HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-08-05, Page 18Poge-6A Times -Advocate, August 5, 1987 1 / Wonted To Buy 'CASH 1OK USED rats and trucks for wrecking. 228-6700. John Brock Auto Wreckefs, KK 1 Crediton.- 3tlni '0AN1 I"Opit 1 S( RAI' 511tAI5.,op- Ret, aluminum. brass. cast or steel. ea coablc pi tor•.. Phone anytime 234-6274 - ot 235-1108. 31' 18 Wanted 55 \'s. I l 1) 10 lit 1 OK KIN 1 three or. rn,,i; bc.hoonr house, cornu' pI.Irncd by middle of September . Gall ?35-2949. ask 101 Si to 31c 19 Property For Sale 15\0 1015015 \ R IORIA S1 1 %clef, Nei viced. Sin 62.7 . 100. 235-1329.2311,, 1101'51 , one year old 3 bedroom., 4 pc. hath, whn11 I tub. 2 cal garage, finished tea loon.: 1 01 mote intornratiofi call 527-2(II0. • 30:31e Yard -Sale - Saturday. August $ - 2 chesterfield sets - stereo - lights - handcrafted country decor - teenoge clothes - odds and ends HWy. 83 1 mile east of No. 4 Hwy. M. Rundle 19 Property For Sale TWO ACRES with brick home and lots of buildings near Zurich. Contact Mason Bailey, 1-482-9371 or evenings 1-523-9338 Mason Bailey Real .Estate Ltd. Broker-. • 301f11 ONE 11 ()OR 110111E on Targe lot, north of London, Make this your future home by adding personalized finishing to an already newly wired 2(8) an►p service. Edna Smith Broker 519-471-5061. - ---31:32c. S1-.RVI('El) BUII.DIN(i 101'. 80 % 66. Luean, paved street and sidewalk, 108 I•rancis St. Gall after August 9, 227-4134: 31e 11011SE. Dow Subdi' i.ion, brick bungalow, two phis- one bedrooms. com- pletely redecorated, new landscaping, - garden shed, double drive, mature treed lot. Close to sol 1.. and stropping. 235-1603, 31-34c 1I1 -A1' 11 -5A1 ON well established in lx- cter. L-quipn►eut and all wean included. •Re:uonable rent. Some guaranteed income ir.an goncrnnl(yu contract. Fur inure infor- mation :.ell 565-5241 alter 6. - 3Ic 1 1 ( \S 1)1 \I 1111'1. 4 LEVET. back nth 0 port, three plus rine bedroom., 1' rbathrooms, large -finished family room, 16'%32' ingrouttd pool, all on large pie -shaped lot in a quiet a I, S98,9(8). Phone 227-1046. Ile 20 Property For Rent !NM `1 RI 51 or 11 AK1:1IOLISI: spare for rent. Gall 235-1)141. I6lInc PRI\11- RI 1 All of 01.1.1(1 space available. Gall 235-0141. 16t Inc 01=1-1('1 SPA('t- with lelcpl ' answer- ing set %ice available it iv -tinned. Phone 235 1242. 14ttn Budget Rent-A-Car of Exeter (Hensall Motors Ltd.) Daily - weekends and weekly Rentals - economy cars and cargo vans Leasing to 2-4 years - new cars and trucks (Sales - used cars and trucks) Ed Hearn 235-2070 20 Propel ty I of Rent SHOW ROOM AND Of I ICE, Main St., S. Exeter. Reasonable rent 235-1462.201fnc INDUSTRIAL WAREHOUSING, alsoof- rtce . space with ample parking facilities 262-2928 or 235-2302. _ .•26ifn c BACHELOR, one bedroom and several two bedroom apartments, mailable July 1. Phone 235-0141. 26tfnc LARGE 2 bedroom apartment, broadloomed, oak cabinets, laundry facilities, quiet location, near downtown. Available Sept. 235-1497, _ • 28tfn APARTMENT.. Main St.. -Exeter. Modern two-bedroom, carpeted, appliances, non- smokers preferred. Phone 235-255.7:291fne DUPLEX, DELUXE LOWER, spacious 2 -bedroom; carpels, 226 Prince Albert St., Centralia. Available September 1. S400.00. 1-455-9808. • 29-3Ic HOUSE - In !tomtit.. $400.00 n►dntl► plus utilities. ('all evenings 262-2914. 29-3Ic_ STRAND -BI NI)- 2 Iwdrooin duplex, stove, fridge, %vasircr and dryer 1 kup. Also 3 bedroom) hoose. Both available Sept. 7. Phone 238-2029. 30tfn 3 BEDROOM townlwuse. Simcoe Si. Ex- eter. AsailahltSem. 1.. -'hone 236-4230. • 30101 1 AKL-I-RO I' HOME, winterized, three bedrooms. Iwo baths. sauna, laundry, tut - nished. South of • Hay I 'cid. Available Septemhct 20: -Photic 236=7193 with references please.31, 32c 1'KIAll- • 01.1-1( 1- VAR-F.IIOUSI SPACE, available Septerirlrcr 1. Hensall, 011larlll.