HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-10-28, Page 24Decoders available for existing systems 1
limes -Advocate, October 28, 1987
Biddulph to do road. study
if funding approved
a roved
At the October meeting, Biddulph reserves collected for maintenance of apartment building incinerators as of
township council instructed clerk- the system the outstanding deficit in December 31, 1988 and that comments
reasurer Ray Hands to investigate the amount of $13,202 will be paid. on this proposed regulation will be
1e. possibility of . appointing an This • leaves only the Outstanding received until November 15, 1987.
lgineer to carry out a detailed roads capital cost which is looked after by Qlerk Ray Hands was instructed to
nagement study as requested by frontage and connection charges. prepare a report of council's concerns
1'.0 Building permit applications from for the next meeting. -
rrying out the roads study will be Tom O'Shea and Frank Harrigan Council is concerned that these
only if the balance of funds from were received and approved. steps to eliminate methods to remove
plemenlary allocation for the O'Shea will be constructing a 10 foot garbage would only add substantial
ase of a tandem truck may be by •12 foot greenhouse on his proper- costs to these apartment buildings
ty al Lot 28, Concession 11 and Har- and elimination of incinerators would
s said that during discussions rigan's construction will be a 36 foot increase the amount -of garbage going
inistry officials it had leen by 56 foot shed at 1,ot 26, Concession 9. to the existing landfill sites which
'd that possibly they would be One tile drain loan application in would only serve to fill them at a
to allow the township to use the amount of $49,050 was approved. quicker rate.
ce portion of thesupplemen- The township will be entering into ('ouncillors Fred Dobbs and Jim
ance for the truck providing an agreement with Business Corn- Barker will beattending a 1987 plan -
me -in under budget. puler Services to provide 1988 tax bill- ning conference in Loudon on
•rintendent Hugh Davis ings for the municipality
ncil that the truck would • A proposal to reduce the number of November 5.
1 under budget. Council directors appointed to' the Ausable If only 1 could'be respected without
ds were budgeted for a. Bayfield Conservation Authority was
roads stud or 1987. supported subject to clarification of
1)ue to • substantial write-off (he selection process for the appoint -
granted by t )ntario Ministry Of the ment of joint directors.
Environnren, owards the Granton Council considered correspondence
wafer system, until has decided not • received from the Ministry of the En -
to refinance Hi IMance outstanding. . vironment advising that they are pro -
Due to tIle kite( the township posing a regulation which would ban
pr-esenllY holds) surplus and with the burning of garbage in existing
HAND OUT OPP STICKERS Exeter OPP Constable Rick Sinnamon was in Henson Saturday at the
Week of the Child parade. Here he hands out bookmarks and bumper stickers to Kelly Neilands, Kiril
• Scotchmer Jennifer Groot and Jodi Taylor. T -A photo
Cougar Column t
What splendid colours we saw
-around town. The kindergarten class
went on a walk in ( ►ctober and sorted
out a kinds of interesting features of
nate-reWe also noticed all 01 the
Block Parent signs along the �ea�
Mr. !Marshall. !Mrs Scott and .1rs
l;orrett made us ware (it the value
of these signs in our conimuni1s
14'e would like to thank \1r !Hasse
for showing us how a- supermarket
.runs and point mg out all the supplies
we needed for our turkey supper on
Thank giving
\t'e weicumed a ne•�► .1 ude•nl..3ef-
trey (;attain to our class 1 ie conies all
-the from Prince Edward island
(:rade. 1-2
The grade one and -two class have.
been making things for )Hallowe'en
We also made things for Thanksgn
ing For Hallowe'enwe will be hav-
ing a c•osltime parade on Friday. I a-
!ober- 30
Lately. our class has been corn
pleting lall and winter activitles such
as collecting leaves and watching
birds and animals. Nosy that 11 is get-
. ting near winter. Jat•k Frost has ar-
rived He- hops all over the windows
Irosting them up and saying --Ili'
Jack Frost is here again.
or more
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Zurich Public School
tirades 3-1
In I(ooiu : w e.are studying ghosts.
