HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-09-16, Page 12Page 12 Times-Advocate, September 16, 1987
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BOARDING BUDDIES -- Adam Percival and Chad O'Leary show off
the business end of their skate -boards. The two were celebrating
a professional development day.
LUCO n and district news
Revival Centre draws crowd in Lucan
Rev. Roger Mason conducted the
Sunday morning service. Rev. Mason
asked each student starting back at
Christianview Bible College to in-
troduce themselves. Mr. Mark Fox,
3rd year student, from Athens, told
how he found work as a youth pastor
in a church in Brockville.
Rev. Mason presented baptismal
certificates to Gilles and Vivanne
Clandeboye Women's Institute
Agriculture was the topic at the
September meeting of the Clandeboye
Women's Institute held on Wednesday
evening at the home of Mrs. Jack
Hodgson who as well as being hostess
was the convener of the program. Ten
members answered the roll call
"What is a farmer?" Marion in-
troduced guest speaker, Elaine Ban-
croft. Elaine lives on the fourth Con-
cession of McGillivray and is a sales
representatiave for Purina Feeds.
She claims she was the first woman
to work in this capacity for Purina
and being bilingual as well as prov-
ing to the company she could do the
job, she has succeeded in her work as
a dairy specialist. Nutrition is a big
factor in her work.
She showed an excellent film on
dairying through the years called,
"It's The Best That Life Can Give".
Draws were made for four dairy
products, butter, yogurt, ice cream
and cheese which were donated by
Elaine and won by Mary Scott, Elsie
Lewis, Betty Coughlin and Hazel Cun-
ningham. A gift of money was
presented to the speaker and several
readings, "Small Farm Grandma",
Grandma's Off Her Rocker, Mother's
at the Institute and What Is A
Farmer," completed the program.
During the business, a donation was
made to the Butler Project, banquet
and luncheon tickets are to he ordered
for the area convention in St. Marys
on October 15-16. Edie Worthington of-
fered to make an article for the craft
table at the convention. A new book
for the curator is to be purchased.
Lunchwas served by Elsie Lewis,
assisted by the hostess.
Women's Institute
Jean Hodgins and Mary Scott
represented Clandeboye Women's In-
stitute as guests of the president and
directors of the Western Fair Associa-
tion at the ladies luncheon, held in the
Administration Building banquet hall,
on Monday, September 14. The guest
speaker was Barbara Vaughn, C.S.J.
with "Family Farm - The Deva'ued
Congratulations to Hazel Cunn-
ingham on the arrival of a new grand-
child. Marion and Doug of B.C. have
another boy.
Brad Scott has commenced his
studies at the University of Guelph.
Dave Kestle is a patient in Univer-
sity Hospital where plans are for by-
pass surgery this week.
Sorry that two names were wrong
in last week's report of Clandeboye
news. They should have read Rev.
Darrell Shaule (not Donald Shaule)
and Mrs. Hazel Cunningham (not
Mrs. Hugh Cunningham). Office
mistakes, not mine.
Susan Cook
Busy Buddies meet
Lucan Seniors and Busy Buddies
mel in the Scout Hall September 10 at
1:30 p.m. with President in the chair.
opening with 0 Canada with Muriel
Cobleigh at piano. The minutes of the
previous meeting were read by assis-
tant secretary Mabel Needham and
were approved.
The meeting for September 17 was
cancelled due to our being invited to
play euchre at the Legion on
September 16 at 1:00 p.m.
Accidents cause
'4,000 in damage
The Lucan d6tachment of the ()PP
reported three motor vehicle ac-
cidents in which no injuries Were sus-
tained. but totalled $4,000 in damages.
On Tuesday September 8. Mary
Sullivan of Granton lost control of her
vehicle on County road 20 and came
to rest in the east ditch. Damage was
estimated at $1,700.
Marianne Mitchell of Lucan
rearended another vehicle on Thurs-
day. Neither Mitchell nor Dianne
Barlett were injured in the Highway
4 mishap, but damages totalled $1,100.
On Saturday September 12, Glenn
McGinnis of Granton backed out of a
driveway into an unoccupied car
causing $1.200 in damage.
