HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-06-17, Page 28Times-Advee+ate, June 17, 1987 GB Council discuss cos* of uniforms Once again discussion arose al [ ra fd11end's Monday session involv- ing the number and cost of uniforms, tee shirts, that should be supplied to Harbour staff and other village employees such as the Beach Patrol. It was suggested that a policy be decided then adhered to, but no mo- tion was made at (his lime. Reeve Harold Green, along with other councillors expressed concern over the repeated -loss of equipment, and the constant need • to replace items such as life preservers, etc. Clerk Dianne Mollard stressed that .all groups involved should be required to do an inventory of equipment now, then at the end of the season. Each one should be responsible for return- ing the same inventory at the end of SPECIAL GUEST AT SCHOOL Grand Bend Public School students and teachers recently met a special visitor from Jamaica. Here kindergarten teacher Sylvia Gardner, Jamaica, talks with Grades 3-4 teacher Brian Morrice and librarian Shirley Perriam. Gardner will be in Canada for one year learning about the Canadian school system. WINS CITIZENSHIP AWARD Donna Hoffman presents the Grand Bend Lioness Citizenship award to Jennifer Weigand, a grade six stu- dent at Stephen Central School. T -A photo New reading program for Lambton library Lambkin County Library is pleas- ed to announce a new summer reading program for youngchildren called `'The Story Book Train Reading Club". This program is for non-readers and has limn developed to encourage parents to share literature with children aged 2-6. When children register for (he pro- gram. they receive "Story Book Train Reading ('harts" and (heir parents help Ihern choose library materials according to the suggestions on the charts. The nuinbx•rs on the charts help weals discover the variety of books in the library suitable for their child such as picture books, records, fairytales• rhyme books, etc. Parents and children keep track of what they rea(I by placing stickers on the ap- propriate train cars. Whet$. (heir charts are full, the children will receive a colourful punch out train sets compliments of Via (tail. Registration has already begun so visit"! he branch nearest you and pick up a "Ston;y Book Train heading ('hart" for your child today! May yet fire truck funds Increased provincial funding is a hope when the four nlelnher municipalities of the Exeter and area fire board move ahead on the pur- chase of a new fire truck in the future. - Thal hope was relayed to Exeter council lollowink their regluest to the Town Topics Visiting with harry and Ruby Beaver for (heir 50th wedding an- niversary were their daughter Jeanette and Al 'Clyne. Linda and Kristin MacDonal(1, and Susan Clyne. Port G►quillanl, I1.('. Also Bill. Lynne and Aaron Clyne, Maple Ridge. B.C. province for more assistance to small municipalities in acquiring firelight ing equipment. The response came from Deputy Solicitor General .1.1). 'I'akach, who. said a number of similar requests had been received. and the ministry "has long recognized the severe financial pressure pia ced on small Municipalities through the provision of firefighting and fire protection services". While recognizing (hal the provin- cial budget has similar worthwhile demands, 'I'akac'h said the Solicitor General has assured hint that he will he urging his cabinet colleagues that fire equipment should be given a high priority in any future allocation of Declare track best at Hensall school On Friday._ May 29. Ilensall Public School held a school (rack and field meet, to determine the students who would go .10 Exeter. The three categories were junior. intermediate, and senior. Winners from the categories were as follows: Junior: high jump - I,e►ri ' Gould and Troy' Cooper ; hall throw - Leann Consitt and Troy Cooper; Stan- _ ding long jump - Anne Packham and Dan Taylor; running long jump - Terri -Lynn Elder and Troy Cooper: 60 meter dash - Daniel Lambert and Troy Cooper and 200 metre dash - Daniel Lambert and Troy Cooper. Intermediate: high jump - Angela Gould and Matt Gardner; hall throw - Angela Gould and Matt Gardner -:.tri- ple jump - Angela Gould and Thomas Gullage; running long jump - Angela - Gould and Matt Gardner; 80 meter dash -'Vicky Bisback and Troy Cooper and 200 meter dash - Angela Gould the season. It was also recommended that the items in question could be better located at the Harbour building if a locker type box was provided -fol' storage. Long distance phone calls made from the harbour building and the bath house should be kept in a tog book. No formal motion was made to facilitate these suggestions. The cost of $1500 per day for the use of the barge of the H.D construction company to move the materials along the river during the construction of the new docks appeared very expen- sive to councillor Dennis Snider. "For that kind of money we could have had several men walk down carrying