HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-08-05, Page 13t
A MOVING FORCE - Exeter Minor Hockey is sure to miss Paul
Charrette, pictured above examining one of the trophies he hel -
ped claim as a coach. Charrette is leaving to take a new job with
his cornpony in Montreal. T -A photo
Charrette leaving
Paul Charrette, a man who is
praised by many for having
pointed Exeter Minor hockey in
the right direction over the past six
years, is ieaving town.
Charrette, an employee of Big 0
in Exeter. has accepted (he posi-
tion of General Mona ,.et- for
Quebec and the Maritimes within
the company, and will be based in
Longueuil, on the south side of the
St. Lawrence River near
"We're losing a good man." said
Larry Taylor, Minor hockey ex-
ecutive. "He's been a big part of
the organization and he's put us
back on the road again."
Taylor said that Charrette was
largely responsible for the success
that Exeter Minor hockey has ex-
perienced in the past five years.
While registration for minor
hockey has dropped dramatically
in other local centres, Exeter
registration has experienced
'substantial increases. In 198L 120
children signed up for the pro --
grams available. Last year 200
registered for minor hockey. -
Charrette is quick to point out -
that the organization's success has
been a result of good chemistry on
the executive, good coaching and
co-operation from parents.
"It's not only myself. it's the
people on the executive," he said.
"it was a real team effort and
everybody had the same goals and
objectives and it was really
"I was lucky enough to be at the
head of it."
Charrefte joined the executive
body in 1981 when he took on the
coaching responsibilities for the
Novice house league team. He im-
mediately began to exert an 'in-
fluence over the ¢ody when he
became second vice president in
1982 and then first vice president
in 83.
In 1985 he became president of
the executive. During that year.
Charrette also .coached an Atom
travelling team and a Peewee
house league team.
In that - time. Exeter Minor
hockey began to blossom.
"We realized, that with the
amount of kids registering, we had
to get more interest in hockey,"
said Charrette.
A Midget house league was add-
ed along with the introduction of
Tyke level hockey and girls were
allowed to play on boys teams.
"Our goal was to keep kids in
hockey as long as we could," he
said. "The biggest change in the
organization ,has been the em-
phasis we've put on the house
league teams in the last few
- In emphasising house league
play over travelling teams. the
organization provided a wider
range of opportunity' to players
who lacked expertise, but still.
wanted to play hockey..
"It's viewed as recreation and
just because you're not good at it
doesn't mean you can't enjoy it."
Charrette said. •
The executive put the secondary
teams into secondary levels of
competition. They also entered
house league teams in local tour-
naments -- an unusual practice
that rarely brought home tourney
pennants. But Charrette noted that
the players didn't mind.
"We found that with the kids, the.
winning isn't the biggest thing.
They just wanted to get on theice
and play:"
Charrette admitted that the ex-
ecutive did run into some opposi-
tion to its approach'to hockey, but ,
the results outweighed the
In times when most com-
munities the size of Exeter are
having difficulty forming a single
midget team, Exeter has two. and
the system is growing at a healthy
"This year we're going to have
a Juvenile team for the first year.
which means that the kids are
staying in the system," Charrette
"That's the name of the game.
if the kids get the ice -time. they're
.going to like 'it and they're going
to play."
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Co-op Juniors wrap up regular season
Exeter Co-op Juniors finished their
regular season schedule on a down
note this week, losing theirlast two
games to London and Listowel.
Co-ops will head into playoff action
with a record of eight wins, 15 losses
and one tie which at best, will give
them a second place finish in the
Great Lakes Baseball League.
Co-ops will play the first game of a
best -of -three series against Listowel
Sunday at 5:30 here in Exeter.
After taking a 2-0 lead in the top of
the second Friday night at Labatt
Park in London, Exeter allowed South
London Juveniles the room they need-
ed to pull out a 4-2 victory. •
Ray Anstett singled to bring in Fred
Gregus in the top of the second inn-
ing. He was later batted in when
Terry Cox singled.