It is a part 0t our preparation for
1talhiwe'er. 11e are reading stories
and making ghosts. it is all part of our
tun for Hallowe-en
• Grades. -6
We have sent..olir introductory let-
ters to our school in Jamaica.
1lopetull} our replies will be -arriving
- sown in the I utur•e our class will be do-
ing a video tali about Ontario and our
school 1'11en we v 111 send this to our
pen -pals in .lamaiea
In communications we have started
individualized reading and spelling.
, eryone is enthusiastic about this
.since v ill he able to xvork at our
own rate and level of interest.
Constable Marshall brought in a
super video on drugs and most ex-
citing of all - his case of actual drugs.
Our class was Very surprised about
what, the effects of drugs can have on
how we behave at hone,- school and
withfriends_ Everyone recognizes
_that -drugs can he useful when
prescribed by doctors. but can he
fatal to those who abuse -drugs.
On October the 14 we- went to
Hullett Provincial Wildlife Centre to
participate in actual biology analysis
of -wood ducks. We even baited the
areas for migratory birds and releas-
ed pheasants. Everyone learned that
these jobs are most difficult when you
have to travel over rough terrain.
Grades 7-8
Rooms seven and eight are very
lucky to have student teachers. Mrs.
('lift and Miss Cook are here to help
teach us. They will he here for four
On October fourteenth we went to
the Hullet Conservation Area. Our
teacher. Mr. Redick was video-taping
us when we were there. We hunted for
wood -duck boxes. We also found lots
of garter snakes and hitch -hikers•
Near the end of the day we released
pheasants. Our leader. Bob. opened
one of the cages and a pheasant flew
in his face. It was a very exciting day!
On October twenty-first and twenty-
second-theparents of-Z-P:S7students
came.to see how the students were
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progressing. The teachers also
discussed how the children could iln
prove. Some of the parents looked
through their children's work.
Have you ever heard of the.Z:P.S
Press? That was a stupid question
You must have heard -of the Z P.S
Press...no? Well:I guess it's not very
famous yet. but the grade eights are
working on it. '
The Z.P.S. Press goes -to the
students of Z.P.S. That's probabl}
how it got its name; i guess. What is
it. you ask? Well. it's made up of al-.
titles of current events, interviews.
creative writing and more. it even
has comics! '
The cross country meet was very
eaxciting for all the schools. especial-
ly for Zurich. We entered fifty-one
students in the races. The Senior Boys,
ran -first and the team was: Jason
Schible( fourth). Jamie Ramer
(eighth), Chris Gingerich i ninth 1,
Chris Semple ( eleventh I. and John
Soer I twenty-eighth). '['hese boys also
won the pennant for the first time in
years. - .
Next the Senior Girls ran and Julie
Crown came tenth. Some other top ten
runners were: Joel Siebert- (fourth!.
Jeff Kirk (seventh), Kris Schenk
1 fifth ), Krista Schilbe - (eighth i.
Elizabeth Lovie (third), Jackie
Koehler (ninth). and Dwayne McNah
Who placed third. Everybody did very
any ba
tary all
advised c
be corrin
noted no f
having to be respectable
• 4 VI
WI har story of
insulin discovery
.At Sl. Thomas Angliln Church,
Rev Beverly Wheeler we in charge
of the morning prayer settee. Mrs.
Kenneth I [origins- read lA lesson
and Rev. Wheeler read thlgospel.
- She preached her serum on the
gospel of Christ. You shall we the
Lard thy 4kid with all your h6rt and
soul and mind. and you shall l(►e your
neighbour as yourself. We mut help
and pray for others and God wilake
care of its. We need their -enters,
prayers exchange.
Service next -Sunday will he zit!
a.m. -
1-11 meeting - •
Granton 4-11 club .•'t'he Perfet
Combination" met at Lisa Mardlin
home. We started by saying the 4-1
pledge then we discussed the plans for
meeting six which will be held at the
Community Bible Church.
