HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-08-26, Page 2516 For 'Ade COMBINATION OIL AND WOOD FUR- NACE. Excellent condition. Phone 345.2422. 34• OAK WALL UNIT 3 pc. with bar. Air tight woodstove. Phone to see 262-3024. 3tfn WATER SOFTENER Aquafine Deluxe, used 6 months, perfect condition. Sell for S600.00. Phone 236-7290. 34SA ANTIQUES: 2 beautifully refinished bedroom suites (Andrew Malcolm) plus many other quality antique tables, dressers, sets of chairs etc. Can be seen in Woodham. (Hwy. 23). Call 229-6600. 34SA STOVE OR CHIMNEY PIPE - stainless steel insulated - 3 sections, total 12 feet; S200. Phone 284-3295 St. Marys. 34SA ARTIST SUPPLIES Artboards, Brushes, Acrylic Paints, Charcoal Pencils, Art Nibs Sketch Pads, Calligraphy. EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE 30tfnx YARN - Discount Prices, Beehive Brands, Ron's Health Centre, Hensall. 32tfn WELL WATER PROBLEMS? New ad - sauced technology for efficient treatment of problem water, offering protection throughout entire water system. Rusty ... Smelly ... Bad Tasting ... Water, hardness, staining, bacteria, and more. No salt or Messy chemicals ... maintenance free. See the results for yourself with our 6 -month trial offer. Call toll free 1-800-387-3423 or write Aztec Purification Systems, 6380 -No. 5 Tomken Rd., Mississauga, Ont. L5T 11(2. "The lowest cost system that really works." 33x USED CAR and truck parts. Phone 228-6214. McStephen Auto Wreckers. 26-53• HUSQVARNA CHAINSAWS less than one year old 61.5 c.c. and with bar and chain; 80 c.c. with bar and chain; 100 c.c. brand new warranty transferable with two bars and chain plus spare parts. Phone 235-0706. 31tfn FIREWOOD, good hardwood, delivered. Phone 234-6303 or 229-6614. 3ltfnc NORITAKE CHINA SALE. Avoid year- end price increase, order now! Delivered well -packed, insured. For price list, shipp- ing details specify your Noritake pattern name and number. Send today a stamped self-addressed business enselope to Alex- ander's, The Noritake Experts, 155 West Beaver Creek Rd., Richmond Hill, (Toron- to) Ont. L413 1E1 (416) 764-1222. 33x A -Z PRE -ENG. BUILDINGS. New types, steel and wood, quonset, cladding. For true value, action and answers (416) 626-1794. Leave message or collect after 6 p.m., weekends. Ask for Wally. Free brochures. 33x 16 For Sale COMMODORE 1450 MOUSE for Com- modore 64 or 128. Phone 262-5008. 34• PROFESSIONAL NORCO FREESTYLE BICYCLE, eight months old, worth $349._ Selling for 5215. plus one 26" men's 10 speed bicycle in very good condition, two years old, 590. Phone 237-3481. Ask for Jason. 33,34e RECLAIMED YELLOW BRICK 1500, 35 cents each. No delivery. Phone 238-5311. 33,34c USED BRICK, good, cleaned, excellent quantity, all palleted. For more informa- tion -call 482-9297 or 565-2728. 33tfnnc HEAVY PLASTIC BARRELS 45-48 gallon, ideal for rain barrel, garbage con- tainer or storage. 55. each. Thedford Co- op, 8 Elizabeth St. Phone 296-4987. Open Monday to Friday 8-5. 33,34c 17 Wanted To Buy CASH FOR USED cars and trucks for wrecking. 228-6700. John Brock Auto Wreckers, RR 1 Crediton. 3tfnc SCRAP CARS OR TRUCKS. Highest prices paid. Phone.228-6214. 26-53• OLD WRISTWATCHES WANTED - Men's only - old Rolex and Patek Phillip wristwatches wanted - Also wanted Eatons "Quarter Century" Rectangular wristwat- ches (25 years service) will pay 51,000 and up for this watch. Phone (416)365-7240 or write B. Walsh, 173 Queen St. East, Toron- to, Ontario M5A IS2. 33x SCRAP METALS, copper, aluminum, brass, cast iron, batteries, at reasonable prices. %Phone 234-6274 or 235-1108 anytime. 33:34c 19 Property For Sale TWO LOTS ON VICTORIA ST. Exeter, Serviced. Size 62.7 x 100. 235-I329.23tfn TWO ACRES with brick home and lots of buildings near Zurich. Contact Mason Bailey, 1-482-9371 or evenings 1-523-9338 Mason Bailey Real Estate Ltd. Broker. 30t fn HOUSE, Dow Subdivision, brick bungalow, two plus one bedrooms, com- pletely redecorated, new landscaping, garden shed, double drive, mature treed lot. Close to schools and shopping. 235-1603. 