HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-08-05, Page 16Page 4A `a 4 Tunes -Advocate, August 5, 1987 WITH OUR NEW NOW You .Can A% ce Your d Anytime I ad...sors me of the off.re tob. urn'SPm to gene you personal Our Profnswrfo vice 1,t n not cannon. answer •us Monar fgwever i on y t,,,,e we have ng rhrn cowl II oke message andt 11 Nave „our ad n t rake your 004 t forge • you 'o ess and horgecord number for r ad in �, �,,,e. addt your &Hng 1 CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets pf numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $4.50, 15C per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 15C per word, minimum $3.00. SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $6.50 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - $5.00 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 1 inch. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office $2.50 per insertion. BIRTHS - 30 words $4.50, 15c per word'thereafter. MARRIAGES - Engagements, Death Notices - 20 words $4.50, each additional word 15C IN MEMORIAMS - $4.50 plus 2511 per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 20 words $4.50, each additional word 154. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARDS OF THANKS - 30 words $4.50, additional words 10c each. Above rates are for pre- paid advertisements. Add $ 1.00 for advertisments to be billed. Deadline: for classified ads is 4:00 p.m. Mondays. VISA Phone 235-1331 $5 SUPER AD!! Advertisers wont one thing ... RESULTS. And that's what we guarantee when you place o SUPERAD wl►h us. For only one low lee of $5 we'll run your ad in our newspaper until you get the results you wont. All you do is call us by Friday and osk for SUPERAD. You can (Private non-commercial ads only) take up to 40 words and we recommend you use a r' t vyou ore adverb price lorwha a er ss^g_ILypu do not _ get results by the following weekend, call us on Mon- - day and we'll gladly repeat the ad at no charge. And we'll keep running the ad as long as you want. Plus Your Ad Will Reach Another 10,000 Extra Readers In -Our Sister Paper, The St. Marys Journal -Argus At No Extra t i Charge . CALL YS AT 435.1331 VISA classifications Lost, Strayed. 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Veh. 11 Cars, Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical Instruments 14 Appliances. Television 15 Personal 16 For Sale 17 Wanted To Buy 18 Wanted 19 Property For Sale 20 Property For Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted To Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales 1 Lost, Strayed MISSING, short -haired charcoal grey cat wearing white flea collar, 1 mile south from Grand Bend. Dewitte Antiques family pet. $20 reward. Call any time 238-5121.31-34c WHITE CHAROLAIS HEIFER weighing approximately 1000 lbs. one to two miles northwest of Crediton. Gerard Gielen 234-6294 or 234-6456. 31c 2 Found DID YOU LOSE your suit coat? Size 36, light grey. after wedding reception at Huron Park Annex, July 18, 237-3647.31c Cashiers Full and Part time Contact: Gary MacLean for further information fflac ea ns 3 Situations Wanted WANT -A NIGHT OUT? Need a babysit- ter? Call a mom. 235-0621. Iltfn MOTHER WILL BABYSIT in her home in Exeter. 235-0298. 29-34c RELIABLE TEENAGER will babysit, Hwy. 23, Whalen Corners area. Phone. 225-2651. 