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READY FOR THE FASHION HOW -- Assisting with the fashion show organized by the Ladies Guild
of the Huron Country Playhokise and held at the Playhouse on September 9 are Guild member and model
Milva Iskauskas, (left) president Mary Harvey, co -convener Madeleine Arnsby and member -model Beth
.,lean. Co -convener Nan Freel was absent when the photo was taken. The show, entitled "Earthly Begin-
nings", featured clothes from Susan J Fashions Inc. and Tyner-Shorten's Men's Wear.
Huron ,Country Playhouse was
nearly filled for a show of•a different
• sort last Wednesday, September 9, as
the Playhouse Guild ladies presented
"Earthly Beginnings" their annual
fashion show. Dave Bannister, ('hair -
man of the 11CP Board, greeted the
crowd. Mary Harvey, Guild Presi-
dent, introduced the fashion commen-
tator for the show, Susan Sharpe, for
Susan J fashions, of London. Tyner -
Shorten of Westmount Mall featured
fashions for men.
The stage was sumptuously set with
background and a bridge from
"Brigadoon" and . floral . ar-
rangements from Country Flowers,
Exeter. The fashions presented were
ultra -feminine, classic, opulent,
elegant and extravagant (as were
some of the prices) ! Susan .J's fall
fashions offer the richest materials in
imported silks, jersey, leather, wool
worsteds and tweeds, in the subdued
tones of grey, black, camel, cognac
and aubergine, and woodland tones of
brown and hunter green: Color con-
trasts were red or_peacock blue, with
lots of fur, sequins and rhinestones to
highlight the glamorous evening
wear. Susan J -features mainly Cana-
anadian designers, like Irving Samuel,
Eleanor Brenner, Don Sawyers and
Mr. Jacks;
The clothes were modeled by Guild
members Beth Jean, Elia Douglas,
'Betty Eaton, Milvi Iskauskas; and
HCP Board member DaVe Sheppard,
plus several London models with
Susan J.
show a success
Most of the suits featured long,
fuller skirts and jackets, with ruffled
blouses in silk or satin. Suits with a
European influence were trimmer,
with shorter, narrow skirts. This fall,
suits are found in textured leather,
wool/challis, flannel and tweed, in
simple, classic construction for figure
flattery. The cardigan jacket also
makes a fashion statement, topping
some really stunning skirt and
sweater outfits. Shades of camel team
with black and grey, peacock blue is
accented with black or grey, and
pewter is highlighted with beige.
The jungle influence is also felt, in
lion peinra, fabulous fake leopard fur,
and fox or raccoon trim on sweaters,
coats and jackets. Evening sweaters
sport shiny sequins and sparkling
rhinestones on black or sapphire •
blue; there are even accents of suede,
lace, fur, angora, or feathers.
Dresses, on the other hand, are sim-
ple and elegant, needing only a lavish
lace collar or that special necklace to
complete the look for daytime perfec-
tion. The evening gowns; on the other
hand, could be easily worn to one of
Alexis or Crystal's parties, or to Ot-
tawa at a Govenor-General's ball,
with taffeta, lace and velvet on one
cream creation; another black jersey
hung with gold chains and black se-
quins; and a black satin gown trimm-
ed with lurez lame in a fish -tailed full
skirt. WOW!
The two male models were elegant-
ly attired in suits from Tyner -Shorten,
rand Ben
and district news
Lynne Desjardine - 2:184768
Roberta Walker - Z3/4-2471
in grey wool; an ultrasuede ink blue
trench coat, an aubergine leather
jacket, and, of course, impeccable
After the show, Dave Sheppard and
Dave Bannister held a draw for the
door prizes, donated by many local
businesses: Connie DeJong and Mrs.
McArthur won -vouchers from
Sanders on the Beach. Brenda McNeil
won a voucher from the IGA. Kelly
Wright got one from Coconut Bay,
and Kay Allan from Image Cleaners.
Joy McArdle got a prize from Rings,
Strings, and Things. Mary Blyth won
something from Hotson Lighting and
China. Theresa Regier got a cer-
tificate from Young Classics Hair
Styles, and Mary Ducharme won a
mystery gift ( but kept the mystery for
later). Dorthea McBain got a voucher
from Sharon Realty, Sharon Miller
from Country Sampler,' and Shirley
Griffiths will dine at Finnegan's Irish
House. Judy Hume got something
from White's Pharmacy, and Mary
Fran Kettlewell won a gift from the
Eldon Insurance Company.
There were donations from out-of-
town too. Betty Riddell will dine at the
Pinery Inn at Port Franks, Penny
Watson got a gift from the Feather
Tick in Exetel' and Carol Wright got
a voucher from Exeter Huron Motor •
Products (a new car maybe?). Bob
Salinger won a gift from Dinney Fur-
niture, and Fran Levie got a gift cer-
tificate from Robindale's Fine Din-
ing.. Sally Johnson took home a pot-
ted plant from Gammage's
in Bayfield. There was a voucher
from the Red Pump, also Bayfield,
and five $20.00 gift certificates from
Susan J fashions.
Then the ladies adjourned to the
"barn" for a wine and cheese party,
to visit and compare notes. It was a
beautiful evening, from start to finish,
with lots of door prizes included in
that ticket price of $8.00. Congratula-
tions go to the co -conveners of the
fashion show, Nan Freele and
Madelene Arnsby, for a job well done.
Elia Douglas
Beth Jean
First fall
The Grand Bend United Church
Women held their first meeting of the
fall season in the Sunday School
rooms at the church. Nola Love open-
ed with a worship service on the topic
of friendship. yriendship is really a
matter of time; time to be kihd, time
to listen, time to talk, and time to help
someone find peace of mind. The
scripture from 1 Jottn 4:7-16 was read'
by Beulah Holt. Nola concluded with
several. poems: "Why -God Made
Friends", "A Miracle Called Friend-
ship", and "Friends Beatitudes".
