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Times-Advocate, 1987-09-23, Page 15
H3Ro __© Dmi© ACCOUNTANT -PUBLIC orri f1)rnU Lh aylor Chartered Accountants 'P.O. Box 1690" 497 Main Street, EXETER, Ontario NOM 150 (519) 235-0101 WARD MALLETTE Chartered Accountants 476 Main Street St. S., Exeter, Ontario Resident Partner: John S. McNeilly, C.A. 235-0120 519-235-0345 KIME, DITCHFIELO, MILLS 6 DUNLOP CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS GERALD W. MILLS, C.A. Managing Partner JOSEPH F. DARLING, C.G.A. 347 MAIN STREET EXETER ONTARIO NOM 1S0 AUCTIONEERS Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years of experience of complete sale service Provincially licensed Conduct soles of any kind ony place W. guarantee you more To insure success of your sole" or appraisal Phone Collect 666.0833 666.1967 (*Ontario Auction Service • Get Action -Sell By Auction Complete'Soles Service Auctioneers and Appraisers "Sue" Edginton RR 2 Lucan, Ont. "Bud" McIver (5 19) 227-4210 REPAIRS 1 9 A FIRST NIGHT - Pioneer Club registration and first night was held of the Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle recently. At back left are leaders Ethel Triebner, Scooters for five -year-olds; Lois Cartwright, Voyagers, ages six and seven; Wilma Tuck, Trail Blazers, ages 10 to 12; coordinator Bev Robinson; Sue Blommaert, lavaliers, ages eight to nine and (front) registrants Koren Robinson, Amy Cassell, Mark Stahl and Sherry Cassell. Forty-six registered that n:ght. Conduct rabies field (rials The 11inistry of Natural Resources is conducting field trials of a rabies mom in Moron and Grey counties on Seplemner 21. 22 and 23. Low-flying aircraft will drop ap- proximately ;14,01H) "Baits" in these areas. They have been designed to be especially attractive to foxes, which are the most prevalent carriers of I he rabies virus in rural southern Ontario. The current field (uals began inl9H4 with the purpose of devising a rabies vaccine. contained it. a suitable bait, that wildlife would eat and thus become irntnunized against rabies. Previous field trials have tested various types of bait and different strengths of vaccine. This year's field trial will test a new type of bait and a new method of containing the vaccine. The baits will be dropped from low- flying' aircraft, following pre- determined flight lines. at one -second intervals. When the drop is complete. each square kilometre of the trial sites should contain 20 baits. The baits will be dropped over agricultural and forested areas. Baits will not be dropped into bodies of water, towns, farmyards, houseyards, or within 100 metres of any road. What to do Local residents are asked not to touch the baits. They are clearly labelled with an explanation of the contents and a toll-free telephone number for the Wingham District Of- fice of the Ministry of Natural Resources. Local residents wanting more infor- mation can contact the Ministry at the Please turn to page 16 ATTENTION! 7 • 9% Financing Financing available through AgriFinance (3 yes) OP Interest Waiver Until 5-1-88 on New Idea spreaders. NEW IDEA FARM SUPPLY LIMITED Sales and Service, Box 39, 22 Main St. E. Zurich Ont. 236-4934 236-4321 (New Idea reserves the right 10 withdraw offer without notice.) Agents For Ontario Bean Producers Marketing Board We Are Capable I)/ 111\m/v, 1018 * White • Pea Beans * Coloured Beans * Soyas * Corn • Fast E f ficien t Service L_. _ f 3 Pits - Modern I:O17/'1//: 7. 101 R RI :51 %1:5'.5 LS GR. -1 TL•'F1 'I. L Y - l'I'R/:(-1. I TED. I! /: 11111 STRII'I: TO 11.1.11111W: 101 'R RI: TI 'RN 1,S 111: 11.11'1: I.V TIIE PAST. T. Weiffr Z41,4.99.9 -4994i99;. II= WE CAN BE OF ASSISTANCE - CALL • (519) 232-4.449 (519) 232-4.147 24 HOURS SERVICE London 15:3-4026 .,+.f.,. Stirirlf The Great Canadian Bean Company Inc. We now have two locations 1358 Trafalgar St., London • RR 1, Ailsa Craig Visitors By Margaret Hoggarth The World Affairs meeting of Kip - pen East W.I. was held on Wednes- day, September 16 at the home of hostess Dorothy Bell in Exeter. Presi- dent Grace Drummond welcomed the two guests from England, Violet Ashard and Janet 9Hollipgbery, mother and sister of member Margaret Hoggarth. Roll call was answered by members showing another country's flag - American, United Kingdom, Denmark, Scotland, New Zealand, Japan, Hungary, German, Turkey and Yuglslavian flags were all shown. Mary Broadfoot had to pay a 20 cent fine for failing to wear her institute pin. Grace Drummond gave a reading "What is Country?". The new handbook was passed around. We were reminded that Kippen East will be hostess for District Annual 1988. Margaret Hoggarth read the mot- to "people are like fire, they take on new life when stirred a bit". This was written by Sheila