31SA EXPERIENCED turnip trimmer. Availat)le part time. Phone 229-6433.30:31' Experienced Full Time and Part Time Cashiers Darling's I.G.A. Exeter Call Jeff 235-0420 Full -Time TRAVEL COUNSELLOR required. Must have two years travel agency experience Call Don at Help Wanted Full time clerical help Must have -a courteous and pleasant telephone manner. Apply in person_ to Dominion Securities 344 Andrew St.' S., Exeter or phone for appointment 235-2231 Afternoon Shift Supervisor Required by automotive parts manufacturer in the Ex- eter area. Past experience should include supervi- sion of persons i union environment. Successful applicooa n) will be fully responsible for all production activities in the molding, welding, ter- minating and cutting departments on the afternoon shift. Attractive starting salary. Full benefit program of- fered to career oriented person. Please send resume to: Fleck Manufacturing Inc. Canada Ave., Huron Park, Ont. NOM 'IVO Attention: Mr. Bob Reschke, Plant Manager 4 3 Situations Wanted IX) YOU HAVE A 1(1L1- I•ISIF J013 as well as being a mother? Do you find there isn't enough of you to do everything? Do you find your housework is keeping you in • when you would rather be elsewhere? We can help. We will gine you a hand with your housework. Just give us a call al 235-0626. 3k 4 Help Wanted PERSON ieyutred to operate grain receiv- ing facility and handle general duties in a feed mill. Apply in writing to I3ox 751'. Ex- eter Times Advocate, Exeter. NOM ISO. 30:31c A CAREER IN TRUCKING. Transport drivers needed. Noss is the time to train for your Class A Licence. For pre-screening in- ter iew and job placeinem information, contact Merv. Orr's Transport Driver Train- ing. London. 1-800-265-3559. 301 fn HERDSPERSON required for a 500 sow farrow to finish operation. Wages and in- centive according to experience. House available. Brussels 887-6181 between 7:30 and 9 tp in. 30:3Ic DELIVERY PEOPLE needed willing to work weekends and nights. Must have own car. Apply to New Orleans Pizza, Exeter. 30:31c INDIVIDUAL who is interested in an in- teresting job doing electrical and mechanical repairs, installations and inspec- tions on overhead cranes and hoists throughout South Western Ontario. After a six month to one year training program will consider an electrical apprentice pro- gram. Some work on weekends necessary. Wage will be based on ability. Range $8-$10 to start. Job will start immediately. Please mail resume to Woodham Electrical and Mechanical, Woodham, Ont. NOK 2A0or phone 229-8892. 30:31c TELEMARKETING 2 hours per day. Wage plus bonus. Phone 1-800-265-5735. ask for Ray. 30:31c CONSTRUCTION LABOURERS ex- perience preferred. but not necessary if will- ing to learn. Contact Blue Water Industries and Commercial Roofing Ltd. Phone 228-6121. 30:31c NEWSPAPER REPORTER opening for news reporting personnel on Manitoba dai- ly. Location in small urban rural area. General reporting; an opportunity for a person with experience or recent graduate. Apply giving resume to I3ox 130, Portage la Praifie, MB, RIN 3B4. Phone News Editor, (204) 857-3427. 30x PART TIME and full time, must be will- ing to work weekends and nights Apply in person to New Orleans Pizza, Exeter.30;3Ic LEGAL SECRETARY. Busy small town law firm .requires a secretary experienced in estates and bookkeeping. Salary com- mensurate with experience. Reply in con- fidence with resume only to Little and Evans, P.O. Box 1750, Exeter; Ont. NOM . ISO 31c BABYSITTER in my home for 3-4 hours a night for one child. Phone 235-2519 through the day or after 8 p.m. 31:32c SUPERVISOR required for Zurich Branch Library to work 15 hours per week starting September 15, 1987. Apply in writing by August 21 to Mrs. Sharon Cox, Assistant Librarian, Huron County Public Library. 66 Waterloo St. South. Goderich, N7A 4A4 31c Dewitte Antiques Flea Market Sat. 8 Sun. Vendors Wanted STORE OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 1 Mile S. of Grand Bend Hwy. 21, 238.5121 4 Help Wanted IN NIIDIA 1 L POSITION, for experienc- ed farm equiptnent mechanic for growing Case -IH dealership. Apply in person to Walter Tadgell and Sons Ltd. Hwy. 81 North, RR 5 Strathroy. 