the stuff to the site all day and done it cheaper" he exclaimed. The total cost was $22,322, well over the budgeted $19,000. The problem of vendors soliciting business on the public beach was in- troduced for discussion in Reeve Green's report. Already, there have been several attempts by en- trepreneurial business owners to cir- cumvent the by-law prohibiting the sale of goods along the beach. One in- ventive food outlet equipped staff with a walkie-talkie to take the orders from sun bathers in the sand and have it delivered to the beach by another waiter when the order was ready. Councillor Marsha Lemon re- counted the incident reported by the OPP a few weeks ago, of the sales of "slightly obscene" pictures. Green questioned how something could be "slightly" obscene. "Well, the OPP called them pretty bad pictures replied Lemon. It was agreed that constant vigil must be kept on the situaton this sum- mer, even to the extent of having the beach checked at times by the by-law enforcement officer. - Along the same line of keeping the beach and the Bend clean, Councillor Barb Southcott asked to have the lit- ter by-law enforced in cases of blatant littering the streets with paper cups, candy wrappers etc. The parking lot staff were to be instructed to pick up refuse as part of the job and perhaps other young people could be enlisted to help. "1f each person stooped over for village staff and picked up one bit of litter- each day it might solvethe problem" Southcott declared. The granting of five new sign ap- plications, indicating new shops or businesses opening along Main Street, shows the rapid progress in village development. After expressing concern earlier in the year as to the result, Dennis Snider now suggests that council write a letter of thanks and praise for ---an excellent ion, to Jack stantal(e, Village foreman, and the committee responsible for the installation of the new Tight standards all along Main Street. Using the warm orange -pink high intensity sodium light bulbs has given Main street a new look. - An in camera session followed the regular meeting, where property ac- quisition and finaneal matters were discussed, but "no motions were pass- ed" stated Reeve Green. ssIPP OMR HOLD OPEN HOUSE — In commemoration with Employees' Week, the Grand Bend Post Office held an open house there Wednesday afternoon. A large 'number of used eyeglasses were handed in for use in third world countries through the EMMAS program. Postmaster Gar Johnston, informs Lorne Fen- ner, Steve Stellingwerff, Iva Latta, Bertie Keyes, and George Latta how things operate on the inside. Health board heads get vote of confidence were related directly to staff moral. "carry the concerns of the staff to the if the employment situation is as gexxl Little positive reinforcement • of board and the board's concerns to the as McKinnon claimed. Wilder said he staff from the board, no direct com- staff and work toward keeping the did not understand why employable municalion on board decisions, and lines of communication open at all men received welfare while he -knew the lack of a written policies and pro- tithes." - of faners who need men to help redoes manual for health unit Department heads are also directed work nin (heir fields. employees are three of the problem to ensure that copies of the approved areas cited in the brief. board minutes are posted on bulletin McKinnon explained that the coun- At its May 13 meeting, council was hoards al each -of the health unit's 'ty has two categories of welfare reci- told, the board discussed the staff branch offices. a pients, employable and non report. during an "in camera" portion employable. In the case of the 15 he of the meetin Followinthat session Employment Up had mentioned the category of being g' b "they are in the the board passed a resolution calling Employment in Huron County ap- employable, grey for the circulation of the statement. pears to be on the rise, Social Services area between the categories - sort of In addition to its declaration of con- Administrator J.A. McKinnon told borderline: employable". fidence in the department heads and Iluron County Council at its regular The social services administrator health unit staff the statement also in- June meeting. Because of this, (herr acknowledged that it is not. a perfect structs all department 'heads to are less than 15 employable people on system since not everyone wants to r the county's welfare rolls at present. work. Ilowever, it is difficult to deny McKinnon made these remarks - assistance to others in the • family while commenting on the report of the because the head of the household Social Services Committee to council does not want to work. by Morris 'Township Reeve D.C. Statistics included -in the commit - Fraser. tee's report indicate a 1987 general [lay Township Reeve Lionel Wilder assisance caseload of 122 as of. April. questioned .the granting of welfare 30, compared to 15:1 for the same assistance to employable