HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-08-05, Page 19e. Exeter Fair invites exhibitors Entering the competition at the Ex- eter Fall Fair requires only time and talents, on the part of the exhibitor. . Everyone has a recipe that turns out delicious every time, sem have projects that were started in the winter months or maybe the gardener has an extremely good crop of potatoes. All of these articles may be found listed in the Exeter Fall Fair Prize List and may easily be entered . for competition and valuable prizes. If you have never been an exhibitor and would like to try, here is the routine to follow: Bead the rules and regulations listed in the prize list. If you do not already have one they are available at the Exeter T.A. or South Huron PP Rec. Centre. Send i2 ( for membership to the Ex- eter Agricultural Society) to the Secretary, Gwen Coward, RR 1, Woodham, Ont. NOK 2A0. She will then return to you, an ex- hibitors number, an entry form and a membership card (which will admit one person to the fair on Saturday or Sunday). Prepare your articles for entry, making sure the inside or the under- side is as neat and tidy as the outside, that the stem.of your vegetables are trimmed according to the judging standards and all the details from the prize list are precisely followed. Write your exhibitors .number, name and address on all entry tags to .4 SOMETHING TO DANCE ABOUT - Burke Gladding (left) accepts a cheque from Optimist President Mark Hiemrich. The money will go toward a summer Youth Dance being held at the Legion Hall August 21. T -A photo REMINDER Auction Sale Of house, truck, furniture, tools, and misc. ar- ticles for Levi White at his premises. First house south of West McGillivray (across from Twp. shed), go north of Clandeboye on No. 4 Hwy. turn west on county road 24 to West McGillivary or first road west of Ailsa Craig on No. 7 Hwy. turn north, watch for signs. on Saturday, August 8, 1987 at 1;00 p.m. TERMS: Cash or cheque with I.;J: PROPERTY: 10% day of sale, balance in 30 days when vacant possession will be given. Bruce Coulter Auctioneer Grand Berid, (519) 238-8000 1 10''01 ID©Dt IDOD i 1171 M04,4‘. Ce Trucking and Equipmentlet• of Auction ,{' On Saturday, August 8/87 at 12:00 noon for Mr. Clare Masse, 3 miles north of Dashwood consisting of trucks, tractors, loader, farm machinery, tools TRUCKS 1973 W.S. White 318 Detroit diesel with 14 ft. rack and hoist. 1974 Chev dump truck hoist and 14 ft. box, 427 motor recently O.H. 1972 I.H. Star tractor with 318 diesel recently O.H. 1973 White Road Boss tractor 318 diesel (good motor), 1974 Ford cabover, 18 ft. platform, 14 ft. dump box, 32 ft. and 45 ft. grain trailers, 2 wet lines, saddle tanks, 1976 ) 4 ton Chev-pickup with flatbed, low mileage, 1974 4 -wheel drive Dina Hoe loader, 2 yard bucket and backhoe, 190 series, Detroit motor. TRACTORS 430 Case diesel, I.H. w-4 gas, J.D. NO. 145 semi - mounted 3 furrow plow, J.F. 18 ft. cultivator, I.H. drills, " cultivators, disc, harrows and many other pieces of equipment, stable cleaner. TOOLS 2 annex stoves, Quebec heater, wrenches, welder, cut- ting torch, twin air compressor, and many other garage tools. o Terms Cash. Form Sold Owner and auctioneer not,responsible for loss or accident. IJI=3C3 Auctioneer John Finlay I 1D®Of---10®O©D®D®. p. al • Twilight Auction Sale For the estate of the late Arnold Kilmer to be held in the Community Centre, Parkhill. Wednesday, August 12 at 5:00 p.m. Plus neighbouring additions. Selling will be the household effects and collectors items including: HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Electroholme 21" color TV, extension table, recliner rocker, buffet, radios, humidifier, small dinette chrome table, cedar lined chest, coffee table, secretary chair, odd chairs, lawn choirs, crib springs and mattress. 