HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-08-05, Page 23IN THE BROADWAY TRADITION - - The old Eddie Cantor favourite "Makin' Whoopee", as sung by Richard Hurst, accompanied by Michael Mulrooney, is still winning audiences. The Stage II produc- tion "Shubert Alley" plays until August 8 at the Huron Country Playhouse. ran firnes-Advocate, August 5, 1987 le Puge IIA Scatcherd plans expansion at Oakwood Construction is due to begin in three weeks on a one -and -a -half million dollar expansion at Oakwood Inn at Grand Bend. There are plans for an indoor pool, jacuzzi, sauna and beau- ty shop plus 35 new hotel units. The new buildings will be erected behind the dining room, on the site df the former hotel annex, and some of the older cabins will be removed to provide more room. Dave Scatcherd, owner of Oakwood Inn and Golf Course will be calling press conference soon to fill inall the details. The Oakwood Park Association held their annual cocktail party, Saturday. David and Valerie Scat- cherd hosted the affair on the spacious grounds of their Oakwood and district news Connie Keyser -. 2:38-2695 Roberta Walker - 238-2471 Residents upset with rowdiness The crowds that piled into (.rand Bend on the long :August first weekend. drinking on the Keach by day. using bushes. front lawnsor the lake itself as washrooms and sleeping Maw trunk of the car or on the beach by night brought another delegation of concerned and upset residents to seek help from Grand Bend Council. Spokesman for the group of proper- ty owners along the East side of Government Road was the owner of Bonnie Doon, Mel Douglas. He described the problem as an on-going one, week atter week. that gets worse each weekend, culminating in Sun- day's intolerable situation. The cars, trucks. and vans parked along the sand strip from Main Street to the river have in effect "free camping with no toilet facilities. The things we can sec going on are Writ very nice.. Dewitte Antiques Lawn Furniture Sale Swings, hexagon picnic tables, round tables, chairs, lounges, all solid pressure treated wood. 1 mile S. of'Grand Bend Hwy. 21, 238-5121 Garage Sale 25 Gill Rd., Grand Bend Next to school Lovely 3 pc. bedroom suite with wing mirror vanity, tables, chairs, stools, mirrors, pictures, clock, complete weight -lifter • ?t guitar, lamps, dishes • rc. Sat., Aug. 8 80.m. -? intoned the visibly shaken Douglas. The same group come to stay there. stripping off their clothes to wash. brush their teeth in public view, urinate anywhere convenient, and after receiving loud instructions as to where to defecate. trek to the lake to do so. Guests at the Bonnie Doon manor were treated to a display demonstration -of intercourse, this Saturday with a loud cheering section egging them on. After the bars closed on Sunday night the crowds surged into the streets to continue the parties and drinking. Several vehicles parked ill thisbeach area had loud speakers outside their vans blasting music while people danced in the street. Traffic was totally snarler! while about 1000 people swarmed in the area. Police eventually closed the roadway to the river, allowing cars to turn only at the foot of Main Street un- til the area could be cleared of traffic. In this case the OPP's hands were tied as far as evicting the illegal cam- ping vehicles was concerned. The by- law officer issues parking tickets or charges -for-noise-but-this • ('ouncil operated parking lot. "It's a real monster" exclaimed Douglas, referring to the situation of such inconsiderate denigration.of the Keach and the whole Village of Grand Bend by such people. Deputy -Reeve and acting chairman of the council meeting Dennis Snider. was in complete sympathy with the delegation. "We tried to attract those kind of people (the 18 to 30 age group with lots of disposable income) for twenty-five years, but now we must change. We have to do something about the type of crowd we get. That's the reason I want to get rid of Burgerfest too - and change the im- age of Grand Bend" more in keeping with the new developments and ex- pensive condos being built. Councillor Bruce Woodley sug- gested that immediately. that stretch of parking on the east side of Govern- ment Road be closed off by fencing. Only a pedestrian walkway will be left. Parking to go to the beach will be regulated in the municipal lot on the west side of the street. . Another delegation was made to Council by Harold Skinner, who with neighbours wanted further action taken on the noisy parties and basket- ball games taking place at 43 Oak Street until 34-5 a.m. This is the same property about which complaints were received earlier in. July of this summer. Council assured the residents that the owner, Mr. Mallet, a Real Estate agent from London would be notified that a charge and fine of $1000 would result if the occupants of the house persist in violating the by-laws. The third delegation, Julius Orban lodged a complaint about. the ex- cessive amount of garbage on the main street and the large barrels not being emptied regularly. The final delegate to council was Joe Nader, who apparently is still in- sisting that Council replace the trees a on hroperty that the Village mistaken y cu is down last—fall-- Although the Village did replace six trees recently, Nader feels they are too dead. too small and not what was removed. The Village agreed to transplant trees again in the fall rather than in the heat of the summer but "have no intention of replacing the trees with full grown trees". The heated and derisive discussion continued for some minutes until Nader blurted "do me a favour and forget it. I'll landscape it myself and send you the bill, or you can give me the trees in the little park there Councillor Southcott concluded the