HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-06-17, Page 5Canon' Griffin speaks
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St.' Patti's Anglican , Church
celebrated their 125th anniversary
Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m.
Celebrant: The Reverend F. G. Braby
interim Priest; guest speaker. The
-.Ana-to Kirkton anniversary
Reverend Canon Michael Griffin; In-
tercessor The Reverend Beverley
Wheeler; Lector The Reverend Peter
Derri ; Choir director, Mil. Garth
Blacl*r; organist Mrs. Harold
KIRKTON ANNIVERSARY -- The 125th anniversary of St. Paul's
Anglican Church in Kirkton was celebrated Sunday. Above, Canon
Michael Griffin who was the minister 36 years ago renews acquain-
tances with Nellie Paul and Ila Blackler. T -A photo
Kippen club shoots
By Margaret Hoggarth
The Gun Club met on Tuesday
evening June 9 with 17 shooters. This •
is how they scored: Jamie Caldwell
- 25; Gord Glazier - 24; Brad Mann -
24; Bill Fisher - 24; Harrison Schuck
- 23; Dan Crerar - 22; Paul Lamb - 22;
Jody Mouserinjohn - 22; Brent Dawe
- 22; Glen Mogk - 22; Fred Brall -22;
John Glazier - 21; Bert Mahaffy - 21;
Mark Tuckey - 21; Dave Scott - 21;
Kevin Clark - 19, and Roger Haines - ,
Kippen United Church
Barbara Cooper presided at the
organ in St. Andrews on Sunday June
14. Candace Cooper favoured with an
instrumental on the piano. Rev. Lorne
Keays' sermon topic was "Spirtual
The two baskets of flowers in the
sanctuary were placed in memory of
Mrs. Wilfred Mellis.
On Sunday June 28 the sacrament
of Holy Communion will be observed.
The community was saddened to
hear of the death of Mrs. Mary Mellis
on Wednesday June 10. Mrs. Mellis
spent many years in Kippen along
with her late husband Wilfred who
ran a blacksmith shop right in
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The prelude was a hymn sing by
Mrs. Clayton Ross and Mrs. Garth
Blacker. During the service Ken
Blackler sang a solo "In The
Garden". The choir rendered an an-
them "The Lord is My Strength. A
duet by Gerald and Leon Paul "Just
a Closer Walk with Thee."
Flower arrangements were placed
in the church to the Glory of God and
in memory of loved ones and former
parishioners by their families.
Flowers were in memory of Mrs.
Hiram Copeland, Dr. Albert Berry,
Mrs. Earl Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Miller
McCurdy, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dobson,
Theron Creery, Garth Blackler,
Charlie Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Humphreys, Eric Humphreys,
Maurice Blackler, Andy Anderson,
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Berry, Ilene and
Harold Berry, Harry Webber, Mr.
and Mrs. Thos Washburn, Mr. and
Mrs. Monty Dobson, Alfred Collier,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bailey, Mr. and
Mrs. Philip Blackler, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Dobson.
Out of town guests were: Mrs.
Edith McCormick of llderton; Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Gough, Mr. and Mrs.
Ted Bradley, Mrs. Dorothy Fenz, Mr.
and Mrs. Vic Hearn, Mrs. Jack
Massey, Jacquelyn and Tricia. Mrs.
Harry Webber, all of St. Marys; Mrs.
Claire Sisson of Strathroy; Mrs. Fred
Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Hamilton; Dorothy Balsden; Mr. and
Mrs. Stewart Crew, Jane S. Geall,
Canon Griffin, Mrs. Betty King; Mrs.
Bill Switzer, Reverend and Mrs.
Frank Braby all of Stratford; Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Blackrer, Sebringville;
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Woolford, Lee
Ann, Douglas and Elizabeth, Mrs.
Eileen McIntosh, Gail Fletcher, Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Fletcher and Don,
Mrs. Ray Knight, Mrs. Tom Earl;
Mrs. Claude Vigeant, Karen and
Louise, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Irvine,.Mr.
and Mrs. John Fletcher, Mrs.
Margaret Fenton, Reverend and Mrs.
Peter Derrick and family, Reverend
Severely Wheeler and Ray Wheeler
all of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Berry and Mr.
and Mrs. Curran of Mississauge, Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Bowers, Mrs. Ray
Paynter, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Mar-
shall, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mills, Mrs.
Louise Creery, Exeter; Mr. and Mrs.
Vern Doupe of Vanastra; Mrs. Mac
Lamond of Cromarty; Mr. and Mrs.
Sid Pearson of Port Elgin; Mrs.
Edythe Murdy of Lucan: Reverend
and Mrs. Gordon Simmons and fami-
ly of Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Murray
Budden and family of Goderich; Mr.
and Mrs. Carson Middleditch of
Shakespeare; Mrs. Betty Balkwell,
Plymotith Michigan; Mac Howe of
Winnipeg; Mrs. Albert Berry and
Marissa of Toronto; Reverend Mary
Mills of Glencoe; Mr. and Mrs. Clif
Jaques of Centralia; Reverend and
Mrs. Jack Roundel! of Maynoonth.