3 hp roto tiller, Toro lawn mower, garden wheel barrow, utility table, crokinole board, electric grass whip, small tables, garden tools, step ladder, power sander, small hand tools B 8 D drill powered bond saw, new 3,8 electric drill, record player, quantity of bedding. COLLECTORS ITEMS: old fashioned bedroom suite of bed bon- net dresser and chiffonier, chest of drawers, hall seat, Domi- nion organ, commodes, love seat and chair, chest of drawers, musical alarm clocks, drop leaf table, d?essers, Gone with the Wind lamp, mantel clock, toilet sets, picture frames, rocking choirs, flower tables, cupboards, organ stool, parlor table, 2 metronomes, piano tuning kit, piano bench, full size violin, half size violin,. large selection of glass and chinaware, depression glass, compotes, cups and saucers, cast iron tables, brass fireplace irons, laundry stove, cross cut saw. MISCELLANEOUS: Treadmill exerciser, combination storm door, combination sliding glass ds doors, ninum 0 b of doors, chain in link fence, 8 ft. counter section, pool nails, utility box and many items too numerous to mention. Terms Cash plus 7% sales tax where applicable. Not responsi- ble for accidents day of sole. • Auctlon•ers Bill Elliot 294-6759 Parkhill Dougal McGregor 786-2222 Forest be used and secure one -on each arti- cle, using thread, string, scotch tape. pins or elastic, (the method used will depend on the type of article► making sure they are secure enough not to -fall off while being transported, judged or displayed. • List all your entries in numerical order on your entry form, along with your exhibitors number and mailing address. Make sure ..that all last minute articles have been -recorded on the entry form. OnFriday morning, September 25. between 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon, bring your articles to the Rec. Centre for -competition. The -Directors will be most helpful in seeing that your en- tries are iii the pewee place. The doors to the Rec. Centre will be locked and the public is not allowed in while the all important judging of the exhibits is taking place, and )(du anxiously wait for the results. Return to the fair in the evening, to see all exhibits nicely displayed. find out how you have placed and compare all. the other entries. ' At 4:30 p.m. on Saturday. September 26. be prepared to pick up your articles, as clean up of the auditorium proceeds. and last of all patiently await to receive-your_prize money cheque .in the mail. Children's entries in the School Division may be made, in the samr manner. on Friday morning but 1 children -do not have an exhibitors number. nor an entry form to fill out. All that is necessary is having the en- tries tagged with the child's name and school they are presently attending. written neatly on the entry tag and placed on the article. The.pr•ize money for entries in the School Division will be delivered to the school for distribu- tion as quickly as .the results can be tahulated. Sounds pretty ea..y, doesn't it: • Although nothing has been mention- ed about the flower that got broken. with a replacement never found and that entry had to be stroked.off of the entry form, nothing was mentioned regarding the late_ hour that the ex- hibitor got to bed or the early hour to rise to prepare the entries, nothing was mentioned about cleaning the house on Friday afternoon because of all the mess that was made. . preparing.• These things .are soon . forgotten when you find your article with a_ -prize sticker on. or have received a telephone call asking you to be the Friday evening program. Just think how proud you witl teel._ it will then seem. all worthwhile Of Course everyone can't he a .winner, but you can bet -with what 'you have learned. your entries may te-a winner next year. So complete those articles that you have started or practise making those blueberry muffins. so you will have some entries to bring to the fair. . Don't forget to -look through the complete prize list for the specials Which have been especially .created for this '.ear's fair. Entry tags, that are -needed for each article, are now ' hie at the Exeter T -A and the Huron Rec ('entre for you to ,.. k up. • Good•Luck with your exhibits and let's have your talents displayed at our fair this year. Go •,Hog -Wild preparing entries and win valuable prizes . at the Exeter Fall Fair. Septemher 25: 26. 