times-Advocote November 18. 1987
Start confirmation
Rev. Love speaks at Crediton
The sermon topic at Zion United
Church was taken from John 15:10-
16 and Mark 10:41-45 titled "Life's
Basic Tasks".
Rev. Mervyn Love was guest
speaker Sunday ands we thank him
---for sharing the message of the ,Z os -
pct with us.
Choir practice will be Wednesday
evening at 8:00 p.m. in the Church
Thc ladies of the Church arc pack-
ing a bale again this fall. If you
have any clothing which you wish
to donate, please bring it to the
Church and place it in the west en-
There will be a meeting of the
members of the congregation fol-
lowing the service on December 6.
This meeting is called in order to
approve thc budget proposal for
1988. Please plan to attend this im-
portant meeting.
The Confirmation classes for the
young people will begin next Sun-
day, November 22, at 2 p.m. in the
Sunday School rooms of the
The Official Board has set aside
Sunday December 6 as White Gift
Sunday. Baskets will be available
that Sunday for your white gifts,
which will be taken to the Huron
County Christmas Bureau (Exeter).
Some suggested ideas are non-
perishable foods and gifts for chil-
dren of all ages. For other ideas,
please check the page on the bulle-
tin board.
Dialogue on Human Sexuality -
This workshop will be held within
Main Street United Church, Mich-
ell, on Saturday, November 28,
1987 from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. For
more information, please check the
page on the bulletin board down-
. stairs.
In hospital at South Huron in Ex-
eter are Mrs. Della Sims, Mr.
James Mawhinney and Mrs. Ada
Mrs. Jim Chappell (nee Betty
Skinner) of Surrey B.C. has spent
the past week with her mother Mrs-.
Ruth Skinner, her brothers Claire
and Ted of London, and friends
around Crediton. Nice to see you
Betty and a safe trip home.
Happy anniversary to Jack and
Mina Jesney who were 58 years
married November 15, 1987.
Mrs. Harold McCallum, RR 1
Walton spent a few days with her
sister and husband Mr. and Mrs.
Stan Preszcator.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Farr, St.
Thomas spent the weekend with
their families in Crediton, Huron
Park and Woodham.
Happy 90th birthday to Mrs. Mar-
garet Clarke.
The Crediton Women's Institute
will meet Wednesday November 18
at 8 p.m. in the Community Cen-
Guest speaker will be Bob Robil-
liard, music teacher at South Huron
District High School.
PASTOR'S WIFE WELCOMED - At Sunday's installation service for Dashwood Zion Lutheran
the new minister's wife Jill Stojkovic is welcomed by Kathy Keller, Freida Hayter and Gertie Stade.
An Open House was held Sunday
afternoon at the Crediton Commu-
nity Centre to honour Mrs. Marga-
ret Clarke of Crediton on her 90th
birthday. A large crowd of friends
and relatives attended to extend their
best wishes. Shc rcccivritl 1i cssagcs
from Governor Genetal Madam.
Sauve, Prime Minister Brian Mul-
roney, Premier David Peterson, MP
Murray Cardiff and MPP Jack Rid-
dell. A family supper was held for
about 150 persons. Relatives at-
tended from New York, Philipston,
Toronto, Oshawa and surrounding
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Sunday evening November 1, his-
tory was made in Cromarty Presby-
terian Church when Mrs. Lucie
Milne was both ordained and induct-
ed as their minister. As far as can be
ascertained, hers is the first ordina-
tion to take place in Cromarty
Church since 1901 when R.A.
Cranston was ordained.
The members of Stratford -Huron
Presbytery were piped into the
church by Nelson Howe, playing
Amazing Grace on the bagpipes.
Thc service was conducted by the
Moderator of Stratford-}furon Pres-
bytery, the Rev. Henry McNeill of
Avonton, assisted by thc Rev. Ste-
ven Wcbb, Monkton, and the Rev.
Rick Horst, St. Marys. Thc Rev.
J.W. Milne of Mitchell gave thc
charge to the minister and congrega-
Scriptures were read by Kathleen
Gibson, Toronto, and Jean Carey
and Danny Elliott, Cromarty. Mrs.
Gibson, who is a friend of Mrs.
Milne and the librarian at Knox
College, preached an excellent ser-
mon on Pentecost.
A joint choir from Mitchell and
Cromarty sang Thc Church in the
Wildwood accompanied by thc or-
ganist, Betty Lou Norris. Follow-
ing the offering which was received
by ushers Philip James and Robert
Templcmcn, Jean Edmunds and Dan
Milne played a violin duct How
Great Thou Art with Mrs. Norris at
the organ.
During the ordination ceremony,'
Mrs. Milne knelt for the "Laying
on of Hands" and thc right hand of
fellowship was extended by thc
ministers and elders.
Following the last hymn, the
Rev. Lucie Mitre pronounced the
Refreshments were scrvcd in the
basement where congratulatory mes-
sages and gifts were given to Mrs.
Mrs. Milne is a registered nurse
who with her husband, scrvcd as a
missionary in India for 14 years.
She has been very active in the re-
ligious education field and complet-
ed her theology course in 1986.
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