31-3& 50 ACRE FARM, 49 workable, no buildings, five acres ideal for market gardening with good building site. Seven miles east of Exeter. Phone 228-6862.33,34c 20 Property For Rent INDUSTRIAL or WAREHOUSE space - for rent. Call 235-0141. I6tfnc PRIME RETAIL or OFFICE space available. Call 235-0141. I6tfnc SHOW ROOM AND OFFICE, Main St., S. Exeter. Reasonable rent 235-1462.20tfnc Bob Heywood, Auctioneer 235-0874 Saturday. September 12. 1987, 12:30 a.m. on location at 29 Wellington St., Exeter Ont. We will be dispersing by auction the property and all contents from the Estate of the late Mrs. Ella Desjardine. PROPERTY: According to plan 376 in the town of Exeter, pt. lot 562 comprised of 50.2 ft. frontage and 100 ft. depth this is a corner lot with a lovely single storey brick home including living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, utility room, 3 piece bath, large carport with attached workshop and storage area . (Ap- prox. 20 yrs. old). Selling subject to a reasonable reserve bid. Terms 10% down day of sale with a balance payable in 30 days. For more information call the auctioneer. Watch a later issue of this paper for a full listing of contents. AUCTION SALE Auction sale of appliances, household furnishings, anti- ques, tools and misc. items. on Saturday, August 29, 1987 at 12:30 sharp For Mrs. Emilie Miller, 152 Centre St. South, Dashwood, Ont. APPLIANCES, HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS AND TOOLS Inglis 2 door Frost Free refrigerator, 1'/: years old, like new, G.E. 30" electric range like new, Simplicity washer spin dryer, Panasonic tape player, radio, chesterfield, rocker, day bed, (amps, small cabinets, small tables, table and 4 chrome chairs, wardrobe, box and mattress, 2 mattresses, odd dishes, pots and pans, sealers, 8 in. table saw, 4 inch jointer, hand and garden tools, Mastercraft electric lawn mower, 2 step ladders, and many more items. ANTIQUES dresser and matching bed, dresser with lamp shelf and drawer, washstand with towel bar, open washstand, pressback rocker with arms, rocker, set of 6 wooden chairs, set of 5 wooden choirs, treadle sewing machine, trunk, fern stand, small table, ginger bread kitchen clock, Cuckoo clock, floor lamp, crocks, hooked mats and more. Terms Cash. For Information contact Auctioneer .Norm Whiting 235-1964 or 235-1931 * * * * * * * * at The Kirkton Fair Grounds * TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT I.H.C. W-6 tractor, 1050 I.H.C. mix * mill, Oliver PTO, two beater manure spreader. * VEHICLES 1974 I.H.C. travelall with 345 engine not running. Two * 8 ft. aluminum truck toppers. * HARVESTING EQUIPMENT NH 717 Harvester with one row corn head, done only 30 acres. Pickup head for same, done only 6 *acres. 2700 Whirl -a -feed blower, like new. N.I. 2 row wide * picker -shelter, good N.H. Super 23 blower, Gehl 66 harvester * plus two heads, J.D. 3800 harvester for parts, front mount two * wheel rake. * LAWN AND GARDEN J.D, 110 with 39" mower, White 8 hp with * 36" mower, snowblower to fit AC garden tractor. ask, sprayer * OTHER EQUIPMENT Spray motor, 100 g P Y * with boom, two hay racks and wagons, one gravity wagon, * single auger 5 foot snowblower, fertilizer auger, 12' x 5" manure *pump with 2-1 gear box, 6" x 36' -GT auger with motor. * TIRES ...DUALS 18.4 - 34 trail snap -on duals with tires, pair of * 14.9-28 tractor tires with chains, 23.1 x 30 rice tires, only 300 * hours. * Hugh Filson Auctioneers Tom Robson * For information or to consign auctions call * * Bob Detrobendere at 229-6286, Don Richardson at * * 229-6782, Robin Cryan of 229-6113. Lunch booth. * ********************************* ***********************,fir******** Sale Listing of the consignment auction for the Optimist Club * 9 * of Kirkton - Woodham Wednesday, September 9 at 1 o'clock * * 2() Pi OI)ef ty For Rent INDUSTRIAL WAREHOUSING, also of- fice space with ample parking facilities 262-2928 or 235-2302. 26tfn c BACHELOR, one bedroom and several two bedroom apartments, available July 1. Phone 235-0141. 26tfnc APARTMENT. Main St., Exeter. Modern two-bedroom, carpeted, appliances, non= smokers preferred. Pho.te 235-2557.29tfnc GRAND BEND - 2 bedroom duplex, stove, fridge, washer and dryer hookup. Also 3 bedroom house. Both available Sept. 7. Phone 238-2029. 