28ifnc PLASTIC EXTRUDER OPERATORS, machinists. welders, EDM wire machine operators, CAD -CAM programers. App- ly in writing to Skylight Manufacturing Inc. Brox 1120, Grand Bend, NOM IT0.28-31' PERSONS TO WORK on grading line sor- ting vegetables starting immediately. Apply Grand Bend Produce; Walker Road at Hwy. 21.243-2435. 29,30,31c RELIABLE CARING PERSON.to babysit in our home two days a week starting the first week in September. Call Jim/Dch McCann 237-3758. 29i In AGRICULTURAL SALES. Major On- tario agricultural farm supplier requires an individual with proven record of seed and crop sales for Claremont -Uxbridge arca. Send resume and salary expectations to Ux- bridge Co -Op. Attention Steve Gardner. 4 Victoria St., Uxbridge, Ont. LOC I KO (416) 852-3321. 31x OVERSEAS POSITIONS. Hundreds of lop paying positions.Attractive benefits. All occupations. Free details. Overseas Employment Services, Dept. CA, Box 460, Nlount Royal, Quebec fI3P 3C7. 31x MATERNITY WARD of 450 sow farrow- ing herd needs responsible person. Must be reliable; conscientious and enjoy working with baby pigs. Wages according to ex- perience. Call Woods and Woods 2.37-3598. 31c RESPONSIBLE PERSON WANTED for hog operation to work with weaners-and feed mill. Mechanical ability an asset. Wages depend on experience. Call Woods and Woods 237-3598. • 31c FULL TIME WAITPERSON at Huron Restaurant. Please apply in person. 3Ic EXPERIENCED TELEPHONE SALES people required, work from own home. 679-7335 collect. • 31,32c EXPERIENCED SHORT ORDER COOK. Apply to Sugar Bush Inn. and Restaurant 565-2450. 31c WAITER OR WAITRESS, full-time 'and part-time positions. Experience not necessary. also full-time dishwasher. Must be willing to work weekends.Three AAAs Restaurant. 235-2949. 31,32c CAGE LAYER FARM REQUIRES per- son to 011 the position as operator. Phone for an appointment to Westerhout Farms 229-6730. 31,32c BABYSITTER needed daily for kindergarten age girl. Grand Bend. 238-5831. 31,32c EXPERIENCED BAR TENDER, waiter, waitress required. Applyin person Hensall Tavern. Hensall. 31,32c 5 Business Opportunities SOLID - BOOMING - BUSINESS!!! Start small, grow big! ALLFOODTAB: King of Allfood! New convenient, "energizing" space age family food: extremely delicious. Perfect nutrition for fitness - health: Great demand! Highly profitable franchiscs ($500 - 57,500 investment) could be 525.000 - S75,000 yearly! Also needed salespersons. average sale: 5500 plus bonus. Interviews in Toronto 1-9 p.m.(416)921-4020. 31x TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVICES SALES AND OFFICE FILL THAT EMPTY POSITION WITH /IMAM-, COMPETENT HELP FROM MT SERVICES REASONABLE RATES (519) 235.2739 a Agricultural Sales Representative Cook's Division of Gerbro Inc. Hensall, Ontario Cook's a processor and exporter of Edible Beans and Edible Seed, is a leading Multi -Branch Grain, Crop Products and Feed Company in Southwestern Ontario. The successful candidate ..:11 assume the responsibili- ty for meeting sales targets in Crop Products, Chemical, Seed and Feed Distribution and the pro- curement of Cash Grains and Edible Beans in the area. Candidate must have a positive background in Agri -business, and must be a graduate of an Agricultural College or School. Sa ary will be commensurate with experience. lase forward application with resume before August 12, 1987 to the confidential attention of General Manager. DIVISION OF GERBRO INC. Cook's Division of Gerbro Inc. 56 Wellington Street Hensall, Ontario NOM 1X0 5 Business Opportunities RES 1 AU RANI , Hutcl, Deli, Bakery, bili cher, grocery, submarine and pizza egtIIIt meat, refrigerators, grills, fryers, slice's, sub and pizza tables, ice machines, Mean' tables, walk-in coolers and freezers. deli cases, scales. cash registers. gas stoves and ovens. dishwashers for sale or lease, Arc- tic Refrigeration Store Fixtures. Hamilton (416) 528-8528; Toronto (4161283-2600.30x GROUND FLOOR BUSINESS OPPOR- TUNITY! Leaders and distributors need- ed. Calorad All Natural - All Canadian family of weight loss products;. Sweeping North America! "I lose weight without dieting - while sleeping!" Peter Waselytt- chuk, Stoney Creek, lost 99 lbs. and earn- ed 5700 to 51000 monthly parttime. T. Taylor. Alberta made 521,000 in first three months. For free info package contact House of Sherwood - Calorad 3345 North Service -road, Burlington, Ont. 1.7N 3G2 _14161_313.2- 30x LEARN AU(7TIONEERING at the Southwestern Ontario School ol. Autioncer- ing. Next class October 17 to 24. P.O. Box 145., Innerkip, Ont. NOJ IMO 14519)469-3936. I-(519)537-2115. 