• Birthday Greetings were extended
to Hamilton liodgins. A thank -you
note was read from Mr. and Mrs. Ar-
nold Damen to those who attended
their 50th wedding anniversary.
Lunch committee for September 24 is
Margaret and Joe Carter and Muriel
As there was no program planned
the President asked Mabel Needham
to read "The Cremation of Sam
Prizes for cards were ladies lone
hands Charlotte Barker, ladies' high
Mrs. Gerry Zinn and ladies' low Mrs.
Mary Whelehan, mens' lone hands
Harry Noels, mens' high Otto Darl-
ing. mens' low Arnold Damen.
The Biddulph Home and School Ex-
ecutive for 1987-88 has been chosen.
President is Phyllis Brady; past
president - Lois Hodgins; vice/presi-
dent - Virginia Scott ; secretary - Deb-
bie Culbert • treasurer - Joan
Greenlee; social convener - Anne
Holden; advertising - Wanta Munro;
membership - Carol Nicholson.
Members at large are Jane
Forster; Barb Gibson; Peggy O'Reil-
ly, Roseanne Ryan and Linda Wallis.
Meet the Teacher Night is
September 24 at'7:00 p.m.
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A DAY OFF — Students at St. Patricks in Lucan had an easy Monday
this week. They were given the day off when St. Pat's held a profes-
sional development day. Above, Adam Percival and Chad O'Leary
do some creative skate -boarding.
Bryanston Friendship club meets
The Bryanston Friendship Club
met Wednesday, September 2 for a
pot luck luncheon with 35 members
and two visitors present.
Audrey Mc T? ,ertss welcomed
everyone back atter the summer
holidays, and r(,, 1.1 poen1 "Our Pur-
pose" fell ! by the singsong of 0
Canada Ila, tirthday was sung
lor ticpt('nii,rr birthdays - Edith
Ea .1,, Mary Rhame and Milton
Hodgins. Happy Anniversary was
sung to Clarence and Gladys Davis
who were celebrating an anniversary
in September.
Roll call was answered by "A
Highlight of your Summer".
Lucan United
The theme of the morning service
at Lucan United'was "dedication -
Take my life and let it be". A life of
service Rev. Shaule said, to be a ser-
vant to others means to be humble
enough to wash feet as Jesus did, to
he as faithful as the man with the
talents was to serve lavishly, as Mary
with the perfume, to be as unselfish
as the widow and her mite, to serve
when -it's not convenient.
To serve without complaint and to
serve anonymously so that God, who
knows our hearts will reward us
Two new Bibles were dedicated and
placed in the sanctuary in memory of
family members and close friends.
Mrs. Beth Cowdry gave the
children a lesson on forgiving and
forgetting, forgetting being the most
important part. Sometimes, I'm
sorry, is an automatic response and
so is "that's all right" or "1 forgive
you" but to act as if the wrong had
never happened, is the key to true
• On Saturday, September 26 at 9:00
a.m. the couples club garage sale will
be held at the Patterson's on Main St.
Next Sunday "Father's Sunday"
will be observed. The suggestion was
made that perhaps a little pre -service
pampering may be in order - you
never know your luck, he may even
consent to go along to Church with
Thank You
Bus trip convener Beth Buccanan
gave the final details of our bur trip
to Sudbury and Manitoulin Island on
September 23 and 24.
A skit "School Days" was
presented by eight members. Muriel
Cobleigh as the teacher and Ella
Frayne, Dorothy Bullock, Lulu
Culbert, Audrey McRoberts, Gladys
Davis, Mabel Needham, and Greta
Dobson as her pupils.
Games were played. Winners were
Euchre High - Mary Rhame and Gor-
don Eaton. Lone hands - Merna O'Neil
and Audrey McRoberts (Man), Low
- Jean Elliott and Clarence Davis.
Crokinole - Hector Robinson and Gote
Wennerstrom. Scrabble - Lulu
Rancourt, and their children Andre
and Estee. Mrs. Ruth Nunn played
the piano, as she and Dr. Nunn sang
Joy Comes in the Morning.
Dr. G.H. Nunn, Superintendent of
Pentecostal Holiness Church, told of
their travels 'across Canada since
April ministering in churches in the
denomination. Dr. Nunn ministered
from Exodus 15: 22-27 and John 6:1.6.