discussion by suggesting that Nader could some in the fall and pick out trees from the back of her property where there is an abundent selection of sizes and varieties. He can move them himself. £CInILEd &IWcrn 7iE oziginaL �la/�EuiEw (_ai ino, ,zanc/ 23Enci rf� The Lakeview Casino was built in 1919, and destroyed by fire in 1981 Framed Print 16" x 20" 79 95 Guy Lom aro waste first of many big bands to ploy at the Casino over the years. Mounted Print x 14" 35.95 Plate 91/4" Diameter 22 K Gold Trim 32.95 WHITES PHARMACY LTD. pp 22-81 CRESCENT rx GRAND BEND, ON. NOM 1TO 2384540 home. Members of the Grand Bend Cruis- ing Club and some residents of Grand Bend also attended the party, making it one of the largest in years. Everyone enjoyed the delicious hors d'oeuvers, well appointed bar and good music provided. to greet new friends and old neighbours. Tuesday, July 28, the Oakwood recreation committee headed by Mrs. Bonnie Ducharme and Mrs. Grill Munce, organized the annual Games Day for the youngsters of Oakwood. About 60 children and 15 parents en- joyed' the sunny weather, although swimming had to be curtailed, due to the wind and some undertow in the lake. There was plenty of action on the sand, with relay games, Capture the Flag, and a Scavenger Hunt with six teams of kids foruging all over Oakwood, including their homes, to obtain a list of items. The kids did take an opportunity to christen Dave Reedy their new swim instructor, in the lake. Afterwards. they all dined on hot dogs. pop. doughnuts and all the trim- mings. enjoying the comforts of the new wooden deck erected at the top of the stairs. The raised deck. with built-in benches, offers a beautiful view of the lake. and a perfect place to enjoy a lovely summer sunset for Oakwood residents. Anglican news Rev. Walter Vipperman was celebrant at both services at St. John's Anglican Church on the weekend. At the 9:30 a.m. service, lit- tle Kayla -Savannah -re daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.G. Holder, was bap- tized into the church community: The congregation is encouraged to participate in a 'Silent Auction'. with the winners to he announced oh August 27. The funds are to help defray the costs of the new narthex Musical revue bits 30's and 40's A • Broadway Tradition by Ross Houston. and Richard Hurst, is a musical revue celebrating Broad- way's early years and the Mega -hit• years of the 1930's and 40's. This ex- ceptional production features the multi -talented Richard Hurst and Playhouse Musical Director, Michael Mulrooney. A • native of Montreal. Richard Hurst has achieved success in both the Musical and Dramatic Theatre as well as on the Concert Stage. Most recently, he has been seen as Koko in The Mikado for Opera Theatre of Alberta and -has just completed his first portrayal of French in Die Fleldermaus for the Manitoba Opera Association. • Michael Mulrooney has been ,with the Huron Country Playhouse for six years as Musical Director. He has over 15 musicals and numerous miscellaneous one' nighters to his credit at the Playhouse including this season's Babes in Arms and -Papers. From George M. Cohen's Give My Regards to Broadway to the most re- cent musical innovations of Anderw Lloyd Weber and Stephen Sandheim, Richard Hurst and Ross Houston trace the evolution of the Broadway Musical through anecdote and song. Shubert Alley - A Broadway Tradi- tion runs from July 28 to August 8 at Playhouse II. For ticket information. call 238-8451. (church vestibule or entrance). Dona- tions for the auction will be received up to August 15, with bids being ac- cepted from August 16 to 27. Please support this worthy fund-raiser. Hosts for the Sunday coffee -hour after the service were Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Hunt. • About town Local farmers and gardeners recieved much-needed rain on the weekend, although all the tourists packed into the local camp grounds might not have appreciated it as much. Warm temperatures have con- tinued though, with sunshine return- ing. making this still one of the finest summers for Grand Bend. The Big Sisters Association of North Lambton are planning a fund- raising barbecue and meeting on August II. at the Kettle Point. Indian Reserve Park, from 6 108 p.m. It will be Orientation Night for new members. • The Big Sisters are very pleased to announce that the first match of a Big Sister and Little Sister has been made. with two more -buddies (0 follow. It is unusual that a new Big Sister organization can achieve such mat- ches so soon. normally requiring one year to plan. fund -raise organize and train the "Buddies" for their little sisters. The North Lambton unit has been in existence for only about eight months. and they are to be con- gratulated for all the hard work so far. Come out on August 11 to Kettle Point and meet them - maybe you can hel . a "little sister" tai! GRAND BEND ATOMS - Digging for the ball proved to be a winn- ing effort against the Coldstream team Grand Bend won 5-0. NEIL OSTRANDER PHOTOGRAPHY • Weddings • Portraits • Commercial • Groups • Framing • Custom Black & White R.R. 3 Parkhill, NOM 2K0 238-5056 Hwy. 81 halfway between Grand Bend and Parkhill ,CleaI .. to 3 a,..,.1 industries Inc. • Casual Furniture • Artifical Plants • Acrylic Drinkware • Outdoor Fireplaces and B.B.Q. • Outdoor Torches and Candle Lamps We encourage a standard of excellence in Casual Living Quality" Hwy. "83 Grand Bend, Ontario 238.21 1? Hotson- Lighting /Clearance SALE 20-50, �" Entire Stock Free Coffee & Cookies Waterford Crystal Up to 50% off Zweisel Crystal 50% off All Lighting Un to 50a/o off Mikasa China 50% off Royal Albert and Paragon phi . i.. �J f 0% off Rrctss Items 50% off 1 Mile North of Grand Bend on Hig!-way 21 Phone: 238-8240 4