HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-08-26, Page 27ANNOUNCEMENTa BIRTHS - MARRIOTT - Doug and Susan and sister Kailee would like to announce the birth of their second child Melanie Brooke born August 14, weighing 8 lbs. 5 ozs. Loving grandparents and great-grandparents. Tom and Myrna Marriott. Bill and Doris Spence. Dave and Pearl Spence. SI. Marys and Myrtle Brack, Exeter. :14c McBRWF. - Dennis and Mary -Ellen are very happy to announce the birth of their son Benjamin Dennis on August 11,1987 at Clinton Public Hospital weighing 9 lbs. 1, oz. A new little brother for Taryn. Grand- parents are Wayne and Pat McBride. Kip - pen and Ray and Grace Ducharme. Dashwood. Great-grandparents are Grace McBride. Clinton, Laura Rowson, Clinton and Edwin and Agnes ltegier.Zurich.:34c• SMITS - Pete and Pal 'nee Thuss welcome with love their first child. a b Oy. Kevin F'ranciscus. Born August 14. 1987 weighing 7 lbs. 4 oz- at St. Joseph's Hospital. London. Proud grandparents are Tom and Francine Smits. (.rand Bend and Joe and Josephine Thuss. Bayfield. :34c KOS1 - fete and Elaine are thrilled to an- nounce after rune months of practising with a black pepper and eatehers mitt Our precious son ('kristopher ",Justin" popped into the world on August 18. 1987. Proud grandparents and John and Perna Stewart, Kirklon and Gus and liernice Kos!. Strathroy. Great-grandparents are Hazel Lancaster and Phyllis Marriott of St. Marys. A very special thanks to Dr. F, Fellows. Dr. Potts. Dr. Clancy and the nur- sing staff at St. Joseph's Hospital. An ex- tra special thanks to vete for his patience and Icnder' loving care. Insured. :34c ANNOUNCEMENTS- • Marriage NNOUNCEMENTS- Marriage vows were exchanged by Bill Batten and Barbara Morrow at Willow Bend Farm on Friday. August 21. Rev Darrell Shaule officiated 34nr ENGAGEMENTS - Mr. Gerald Leeson; Dutton, Mrs. Uareen Leeson. Glxlerich and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nigh. Seatorth with to announce the for- thcoming marriage of their children. Laurie and Wayne on Saturday. September =5. 1987 at St. Peter's Lutheran Church: .Zurich. Open reception 10 follow in Exeter :tic DEATHS -- IIOIUES - At South Iluron Hospital. Ex- eter on Wednesday. August 19, 1987. U. Wendell l Iolmes, age 73 of Southcolt Pines. Grand Bend. Beloved husband of Peggy Louise r Deans I. Dear son of the late 1)r and Mrs- ICE. Holmes late of Windsor. 'Dear lather ot Dean of Windsor and the late:llarsha of Landon 1 November. 1985 r. 2 granddaughters and a very dear brother of Mrs Helen Sharpe of Windsor. Rested at the T. Harry Hoffman and Sons Funeral Ilnrne. Dashwood. Funeral services were held nn Saturday. Augusl Z2 at 2 p.m. Rev. James Johanson of Arkona officiated. In- terment woo-' in the Pinery Cemetery. Grand Bend. Memorial donations it desired to the charity of your choice. DEATHS - McFADDEN - At Victoria Hospital. Lon- don on Thursday, August 20. 1987. Arthur (Art McFadden of Grand Cove Estates. Grand Bend; in his 71st year. Beloved hus- band of Marian (Facey) McFadden. Lov- ed father of David McFadden of Cedar. B.C., Sheila 'Mrs. Brent MacArthur) of Millon, Nancy 1 Mrs. Gary Croucher) of Bramalea. Louise 1 Mrs. Christopher Heinz) of Oakville. Rested al the T. Harry Hoffman and. Sons Funeral Home. Dashwood where the funeral service was held on Saturday. August 22 at 11 a.m. Cremation. Memorials to the Cancer Socie- ty would le appreciated by the family.34e ('OTTRELI, - Alter a short illness. August 13. 