31x EASTERN ONTARIO SCHOOL of Trucking special offer. Our combination program tractor trailer, dump truck. backhoe and bus is now being offered for the summer only. Exceptional value (613)836-5950. 31x FREE: 1987 guide ti) study -al -hone cor- respondence Diploma courses- for prestigious careers: Accounting, Aircondi- tioning; Bookkeeping, Business; Cosmetology. Electronics. Legal/Medical Secretary. Psychology, -Travel, Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West. Toronto. 1-800-268.1121. 30x 6 Services SOUTH HURON AGRI SYSTEMS PATZ Feeding and Manure handling Equipment FARM EZE Belt conveyors and feeders Grain Brain BSM Stabling - Hog and Dairy BERG Stable Cleaners. Mixers. Meier \till• FLEX AUGERS DYNAVENT HAY DRYERS RR 2.Crediton 234-6403 _ II tone DRIVERS' VEHICLE LICENCE 01•- FICE. 46 Main Si. E., -Zurich. 236-4830 (beside Vet Clinic) - 1 Itfnc FABRIC MASTER CLEANING SYSTEM Complete Spring Housecleaning Service Wash walls, ceilings, floors, windows. etc: Steam Clean carpets and dry clean drapes, etc. •- Phone 235-1451 I.�rll: M&M PAINTING RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL Free Estimates Phone: 235-1701 evenings 15tfnc CUSTOM COMBINING. Dougall Farms, phone 235-1491. 27tfn c` CLEANING - Will clean your horne for you. Call 236-4766. 29-32c APPLIANCE REPAIR - All makes refrigeration.andair_conditionirrg_J_hanc 565-5277: 29-32c -EXETER SOUND DJ SERVICE. Phone Russell 235-1830 or Dennis 235-1118.31-33' CUSTOM POULTRY PROCESSING. health approved. G. Francis. Kirkton 229-8861. 31.32' WILSON & WILSON PAINTING Residential Commercial Industrial FREE ESTIMATIS • FAIR RATES Phone 235-1401 evenings 3Ic e, 6 Services PAT'S PET SHOP RR 2 DASHWOUD I Mile west of Dashwood on Hwy. 83 CARRYING A FUI.1. LINE OF "HAGEN" PET SUPPLIES I)og. (at, Fish and Bird 237-3779 311tH 7 Livestock LARGI SEI L(`IION, goad tyuahI), ag- gressive working. boars, York, I. and, Duroc, [lamp, Spot /lamp x Duroc, York x Hump; Dunk x Spot. Also bred and open gilts. ROP tested. Reasonably priced, guaranteed breeders. I)elisery available. Richard Stroebel, RR 2 (iranton, 519-225-2587 or 284-26'2%. 7tfnc PUREIIRF1) I)UROC, York Boars, ROP test: Also bred and open gilts. Goverrmle-n t health inspected. Also a good selection of Yorkshire (lilts bred 1 andrace.- red Schendcra, 225-2734. 28t1nc WI ANFR PIGS for sale. Phone after 6 p.m. 234-6776 0, 234 6437. 31i 8 Farm Machinery BEAN I'U1.1 ER - 6 row John Deere, very good conihoon. Phone 215-1586. 311:31• W le�ap Domestic Housecleaning and Small Offices Bonded & Insured CALL 229-6229 T.F. ROUND BALING Lawrence Becker Phone before 9 a.m. or after 5:30 p.m. 234-6486 Custom Round Baling 4 x 5 ft. bales. Wayne Regier 234-6479 CALmAR1 Rain SYSTEMS LTD' Quality Grain_Storage Drying & Hand ing Products • DESIGN • SALES • SERVICE AL -MAR GRAIN SYSTEMS LTD. Prate, 263 MAIN ST N PO BOX 550 Bus 1519) 235.1919 EXETER ONTARIO NOM 'SO Res (619)345.2204 Bodkin Appliance Repair Service 244 Wellington St. W., Exeter Repairs to all makes of washers, dryers, fridges, stoves, dishwashers All work guaranteed Commercial and Residential Refrigeration 1O% Discount For seniors Call 235-1228 or 235-1625 after hours • Custom Round Baling 4 ft. wide .by 3-6 ft. high Varna, Ontario 565-2728 or 482-9297 • • •