HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-09-23, Page 20BOOK FAIR Tanner Ingram, (left) and Ryon Groot of the
kindergarten class examine some of the books for sale in the St.
Boniface book fair. The books ronge•from colouring books to novels.
with most costing less than $4. The profits from the sale will go
towards purchasing new books for the school library.
Page 4A
Times -Advocate, September 23, 1987
No hunting license from Hay
Hay township will not regulate the
hunting of rabbits or pheasants this
season. The usual restrictions of the
hunting season will still apply, but it
will not be necessary for hunters to
purchase a separate township,license
for the hunting of these two species.
"There's no pheasant here any
more," reasoned Councillor Donald
Weigand when explaining the futility
of licensing the hunting of a species
no longer prevalent in Hay township..
The purpose of the separate
township license was to provide funds
to help support the raising and release
of game pheasants by township
Councillor Gerald Shantz noted than
no one is any longer interested in the
raising of pheasant in Hay township.
In other business, council discuss-
ed possible grant applications that
might be available to aid in the
renovation of the Township Hall. The
designation of the building as an of-
ficial Ontario heritage site was con-
sidered to be impractical because of
the prohibitive cost and detail of
restoration, and because of the poten-
tial to hamper the hall's rental to
other funded -groups.
However, Reeve Lionel Wilder
wondered whether any grants may be
available to improve the energy effi-
ciency of the hall during the winter.
Previous estimates to assess the cost
of replacing and improving the win-
dows of the hall were set at approx-
imately $6,(00, but the maximum
grant available under the fuel and
energy conservation program is
Wilder suggested that this granLbe church a continued unobstructed view • minor variance, because the required
examined morectosely at a later date
and to meanwtiile insulate the present
windows with plastic storm windows.
goad Superintendent Ross Fisher
told council that an inordinate
number -of road signs • have been
stolen from the township in the past
few weeks. These missing signs in-
clude six yield signs, two stop signs,
and a bridge sign.
When asked whether the signs had
been torn down, Fisher replied that
the thieves had used a wrench. "They
were very neat about it," Fisher
suggested. -
. He also explained that the problem
extends- to certain individuals re-ar
ranging some of the townships road
signs to mislead motorists.
"We hope they don't start messing
around with traffic signs so that they
cause an accident," said Wilder.
Fisher told council he would in-
vestigate the purchase of a marking
pen to identify stolen signs and would
explore the possible use of anti -theft
nuts and bolts to secure the signs in
Iluron County planner Patty
\lunkittrick appeared before council
to outline a proposed site plan control
bylaw for the Letts/Mennonite
Church lot beside the Blue Water Rest
1 torte.
• Munkittrick proposed that in addi-
tion to changing the lot's zoning from
agricultural to institutional, there
should also be a provision to keep the
church building at least 40 metres
back from the road. This would allow
the Walker home to the east of the
of the lake. setback is 7.5 metres regardless of the
Paul 'Steekle, clf%irman of the amount of time the patio has been in
Zurich Mennonite Church council, its present location.
found the proposal to be reasonable Wilder asked Miller to inform the
and added that he could not foresee owner that an application for a zon-
any difficulty with such a restriction ing amendment for the minor
even though the location of the park- variance would cost $250.and a public
ing and septic bed of the church have meeting could run the cost as high as
yet to be decided? He believes the lot $500, all without any guarantee of ap•
is large enough to accommodate a proval. Miller suggested that the cot -
number of planning configurations. tage owner may not be prepared to
He did say, however, that any pro- pursue the matter that far.
ject to have sewage from the church
or the rest home treated in the Zurich
lagoon appeared impractical. The
lower elevation of the institutions
would necessitate the construction of
a pumping plant, a cost which is pro-
hibitive al this lime.
Building Official Ilubert Miller ask-
ed council on behalf of a cottage The reading of the report of the
owner whether or not a building per- West Branch Black Creek Municipal
mit could be issued to close in a patio Drain repair and improvement study
that is five metres from the front lot will be heard at the Township Hall on
line of the property. October 8 at 7:30 p.m. The estimated
Munkittrick advised that the permit cost for the project is set at
not be issued without approval of a $140,460.00.
The Ministry of 'l'ourism and
Recreation has approved a $6,000
grant for Hay township to support
recreational programs in 'the
Cilizeo.5) Let
Mrs. Carmel Sweeney
Phono: 236.4702
Monastery yard sale needs support
On Saturday September 26 there
will be a hake and yard sale at the
Franciscan Monastery at St. Peter's
Church on Highway 4 ! south of Ex-
eter) beginning at 9:00 a.m. Any
donations will be greatly appreciated:
All proceeds will go to the monastery.