A few_ girls were asked to show
some vegetable flowers and others or-
naments. Sylvia •Beatson, secretary
made an -onion mum, Pam Waters
made a radish rose and Lisa -Mardlin
made a cucumber fan, then we tasted
alfalfa sprouts.
Our home
WE CAUGHT THEM Mindy and Mork Bell were dressed as
fishermen in Saturday's Week of the Child Hallowe'en parade in Hen-
soll. T -A 'photo
Centralia UCW invited out
The U.('. W. • of Centralia United
('hurch are invited to Elimville for
their. U.C.W. meeting on Wednesday'
(lctoher 28 r tonight ► at 8 p.m. Anyone
wishing a ride is asked to be at the
Centralia church at 7:30.
The junior young people, grades
0,7.8 will go halloweening on Saturday
evening. Come in costume. This will
be followed by a wiener roast. The
senior young people of high school age
-will meet on Sunday November 1 at
1:30 Bring your rakes and cleaning
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Essery were
guests at the Hunter -Rundle wedding
at Grace United Church in London,
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Caslick and
boys spent the weekend with their
parents in Cargill.
The euchre in the community cen-
tre had eight tables playing with
prizes going to: high score - Mary
Kooy, Harry Noels, Ione hands Iva
Blair, Percy Ni)els, low score - Pearl
Taylor, Charlie Rollings, special
prizes - Mildred and Laurence
The next party will be November 2
at 2 p.m. convened by Cleve and
ielene Pullman, Lily Swartz and
0 club
Mrs. Ituth Taylor al Blue Water
Home, Zurich will be 80 on Novernlxr
--4, .
Frank and Janet Hicks.
Saturday evening visitors with Tom
and i were Ilelen MacDonald, !tarry
and Marion Noels, Lucan and Howard
Dolan, Watford and Sunday we
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Sim limbo!.
Portraits, Family Portraits taken Professionally
&oh our �ilttirt r acv
• - 4A 'Very /'r3ona/ Cul ri.s inm.l
137 Thames Rd. East, Exeter
1 Phone: Bus 235-1298 9:00 - 4:30
• Res. 235-0949 after businessnow
1 x)88 'Weidrling PooIthiicp gin
sprouting our own alfalfa sprouts. We
thank Mrs. Bealson and Mrs. 1larlton
for leading the meeting and Lisa
Mardlin for the use of her home. •
Press reporter and secretary, Angela
Mc Ilhargey.
Wi meeting •
The Womens Institute meeting was
held at the home of Mrs. Percy
Hodgins on Tuesday evening.
The WI Conference was held in the
Salvation Armyy-Hall in St. Marys.
Mrs. Florence McRober:t was a
delegate and reported on the WI con-
ference and officer Paul Murray of
the St. Marys- Salvation Army
reported that this is the year r of the
horneless. -
Mrs: Percy Hodgins, citizenship
convener, gave a very interesting talk
on the subject. Mrs. Ilabelle Ifariton
convener -of the program told the life
story of Sir Frederick Banting and his
assistant Dr. Best in their discovery
of insulin.
The guest speaker was Janet
Jenkinson of St. Marys. Her subject
vas "What it means to be a citizen of
dvocacy". It is' about
riighbourliness, loving and the true
sry about Debby, a child with
r»scular dystrophy and how Janet
e‘'htually adopted her. Mrs. Percy
Ilot(ins read a story on agriculture.
United ('hirrch
ay morning, at the Granton
Church, Rev. Bruce Pierce
harge of the morning service
led his sermon "Life's most.
was it
and e
import t question".
In thdpook of Peter, Jesus asked
the quesipn-Who do you think that 1
am?" P . r replied "You are the an-
nointed O '•. Christ's mission is till
very imp(itant.I •
The hym ••Blessed Assurance"
was sung top along with the sermon.
Volunteer leders are needed to help
with the Mod Club. Anyone wishing
to volunteer Seir time please call
Rev: -Pierce a he -manse -225-27.83.
Sincere sym by is Vended to the
family of the la 11lrs. illive Gowan
who passed awa londay October 19
after a lengthy taws;
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