HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-06-17, Page 8a ' e B Times -Advocate, June 17, 1987 Residents promised continued enjoyment -bpi' t la residents have been matiing_difficiatt s.__- assured of continued quiet enjoyment �.. their apartment building, accor- ding to a letter read at the regular June meeting of -Zurich council. Reeve Bob Fisher had written to the Huron County Housing Authority on behalf of current tenahts who feared that a prospective new tenant might be a disruptive influence. The letter in reply from J.H. Aiken. chairman of the Huron County Hous- ing Authority, said that the acting manager had returned to his duties at the Perth -Stratford Housing Authori- ty, and the decision to house former psychiatric patients and physically and mentally handicapped persons as a limited percentage of the total ac- commodation of apartments such as Spruce Villa does not comply with current Ontario Ministry of Housing policy. The decision to rent one of the apartments to to a former psychiatric patient was rescinded at the Huron board's most recent meeting. Former Huron County housing authority manager William Tugwell has resum- ed his duties. and has been instructed to arrange a meeting with the Spruce Villa residents to deal with any re- PROMOTED Several Beavers advanced to Cubs, and two Cues moved up to the Hensall Scout Troop at a special meeting of the Zurich Cubs and Beavers held in Zurich Public School. New Scouts are Jamie Hay (left) and Greg McCarthy. Joining the Zurich -Cubs are Richard Klassen and Dwight Beierling. Missing: new Cub Marty Vanderhoeck. 23Apticrob \Clitet.()LI Lilt Mrs. Carmel Sweeney Phone: 236.4702 In other business, councillors decid- ed to hold the line on a number of charges. The 65 cents per bill for sewage billing will remain until the end of 1987. The 1986 rate for dog tag fees will stay the same for this year. The charge will be 810 for the first male or spayed female, 814 for a second in either category, 814 for an unSpayed female, 818 for a second. and 850 for a third dog of any kind. Councillors voted to contribute up to a maximum of 8200 to be used to pay part of the costs of an apprecia- tion day for Zurich seniors. June has been declared Senior Citizens' Month in Ontario. Fisher suggested that further money could be obtained by splitting the.proceeds of an extra game at the next bingo.. Councillor Ray McKinnon thought the Chamber of Commerce or the Lions Club might also be inter sted in participating. Councillor Herb T promis- ed that if council allocated money, he was willing to approach the Lions for more. Former arena manager Jerry Students, church group go sight-seeing .The grade 7 and 8 students of the Zurich public school enjoyed spending Monday and'1'uesday in Toronto and going to various places of educational interest Baptism John John and Bridget Groot Sr. and family attended the baptismal of their granddaughter, Ashley Maria on Sun- day, June 7 at Sacred Heart Church in Wingham. She is the daughter of Glen and Mary -Anne Warwick of.RR 1.Bluevale. Bus trip . A nice time was had by all who went on a hos trip ( 471 on Saturday, June 6 sponsored by the Mennonite Church ladies. The first stop was in Stratford for breakfast at McDonalds then 00 to Kitchener to see various things. They had a delicious supper at the "Brox" in Elmira and stopped at St. Jacob's before returning home. K of C meeting The St, Boniface Council of the - Knights of Columbus held their meeting and ladies night at the Dashwood Hall on June 8 with a good attendance. The guest speaker show- ed a film and spoke about the dread- ful disease, "Arthritis" which can hit at any age, even in children. In the near future a cure rnight be possible. The evening ended with a social hour Leadership course A leadership course given by Muriel Murphy of Goderich was held at St. Peter's Parish hall (St. Joseph) for the past five weeks with 13 ladies attending. and was a very educational SAYE(' barbecue Several of the "Youth for Christ" members enjoyed a delicious chicken barbecue on Saturday evening at Ken Gascho's park. RR :3. Zurich. Bingo winners Last week's bingo Mystery prize of sino went to Berdine Morgan from Exeter. The jackpot was split three ways for $25u each to Connie tlagle, Dashwood: Arne Green. Goderich and 'Trey Blake, Clinton. Surprise birthday party Gerrie Fleischauer and Reta 'Thiel spent last 'Sunday in London, -where 29 relatives gathered at the home of Bruce and Catherine McIntyre fora surprise birthday party for Reta. A delicious luncheon was