27, 1987. Shipka girl visits Hong Kong friend By MRS. HUGH MOkENZ Karen Guenther.. returned home Saturday from a three week trip to Hong Kong. China. and Vancouver. Two weeks were spent in Hong Kong where Karen -Visited Allison Facey, a -friend from university who has been teaching english there for the past two years. The girls took a trip to China for a weekend and stayed in the area of Shenzhen. Kareri found it interesting (earning -to eat with chopsticks. On the way home. Karen spent a few days in Vancouver where she visited her cousins. Audrey and Bruce Gellatly. formerly of Kitchener; also their daughter Ann and family in Richmond. Mr. Gellatly is vice-president of the University of British Columbia and' Karen had atour of the university and was a guest at a dinner. The trip was a fantastic learning experience for Karen. although very, high temperatures and -humidity. up . to 35 degrees Celcius., in Hong Kong andChina. Visiting last week with Lorne and Dorothy Fenner and Don and Mabel Fraser. were their cousins Lloyd and Betty David. of East. End Saskat- chewan. Lloyd's grandfather. Tom Harlton, a brother of the late Herbert Harlton once operated the Shipka General Store. - Word has been received here of the death of Mrs. Roy 1 Hazel I L•anipori, of Melita. Manitoba, on July 22. 1987 The funeral was held Friday. July 24. with interment at Melita Cemetery Mrs. Lamport was a cousin to members of the Lamport family who formerly lived in this area.. Anyone interested in a one.day bus trip. including the Grand River boat cruise. on August 26. phone 238-2948. Ernest. and Ann Morenz. and daughter: Michelle. of London, enter- tained a number of their Morenz relatives Sunday at their summer horne.at Ipperwash.- Attending were, llugh and I. Mrs. Blanche Chapman and Mark Adams, London. Les and Marjorie Adams. Exeter and Mrs. Hazel Corbett Hensall. Several area folks attended theJn- terdenominational Church service at Dashwood Community. Centre pavilion Suriday morning as part. of F'riedsburg D,iys. My sister. Mrs. Shirley Dell .and daughters.. Tanya and Cynthia, of Belleville returned home, Sunday. with the girl's father. Clifford Dell. We had a busy. happy week. spending • time at the peach. shopping in Grand Bend.• a day at London and Springbank. with a boat cruise on the 7'hatiles •River. We saw "There Goes the Bride" at Huron Country Playhouse; the girls spent a day with their Uncle Bill and Arcot Norma Coleman, cousins Les and ,John. at Kippen and we visited other friends and relatives.' Mae and Orval Schilbe. of Thaniesville visited Sunday evening t ith Ortha and Ken Baker. still my soul" -..and "I was there - Personals Anyone interested in a one day bus trip. including the Grand River boat cruise, on August 26. phone 238-2948. Congratulations to Elizabeth Nor- ris. on recently becoming a first time great grandma. when a baby girl was barn to her granddaughter, Kathi. and her husband. Roger Van Den Iteuvel. Over 80 club Mrs. Emma Pa..inor.', West End Villa. Room 211.21711 E;Imira Dr.. Ot- tawa. Ontario K2G :1St will be 1(11 years old on August 11. 1987. Martinsheim' Farms Eleventh Production Sale • Friday, August 14 at 7:30 p.m. at the farm on Highway 7 - 7 km. east of Highbury, Blanshard Conc. 10-11. 