HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-06-17, Page 24• -The regular meeting of the Lucan -senior citizens opened with strawber- ries, cake and ice cream which was enjoyed by all. The president thanked all the com- mittee for doing the work. Birthday wishes went to Alma Hodgins, Ethel Crouch, Mary Davis, Gayle Cronyn and Adrian Bax. The minutes were read and adopted. Harry Noels asked everyone going to play at the seniors games in Seaforth to be there by 9:30 a.m. as the games start at 10 a.m. • The president held the annual meeting and also gave a report on all the activities the club had done in the Page 4A Times -Advocate, June 17, 1987 Seniorsenjoy strawberries past year. Greta Gibson gave a port " on cards sent out and Hazel u n- ingham-gave her treasurers report. The nominating committee brought in the new slate of officers for the coming year as follows: past presi- dent - Hamilton Hodgins; president - Jim Davis and Harry Noels; vice president - Helen MacDonald; treasurer - Marion Noels; assistant treasurer - Jean Miller; secretary - Voyle Jordan; 'assistant secretary - Mabel Needham. Conveners for euchre - Elizabeth Conlin; Sunshine - Greta Gibson; lunch - Mary Scott and Florence Huffman; entertain- ment - Mary Davies and Audrey Anniversary .included Hodgins: pianist - Muriel Cobleigh and Mary Kooy; travel - Hazel Cunn- ingharn; senior games - Harry Noels: assistant- -- Muriel Cobleigh: The potluck dinner is in two weeks time. Florence Hodgins is to look after the chicken. We had two readings by Roy Zinn, "As Healthy As A Horse.. and "A Little.Boy". Euchre winners were: high score - /Lulu Culbert and Tom Kooy; lone hands - Gladys Atkinson and Harry Noels; low score - Pat Davis and Alma Hodgins and skunks were Mildred Hirtzel and Pat Davis. Craft winner - Elizabeth Conlin. 'Silo -dal United Church events "I will praise the Lord with my "variety night" - then Saturday after- much more Sunday the special an - whole heart in the congregation" was noon from 4:30 p.m. on - "games" - niversaary service at 11 a.m. follow - the theme of Sunday's sermon. - beef B.B.Q. at 6:00 p.m. "for those ed by an open house and tea. Come •The last Sunday before the celebra- who have tickets". and enjoy. tion - beginning Friday evening at Balloon launching and last but not The children's story was given by 7:30 p.m. at the Lucan Public School least. a family dance. All this and Mrs. Donna VanArenthals - "a story on stars". ('hildren were compared to these bright. polished sparklers. They need only a visit from the angels to remove jaw tarnish which a sin might leave to restore them to their original brilliance. One'of these polished stars was Kel- ly Maguire, daughter of Dennis and Mary Maguire at age nine she stood and read the scripture passages. Isaiah 43:14-24 and first Peter 1:13-23. Robert Brady brought a report from the London Conference held in Sault Ste. Marie. Ile said "The United Church is a democracy and each per- son .can make a difference. The in- fluence of the Holy Spirit is what keeps • this church from becoming untied". Damages total 55,500 in two area accidents Two accidents totalling $5,500 in damages were investigated this week by officers of the Lucan detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police. Sunday at 5:05 p.m., a vehicle . driven by Jane Hermann, London swerved on loose gravel on the road- way of Concession 9 in London township and struck a tree. The driver and a passenger Robert Travers. Kitchener were injured. Constable Osterloo set damages at $4,500. Constable }lodge listed damages at $1,000 when a vehicle owned by Bar- bara Brouwer, Lucan was struck by an unknown vehicle while parked in a driveway at 10:50 p.m., Friday. Included in 52 general occurrences were three thefts under $1.1100 and one each of common assault. mischief. fraud. break, enter anti theft andlow. impaired driving charges. JUNIOR FARMERS PROMOTE FARM SAFETY The topic was farm safety as the Edgewood Junior Farmers visited St. Patrick's School, Friday. Shown from the left are student Nancy Van Bussel, teacher Jack Gardiner, guest speaker Allan Sheldon, Junior Farmer Scott McKoy and student Dan Hendricksen. T -A photo FARM SAFETY AT ST, PAT'S — Edgewood Junior Farmers members held a farm safety seminar at St. Patrick's School, Friday. Shown above are students Lori Vanneste and Katie Malone, Junior Farmers president Cheryl McKay, guest speaker Allan Sheldon and students Pat Mcllhargey and Pot Toohey. . 1 • T -A photo Notice TOWNSHIP OF MCGILLIVRAY RATEPAYERS 2nd Installment of 1987 Taxes DUE JUNE 30, 1987 Shirley Scott, Clerk -Treasurer NoId WMS annual The 40th annual meeting of the Hamilton and London Synodical. W.M.S. of the' Presbyterian Church was held recently in Knox Presbyterian Church, Listowel with over 300 attending. Mrs. Jessie Rayner, Paris, President of Synodical presided at all sessions. Mrs. Mary McTavish, president, Stratford - Huron Presbyterial welcomed all present. Greetings came from the mayor of Listowel, Wm. Jones, Rev. Vernon Tozer, minister of Knox and Rev. Hugh Nugent, Ripley, moderator of the Hamilton and London Synod. Ses- HEATING / AIR CONDITIONING • LENNOX •'BAILEYS All You Need to Remember About Home Comfort • Hens" GBAHEYS 262-2020 Heating and Air Conditioning We're proud to be Yo.ur /ENNar Dealer ' Serving from Lucan to Blyth sions consisted of worship services. a sing song, Bible study, work shops, a memorial service to honor members who had passed away within the last 'year, a special tribute being made to the late Dr. Margaret Kennedy who spent many years in Missionary work in India. 