- Air'- conditioned commercial building with finished e\cctnive olfires tram 20010 3(88) sq. It. Storage spatefroun - I(0.Io 10,000 sq. ti. with fork lift. %lets ing, invcmuiy control and 1ulfilliuent ser- vice%available: (:onrpetitise rates. ssillsuh- divide. Lot' more information contact: Adrian Hayley" (519) 473-33(0. 31-33; 11(11151, -three' hcchoinis in Credit on_ AtailaIde Septenrbet 1. Thane 71)5-689-6154 atter 5. p.m. MODERN 111 REE 13EDROO\I hums in Dashwood, family. room.. fireplace. deck, -one and one halt bathrooms. Available im- • medic eh. Relercnres please. London 432-3x40. ONE BI-DRO(151•\I'•\R1\1I \I, ground floor. large carpeted hning rowan. kitchen. -with dining aria.Sltivc, ff idge and washing facilities. Taylor apat mous 235-0674.. • 3ltInc I1\'O OR HIRE!. I31-I)R0051 AI'AR1 - 511-N1. I at'c Imine room,diniirg-room, kitchen and hetIrtloms. Dishwasher, 0idge- and stove included. 235-0171 9 a.m. 6 p.m. .31i Inc 21 For Rent STRONGEST ARMS Dashwood Friedsburg Days arm wrestling chomps are shown here. From the left are Dan Grantham of Molson's, grand champion Adrian Vanderhoeven, Greg Becker, Jim Dietrich, Robert Masse, Wayne Denomme and Tanya Forrester. T -A photo STEPHEN TOWNSHIP THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN PUBLIC NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Stephen proposes to enact a By-law to stop up, close and sell that part of the original Road Allowance for the road set out and outlined in Schedule "A" attached hereto. The proposed By -low will come before the said Council for con- sideration at a Special Meeting at -the Stephen Township Com- munity Centre, Crediton, Ontario on the 10th day of August 1987 at the hour of 7:15 p.m. and at that time, the Council will hear in person or by its counsel. solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his lands will be prejudically affected and who ap- plied to be heard. Dated at Crediton this 10th date of July 1987. Wilmar D. Wein Clerk - Township of Stephen SCHEDULE •'A'• All of that part of the original road allowance situate in Part 2 of the original rood allowance between Lots 10 and 11, Con- cession 6, Township of Stephen being the said road allowance in Part 2 on Plan 22 R 744. CORPORATION OF THE - VILLAGE OF AILSA CRAIG TENDER Tenders will be received by the Village of Ailsa Craig for the following: 1. Re -construction of 2 blocks or approximately 672 feet of asphalt street. 2. For the resurfacing of approximately 300 feet of roads and the widening of one corner. 3. For the installation of a storm drain of approximately 60 feet. Specifications are available at the Municipal Office, Main Street, Ailsa Craig during regular working hours: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday. , .Tenders will close on Friday, August 21st, 1987 at 4:00 p.m. They must be received in the Clerk's office by this- time. Lowest or any tender not necessarily .accepted. Tenders to be clearly marked. Joyce D. Coursey, A.M.C.T. Clerk -Treasurer Village of Ailsa Craig, P.O. Box 29, Ailsa Craig Ontario NOM 1A0 1111. "01 I) I0\\ N 11-\1.1 " auditoiittrn for rentals including weddings, meetings. banquet room, lectures, cshibitions, tile►', etc. Kitchen facilities available. Phone 235-2365. • - - 24tIn NOW ItO( )KIN(. annual fall colour cruises through kawartha Lakes between Big. Chute and Peterborough. Heated cruise ship :'hawait ha Voyageur".. Ontario Waterway ( ruiscs. 'Hos 154(1. Peter- borough K9J 7117. • 31)s HERE'S YOUR OPPORTUNITY to visit agricultural highlights in C'enlral Europe. September 23 to October 7. Join Clare and Millie Burt, founders of Clare Hurt travel as they travel to Genitally. Switzerland. France, Belgium and Holland.. Call ;416)451-4944 or 1-800-268-3090. 