45 boars, 85 bred gilts, most bred in May and 75 open gilts, York, Landrace,' Duroc, Hamp, Spot, H x D, Y x H, ND x Spot cross. Excellent selection. R.O.P. tested. Health classification basic inspection prior to sole by appointment. For information and catalogues call Richard or Monfred Stroebel R.R. 2 Granton 519-225-,2587 or 284-2628 riACKSONMa/1~W V. CLortaiel ESTATE AUCTION \` We would like to invite you to attend this outstanding auction of property, automobile, furniture, antiques and collectables on Wednesday, August 19, 1987 - Property offered at 6:00 p.m. at the location, 23 Victoria St., Seaforth'• - Automobile d'ld contents offered et 6:15 p.m. at theSeaforth Community Centre: PROPERTY a home that deserves your attention. Solid 2 storey red brick home, large treed lot with single cor garage, ' r block from Main Street, 4 bedroom, large living and sitting room, din- ing. room, kitchen; 2 baths, open staircase. Terms Selling subject to reasonable reserve.$5,000.00 down, balance in -30 days. Viewing by appointment only, ' • AUTOMOBILE 1985 Mercury Cougar, -2 door, showroom condi- tion, only 4600 km. Also offering: Furniture, antiques and collectable item's. "FULL LIST IN NEXT WEEKS EDITION" Proprietor - ESTATE OF LILA JACKSON For propery viewing - Contact: Jim McGregor - 262-5838, Grant McGregor - 262-2048 or • 41(;,''ia. 4.1 INC. AUCTIONEERS. APPRAISERS Bruce Rothwell 482-7181 Times -Advocate, August 5 1987 Page 7A NO N'NiTIN6' i'anWooer l TWILIGHT AUCTION SALE of household furnishings, antiques and miscellaneous items on Wad• Ivening. August 19. 1917.,6:00 p.m, sharp To be held on the premises, 1'44 miles west of Exeter on No. 83 Highway, turn north 2 miles or 1'/. miles west of Hensall.on No. 84 Highway, turn south 3 -miles. • Far Mrs. Mona Campbell. Complete listing in next weeks TA. For information contact: Auctioneer Norm Whiting 235-1964, 235-1931 i Bob Heywood, Auctioneer 235-0874 Auction Sale SATURDAY AUGUST 15,' x-987 at 11 a.m. at South Huron Rec Centre, Exeter (Ag. building) We will be dispersing by auction the contents of the London . apt. of Mrs. M. Cann along .with the contents of an Exeter home including fine china, antiques, collectables. furniture.andap- pliances. Watch next weeks paper for o full listing. Bob Heywood Auctioneer 235-0874 Large Auction Sale Used building material. furniture appliances, -some tools etc. to be held at Richard Cobb's Auction Barn Clinton Ontario for Austin Matheson plus additions. Saturday. August 8 at W a.m. USED BUILDING MATERIAL approx-. 75 sq. face ft. of angel stone, approx. 40 sheets of steel roofing ' ^ -Ind 12 ft. long, ap- prox. 20 sheets of 5. 8x 4 x 8 tongue and'. ".ove plywood, plus some x 4 x 8 tongue and groove plywood. 2 overhead gas furnaces, 2 wall gas heater units plus some other related items, phone for more information. Ramset gun. . HOUSEHOLD ETC. Harvest gold fridge and matching 24" elec- tric stove, china cabinet, cedar chest. and 2 modern chester- fields and chairs, 2 .three piece bedroom suites. washstand, upholstered chairs, 9 x 13 rug •parlour table, modern maple kitchen table w 2 leaves and 6 matching chairs, 6 brown upholstered chrome chairs, fancy wall model stereo, 26•' col- our TV, 2 davenport couches, trunk,. single continental bed, recliner chair, small round trampoline, combination lamp and table, old floor model radio. recliner chair, small chest of drawers; small desk, floor lamps, quilting frames plus many other furniture items, electric hedge trimmer, vacuum cleaner, golf cart, log splitter., table saw, scroll saw. 2•' rotory planer, Ariens garden tiller,- portable air tank, 2 HP motor, Webster paint compressor, sander. 3 8 drill, cutting torch, wine barrel, step ladder,- wrenches sow blade, 8" hand plane plus other related items, dishes, glassware, pots and pans, small ap- pliances, 5 gal. crock plus our usual large offering. bedding etc. TERMS CASH. Auctioneer Richard Lobb 482-7898 - WED., AUGUST 12 at 6 p.m. boat, 7' 2 HP motor; trailer, modern appliances, furniture. antiques, guns, 3 wheel bike. din- ing tent, patio furniture. 2' 2 miles west and '. of a mile north of Seaforth Ont. for Doctor William Thompson. 1........-.........................