1987. Arthur Cottrell at his residence m England (formerly of Hen- sall). Beloved husband of Edith, dear father of Beryl of Montreal. Patricia 01 Toronto, Graham of Kitchener, Ron of Ex- eter. Gillian of Newfoundland. Chris and Lesley of England. Grandfather of 23 grandchildren and four great- grandchildren. :34c DI('KINS - At South Huron Hospital. Ex- eter. on Thursday. August 20. 1987. Ituby Eileen ' Cohleigh) Dickins of Queensway Nur'ting Home. Ilensall. and formerly of Lambeth. in her 77th year. Beloved wile of the late Albert Dickins 119744. Dear mother of Alice Ann -and I'at I'hTEips 01 Toronto. Joan and Horst Mende ot Lambeth. Wayne and Karen Dickins of Ilensall. ,Lim Dickens of London, and Carolyn Farr of Putnam. Dear sister 01 Mrs Marjorie Martin of Byron and Shirley, Mrs. Jack Ryan of Lucan. Also survived by 11) grandchildren and :t greal- grandchildren.Predeceased by two sisters • Ida Armitage and Beatrice Miller and two brothers Harold and Maurice .(bbleigh. Rested at.the C. Haskell and Son Funeral Home. Lucan. where the funeral service was held on Monday. Augusl 24 at 11 a.m. with Rev W- 'Townson officiating. Inter- ment was in SI. James' Cemetery.• ('landehoye. Donations to The Arthritic Soeiei y or The Canadian Diabetic Associa- tion would be appreciated by the family. :14e HESS-- -At the 131uewater Rest Home, Zurich on Saturday, August 24-1987; 'Mrs. -- Marie r Thiel 1 Hess. formerly of 25 Goshen Street South. Zurich; in. her 95th year. -Dear daughter of the late henry Thiel and Elizabeth Else. Beloved wile of the late An- drew F. Hess (1949). Dear mother of Quim- by of Toronto. Paul of Don Mills and Dr. Fred Hess of Toronto. Dear sister of Mr. Fred Thiel of London. Predeceased b}' one brother Julius and by two sisters Frieda and Emma. Also surviving are nine grand- children and ten great-grandchildren. Rested in the Zurich Chapel of Michael P. O'Connor Funeral Homes. Funeral service was conducted August 24 at 2 p.m. from St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich. Inter- ment followed in St. Peter's Lutheran ('hurch Cemetery. - 34e (HLIIKH DIRECTORY TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH (Anglican) Main Street at Gidley Exeter 235.2565 Sunday. August 30 11:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rev. Fronk Braby Nursery Everyone Welcome EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH • 187 Huron St. W., Exeter Pastor Kevin Rutledge Wed. • 7 p.m. Family Night Sunday, August 30 9:45 cx.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship Service Special Speaker Mr. Richard Clay Dean of Students London Baptist Bible College 7 00 p.m. Evening Fellowship . Special Speaker Mr. Richard Cloy Tues. 7.30 p.m. Young People's Volleyball Everyone Welcome PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH 94 Andrew Street North Exeter REV. JOHN OBEDA Pastor Sunday, August 30 9:00 o.m. Worshi1 Service Everyone Welcome EXETER BIBLE FELLOWSHIP Sunday, August 30 9:45 a.m. Communion 11:00 o.m. Family Bible Hour Tuesday 8 p.m. Bible Study All Services held a1 Usborne Central Schoo Huron St. East Everyone WoPcome EXETER PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Rev. Do, �.s Hwy. 4 Sou.., Sunday. Augu•.. 