31% WOULD LIKE SOMEONE TO SHARE my home in quiet rural %citing. Aust have own transportation$ S300 monthly. 235-0768 after 6 p.m.. - 3111111c 23 Wanted To Rent 2 OR 1 ItLDROONI 1101 SI 111 or u:aI Elginfield, Parkhilh, I ucau, ( Iandeboye. Denfield, Ildcrion, ('oldsiream or Melrose low n or country needed retire Labour Day Weekend. Will do renovations. 227-4991) alter 6 p.n. Ask for Kathy. Curiis.30-34c 25 Notices ( ANADA 1 OR ( [IRIS! (RI»SADE: 1 h wages of sin is death. Fvidencc: Herpes. Aids, and other no cure se\ disease.. Depart from evil. If we confess, (iod forgives because of Jews. Read Romans 1. 31s Visiting grandson to entertain's\ AU through the Summer again and again, Figured the best way to keep my cool Was to romp with him in o swimming pool; To find a pool quick was a cinch to decide 1 just ran on ad in the Classified) Foiled to state what the size should be - Bul the one we got fits vs perfectly! Form 7 - Sale of Land By Public Tender Municipal Tax Sales Act, 1984 The Corporation of the Village of Lucan Name 01 MurriCipalily or Board - Take Notice thht tenders are Invited for the purchase of the land(s) described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on September 2 ,t9,87 at 161'B Main Street: Lucan The tenders will then be opened In public on the same day a1 Description of Land(s) Lot 55 Registered Plan 187 Village of Lucan County of Middlesex Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied by a deposit In the form o1 a money order or of a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank, trust company or Province of Ontario Savings Office payable to the municipality (or board) and representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount. 1618 Main Street, Lucan Minimum Tender Amount (Set out the cancellation price as of the first day of advertising) $1,276.14 The municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers. This sale is governed by the Municipal Tax Sales Act, 1984, being chapter 48 of the Statutes o1 Ontario 1984 and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required 10 pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevarit land transfer tax. For further Information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form of tender contact: Ties Do -tries demonstration. Need more - facts on trade for the high turn at the Friedsburg Days . BMX bike- trick -riding 'The value of a new trade agree: merit between Canada and the USA cannot accurately be assessed until the specific terms are known,' said Middlesex M.P.P. Doug Reycraft in Regina recently. -• - Reycraft was in Saskatchewan representing the Ontario Government at a regional conference.of the Cana- ---alan Parliamentary Association. lie was a guest panellist, along with Albert M.L.A. Halpar Jonson, at a session on Free Trade on the opening day of the conference. 'Because very little of substance is known about the current talks bet- ween Canadian trade negotiator Simon Reisman and his American counterpart Peter Murphy. and because people tend to speculate about what concessions are being discussed, many of my constituents are concerned,' declared Reycraft. `Ontario cannot declare its support for a new agreement until we know what we are going to get out of it. what we are going to have to pay and' whether the benefit is worth the price.' Reycraft also advocated a more proactive Canadian approach to the US protectionist movement which threatens to reduce Canadian exports to the USA. 'The American public and its politicians need to be reminded that trade between our two countries has been of enormous mutual benefit,' he said. 