30tfn 3 BEDROOM townhouse. Simcoe St. Ex- eter. Available Sept. 1. Phone 236-4230. 301 fn EXETER town house on Nelson St. Available Oct. 1. Phone 235-1303.32tfnc ONE BEDROOM AND BACHELOR apartments, carpeted, fridge and stove, laundry and parking. Phone 235-1497. 32tfnc APARTMENTS, two bedrooms fully broadloomed, large treed lot, 5250 mon- thly, separate gas meter and furnace. Adults, Hwy 4, south of Exeter. Main floor available immediately, upper available September 1, first last lease. Phone 235-2430, 235-0392 after 6 p.m. 32tfnc SPACIOUS main floor apartment, 2 bedroom, appliances, fireplace, carpets. Available Sept. 1. 1-455-9808 or 228-6719. 33-35c LAKEFRONT HOME, winterized, three bedrooms, two baths, sauna, laundry, fur- nished. South of Bayfield. Available ieptember 20. Phone 236-7193 with -eferences please. 33:34• LUXURY APARTMENT - three ,edroom, large living room, kitchen, `ridge, stove, dishwasher and air condition - ng. Carpeted throughout and lots, of closet :pace. Main St., Fxeter. Phone 235-0173 ?a.m.-6p.m. 34tfnc TWO HOUSES, year round, Grand Bend. Contact Sharen Realty Ltd., Grand Bend. Phone 238-2303. 34,35c NEWLY RENOVATED TWO BEDROOM apartment, available September 1. Bottom level, stove and fridge and heat included. No pets. Phone 262-3146 after 5 p.m. 34c OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE, 276 sq. ft. 476 Main St. Exeter. Contact Dale 235-2801 or Kim (416) 727-8997. 34:35c 21 For Rent THE "OLD TOWN HALL" auditorium for rentals including weddings, meetings, banquet room, lectures, exhibitions, films, etc. Kitchen facilities available. Phone 235-2365. 24tfn HART LODGE - Haliburton Highlands. Senior discounts and family weeks August 22 and 29th. 1 child under 12 free - varied accommodations - some air-conditioned, colour T.V.s, fireplaces. Includes breakfast and dinner daily - supervised adult and childrens' activities programs, live enter- tainment, swimming pool, whirlpool, sauna, tennis, shuffleboard and water ski- 1 ing. CaII I-800-461-7699 32x EXTENSIVE LIFE AND AGRICULTURAL Study Tour to ' U.S.S.R., Oct. 15 to Nov. 2, 1987. Join Jim Rae of Winnipeg, Manitoba. Visit Moscow, Tashkent, Baku, Kiev, Krasnodar, Minsk, ' Leningrad, Helsinki. Call: (416) 451-4944 or 1-800-268-3090. 33x NOW BOOKING annual fall colour cruises through Kawartha Lakes between Big Chute and Peterborough. Heated cruise ship "Kawartha Voyageur". Ontario Waterway Cruises, Box 1540, Peter - 'borough, K91 7H7. 33x TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Sale by Public Auction on TUESDAY, SEPT. 1st, 1987 AT 7:00 P.M. Lot 20 Plan 133 Vanastra Park. Fully ser- viced Industrial Lot including 32 x 88' frame building and 7 greenhouse unit frames. Auction subject to reasonable reserve bid. Deposit of 53,000.00. Certified Che- que. Balance In 30 Days. For further information contact John R. McLsachlan, 519-482-9523 23 Wanted To Rent OR 3 BEDROOM HOUSE in or near I Iginfield, Parkhill, Lucan, Clandeboye, Deni field, Ilderton, Coldstream or Melrose town or country needed before Labour Day Weekend. Will do renovations. Call collect 482-1769. 33:34c I HREE - FOUR BEDROOM country horse. Abstainers. Phone 227-4280.34-37• HOME - Executive style, 3 bedroom. (;rand Bend, Exeter, Hensall area. From Oct. I. 6 mons. minimum. 262-3132 even- ing,. 34c 26 Legal Notices `..NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Cecilia Franklin All persons haling claims against the estate 01 Cecilia Franklin late of the Town of Ex- eter in the County' of Huron, who died on or about the 20th day of June 1987, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of September 1987, after sshich date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then receiscd. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this 14th day of August 1987. McConnell, Stewart, Devereaux Barristers, &c. Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the executors 33-35c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Arnold Alfred Kilmer Deceased All persons has ing claims against the estate of Arnold Alfred Kilmer, late of the Town of Exeter, County of Huron, who died on or about the 7th day of July 1987 are re- quired to file particulars of same with Elmer 1). 