London put their first mark on the
board' in the bottom of the second and
followed it with the tying run in the'
third inning.
Unable to hold their opponents, Ex- -
eter allowed two more. runs to be
scored in the fifth.
After their initial burst of power in
the second inning. Co-ops were unable
to maintain the pace. Only Doug
>;hade and Gregus managed to get
flits from the third inning to the
Cox started on the mound for Ex-
eter. allowing six hits. striking out one
and walking three. He was replaced
by 'Scott Lovie in the bottom of the
fifth..Lovie struck out one and held
London at bay for. the remaining
Listowel 16-- Exeter 15 -
Co-ops came up against Listowel
Monday 3 July 27 losing by one run in
the shoot-out that ensued. After nine
complete innings -of play, Exeter was
on the !ow side of a 16-15 score.
Starting pitcher Darren Akey walk-
ed five of the first six hatters he fac-
ed. allowing Listowel to jump into a
five run lead. That precarious start
had little effect on the team, however:
They redefined the shape of the game
by pounding in five runs of their own
in the bottom of the first.
Steve Merner was the first to cross
the plate after Akey knocked out a
sacrifice fly to centre field. A single
by Darren Crocker allowed Schade to
score and then Lovie doubled to bring
in Darcy Martin and Crocker.
Please turn to page 2A
CONSOLATION COBRAS - This squad battled their way through
some stiff competition to find their' way to the final game of the
Crediton men's sto-pitch-tourney on the weekend. By the time they
got there though, they were just too tired to win, In the back row,
left Clare Masse, Jack Bender, Steve Wilson, Mike Masse, John Blan-
chard, Steve Durand and Joey Groot. Front row, left: Bill DeGroot,
Dave Regier, Don Beauchamp, Rick Masse and Kevin Masse. Cobras
came away from the tourney with $350 in prize money: They were
one of 24 teams participating in the weekend -long event.T-A photo
CHAMPION ROOKIES - Shipka Rookies took the Crediton men's slo•pitch tournament by storm for the
second consecutive season. The Shipka team handed a tired Zurich Cobras a Topp -sided 24-4 Toss Mon-
day night to claim a total of $550 in prize money. In the back row, left; les O'Neill, Dave Rotz, John
Dietrich, Joe Arnold, Paul Hodgins, Paul Brannon and James Guenther Front row, left; Ron Pickering,
Mike Brannon, Don Weigond, Jim Dietrich, Jim Sweitzer and Ron Mason..Twenty-four teams participated
in the annual round robin toUr ament. T -A photo
CREDITON HARDWARE • Steve Dinney (left) and Bob Spell (right)
present Jim Dietrich, captain of Shipka Rookies, with the champion-
ship trophy after Rookies devastated Zurich Cobras 24-4 in the final
game of Crediton's annual men's sto-pitch totll-ney on the weekend.
Rookies won $550 in cash after blasting their way through the round
robin tournament:. r T•A photo
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Derwyn Hodgins. originally from
Lieury, was' a key element in Sarnia
Ranson's win over Dorchester in the
final game of the Ontario men's
senior fastball elimination tourna-
ment held Monday in Sarnia.
Hodgins pitched the final game tor
the Sarnia team, giving up five hits
and striking out seven batters to lead
his team to a 2-0 victory over
• Dorchester.
After allowing two singles in the
first inning. Hodgins put away 13 of
the next 14 batters he faced. That per-
formance earned him' the title of
runner-up pitcher of the tournament.
Sarnia Hanson finished the tourney
undefeated. They will advance to the -
Canadian Championship in Calgary
later this month.
Thiswill be the second Canadian
Championship for Hodgins. who went
to Prince Edward Island last yea:..,
an addition to Ottawa Turpin. •
The local pitcher played with the
Lieury Jets before moving on to the
Memorial League. .
Exeter Minor Hockey
Association requires
for Shamrock League
Coaching level II can lie
optional athrough EMHA
Apply to:
Tom McCann 235-0307
or Larry Taylor
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