people at all period last year. The {loran County Board of llealth has circulated a statement to all staff declaring the board's "complete con- fidence in the heads of departments of the health unit and their staff.". News of the statement's circulation was announced to Huron County Council at its regular June meeting. during presentation.of a report from the board of health by the chairman, Goderich Township Reeve Grant Stirling. The statement is the result of a brief presented to the board at its April meeting by a group of health • unit employees. The brief outlined five problem areas. but all of these GB pee wets unbeaten I,ingard was the top se•orer•wilh a four -goal effort. and singles were add- ed by Kevin Carson, Josh Vermeulen, I11ark Fluter. Colin Sleuth and 'Porn Cotler. This team lost in Lucan with a score of 6-4 Thursday night. The Grand Bend atoms game in Lucan was rescheduled due to an electrical storm in+Lucan. Lucan 1 won 3-1). ('oath Willy Forrester fell better in the atom game .against Nairn. Grand Bend won 6-1, with Simon I)esjarcfine scoring three, Mal - thew DeJong with Iwo and Michael Stanlake added a single. Merlon travels to Grand Bend this week., The (rand Bend peewee soca•r team has won all its games -so far this year in the regular league play. • Coach Martin Vandenberk said Ilial Bill Jennison is the top playmaker on the team. They teat St. Columbian 5-2, Lucan 8-0 and downed Exeter I last week with a score of 5-2. Dave Maguire scored two, Cullen Kobe with one as well as Steve Vendenberk and Jeff Lingard: After that gopd hard game the team plays .lune 16 against Bryanston. The mosquitos won against Nairn at'Grand Bend with a score of 9-I. Jell TRACK AND FIELD BEST - These students of Grand Bend Public School were this year's winners in the local track and field meet. In the front Michael Stanlake, junior boys; and Trent Stellingwerff, bantam boys; centre row Lisa Turnbull, bantam girls; Theresa Petch, junior girls; and Leann Peckitt, intermediate girls. Back row is coach and organizer teacher Doris Elliott; Joe Larkin, int. boys; Joanne Beemer, senior girls; and Bill Jennison, senior boys. and Shawn Cooper. The people selected for the relay team were Shawn Cooper, Thomas Gullage, Matt Gardner and Shane 'Pepper. Seniors: high jump - Kari- ue Kyle. ('hris Gardner; ball thaw - Karie-Sue Kyle,. Marc Tinney; running long jump - Kari -Sue Kyle, Dave Stephens; triple jump Chrystal Jones, ,100 meter dash - Kelly Gacksletler, Dave Stephens and 800 meter dash - Angie Gould, Chris Gardner. The girls for the, relay team are Kelly Gacksletler, Chrystal Jones. Kari -Sue Kyle and Amy Campbell. The boys on (he relay team are Dave Stephens. ('hris Gardner, Steve Campbell and Sean Kyle. The Students' Council also had a popsicle sale and made approx- irhately $25.01. • Jen Selwood - Grade 8 Ilensall Pul2lic School FUTURE AGRICULTURALISTS Lisa Campbell, Phillip Ingram and Shelly Gardner are suitably dressed for Farmers' Day at Hensall Public School. BROWNIES FLY -UP —. These four Brownies from the Grand Bend group are now officially Girl Guides. Flying up to Guides at a ceremony at St. John's were in the front Tracy Turnbull, Trista Wer- rett, centre Danielle VonBruaene and Amanda Dunn with leaders Kathy Hayter, Left, and Margrit Bruer, on the right. Crediton bible school set for August By MRS. STAN PRESZCATOR The topic al Zion United Church was taken from John 1:35-51 tilled "The Voices We Ucar -- Give Me \'our Attention". Sacrament of Holy Com- munion was celebrated. Choir practice will be held this Wednesday evening al 8:01 p.m. in the sanctuary. Services during the month of June will be as follows: June 21, Children's Day. June 28. Cemetery Decoration Service (10:00 a.m. r Rev. Brian It. Elder; speaking. Vacation Bible School will be held during the week of August 17-21. and we will be using•the theme "Growing God's Way in the Sunshine Patch". Please mark this week on your calen- dars. Volunteers are needed to teach again this year. If ypu are interested in helping out, please contact Rev. Brian and Mary Elder as soon as possible. - . Crediton tf..C.W. held their meeting Thursday. Mrs. Irene (laugh and the Explorer girls presented a very en- joyable program after which lunch wag served by thk lunch committee. Business was conducted by Presi- dent Mary Kenney. 11 was decided to • enter a display at Exeter Fair. and to serve F'reshie and cookies tor Vaca - lion Bible School. We are also to help with a hake sale and silent auction at Summerlest. It was decided to have a fund raising (lay on October 17.- • In hospital At Soulh Huron r Exeter►, Mrs. Helen Raiz, Mrs. Alma Schwartz, Mrs. Estrella Finkheiner, al .51. Joseph's London . Ted La moor! . Mrs. Leonard W(jn. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Stan I'reszealor visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. David Isaac and 'Pasha after attending the opening aixl beef f Ilarbe- que at Centralia Ball Park. Pitch -In