'Miss Lois Powrie spoke on Armagh, a Presybterian home which is being refurbished for battered women and children. Each Presbyterial presented a shower of gifts as well as monetary gifts to be used at Armagh. Donald O. Stephens, Director of Communication Services for the Presbyterian Church was the guest speaker. He is the elected chairman of the C.B.C. Advisory committee on religion. Ile spoke on the theme of Communication.. Times change but Christ's message doesn't, so it is im- portant to communicate that message. Mrs.Margaret Ford of Dut- ton is the new Synodical President. The 1988 annual meeting will be held in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Windsnr. Local delegates attending the meeting included, Mrs. R. McTavish, Shakespeare, Mrs. N. Coulthard and Mrs. B. Aittrheson, St. Pauls, Mrs. E. Rivers, Seaforth, Mrs. Harry Strang, Exeter, Miss Jean Isbister, and Mrs. M. Scott, Stratford, Mrs. J. Gibston and Mrs. M. Sheldon, St. Marys and Mrs. R. McAllister, Auburn. 0 *►r OLD IRISH WIN — The 'C' championship of the weekend Exeter Lions slo-pitch tourney was won by the Lucon Old Irish. Back, left, Pat Holland, Vic Capitano, Dave Hill, Larry Greenlee, Robert Pipe, Gord Hardy and Arden Shantz. Front, Jim Hearn, Brian Haskett, Bill Darling, Jerry McLeod and Doug ohnston. T A photo Luca n and district news Susan Cook 227-4911 v Mission team at Revival- Centre bring the good news of the gospel is two years ago he became a. Christian a natural thing. himself. Ile encouraged young people Miss Dawn ,loose, from Whitby. to develop their own relationship with said knowing Jesus was the Most lin- .God. portant thing in her life. She has found Tim McCurry said Christians need Youth With a Mission discipleship to let God have a home in their lives. training school a help in getting to . Ile lett - in singing Aly Heavenly know God in prayer. Father. complete with actions. Miss Nora Babinski joyfully sang McCurry stressed the word of God is We Shall • Behold Ilio in sign - truth, saying God wants us to have language. accompanied by a taped- His mind. llis trust. in our personal song. Mr. Craig. George grew up in - relationship with flim. Y.W.A.M.., where he learned all the June 28 - Sunday morning service Bible stories. Ile thought he could get - Missionary from Africa. Rev. Doug to heaven on his parents record. But Barton will be special speaker. • Granton ACW p lans Rev. Roger Mason introduced Youth With a Mission team Sunday morning. Guitarist Mr. . Ron Zecharias led the song service. Mr. Bruce Thomson led in singing Behold The Lamb. Mr. Thomson explained the Youth With a Mission team. is Focus 9-16, geared to reach young people. • Team member Miss Nora Babinski showed slides of the team's work in southern India. Some slides showed Indians worshipping ants and rats. In- .-dians try to wash away their sins in the Ganges river. There are idols and temples everywhere. They were able to •visit with a Brahman priest' and share Jesus with him and his family. The team then went to Korea. After a gospel drama 300 people stood to know the Lord. They needed t ranslaters• in Korea. Korean children are very open to hear -the gospel. In Japan they invited children to a gospel drama. They performed in a street park. but found the people hard to reach until they really prayed. In Taiwan the Youth With a Mission team were able to lead worship ser- vices in schools. Miss Babinski is go- ing to Taiwan as a missionary. There are mountain people who dress in tribal costumes. There are some churches there. Miss Erika Zumtnann. from Ger- many, told how God showed her she needed to get close to Him. She read Jeremiah 31:33. where God showed her He would write 1lis laws in her heart. She learned a lesson to be honest with God. Isaiah 30:18-21 show- ed her. how God wailed to show her His love and to help her. Gods word is light. Her next step in communica- tion with God was learning God would speak to guide her. In John 17:21 she learned if is possible to have unity with God when you walk with Jesus. Miss Kate Holl showed slides of the Youth With a Mission work for 25 years to every corner of the globe. Located in the centre of Cambridge is the Y.W.A.M. training centre for those who learn how to go out on evangelistic tours. The school leaches drama, mime. and music to reach people with the gospel. • 'Tim McCurry. from Athens. Georgia, thanked the people who kept the team tnembers in their home before closing in prayer. Sunday evening Rev. Roger Mason, opened the service in prayer before Ron Zecharias led the ;worship ser- vice. Youth With a Mission member Miss Janice McGregor told a year ago she disobeyed the Lord to become engaged. After a hard time,she broke the engagement. then fell peace with the Lord. She learned Goof's love is consistent. Mr. Zecharias played