13e11, Solicitor, Exeter, Ontario bs the 12th day of September 1987 after which date the estate will be distributed has* regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. ELMER D. BELL Solicitor for the executors Exeter, Ontario NOM ISO 34-36c 27 Tenders Wanted TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE TENDERS for snowplos+ing for 1987-88 season. Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents will be receised by the undersigned until 4 p.m. Monday, August 31, 1987 for the rental of a 22,0(0 KG minimum G.V.W. truck with operators equipped with moss wing and one Me ay plow. Specifications and tender forms which must be used are obtainable from the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not • necessarily accepted. Ken Parker, RR 1, Hensall, Ont. Phone 262-5788. 33,34c CENTRALIA FAITH TABERNACLE CHURCH tender for: Removeable of ex- isting shingles, installing underlay and new shingles. Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents, received by the undersigned un- til Mon. Aug. 31, 1987. Specifications and tender forms which must be obtained from the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Larry Henderson, Centralia Phone 228-6464 33:34c 28 Auction Sales (ARSONS LIGHT .AND HEAVY HORSE and Equipment Consignment Sale. Friday, September 4 at 5:30 p.m. Con- rsignments welcome. Carsons Auction Ser- vice, Listowel (519) 291-2049. 33x Phone 235-1331 Auction Sale Appliances, furniture, garden tractor, air compressor, etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton for local con- signors and Mr. 1.5. Bechtel Saturday, August 29 al 10 a.m. Admiral dishwasher, Frigidaire fridge, 30" electric stove, small vacuum cleaner, floor model colour TV, floor model stereo, component stereo w/8 track player, china cabinet w/glass front and sides, buffet, six matching dining chairs, pressback rock- ing arm chair, washstand, hump back trunk, 3 portable typewriters, small tip top pedestal table, oil lamp, miniature electric sewing machine, portable toilet for camper, modern 2 burner hot plate, 8 gpl. crock, oil heater, electric heater, por- table air compressor, gas lawn mower, 2 chain sows, walk behind garden tractor w/sickle mower disc and cultivator, mat- ching rattan love chair and 2 stools, bed, dresser, skill saw, car ramps, milk can, electric buffer, CB aerial, plus our usual large offering of dishes, glassware, small appliances, and misc. 2 wooden extension ladders etc. Plus many other items not listed. Consignments still being accepted. TERMS CASH. Richard Lobb, Auctioneer Clinton 482.7898 [***Large Auction of antiques, household furnishings, lawn mowers'"etc. For Wardsville, Granton and London Estates. Fri.. _Evening Auauit 28 - 6:00 a.m. *Ilderton Fair Grounds . ANTIQUES: Marble top coffee table, pedestal sink, dining room table, tea wagon, bureau, desks, silver tea service, cedar chest, * * pictures, rockers, wooden bed, serving wagon, cupboards, flat * - * to wall, other cupboards; chest of drawers, dishes, etc., scale, * * dining room chairs, blanket box, milk cans, etc. * HOUSEHOLD: Maytag automatic washer and dryer, Maytag gas * dryer, G.E. fridge, chrome set, 9 pc. blonde dining room set, * chesterfield and chair, lomps, T.V., 3 pc. bedroom suite, single Ibeds and dressers, desk and chair, vacuum, lawn chairs, Kelvinator air conditioner, picture and Tight, etc. *MISC: M.F.' 85 riding lawnmower, White 16 h.p. riding K lawnmower, swing set. G.M. BQC , Copier (real good), filing * cabinet, desks, metol lawn dump trailer, gas BBQ ,roto tiller, bikes, etc. This is a partial list only. Plan to attend. b *. TERMS: Cash sole night. Lunch booth. Auctioneers , *c Hugh Filson Tom Robson It 666-0833 666-1967 * �c * 1***************************************** ****************************** AUCTION SALE Times -Advocate, August 26, 1987 Page 9A 6'1 i ti CFE 0 cl) • ,I -t`1- !