HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-09-16, Page 11Zurich seeks lagoon funding Zurich council is pursuing the possibility of installing a continuous - feed alum injection system at the lagoon sewage treatment facility. Ap- proximately 85 percent of the total f40-50,000 cost of the system will be borne by a grant from the ministry of the environment. M Scott from the Lake Huron Water Supply, representing the ministry of the environment, ap- peared before council to explain the details of the alum injection system. Ile cited better control of algae in the lake and streams as the main advan- tage, and also the possibility of sav- ing the expense of $1,000 a year in labour that it presently costs to manually batch -dose the lagoons with alum. Scott also said that a slight saving over the present expense of $6,000 a year for chemicals might be realized, but noted that more importantly, the lagoons, under a continuous -feed system, could be discharged more frequently, such as during peak rain- fall periods. Reeve Bob Fisher thought it might be an advantage if construction of the system could be delayed until 1989 in order to get the problem and expense of the Zurich drain project out of the way. Scott replied that he did not know if the grant funding could be postponed for that long but said that he would find out. Scott agreed with Councillor Paul Morrison who said that use of continuous -feed alum systems will likely be required by the ministry within a few years anyway and it would be wise to install such a system while grants were available. Fisher was concerned that the system might be unsightly, but was assured by Scott that the 6,009 -gallon tank, 10 feel in diameter and 12 feet high, would be the only part visible to the public. The tank will also have to be surrounded with concrete to negate any possibility of leakage. In other business, Bob Fisher could not be sure that Huron County's in- itiative to transfer the authority for making planning decisions from the ministry of municipal affairs in Toronto to the county was in the best interests of the taxpayer. "Why create another depart- ment?" questioned Fisher, who feared that the planning department's creation of another county office would be as large and expensive as the province's. "It's better than having to go to Toronto for it," replied Councillor Herb Turkheim. citing excessive red tape and numerous ministry offices as causes of delay to projects and contractors. "Time means money for contrac- tors," noted Councillor Ray McKinnon. The planning department will hold a meeting in Goderich on October 16 to welcome comment from the coun- ty's municipalities on the topic of transferring planning authority. The Xurich properly standards bylaw was given its third and final reading and was subsequently ap- proved. It allows for a fine of up to $500a day to be imposed on property owners whose properties do not meet approved standards. A second bylaw. was passed to allow for the appoint- ment of a property standards officer to enforce the bylaw. The Zurich recreation bingo reported a net profit of $3,828.94 of which 40 percent will go to the village of Zurich. The remaining 60 percent o tie n will be divided up among the four clubs sponsoring the bingo to yield $574.34 each. These clubs included the Lions, the Figure Skating club, the Minor Athletic Association, and the Zurich Chamber of Commerce. Council joined the World Food Day Association in proclaiming October 16 World Food Day. Zurich will organize events to increase community awareness of world hunger. The Bean Festival Committee sent a letter of thanks to council for their assistance and use of village facilities during this year's very successful festival. OhmtrJei Now that we have been getting a few nice showers, our flowers and plants around the home are just beginning to be at their best, so I am hoping that the frosts will be delayed for a few more weeks. Election day was very busy here at the home where a polling booth was set up for people of the home, apart- ments and surrounding rural area. A great deal of interest was generated by the residents and some of them were lined up before the poll had even opened. This Thursday, September 17, Geri Fashions of London will have their clothing on display in the auditorium from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. or as long as any interest is shown for their pro- ducts. No doubt they will be repeating the fashion show which the residents participated in last year. Everyone is welcome to come and look over the fashions and enjoy the fun. We have received several donations of apples, pears, other fresh fruits and vegetables and we sincerely thank all the donors. A bus ride was enjoyed this week to the Clinton and Seaforth areas by some of the residents. We certainly appreciate the volunteer services of Mr. Marc. Ghalut. The regular bingo was held on Fri- day evening followed by refreshments. The Sunday evening chapel service was conducted by Rev. Sam Parker of Goshen and Varna United Churches. We welcome him as one of the new ministers to par- ticipate in the Sunday evening chapel services. Mr. John Warner presided at the organ during the service. Book sale at schoo St. Boniface School is holding a Book fair sale at the school on Wednesday, September 16 to September 22 and a wide selection of paperback hooks will be featured. Profits from this will be used to pur- chase new library books for the children. Everyone is invited to at- tend each day between 1:00 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. or on Monday night September 21 7-9 p.m. "The Voice of Leo" The Zurich Lions Club held their first meeting of the fall on Wednes- day, September 9 at 7:00 beginning with their dinner at the Dominion Tavern with a good attendance. This year the club will he holding their meetings every second and fourth Wednesday of each month instead of their usual Monday ones (as now the dining room is closed on Mondays(. The group held their last meeting in June at the Oakwood Inn, Grand Bend along with their wives and some guests. Seniors' bowling All Golden-Agers and senior citizens are invited to come out bowl- ing every Thursday afternoon begin- ning at 2 p.m. at the Town and Coun- try Bowling Lanes in Zurich. ('W I. The St. Boniface C.W.L. meeting was held on Tuesday at the Maple - Woods Apts. (as the school gym was not ready yet). Several ladies gave their reports on going to the recent National Convention in 'London from August 15-21 held at the Holiday Inn. Guest speaker for the evening was Michael O'Connor. K of (' On Monday the St. Boniface K. of C. held their monthly meeting in Dashwood. A video "Wrath of Grapes" was shown, and explained about the danger to our health through food with pesticides. Mr. and Mrs. Mozart Gelinas Sr.. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gelinas, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Durand and Grand -Knight Dick McKay of Clinton all attended the K. of C..4th Degree Assembly of the Seaforth council on Sunday September 13 al the Martyr's Shrine in Midland. The 4th degree Knights were honor guards for Mass at 12 noon followed by an outdoor living rosary and benediction. (Several councils attend- ed from various places.) Personals Gertie Fleischauer spent the last holiday weekend with her sister, Mar- tha and Earl Heywood in Wingham. Gary and Anna Geoffrey and children of Windsor' spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Geoffrey. Gary and David Statk, also from Windsor played in a baseball tournament in Zurich on Saturday and'Sunday along with other members on their team. Don and Shirley Bedard of Detroit, Michigan, spent the weekend at their cottage. Congratulations to the couple as they recently celebrated their 33rd wedding anniversary in September. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs: Keith Volland who recently celebrated their 25th anniversary. Mrs. Theresa Hartman spent last week with her son and daughter-in- law, Michael and Yvonne Hartman and Johnathan at their new home in Mississauga. Labour Day weekend Stewart, Don- na, Ken and Jerry Thiel and Paul Dicker( all attended the Harrow Fair, and placed well in all classes they enterer . Also congratulations to Paul for being the Champion Junior Showman in the class of seven en- . trants at the fair. Richard and Lori Raneri from Toronto spent the holiday weekend with friends Rick and Debbie Fisher and family. Nine girl friends of Roxanne Regier accompanied her home after school on the bus last Friday and attended her tenth birthday party. All had fun playing games, having supper, treats and birthday cake. Over the Labor Day weekend holi- day several from town attended the wedding of Randy Overholt and Mary Donaldson in Burlington held on Saturday September 5 at St. Gabriel's Church. The groom is the son of Mrs. Annette and the late George Overholt of London. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Phil Overholt, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Meidinger, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Overholt, and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Regier. Also Mr. and Mrs. Tony Denomme accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Lennis Regier of London, as the Denomme's spent the weekend with her sister. Joe and Mary Martin celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary on Sunday. September 6 with a dinner for their family and relatives at the fellowship hall of the Mennonite Church (their actual anniversary date was on the 10th). They did not have an open house as stated in last week's paper. 040.0 Times -Advocate, September 16, 1987 -.r. Page 11 FALL TREASURES —Joel Regier, left, and Dennis Bedard, show off their collection of horse chestnuts which have fallen from the tree the PUC are trimming across the street. HYDRO HAZARD — Charlie Eckel trims the limbs of a Goshen Street chestnut tree to keep the branches away from the overhead hydro lines. This trimming is usually necessary every two years. Canadian Radio -television and Telecommunications Commission Conseil de la radtoditfusion et des telecommunications canadiennes ave DECISION Decision 87-733. Mitchell Seaforth Coble T.V. Ltd. Zurich, Ont. APPROVED - Acquisition of the ossets of the broadcasting receiving undertak- ing serving Zurich from John C. Word and issuance of a licence expiring 31 March 1991. Where may 1 read CRTC documents? CRTC documents may be read in the "Canada Gazette". Part 1; at CRTC offices; and at reference libraries. CRTC decisions concerning a licensee may be read at the licensee's offices during normal business hours. You also may obtain copies of CRTC public documents by contocting the CRTC ot: Ottawa; Hull (819) 997-0313; Halifax (902) 426-7997; Montreal (514) 283-6607; Winnipeg (204) 949-6306; Vancouver (604) 666-2111. Canada Quality Care Nursing Services Grand Bend wishes to announce Margaret Farquhar as its office superviser. Margaret has a nursing background and will be available to answer your inquiries on Mon- day, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 12:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. hour services available by phoning 238-8980 to our c, call coc rdinator. We welcome your personal visit to 33 Ontario St. S., Grand Bend or telephone inquiry regarding our ser- vices 238-8980 Huron Apothecary Ltd. J. T. WILSON PHARMACIST PHONE 235-1982 440 MAIN ST.. EXETER, ONT. PRESCRIPTIONS We accept most major drug plans Blue Cross, Green Shield, Drug Benefit, etc. Hours Mon. Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Wed. 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Sat. 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. "Your Independent Pharmacist" WOLMAN SEMI- TRANSPARENT W000 STAIN • adds colour and water repellency 10 lumber and plywood • ideal for both pressure -treated and untreated wood • clearance of stock colours only Reg $2295 Clearance $1795 per 4 litres No. 205. 2'6" and 213" x 6'8" x 1.3/8' 15 -Lite • French doors. glazed clear glass $149.95 No 130 2'8" x 6 8" x 134' Glazed Exterior $144.95 Other Styles and Sizes nnp Are Available al Regular Pricing PREMLl1V/9 BLANK VANITY AND KITCHEN POSTFORMED COUNTER TOPS Modernize dour counters rim preformed laminated counter tops Variety of beautiful colours rd A Beautiful Alternative to Ceramic Tile 5'0"x7'0" double glazed. 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