his guitar as he sang 0 Joanna. a song of a three year old girl on an Indian reserve they are going to minister next week. Julio Silva, from Brazil. read Mal - thew 1.8:19-20, saying he felt God wanted him to go for flim. For him to Women enloy College weekend London Conference United Church Women sponsored their annual "Westminster Weekend" in London al Westminster College June 5-7. Using the theme "Decisions in Discipleship". •""ir theme speaker. Rev. Dr. Agues Groome of St. An- drews United Church, Toronto, directed out journey through its meaning in each Christian's life. Rev. Ann Ross. of Parkview U.C. Stratford took leadership in Worship, and Music leadership was taken by Janess Landell, lady of the manse of Talbotville and Suburban Charge. Elgin. Ofi the 144 women who attendee from all corners of London ('on ference, which includes Algoma. Elgin, Essex, Kent, Huron -Perth. Middlesex, lambton, and Oxford byerials, 30 were from Middlesex esbyterial and 41 from Iluron- Perth. Muriel Cobleigh and Bernice Lockyer represented Lucan United Church Women. barbecue on July 16 By MRS. E. SUMMERS The A('11' of Sl. Thomas Anglican Church held their meeting at the home of Mrs: Ethel ('couch. Marlene French opened the•mecling with in- vocation and a reading from the Liv- ing Message. Jean Noon read the scripture lesson. Mrs. Percy 1 hxlgins. - acting secretary. read the cor- respondence and the minutes from the last meeting. Readings were given by Ethel Crouch. Jean Noon and Marlene French. flans were discussed for the bazaar also the beef barbecue which will be held on July 11; at the },ions !'ark. Lunch was served by the hostess. Church News • At the Granton United Church. the Rev. Bruce fierce was in charge of theanorning worship and took the ti- tle for his sermon "Seeing the Saviour in Symbol". In the children's time. he asked them. "How many of you have hcen coining to Sunday School in the last three years''" There was a show of hands and then he asked if they would like to have Bible Study stories. He said it was going to be about training wheels. Sunday School is like the training wheels on your bike. The bike of lite needs God's help. Wesley Sunday School awards went to: Michael Kirby award I year 2: }leather Kirby award 1 year 2: Wayne Gaiser award 3 year 2: Tim Walden 10 -year bar; Sandra Mardlin 11 -year bar; Jennifer Walden award 2 year 9; Lorna Mardlin 9 -year bar. . (;canton Sunday School awards were given to: Jean Bryan 5th bar: Bernadine Kop 7th bar; Lisa Hum- phrey 6111 bar; Angeleen Wallis 7th bar. . The United Church members are invited to attend the St. 'Phomas Anglican ('lurc) anniversary service at 11:00 a.m. on .tune 21. There will be no service in She United Church on June 21. (;canton United Church will observe anniversary service. Vacation Bible School will be held July 27 to July :31 al Granton United Church for all elementary school children in the area. 'Teachers and helpers are required. ('all Mary Waters at 225-2194 to register. Personals Mrs. Lois Herbert. Landon and John Herlxrrt of Waterloo spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins and attended the 125th an: niversary service at St. Pauls Anglican Church in Kirklon on Sunday. TOWNSHIP OF McGILLIVRAY PUBLIC MEETING CONCERNING A PROPOSED OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the TOWNSHIP OF McGILLIVRAY will hold o public meeting on Mon- day, July 20, 1987 at 8:00 p.m. in the Municipal Office at R.R. #3, Ailsa Craig, to consider o proposed official Plan and►Zon- ing By-law Amendment under Section 17 and 34 of the Plann- ing Act, 1983. The proposed amendment to the Official Plan would change the designation of Part Lot 21, Concession 11 from Pits and Quar- ries to Agricultural. As well, the amendment would change the plan's policies as they relate to the subject property to allow for the granting of a 5.3 hectare (13 acres) severance for the purposes of establishing a single family residence and horse barn. Currently the Official Plan's policies only allow for the granting of form -related residential severances provided several conditions can be fulfilled. - The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment would change the zon- ing of the subject property from General Agricultural (Al) to o defined area within the Al zone. The provisions applying to the defined area would recognize the 5.3 hectare size of the proposed severance and the non-agricultural nature of the pro- posed'single family residence. The Zoning By -low's provisions presently require a minimum lot area pf 20.23 hectares in areas of the Township zoned QS Al or alternately, 1,395 square metres for agricultural related residential uses. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and: or make writ- ten or verbal representation either in support of, or in opposi- tion to the proposed change. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the 'proposed amend- ments is available for, inspection between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. at the Municipal Office. DATED AT THE TOWNSHIP OF McGILLIVRAY THIS 11th DAY OF JUNE, 1987. ShiFley Scott Clerk -Treasurer TOWNSHIP OF McGILLIVRAY R.R. 3, AILSA CRAIG, Ont. NOM 1A0 (519) 293-3686 0