3u 10:00 a.m. Sur (ay S hoof 11:00 a.m. Morning Service 7:00 p.m. Evening Service Wednesday night 7:00 p.m. Family Night Programs for all ages Nursery available for all services Everyone welcome BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Huron Street Eost. Exeter Minister REV. HENRY VAN ESSEN Sunday. August 30 10:00 a.m. Worship "Two Fightirfg in One" 11:10 a.m. Sunday School_ Nursery Available 1:30 p.m. Worship "A Problem with David" Come and Worship with us • CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Interim Moderator Rev. Rick Horst 284.3172 Church closed August 2 to 30 - for Holidays All members ore asked to attend an important meeting of the Congregation Wednesday. Sept. 2 - ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Dashwood Vicar LARRY'STOJKOVIC • Sunday, August 30 For the months of July and August 9:00 o.m. Congregation] Christian Education 10:00 a.m. Church Service • Everyone Welcome • EXETER CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Main St. North Sundfay_ August. 30 10:00 o.m. - Worship Sunday School • (Preschoolers) • 30 p.m. Evening Service Nursery Available everyone Welcome Listen to The Back to God Hour CKNX Diol 920 • 10:30 a.m. -Television ' lith 20 . Global 6 (cable 3) • EXETER UNITED CHURCH Corner of James and Andrew St. Minister: The Rev. Richard W. Howley Staff Associate: Mrs. Bev Robinson Organist and Choirmaster Mr. Robert Cameron SUMMER WORSHIP Sunday. Augusl 30 10:00 o.m. Morning Worship Junior Congregation for children • 9 an8 under! Courtesy Car for August Mr. Bill Talbot 235.2778 Nursery Facilities Available EVERYONE WELCOME 6 CARbS OF THANKS- BENGOUGII - I would lib, to thank Dr. C. Rorabeck and the staff of University Hospital, for straightening my leg, after persevering for 14,2 years, also Dr. Wallace, Mrs. Visscher and staff, and my family and friends. for gifts. cards and visits. 34c Anita BROWN - 1 would like to thank everyone for their love and prayers. visits. cards and flowers, during my stay in the hospital and since returning home. A special thank you to all who helped with the harvest. 34' Ross DAVIS - 1 would sincerely like to thank the church wardens and congregation of St. Paul's Anglican Church for the gift 01 a lovely watch on my retirement as church organist. Thanks to the faithful choir members and a wonderful choir -leader Mary Blackler for her understanding and leadership over the past several years.34ne Wilma GEIGER - We would like to express our sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for visitation. memorial done- tions•and floral tributes during our recent bereavement. Also, to all those who sent food to our homes. Special thanks to all who were so kind to Milverna in the many years al the Bluewater Rest Home. Also to 1)r. Wallace. O'Connor Funeral Home, Zurich and to Rev. Bob Sinasac, their thoughtfulness was greatly appreciated. :34c The family of the late Milverna Geiger. HARVEY -- Bill and Velma would like 10 take the opportunity to thank our family. relatives and friends for the lovely surprise party on the occasion of our 40th wedding anniversary. Special the Its to Ron. June and Robin for having this party at their home in Iluron Park. We would also like to thank all who helped in anyway with lunch and who kept this party such a big secret. Your gifts. cards and best wishes will always be remembered. :14c POLLOCK - The family of the late Milton Pollock wish to sincerely thank our relatives. friends and neighbours for their kindness and sympathy at this time. The floral donations, charitable donations. cards and phone calfs were very much ap- preciated. Special thanks I1 Dr. Boyes and Dr. Sanders. the efficient nurses in --StrathroyMiddlesex General Hospital and torelatives and friends who visited Milton while a patient there. Thanks go to M. Box and Son Funeral Home and the ladies of Greenway. :34c .SCHEUERMANN - i would like to thank all my friends. relatives, neighbours and the Exeter O.P.P. for all their kindness.