'There is a perception that on- ly Canada has benefited from the relationship.' Reycraft continued. 'In .fact, Canada is a larger importer of American goods than .Japan, West Germany, Mexico and the United Kingdom combined. Ontario alone imported almost $30 Killion worth of American goods last year more than Japan, .which is the USA's second largest trading partner. Reycraft stressed the need fo make people in both countries more aware of Canada's importance as a US trading partner. 'We recognize the fact that the future prosperity of thts country depends on our ability to ex- port,' Reycraft said, 'but we also know that the Americans need access to our markets and that Ontario con- sumers should be a ver important consideration in any trade negotiations.' Reycraft also reaffirmed the On-, tario government's position that the Canadian -US Auto Pact, cultural and regional development policies, and agricultural marketing boards should be exempt from the trade discussions. Pick Up And 1 Pitch -In Nemo of MuntClpalNy Of Soard Corporation of the Village of Lucan .dress of Mun1clpetity or Bowl 161 Main Street, Lucan, Ontario. NOM 2J0 G. nog 444IS3. form 7 f i DRY & CLEAN STORAGE. for your car:. tent trailer,' lawnmower, motor cycle, small water craft, snowmobiles, household effects etc. Reserve space now for winter, .spring 87/88 Phone 235.0706 INVITATION TO TENDER In its capacity as Agent for CANADA POST CORPORATION, Public Works Canada will receive SEALED TENDERS for the pro- jects or services . listed below, addressed to the District Manager, Finance and Administration, Ontario Region, Public Works Canada, 451 Talbot Street, P.O. Box 668, Stn. 'B', Lon- don Ontario, N6A 4Y4 until 1500 hours on the specified closing date. Tender Documents can be obtained through the office of -- the District Manager, Public Works Canada, Ontario Region, Tendering office, 451 Talbot Street, London, Ontario, telephone number 679-4323 on payment of the applicable deposit. SERVICES - PROJECT #606304, SNOW PLOWING & REMOVAL CONTRACT, POST OFFICE, 179 MAIN STREET, LUCAN, ONTARIO CLOSING DATE: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1987 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. CANADA POST CORPORATION THE PROPOSED LAYING OUT AND ESTABLISHING OF PICKARD ROAD IN THE TOWN OF EXETER Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 301 of the Municipal Act. R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 302, that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Exeter proposes to pass By-law No. 36, 1987 - to lay out and establish a road allowance known as Pickard Road. Pickard Road will be the 66' road allowance into the new Ex- eter Industrial Park, located north off of Highway No. 83, shown Don survey as Part of Lot 936, Plan 376, described as Parts 3 and 4 on Reference Plan 22R2162, being 132' directly east of Dan - Brie Moulded Plastics Ltd. at 150 Thames Road East, Exeter, Ontario. The proposed By-law and description showing the larids af- fected may be viewed in the Clerk's Office, 406 Main Street, Exeter. On Thursday, August 20, 1987 at 7:30 p,m. in.the Coucil Chambers, Municipal Office, 406 Main Street, Exeter, the Coun- cil of the Corporation of the Town of Exeter will hear, in per- son, or by Council, any person who claims his land will be pre- judicially affected by the said By-law, and who applies to be heard. Any person who wishes to be heard should, as soon as ,possible, make application to: Mrs. Elizabeth Bell, AMCT, CMO Clerk-Treasuer, Town of Exeter 406 Main Street South EXETER, Ontario NOM ISO PART LOT 936 PART 1 PLAN 22R?473 INST. NO. 193751 PART 2 Exeter Industrial Park N 1.1 S E REGISTER PLAN 22R2162 • Den Rile Products 1S0 :Motes Rd. E. StANi It A 32is R1440 Treasurer 11119--