Gymer, a member -of Theydon Bois W.I. in Essex, England. The topic exchange with Theydon Bois W.I. was given by a member from that Institute, Janet Hollingbery, who explained where Theydon Bois is situated in Essex. The Institute meet in the village hall on the third Wednesday in the month, the same as Kippen East. Theydon Bois W.I. was formed in 1919 and boasts at least, 100 members. To raise money they hold strawberry teas, bazaars, pancake races, and serve ploughmen's lunches. To close her presentation Janet made a draw for articles brought from England - winners were Ruby Triebner and Helen MacLean. Each won a calen- dar depicting village signs of Essex. Grace Drummond won the W.I. diary, Rena Caldwell the W.I. notelets. Mat- tie McGregor and Mona Alderdice each won a tea towel showing London Scenes. Janet Hollingbery then presented Grace Drummond with their Institute pin which is different from ours. Margaret Hoggarth thanked sister Janet and presented a W.I. plate and stand for the president of Theydon Bois, Sylvia Keith. Grace Drummond closed the meeting with a reading en- titled "Putting a damper on it". Mary Broadfoot gave courtesy remarks. Lunch was served by Grace Eyre and Mary Broadfoot. Dorothy Bell and Grace Drummond assisted. 4-H news The first meeting of the Kippen 3, 4-H club was held on Tuesday, September 15 at Brucefield United Church. "A Taste of Ontario Fruits and Vegetables" is the topic for this club. The roll call opening the meeting was answered by members telling the group the names of their favourite fruit and vegetable. The election of officers followed, the results were: President - Kate Pap- ple, Vice-president - Sherri McLaughlin. Treasurer - Heather Jackson,ecretary/Treasurer - floating. Ater going over the meeting 1 part in the books we went into the kitchen to prepare Gazpacchio, a cold soup, broiled vegetable sandwiches on rye bread, and cut zucchini strips. They were all very good. Leaders for this club are Barb Mof- fat and Janet Papple. Press Reporter for this meeting was Kate Papple. Kippen United Church St. Andrews met at 10 a.m. on Sun- day September 20. Barbara Cooper presided at the organ. Rev. Lorne Keays read from St. Paul's letter to the Philippians. His sermon as well as his children's story showed ways in which disappointments may be dealt with successfully. Centralia By MRS. TOM KOOY 1C1r. and Mrs. Jerry Mills have returned home following a week's holidays at Niagara Falls and other places of interest. Bonnie and Clyde Kooy of Huron Park entertained their parents at the Barn Restaurant in London to dinner Saturday evening in honour of their 20th wedding anniversary. Later the same evening we gathered at the home of Ron and June Harvery and Robin for a surprise par- ty. The evening was spent playing cards after which a lovely lunch was served by the hostess complete with an anniversary cake donated by Bet- ty Cable. Congratulations Clayton And Alice. The Young People of Faith Taber- nacle are having a bowling party at Huron Park bowling alley on Friday September 25. Bus pick up at 6:30 p.m. A good turnout at Keegan's Inn for our first euchre of the fall season on Monday September 14 with prizes go- ing to Lily Swartz, Margaret Carter. Dorothy Darling, Otto Darling, Nelson Squires and Murray Carter. Next euchre is September 28 at 2:30 p.m. Tom and I attended Thanksgiving services at Grace Anglican church in Ilderton, Sunday. PROTECT'YOUR CAR FROM RUST WITH RUSTd CHECK HUNTER-DUVAR AUTO BODY 665 James St. N. St. Marys 284-2888 t Times -Advocate, September 23, 1987 Page 1' at Kippen East WI World wide communion is Sunday October 4 when St. Andrews will observe communion. The choir will practice following next Sunday's ser- vice. New and former members will be welcome. South Huron U.(' \1 Itegitunal meeting will be held in Grand Bend United Church on Tuesday September 29. SIGNING UP Chris McDonald (bock), Tim Robinson and Cam Sadler sign up with Chief Ranger Mike Stahl for the Chrisian Service Brigade of Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle. Assistant -Chief Ranger Harry Stuart looks on. 111•1111111ss11=111 Sewing Machine Repairs to all makes Free estimates 90 Day Warranty Experienced since 1952 Sew and Save Centre Ltd. 149 Downie St., Stratford Closed Monday Phone 271-9660 NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt Courteous Efficient ANY TYPE, ANY SIZE ANYWHERE We give complete sole service PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 235 1964 EXETER Bob Heywood Licensed Auctioneer Spec iolizing in household ond estate auctions Reasonahle rates Bob 235-0874 Laverne 235-1278 INVESTMENTS Debentures, G.I.C. s, R.R.S.P.s Contact Joan Love RR 3, Parkhill, Ont nrio NOM 2K0 Phone Grand Bend 238-2644 . p