• visits. gifts. fruit baskets and flowers while 1 was ill in University Hospital. Thanks to all the people who saw that my son and mother got to visit me. :34' George SCOTT - Thanks a lot everyone for the super surprise on our anniversary. Special thanks to Paul. Doug and Vicki for the new bikes and all the effort you put into the par- ty. Thanks also to mom Cooper. mom Scott and the Hoopers for all the help you gave the kids. It was a great splash'.' " 34nc Jim and Pat THOMSON - The family of the late Mary Isobel "Eleanor" Storey Thomson wish to express their sincere appreciation to relatives. friends and neighbours for their prayers, visits to hospital. floral tributes. memorial donations. cards of sympathy and other acts of kindness expressed in the loss of a dear mother and grandmother. Special thanks toDr. Hay. Rev. Biff Jar- vis. nurses and staff of Clinton Public Hospital. homemakers, 'V.O.N.s, and O'Connor Funeral Home. Your kindness will remain in our hearts always. 34` IN MEMORIAM - BROCK - in loving memory of a dear•"hus hand. father. grandfather and great- grandfather. Norman, who passed away Augusl 30, -1985. Though his smile is gone forever And his hand we cannot touch. Still we have so many memories Of the one we loved so much. His memory is our keepsake With which we'll never part, God has him in His keeping, We have him in our hearts. Lovinglyrememtiered by your wife Myr- tle. son Bill. daughters Marion, Doreen. Dori- ,e 1 Margaret and families. :34c N'..( .,NN In loving memory of Peter M11•('ann a belox ed son. brother. brother -in - I.. • ( uncle who passed away suddenly A. 28, 1975. Ile Dyes forever in our hearts. Fondly remembered by mom and dad and family. 34' QUEEN'S SEAFORTH THURS., FRI., SAT. Party With Us and "GIGOLO" F*IR1 MITCHELL MITCHELL September 0.5.68 4, 5, 6 & 7 • Coming Events MYTH FESTIVAL - Another Seasons Promise: August 26,27 (matinee) 29.31. September 1.2.3, (matinee and evening). 4.5. matinee and evening. Miss Balmoral of the Bayview: August 270.29 ) matinee ). All performances for Balmoral are sold out: however. 10 rush tickets for each per- formance go on sale at 12 noon for the matinees. and at 6:00 p.m. for evening per- formances. Ml performances are at 8::30 p.m. except matinees which ars at 2:00 p.m. For tickets. call Box Office at 523-9300/9225. 34c THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT invites you to attend the Expectant Parent Education -Classes being held at the Health Unit Office, South Huron Hospital. Exeter. Ontario commencing Thursday. September 17, 1987. The next series of classes will be the week of January 4. 1988. Please pre -register by calling the health Unit office at 235.1014. 34-36c QUILTS - OLD ANI) NEW Sponsored by the Iluron (Wilily Pioneer Museum. Satur- day August 22 through Monday September 7. 1987. at The Livery. South Street. Goderich, daily from 1 to 5 p.m. plus Fridays 7 to 9 p.m. :3:3,34c PRIDE OF HURON REBEKAH LODGE. Exeter - Potluck at 6:30 p.m. prior to meeting September 2. :34' • EXETER SENIOR CITIZENS • Don't forget the potluck dinner on September 1 at 5:30. Bring plates. cups and cutlery.34' COMING SOON - Harvest Moon Event at Miller's Barn. September 5,63 2296429 :34c 1 �� ! Love from your family Happy Birthday Jennie Oh the loot, of innOCel1((' 'then you ts ere young,' and pert i You're still perty but you're reaching !! Love from your so-called friends Times -Advocate, August 26, 1987 )WN 8. COUNTRY L IMO(USINI 1 I.kl.r.K, YJrI•„ I fir Jlrc 1 Reservations •I 11 (e (519) 235 1189 r'. 