• Registrations
Any kids still wishing to register for
hockey who missed signing up can
still do so by phoning Barb Jeffrey at
236-4480 as soon as possible.
The Zurich and area figure skating.
club will he having their registration
at the arena this Saturday from 10-2
p.m. .
Bowling •
The ladies bowling league started
on Monday. September 14 with 12
*teams playing. This year's executive
arc the Odd's and End's - several
other leagues have also been started.
Congratulations to the'girls fastball
team who won the "B championship"
playing their last game on Sunday
with special thanks to their coaches.
Laure-Ann Overholt and Dave
Nurser school
The Bean Sprout Nursery School
began their classes again last Tues-
day September 15 with half day
classes only in the mornings Tuesday
to Friday (9-11:30 with teacher Deb-
bie Denomme. She said there are still
a few openings left on either 1V ednes-
.day or Friday a.m. You can -phone her
at 236-4536 or at the School 236-7361.
Debbie and the little ones r 26 in the -
am l plus her helpers are enjoying
their facilities and location which are
in the newly -renovated I lay Township
Last Thursday. 16 ladies got
together for a nice luncheon. and lit-
tle su><prise birthday and retirement
party in honor of Flo Murray who,was
65 on September 12. Jt was held at the
Oakwood inn. Grand Bend.
F'ollo►t•ing the delicious meal
everyone enjoyed playing a few
games of bridge. In fact Flo was the
-one who originally started .the week-
ly bridge club which consists of ladies
coming from Zurich. Bayview and
Grand Bend.
I'm sure everyone will miss Flo as
our local librarian but I'm also sure
her replacement Helene Ducharme,
will do as good •a job as she did.
Anniversaries -
Happy anniversary to Judy and
- Gerard Grenier on September 24.
Denise- and -Roger O'Brien on
September 17 and to. Terri and Pat
Brandon on the 27th".
Betty and Alphonse Grenier will be
celebrating their 40th anniversary on
September 26.
Mozart and Julie Gelinas Jr. will
celebrate their anniversary on
September 29.
.Several relatives from town en -
A WORLD OF WONDER -- Grade two students Kristie Miller, (left)
"and Andrea Durand are fascinated with some of the children's books
on display at the St. Boniface Separate School book fair. This is the
first year the school has held such a fair, but librarian Barry linden
hopes it will become o regular event with possibly two fairs a year.
olden �Ci�m les
Fall has officially arrived. and the ,
beauty of the fall colors are just
Now that the day -light hours are
becoming noticea1>jy shorter. we will
soon be starting the Monday evening
On Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Marc
Chalut took the Residents for a bus
ride in and around -the Pinery Park.
admittance for Seniors; courtesy of the
Pinery Association.
On Tuesday evening. the family of
Dr. Charles Toll held a birthday par-
ty.for him on his 91st birthday in the
auditorium. The Residents were in-
t/led and organ music was supplied
by Mr. John Warner who also accom-
panied Mr. Harry Hoffman who led in
the community singing. Dr. Toll was
a formermember pf the Dashwood
and Sea forth Band. Refreshments
t;eri Fashions of London brought
their clothing van on Thursday mor-
ning allowing Residents to shop and
browse al their convenience. A
fashion show was staged during the
afternoon. Models were: Mrs. Violet
Huntley, Mrs. Elaine Merrier, Mrs.
Mae Bulaj Mrs. Anne Willed, Mr.
Waldo horn and Mr. Loftus,
Denomme.. Winners of. the draws
were: Mr. Fred Teeter. a sweater.
John Soldan, socks. and Mrs. Mae
Bulak, slippers. All had a lot of fun.
Bingo was played on F'riday even-
ing followed by refreshments. The
Sunday evening chapel service was
conducted by Rev. Duke Vipperman
of the Grand Bend and Exeter
Anglican churches.
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Highway 4 - Hensall
joyed a surprise 35th wedding an-
niversary dance in honour of Peter
and Edna Milner nee Bedard) held at
the Community Centre in Ilderton. A
family dinner was held at the Garage
Restaurant before arriving at the
hall. The occasion also celebrated the
retire►nent of Pete coming up in Oc-
tober. Those attending from this area
included Percy and Marie Bedard Sr..