served in- _ eluding a decorated cake made by Ann Flaxbard. - Recital i thoroughly enjoyed being at my first music recital on Sunday after- noon, held at. the public school auditorium' and presented by the students of Mrs. Laurie. Erb. Everyone present. enjoyed hearing the children play various types of musical instruments such as the piano, violin synthesizer. flute. ukulele and some little ones even had a rhythm ensemble band. Following • the one and a half hour program. sweets and refreshments made by the mothers .were served. Personals John and Bridget Groot Sr. and some members of their family attend- ed the convocation and graduation of their daughter Jeannie Groot in Wind - sof on Monday, June 15 held at the University of Windsor where she received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology. Jeannie plans to con- tinue -her education there in September. A barbecue and get together"with friends was held at the' home of Bob and June Fisher on Saturday evening. June's birthday was also celebrated which was a surprise. • The family of John and Bridget Groot Sr. enjoyed a get-together on Sunday with an outdoor picnic supper and barbecue to celebrate their dad's (John) birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Ihrig Sr. Huron Apothecary Ltd. J T WILSON PHARMACIST PHONE 235-1982 440 MAIN ST., EXETER. ONT. PRESCRIPT1ONS We accept most major drug plans Blue Cross, Green Shield, Drug Benefit, etc. Hours Mon. Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Wed. 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Sat. 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. "Your Independent Pharmacist" Life Casual Inclustnesla: We have the perfect gift for Father's Day VISIT OUR SHOWROOM FOR: • Casual Furniture • Acrylic Drinkware • Outdoor Torches and Candle Lamps • "Weber" Portable Barbeques and Outdoor Fireplaces SHOWROOM HOURS Monday to Friday Saturday and Sunday 8:30 to 5:30 10:00 •o 4•"0 "We encourage a standard of excellence in Casual Living Quality" Grand Bend, Ontario 238-2110 0 returned to theft. nome in Germany on Sunday after spending the last month visiting with their son and daughter• in-law, Ernst Jr., Christa Ihrig Congratulations to Marilyn and M [tern. of W(x)lham ( nee Regier 1 on the arrival of their baby boy. Congratulations also td Ron and Laurette Regier of St. Catharines on the arrival of Michael Gerard. Congratulations to° Chris and Sharon Salvador of London (Chris is a grandson of Lydia Regier on the arrival of their baby girl. Congratula- tions to the proud greittgrandma Lydia 'Regier, as new she has 10•2 great-grandchildren. Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Jinn Parkins who is a patient in St. Joseph's 1lospital, to Laurie -Ann Overholt who is'in Westminster Cam- pus Hospital in London and to Mrs. Irene McClinchey Who has returned home from Exeter hospital. Father Mooney attended a three- day retreat for priests in Oxley from last Tuesday to Thursday. Several relatives from town attend- ed the wedding of Lisa Corriveau and William Berkelmans on Saturday in London. The bride is the daughter of Francis and Ann -Mae Corriveau, Nilestown. - A lovely bridal shower was held for Rose -Marie Overholt on Sunday. June 14 in j.ondon at St. Justin Hall There are still a few seats left on the bus to go to St. Mary's Shrine on July 13. If interested phone 236-4743. Bob add Linda Earle and son An- drew of London were Sunday -dinner guests with her parents, 'Herb and Donna Klopp and family. Welcome back home to Miss Diane . Klopp who returned safe and sound on Saturday after a lovely five month vacation travelling around to various places such as, Los Angeles, the Fiji islands, a boat cruise, New Zealand. Golden Agers meet Monday afternoon June 8. 30 Golden Agers met including one • visitor for a meeting and picnic at Louise 1vanchenko's residence, Blue Water Highway. President Ed Strachan opened the meeting. Secretary Verda Beecher. and treasurer Barbara Strachan gave their reports. ('ard convener Eileen Consitt sent out one card. Happy birthday was sung for Ver - da Baechler, Vera Naberer and Belle Merner.. Nelen Szucsko, a new member, was welcomed into the club. Guessing candies in a jar was won by Harvey Clausius. Seventeen draws were made and various prizes were won by the members. Games of euchre. bridge, solo, dart throwing. lawn croquet and crokinole were en- joyed by all. A delicious potluck lunch was served by the June Committee. olclen (/rnpieJ Finally we did get some rain. scat- tered as if may have been but i