*..... `�AUCTION SALE o Large Auction of local collectors antiques, * *y, o;,household furnishings,' farm machinery, * " - vehicles, etc. * * At Ilderton Fair Grounds - Ilderton, Ont. * * * S•at., August 8 - 11:00 a.m. * * ANTIQUES: Rope bed. china cabinet. diningroom table and * * chairs, telephone with long mouthpiece, scales. childs wagon. * black walnut 4 drawer chest of drawers, chestnut commode * t * walnut Gibbard knee -hole desk. solid walnut lap desk, 2 drawer * * cabinet with narrow drawers, Jenny -Lind bed, white enamell- * * ed steel kitchen cabinet, wood sap buckets. Lee Enfield Snyder * * rifle oiling kit, Ontario 1955 school wall map, milk cans; solid * walnut side table, picture frames, Victorian frames, trivets. *- hand carved owl (late -1930's), Maypole hardware, cast lion * ,.* children's toys, toaster, broad axe heads. drill press. lathe * Waterberry clock parts. Seth -Thomas Plymouth hollow mantle * * clock with weights, wagon wheels, pump, loggers poles and * * cant hooks, old prints, R.R. lamp, needle work samples, bells. * * charcoal iron. rivet driver, 60 yr. old Underwood typewriter * * * * * * * * * * * * * * it * * * * *** * it. * * * * * * * * * * * g ** * * * * * * * * It * ** .* * * * * * * * * Ili- * * '* * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * ** * * * ** .* Tom Robson *brass candle sticks, brass kerosene groovier for horses, brass steam whistle, old books of the Royal family, old newspapers of the Royol visits, old London Free Press newspapers, London Free Press of Churchill funeraI, milk bottles, brass magnifier. apple peeler, coffee grinder, No. 4 Meccano set with electric motor and transformer, treadle sewing machine, drop Iea table. several old cupboards, solid Victorian EastIoke 3 drawer chest of drawers with brass horse shoe pulls, Ianterns. 10 gal. gas pump restored, many other collector items too numerous to mention. HOUSEHOLD: chesterfields, couches, beds, dressers, bar stools, lamps, hi-fi, single beds, folding doors, odd chairs, light teres Minshal electric organ with s eakers and bench, roIlawoybed, radios, single and double bed lazy boy it chrome set, dishes, cameras, electric clock, poles. kitchen misc., new A.M. digital radios, automatic washer and dryer,. etc. PRESS: Antique flatbed PIotenhand proof pressRB Rouse and Coicao USA, 100 yrs old, Keystone Pictograph, rubber squeegie for silkscreening. PAINTINGS: by C.J.Parkinson - Arva Mill, Hodgson Mill, Nairn Creek. UPHOLSTERY & DRAPERY MATERIAL: various rolls, roller and "venition blinds vorious .sizes. MACHINERY: To be sold 1:00p.m. & USEFUL MIS. will be sold for secured Creditors and„pthers. TRACTORS: G1051 MM diesel tractor, runnin9condition, Int. Super C gas tractor (excellent condition), Belarus 800 diesel trac- tor with cob (real good) Int. 325 hp stationary gas engine (rea good), 20.8 x 38 duals. J.D. 8 Vac/or restored. SELF PROPELLED COMBINES: White 8600 diesel with cob, straw cutter, etc. and grain head, White 4 row corn head, Flex head with pickup, older grainhead, M.F..750conbine withcobetc., 6 row corn head. grain head piskup head. MACHINERY ETC: Gehl 600 forageharvester with sharpener, 2 row corn headand hay headNH27 b1ower, Farmhan forage rack with roof and heavy duty wagon, 2 Gehl forage racks and wagons, Int. 24'cult. with doubla rolling harrows. hydraulic wings, and partial incorporation kit, Wh'te252wheel disc, Int. 6 fur. plow, 10' cult., 2 fur. drag plow, J.D. 70006 row corn planter, Wutchison 8" PTO groin auger, J.D. older 6 row planter, Badger 205 PTOmanure spreader, J.D. 15' 414 rotary hoe, N.H. 353 high twin auger heavyduty fron mount snowblower with I'ghtsec. (reaI heavy pc. of equip- ment),welder, Automotive Parts - wheel balancer, hydraulic hosesbooks on parts. hoses, tools, bolts, washers, mechanics misc. items, aerator. Murray 18 hp twin riding mower (Iike new),etc. TRUCKS: 1973 GMC 6500 -with racks, hoist, (running condition), GMC 1973 with racks (running), SELLING AS IS.'Suzuki 1979 550 motorbike, new tires, windjammer and saddle bag, front shocks for Ford trucks, van chairs. This is a partial Iist ,* * * * Hugh Filson * 666-0833 666-1967 * 4.41*********••41.**444***Cee*4***** * only. TERMS: Cosh sale day. lunch booth. Auctioneers