Gordie and Cecilia Smith, and Nora
Corriveau and .daughter Julie
Blanche Bechard held her annual
family dinner on Saturday September
12 in the Common Room of the Maple
Woods Apts.. where she lives. All her
family r 28) enjoyed a delicious turkey
dinner complete with all'the trimm-
ings, which. was prepared by Jerry
Rader and his staff.
The -children came from such
places as Owen Sound, Kitchener, Ex-.
eter, London, Ailsa Craig and St.
Joseph's. Everyone had a really nice
day together!.
Weekend visitors with Harold and
Joan Smith were their son, Doug
Smith and family from London and
Joan's sister, Catherine "Burn from
St reetsville.
Joy Hogg is presently visiting with
her. mother Mrs. .Jean Tyre in
A little farewell party was held for
Dot and Gerry McAuley on Thursday
September 10 in the Fellowship Hail
at the Mennonite Church. The couple
are moving to London.
Activities they were busy with in-
cluded a barbecue held at Kevin
Steckles which was sponsored by the
M.Y.F. group.
Recent visitors with Afra Van
Wonderen were her sister and hus-
Golden Ag
Zurich Golden Agers met Monday
September 14 at the Town Hall. A
delicious beef dinner was served to 33
members by Jerry Rader and his
staff. Following the dinner President'
Ed. Strachan opened the meeting by
all singing 0" Canada with Gertie
Fleischauer as pianist, this was
followed by the Lord's Prayer.
Due to the absence of Verda
Baecher who was attending a conven-
tion in Toronto. acting Secretary
band from Holland.
Larry Denomme spent last week
away working at the Plowing Match
in Meaford.
Tony and Adeline Denomme and
daughter and son-in-law, Elaine and
George Keller of Dashwood are spen-
ding a weeks vacation travelling
around and visiting shrines in
Lucky winners at last weeks bingo
were: Rose Erb of Zurich 'who won
the mystery prize of $100 while the
jack -pot worth $750 went to Jean Reid
of Varna.
A very nice birthday party was held
for five year old Aaron Beer on Satur-
day September 19 at the home of his
grandmother . Mrs. Lillian Beer in
Aaron and his sister Kristin with
parents Dave and Melissa Beer of Ot-
tawa spent last Thursday night to
Sunday in the area visiting with their
parents and families. Attending the
party were Aaron's cousins r 13 in all
plus five aunts, his two grandmothers
and his mom.
Congratulations to Kevin and
Joanne Oke r nee Miller l who were
married on Saturday at the
Presbyterian Church in Exeter with
dinner and reception held in Exeter.
Kevin is the son of Don and Betty Oke
of Zurich. The couple are enjoying a
honeymoon in Mexico and will be liv-
ing near Hillsgreen.
Several from town enjoyed going to
the Western Fair in London last week
which was held September 11-20.
There were a lot of rides and things
to see as usual.
Congratulations to Bernie
Denomme who was the lucky winner
of the trip of the month draw in
September through the Chamber of
ers meet
Louise ihanchenco read the minutes
of the previous meeting. Treasurer
Barbara Strachan gave her report.
Louise gave an excellent report of the
U.S.C.O. convention she attended in
Guelph with 527 delegates.
Happy birthday was sung for
members having recent birthdays.
The Golden Agers will be presenting
a programme and lunch for the
Residents at Huronview on Wednes-
day October 21 at 2 p.m.
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Commerce winning a trip to Florida.
Beth Sweeney was among the 20
contestants in the Miss Mid -Western
Ontario Beauty Pageant that was
held in Lucknow on Saturday. She
took part in the. parade at their fall
fair, representing Miss Hensall Fair
The title of Miss Mid -Western
Queen went to Leanne Stepnow, Miss
Tiverton fair Queen. Even though
Beth didn't win she found it a rewar-
ding experience, and she is looking
forward to going on to Toronto in
The grade seven and eight pupils 01
St. Boniface School spent last Monday
to Wednesday at Catnp Sylvan near
Parkhill along with teachers Mr.
Rideout and Mr. Sharpo the principal.
Happy tooth birthday to Minnie
Vern of September 24 with an Open
House at the rest home from 2-4.
. Administrator ,Josef and Connie
Risi and Barb and Doug Shepherd
employees of the Blue Water Rest
Home along with auxiliary member
Verda Baechler all attended the
llome for the Aged convention in
'Toronto September 13 to 15 which was
held at the Constellation Ilotel. They
found it to be very interesting and
Please note lhat.l will be away next
week, so if anyone has any news for
the paper, would they kindly bring it
into the office.
Zurich Men's Rec
Sat., Oct. 3
from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
First come, first served
Fee S100.00
Zurich Arena
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