am sure the crops and the strawberries would benefit. Residents still hospitalized in South Huron Hospital are Mr. Alvin Steckle and Mrs. .Beatrice Overholt. Mr. Stanley Mitchell is still a patient in St. .loseph's hospital, London. The June birthday party was hosted by the ladies of Dashwood Lutheran Church on Tuesday evening. Follow- ing an enjoyable musical program , cake and ice cream were served. Residents having birthdays. during the month of June and receiving gifts courtesy of the Ladies Auxiliary were Mrs.. Marcella Dietrich. Mrs. Ruby Hoggarth, Mrs. Magdalene Jantzi, Mrs. Beatrice Overholt and Mrs. Nor- ma Parkins. The mid-season residents' family dinner will be held on Sunday after- noon. 1f you have received your in- vitation and have not made your reservation, please do so as soon as possible. - Residents who were out during the week were Mr. Steve Molnar, Mrs Francis Dunn, Mrs. Hazel Stebbins, Mrs. Helen Bedard, Mr. Loftus Denomme, Mrs,. Violet Huntley, Mr. Aaron Gingerich and Mr. Fred Te�ggter. RBingo was played on Friday even- ing followed by refreshhtents. The Sunday evening chapel service was conducted by Mr. Eldon Bender. minister of the Conservative Men- - nonite Church. ,.:.,1i'll NI' .r r booth at -the arena. The Zurich figure skating club will pay 810 per function to operate the outlet. Engineer Don PIetch of Huron - Middlesex Engineering Ltd. has ask- eouneil—te-- discussthe Zuricft–death: Filter said no - one who disagreed with assessments and other issues at the court of revision has as yet submitted a formal objection. and Australia ( where it is winter there now and people are skiing down the mountains►. Her last stop was at llawaii. Diane saw many interesting things and will give us more news about it for next week. Ralph and Jill Geiger spent Satur- day and Sunday in Toronto. Eileen Consitt spent the weekend With her granddaughter Melissa Becker in London while Nora Cor- riveau visited with her daughter, Rose and John Kelley and family in London. Theresa Davies spent from Thurs- day evening to Sunday at the home of. • her sister and brother-in-law. Julie and Mozart Gelinas Jr. and three children and enjoyed going ::hopping to Stratford. having supper at Robin - dales, and going to the music recital on Sunday: - Martha Heywood of Wingham spent a few days with her sister, Gerte Fleischauer this past week from Tuesday to Thursday and the two were among those who went on the bus trip to Hamilton on ,Wednesday. June -17 to ser the Geritol Follies. . It was a nice Ureal to have a cup of coffee and a dessert while going to get our mail last Wednesday com- pliments 01 the post office. as it was customer appreciation day. Last Saturday a champagne brunch was held at the home of Mrs. Gen Doyle in honor.of the engagement of her granddaughter granddaughter Kim Huston. daughter of Evelyn and Danny Huston of Montreal. Evelyn is also spending a few days this week visiting with her mother Gen, and a sister Barbara who is - a patient in St. Joseph's Hosin Fair queenLondon. Congratulations to our daughter. - Beth Sweeney who was chosen "Queen of the Ifensall Fair" last Fri- day night. • FIRST PLACE — Charlie Rau gets a first place red ribbon from Cathy Cade from the Royal Bank in Exeter. Watching is teacher Marg Suplat. The bank supplied all the ribbons awarded during St._ Boniface School's track and field day as part of their Junior Olympics program. PLAY DAY -- The junior students at Zurich Public School had fun and games of their own while the senior students were in Exeter participating in six -school track and field meet. Sabrina Schilbe helps her relay team by manoeuvering a soccer, and Shawn Field hops to the finish line of an obstacle course. NATIONAL'S TOTAL MONEY MARKETA CCOUNT llcombiflosmonoymarket rates with the Iiquid!Iy o! a daily interest account. If you maintain a large balance in your savings or chequing account or want liquidity.for your short term invest- ments, the TOTAL MONEY MARKET ACCOUNT is ideal for you. For balances of $10,000 or more, you will receive a rate of interest, usually higher than 30 -day Term Deposits, based on Government of Canada 91 -Day Treasury Bills. On balances of $50,000 or more, the interest rate is even higher. Of course, you still enjoy liquidity of funds vihich allows you to access your account for deposits or withdrawals at any National -Trust branch in Canada. Open a TOTAL MONEY MARKET ACCOUNT now and get money market rates with the liquidity of a daily interest aeeount. yij NATIONAL TRUST EXETER - 425 Main St. 235-0530