HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-09-16, Page 271 livestock
I.AK(1 SE 1 I ( 1 IDN, good quality, ag.
giesslse working boars, York, Land,
Diner., [lamp, Spot /Tamp x Duroc, York
Nanrp, Duro. x Slot. Also bred and open
gilts. ROI' tested. Reasonably priced,
guaranteed breeders- Delivery. asailable.
Richard Stroebel, RR 2 Grantor',
51y-725-2587 or 284-2628- 711144.
test. Also bred and open gilts. Go'. rmnent
health inspected. Also a good selection Of
Yorkshire (;ills bred I.andrace. 1cd
Scherplera, 225-2734. 281(114.
12 CHOICE 1 IMOUSIN heifer calves. Ap-
proximately 600 Ib'., six choice I. Ilnlrllsl11
steer cakes, approximately 7(X) Ibs. !Sias be
seen by calling 235-1866. 36,17t•
BROWN LAYING 'HENS, one year old
for sale. Phirne 237-3628. 37.
8 Farm Machinery
IKAN51'ORI AUGER 6"\41'. Allied
power rake -till drive, hopper included. Best
otter, excellent condition. Phone 262-5(1772.
I3A1 1 (IIOPI'E.R, Agri -metal 511.p. clec
tris used only Isco mouths, so like nes%. 1 me
or coarse cut. S16(8). Nev. Holland 516
Manure spreader with extended sides.
Slo(X1 149-2404 after 4. 3'S.\
9 Sports Equipment,Vehicles
19,6 1 \\1.\II \ XI 350. Ness, only 840
km l corded S25(8).(8). Thune 284 29113
atm p in. - 3'S \
10,' IID\I) \ 1 \I'RI SS moi (nom,
\uromairs (real gill's hike 53110. ('hone
-it-19-2404 .1(Iel 4 p.111.
11 Cars, Trucks
19-9I)()I)(I V.\N. ( (unpick: ss ladder
rack .1111 Irl\s. 6 cyI., :\\I -I \I cars. Runs
ler) well. F\cellenl utility vehicle 52_150.
:l 235-1405 atter 6 p.m. 3' t4'
I9-` 1'1 1 'v101'111 ('RI( KE 1, good run
sin Border, automatic, new brakes, as is,
591x1 or best offer. ( all 284-3682. 37SA
11 Cars, Trucks
I or Cars, I rucks and Vans asailable at
(68 Thames Rd W- Exeter Ontario
Phone 235-1035
1975 IRANS A\1, power windusss,4l.s.,
p b_, UII slienng good condition. Bell of-
fer. Phone 284-2469 alter 5 p.m. or
.iny1itne. Phone 21(4-2772 and ask tor 5l an.
1976 OI.I)S (U -I VASS S SEDAN, p.s.,
p.b., 250 strhighl 6,'new rad, brakes, good
runs great. 515(0 as is. Call Tont
,Ir. LT1 235-2.373. -.
1977 S'A\IARO t 1 V -x -automatic,
I'S, I'IL I'\\', tilt steering- As is S8(10 or best
offer. Phone 235-0651i atter 5. 37,38c
1976 IN -I ERNA7 IONAI scour Vx,
auto, p.s., p -t)., console, rally wheels, root
rack. Nese' been off road or ploughed
snow, 76,(XJOoriginal utiles. Easily safetied.
SI 195. 236-46(41 evenings. 37SA
1966 (\1( • : ton.iruck, 5500 as is. Call
atter 6 p.111. for Fred. 235-2592. 37:38c
1980 (HE\'E 1-11 , 4 speed drive, S14(8).
01 hest otter. Phone 237-3342.17:38c
197' 51ER(1 RY \1ONAR(II. 2 door,
5xlx) as is. Call atter 6:311 p.m. 461-0933.
- 37SA
1975 I0\(1(A I'I( F:UP,-Iqug hog, %kith
runper. unls s8,00 mules, mechanally
sound: Hods poor. Best utter under S5(8).
Phone 341) 2404 atter 4. 37SicA
12 Pets
130R1)ER ( ()L1.11'' tem.dc 1141111 wliking
parents One sear old, \sulmcd, all shuts.
keen to work. Phone 666-1777. 331014\
EOR SAI 1 - German Shepherd puppies.
Phone 227•12s7. - 37SA
13 Musical Instruments
1 I E( 1 RR (l II \R. u.;