Dr. Nunn believes Christians will
become obedient to pay tithes to
God's church becausethey love God's
word. God is trying to bring His peo-
ple to revival in the church, but it may
be ata cost.
Sunday evening Rev. Roger Mason
opened the service leading in prayer.
Mr. Tony Abbott, 4th year student at
Christianview Bible College, led the
song service. Mr. Verle Bend read
Colossians 2:12-13, stating how he
learned how to pray for cleansing of
wrong desires. Mrs. Linette Abbott
read Matthew 6:26-34, asking who
worries before she sang Jehovah. Mr.
Joe Covey, second year student, told
he had enjoyed Christians minister -
In Saintsbury
ing to him in Christian camps during
the summer.
Dr. G.H. Nunn spoke from Revela-
tion 2:7-11-17-26:3:5-12-21;12:11, and
Ephesians 6:12. These verses convey
what the Holy Spirit says to the chur-
ches, and the rewards to him that
overcomes, and what Christians have
to overcome. Revelation, a book of
prophecy, contains distinct promises
to overcomers.
When a person accepts Christ as
Savior, he is a baby in Christ, with a
lot of growing up to do in the Lord.
There is a jot of overcoming to do. An
overcomer is one who has come
through a trial, coming out victorious.
Jesus can turn stumbling blocks into
stepping stones.
Upcoming events
September 16 - at 9:45 a.m. to 12:00
noon, Women Aglow's first meeting in
Ailsa Craig is to be held at the
Craigholme• Activity Centre. All
tadies welcome.
September 26.- at 9:00 a.m., a Full
Gospel Businessmen's Fellowship
meeting at the 4 and 7 Restaurant.
Anniversary inspires poem
Rev. B. Wheeler was in charge of
the eleven o'clock service at St.
Patrick's. Mrs. Nadene Bedell read
the lessons, I played the hymns. Rev.
Wheeler took her text from the Gospel
for the day.
Next Wednesday evening Mrs.
Nadine Bedell will be hostess for the
first fall U.C.W. meeting. A Sunday
Thanksgiving service is planned for
the congregation of St. Thomas Gran-
ton. Our congregation is invited to at-
tend the service, as the service at St.
Patrick's is cancelled.
Many from this community attend-
ed the Ham and Beef Barbecue at the
Lucan arena Sunday evening.
Crystal and Harley Davis spent a
couple of days with their grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis,
while their parents took a quick trip
to the U.S.A.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob MacGillivray and
girls were guests for lunch with me
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tindall of Ex-
eter were dinner guests Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tindall and Robt.
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Carroll were
dinner guests Sunday with their son
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Carroll and
family. .Mr. and Mrs. Don Abbott,
Manitoulin called on Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Barker Sunday.
To Hazel and Hugh Davis
To Hazel and Hugh Danis on their 35th
On September 20, 1952, a beautiful fall
This young couple was to have their
Twas marriage they wanted, Twas
what they got
After the cutting of the cake on the
bride's front lot
They were off for a honeymoon, to
Niagara Falls
Later residing on a Davis farm not far
from McFalls
Now having settled down, on the
Everything seemed to be going just
Soon thereafter the'two became four
Heather and Michael and there were
no more
The time seemed to fly as they grew
Having mumps and measles, as well
as the flu
Now most of times filled with hap-
piness and joy
Now new people have replaced your
children's. toys
With Heather finding a special man
in her life
Alas Michael, has found himself a
Along came Courtney the first grand-
child as yet
But not the last one for a long time,
I'll bet
Crystal arrived next, your house not
yet full
Katie -Scarlett came upon the scene,
after a short lull
Master Harley was next to liven
things up
A lot like his dad, he's quite a young
Hugh and Hazel your family we know
you treasured
You'll have many things in your life
that can't be measured
What more can be said to a couple
such as you
Congratulations on your Anniversary
Hazel and Hugh.
Contributed by
T. of B. Employees
Regarding the Big V
Flyer in today's
newspaper. Due to
unexpected demands,
the Windmere Hair
Crimper will not be
available in all stores;
however rain checks
will be issued.
Big V apologizes for any
inconvenience this may
have caused.
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