1 AkeO (519) 235-1628 Monday Night Ladies League Anyone wishing to bowl as a team c itidi'idual- ly, please Luntact: 262-3249, 262-2042, 236-4741 Town & Country Bowling Lanes Zurich 1111111111111111Lnn1nn111111munnn1nuln1111111 Party for Kevin Oke Fri., Aug. 28 For information call 236-4927 AIun11nu11nu1nuuuwnunulnlunnnulnuul Buck and Doe for Vicki Lewis and Paul Meadows Sat., Aug. 29th For information call 234-6423 & 235-1648 Anyone wishing to register for Gymnastic Classes starting in September, please call Jody Hay at 236-7309 after 6 p.m. Classes are held every Thursday night at Zurich Public School. Registration fee is $40.00 for 25 weeks. Huron County Family Planning Services Invites you to attend FAMILY PLANNING CLINIC Clinic Open 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Every Tuesday HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT ANN ST., EXETER For information Coll 235-1014 Weekdays or Tuesday Evenings. Everyone welcome **************** • Albatross* * * * Tavern * * HURON PARK 228-6733 * Y * * Tonight Wed., Aug. 26 * * Wet T -Shirt Contest * Contestants needed * * * 1st prize. Weekend for 2 at * Wheels * 2nd prize: $50 Gift Certificate * Lady Elaine Fashions * Entertainment * Beer Do Bros * 9- 1 * • Thurs., Aug. 27 Mike Lewis * "Ladies Night" * * * Friday, Aug. 28 * Andy Smith * * Dart ))layers league starts t� • Sept. 26 87 1*************** * * Ai P Party for Chris Van Gerwen Fri., Aug. 28 For information 237-3212 or. 235-1183 Buck & Doe for Monique Aunger and Jim Mcllhargey Fri. Aug.. 28 For information 235-2877 227-4050 Page 1 1 A Happy Birthday Look Who's 30 at Love the Family rIs r Memorial Day Service at Zion Cemetery, Usborne Township will be held on Sunday, Aug. 30 at 11 a.m. Speaker Mrs. Jim Rowe;liffe, London and special music strArc/k.E, BARN DANCE Friday, Aug. 28: SINGLES DANCE Music by JOAN SPALDING AND THE FOGGY MOUNTAIN BAND Dancing 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. ' Saturday, Aug. 29: Music by MERV WOODS' 9 -PIECE COUNRTY ORCHESTRA Dancing 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Nb Blue Jeans, Pleasel 349-2678 •rwrp Reservations Wol.sree. / ti II'�''i ADA • v DINING LOUNGE >• Onterle 5) N., Orem Nnd Exceptional. Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner NEW HOME OF THE FRIDAY NIGHT PERCH FRY (Wednesdays and Fridays) Entertainment - Dancing Mon. - Sat. Month of August RICK POWELL and BEN SITEK (Are back) Hwy. 21 north of lights (across from Kentucky Fried Chicken) Grand Bend 238-5811 NOW OPEN (Under New Management) Pineridge Chalet 2nd sideroad west of Hensall Now taking hall bookings for weddings, dances, etc. For more information please call 236-7301. Closed until Sept. 20th while we prepare to open our kitchen Happy Birthday (1 Too Many For Al) • Bingo Lucan Arena Wednesday, Aug. 26 Doors bpen - 6:30 Bingo Starts 7:30 Regular games, share the wealth, standup August Specials Every Wednesday night in August $ 1000 Jackpot game Due to licence regulations no one under 16 years of age will be admitted • TARLITE Grand Bend 215.2461 Children Under a2 In Cars Free • Glens at 8 .1)4 41111. _"moi. FRIDAY - TUESDAY AUGUST 21 - 25 If they didn't make waves... They wouldn't be Nerds! S 1 ERDS 6 SCHWARZENECGER %oaiuy 111Re rl has e.e, been an 1 Arai Wore II Cyn_ ,Dr nee !bra el ate hunt n pceN The wrong man I, hurl PR!OATIIR u I u Y M. .404$ hgt.giemminn WEDNESDAY - M N A AUGUST K - 21 DAN TOM AYKROYD NAtflt 'r rLrre A 1 1,.1 The r... t, KEEPS G, r eft IORMIRMISIMWEIMMENOMMMINIMEMPIROSOMPII TUESDAY - SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 1 - e Dew Ite'1 *Asa Galea L Richard Pryor 014 Critical ACcmdition 1