=r THANK YOU FOR BEING A FRIEND - At the end of the soccer season, Grand Bend Atoms team member Chris Keyser delivered a note of thanks to the sponsors of the team. The O.P.P. Corporal Ron Sullivan received the note that read "we are proud to wear shirts with O.P.P. on the back and hope to play again next year."T-A photo MAKING BANNERS - Linda Aitkins of the Exeter United Church Vacation Bible School (centre) wields the glue gun for Christine McIn- nes (left) and Rianne Laye. This summer's school boasted an atten- dance of 92 children. 411******************************* * AUCTION SALE ,r '♦ Feed Equipment Auction for Hill Stream Farm Ltd. Lot 14. Conc. 12. Lobo Twp. 6'/s * mi. N.W. of Ilderton, 1/2 mi. E. of Nairn Rd. * Monday evening August 31 - 7:30 p.m. * Selling without Reserve the Following * Harvestore silo 20x80; Goliath forage unloader (sold separate- *t * ly); 60' of Butler Flight conveyer; 1'/z h.p. motor; 70' used 3" ♦t * auger flighting; 65' Char -A -Matic flex auger feeding system with'P * power control and hopper; Beattie heated water bowl; Circuit 'P *Tear hot blower dryer for show cattle; trimming chute for show - * cattle; 16' galvanized gate; steel and wood posts. Not a Big Sale. ' *Please be on time. A good opportunity to buy some real good * Tom Robson Ott *666-0833 666.1961 lK ***********4<****4t**************4f ,p ********************************* * * of antiques, furniture, farm machinery, etc. For Mrs. A. Charlton and The Est. of The Late Alfred Charlton. Lot 10, * Conc. 6, McGillivray Twp. 5 mi. W. of Ailsa Craig, then 1 * mi. N. t♦ * MACHINERY: M.H. 44 gas tractor; 1971 Ford 5000 Industrial * tractor; bush hog; lone grader; 2 wheeled trailer; Gilson riding * lawnmower. * ANTIQUES: Bonnet chest; (excellent condition); extension table * with four sliding leaves; drop leaf table; flat to wall cupboard; * back to wall cupboard; 4 pc. bedroom suite; Crosley battery * ladio (table model); coal oil lamps; copper boiler; dough dish; •* table scales; crocks; pine cupboarffs; tables; wooden turning * lathe; old bottles; etc.; wash stand; iron kettle. * HOUSEHOLD: chest of drawers; dressers; rockers; recliner; * folding chairs; odd tables; princess Pat woodstove (good con- * dition); oil heater; electric heater; Coleman campstove; * Frigidaire refrigerator; electric stove; C.C.M. exercise bike; 2 * bird cages with stand and accessories; wringer washing machine' etc *feeding equipment. *Further info 666-1583. *TERMS: Cash Sale Night or Approved Cheque * AUCTIONEERS * Hugh Filson AUCTION SALE Saturday. August 29 - 1:00 a.m. MISC.: Gas engine (like new); water tank; steel fox and rabbit * traps; flame thrower; extension cord; tree trimmer; weed trim- * mer; hand corn planter; 6" steel I beam; ropes; sap boiler; * wooden ladder; extension ladder; step ladder; electric grinder; * garden tools; adze, etc. * For information phone 666-0146 or 293-3066. * TERMS: Cash Sale Day Booth * * Tom Robson * 666-1967 * AUCTIONEERS Hugh Filson 666-0833 ********************************* Auction Sale o1 Antiques, Appliances & Misc. Items, to- be held, 1 mile North of Grand Bend, on Highway 21, For Glen Nichols on Sat., Aug. 29, at 11:00 A.M. - Antiques: 4 large iron kettles, horse collars, haymes, copper boilers, lot' of, horse bells, phone, shingle maker, candle stix, hay fork. wheat cradle, ration books, collection-Eatons catalogu4s, platform scales, wooden planes cow bell, yokes -whiffle trees, old dressers, ice tongs, apple butter kettle copper, Quebec heater, wagon wheels, crocks, works of Shakespeare and much more. Antique Equipment: threshing machine, wooden field roller, walking ploughs, horse cutters, belts. Misc.: gas frig. for trailer, covered rack' for pick-up, school desks, T.V. tower, 14 foot aluminum boat, apache pop-up camp trailer, commercial 4 burner silex coffee machine, office desk. Household: china cabinet, wringer washer, 2 wood kitchen stoves, heaters, freezer, high chair, 8 foot solid maple table. Note: Anyone interested in a wide assortment of antiques and collectibles, plan to attend for an interesting day. Proprietor and Auctioneer are not responsible for accidents on day of sale. Terms: Cash or cheque, proper ID. 7% Sale in effectl Proprietor. Glen Nichols, 238-2932 Auctioneer: Larry Witzel, Tavistock.