Hymns were sung, accompanied by
Clara Watson at the piano.
The business was conducted by
president Loreen Gill. The roll call
was answered by 21 ladies responding
to "Did you know..?" which reveal-
ed many interesting answers. Plans
were made to host the 25th anniver-
sary of the South Huron Fall Regional
at the Grand Bend United Church, on
Tuesday September 29 at 6:30 p.m.
The very first Fall Regional was ac-
tually held here, at the Grand Bend
United, 25 years ago in 1962. This
year's theme will be "Forward into
the Future with Vision, Faith and
Work" the same theme used at that
first regional 25 years ago. The
special speakers for the event will be
Rev. and Mrs. Erwin, who are mis-
sionaries recently returned from
The U.C.W. ladies decided to hold
the annual Hot Turkey Supper at the
'United church on November 4. A
U.C.W. executive meeting has been
called for Tuesday, September 22, 10
a.m. at the church. The visiting com-
mittee reported several visits and
thank you cards were read.
President Loreen Gill closed with a
poem "That's What I Call Friends".
Lunch hostesses were Minnie Curts
and Clara Hamilton.
Catholic news
Father Paul Beck was celebrant at
all masses this weekend at Im-
maculate Heart of Mary in Grand
Bend. Mary Fran Gaiser was reader
at the 11' a.m. mass, also eucharistic
minister at communion, together with
Jerry Backx. The choir was back
together for the first time since June,
singing under the direction of Lydia
Duchow, accompanied. by organist
Paul Dietrich. Choir rehearsal will
also resume, beginning on Thursday,
September 17 at 7 p.m. and each
Thursday thereafter, following mass.
The theme of Sunday's scripture
r=eadings was "Forgiveness," which
should have been included in the
original ten commandments. Father
Beck suggested the inclusion
"Forgive your neighbour the hurt he
does you". If a man doesn't show
compassion to others and forgive
those who wrong him, how then can
he expect compassion and
forgiveness for himself? Do we real-
ly try to forgive and forget the hurts
of others? We are meant to pe a
forgiving people, bound to have pity
on others as Christ has pity on us. The
attitude of forgiveness begins.in our
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Times -Advocate, September 16, 1987 Page 15
meeting for UCW
Both of them were at Queen's Park to
see her receive the award.
Mrs. Knights, it, fornnr executive
director of the United Senior Centre,
is currently president of the Canadian
Institute, of, Senioi Centres and is a
member of .the Board of Directors of
the -Canadian Mental Health Associa-
tion. She has also been helping to keep
food on the table for `many of her
friends through a long affiliation with
Meals -on -Wheels. That's quite a list
of aohievements for which she cer-
tainly deserves recognition. She has
made both of her sisters justly. proud.
.ghoul town.
The crowds have gone home for the
season, so the locals can finally find
a parking space on the main drag of
Grand Bend! There are still quite a
few people milling around though.
more than previous years. which is a
good sign for local businesses.
Children are resignedly settling inti,
the familiar rut of school. homework
and sports. Mothers now have a
breathing space, freed for a few
precious hours each day from the
blast of rock video hits, to enjoy their
own radio programs or TV soaps.
Other moms go back into the - job
market for the school hours.
The lake is cooling down - fewer
brave souls daring to try its chill
waters. Some trees are sporting red
and orange leaves, and there is a fan-
tastic assortment of squash available
at your local supermarket - all un-
mistakable signs of autumn.
Anyone interested in a bus trip to
the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto in-
cluding the Horse Show ) on
November 21, phone 238-2948.
There will be a Charismatic
Renewal Day on October 4 at
Althouse College, Western Road, Lon-
don, with registration from 8:15-9
a.m. Interested? See Father Beck..
The Bishop's Campaign will be colt
lected on October 18. Through this col-
lection, three renewal centres are
supported in the diocese (London,
Windsor, -and Sarnia), to offer mar-
riage preparation and general Chris-
tian education to large numbers. The
Holy Family Retreat House in Oxley
is also funded this way. To continue
these and other ministries and pro-
jects, please be generous toward the
Bishop's Campaign.
Religious classes are being offered
to grade nine and ten students
through the Huron -Perth Separate
School Board, for a full course credit.
Courses will be offered for grade nine
students at Seaforth, Zurich and Ex
eter and for grade 10 in Goderich.
There was a Catholic Women's
League executive meeting last Tues-
day evening at the home of Carol
Luther. Plans. were drawn up for
future meetings, speakers and
Relative of local residents receive
In the recent issue of the "Especial-
ly for Seniors" magazine is a picture
of the 21 seniors in Ontario who were
presented with Achievement Awards
by Premier Da-vjd Peterson at
Queen's Park in J_Sine. One of them is
Mrs. Dorthea Knights of Windsor who
has two sisters in this area, Mrs. Eva
Nancarrow of Southcott Pines and
Mrs. Lenore Orr, RR 1, Grand Bend.
LcikewoociStoves ri
74..Sp.,ce Of flvoodt.,..lny A E
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United Church - Grand Bend
cello & piano
Wed, Oct. 28, 1987 8:00 p.m.
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Wed.. April 6, 1988 8:00
+ 2 Bonus Concerts
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Sun., March 6, 1988 2:00 p m.
vocal duo •
Sun., May 1, 1988 200 p.m
Tickets now on sale!
Phone: 238-5507
Mllva Iskauskas
$100 OFF .
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