Also attendine the service were
friends from the congregations of
Kirkton and Woodham United Chur-
ches, St. 'Phomas Granton, St.
Patricks and Saintshury Anglican
Churches. Following the service
everyone adjourned to the KW Com-
munity ('entre.
Bill Schaefer Warden welcomed
everyone and acknoweldged letters
from former rectors; Reverend and
Mrs. Savary of PEI, Reverend and
Mrs. Sam Bell of-B.C. Reverend and
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Mrs. Percy Parsons of Windsor and
Reverend and Mrs. Rokeby-Thomas
of Kitchener.
Bill then called on Reverend Peter
Derrick, Canon James, Reverend
Wheeler and Reverend Jack Roundel!
for a few words. Rev. Roundel! then
said the Grace and everyone sat down
to -a delicious meal.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roundell of
Maynoonth, Ontario have been
visiting with Mrs. Garth Blackler and
Mr. and Mrs. Sid Pearson of Port
Elgin spent the weekend with Mrs.
Joan McCormick.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Amos have
returned home from a trip to Alaska.
Mr. Jack Switzer spent last week in
Western Canada.
Mr. and Mrs. George Blatchford,
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Blatchford, Jim
Blatchford and friend of Rochester
Michigan, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Fair-
bairn, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Henry,
and Mrs. Wm. J. Blackler, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Dobson, Mr. and Mrs.
Jeff Henry and Alexander, Mr. and
Mrs. Grant Woolford. Eiizabeth, Lee
Ann and Douglas of London, Mr. and
Mrs. Dave Mollard and Diedre of
Thorndale, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Aitken,
Lindsay and Matthew of St. Marys,
Mr. and Mrs.. Robert Blackler of Sebr-
ingville, Mr. and Mrs. Clif Jaques of
Centralia, Mr. and. Mrs. Bill Schaefer
and Debbie, 11Ir. and Mrs. Philip
Blackler, Jessica and Alea, Mr. and
Mrs. David Blackler and Mr. and
Mrs. Wm Waghorn attended the Dob-
son reunion at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Burns Blackler Sunday
CENTRALIA PARK OPENS — Centralia's community park was officially opened Saturday afternoon.
Shown with the plaque from the left are MP Murray Cardia. Pastor Bob DeGraw, Centralia trustee
chairman Wayne Greb, Stephen reeve Tom Tomes, parks chairman Don Clarke and Agriculture Min-
ister Jack Riddell, - T -A photo
Reunion for Ratz family
The 25th annual Ratz family reu-
nion was held Sunday at Eleanor
Sharpe's home in London with about
50 attending.
Sports committee were Ruth and
Harry Sheppard, Cathy and John
Godbolt and Katherine Ratz. Juniors
had a peanut scramble.
Race for two years and under,
Fraser Jones and Caroline Thomp-
son; girls eight and under, Roxanne
Thompson, Ashley Jones, boys eight
and under, Donald Jones, Jason
Jamieson, Susan Ratz.
Three legged race contestants,
Jason Jamieson and Susan Ratz and
Brian and Kathy Godbolt, and Bran-
don and Mary Margaret Jeffrey.
Ladies kick slipper, Carol Smith,
Brenda Jones, Jan Jeffreys; inen
kick slipper, John Godbolt, Larry'
Ratz, Earl Smith; children kick slip-
per, Jason Jamieson, Roxanne
Thomspon; balloon race and egg con-
test both won by Earl Smith's team,
wool relay won by Mary Margaret
Thompson, guessing jelly beans in a
jar won by Earl Ratz. Lucky chair
won by Olive Ratz.
President and secretary treasurer
for 1987 and 88: Nola Ratz, president;
Margaret Smith, secretary treas. The
sports committee are Don and Bren-
da Jones, Gary and Mary Margaret
The Ratz reunion will be held the
second Sunday in June in 1988 at
Shipka Community Centre. Relatives
came from Parkhill, London,
Delaware, Exeter, Shipka and
Recent visitors with Willis and Ella
Desjardine, was their daughter Cin-
dy, and granddaughter, Mikah Ann of
Mrs. Pat Schroeder, accompanied
by two of her sisters, Mrs. Phyllis
Case, Exeter area, and Mrs. Hazel
Crockford, of Toronto, recently
motored to Ottawa for a few holidays
and shopping, and visited with Sue
Anne Schroeder.
Joan Finkbeiner, has returned
home from University Hospital,
recovering from a broken leg.
John, Beverley, Sherri -Lynn and
Stephen Keller, visited Sunday at
Rothsay with Bev's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Kirk, and .attended the
funeral of John Burnett, father of -
their brother-in-law.
Attending a Buck and Doe party at
Uncle Laird Schilbe's, for Karen
Schilbe and Warren Williams, were
Ken and Ortha Baker, DOn and
Sharon Baker, Gary, Sheona and Jef-
fery Baker, all of Shipka area, and
Sandra and Tony Regier, of Detroit.
Hugh and I were Sunday supper
guests with his sister, Mrs. Hazel ('or-
bett, at Hensall, along with Les and
Marjorie Adams, of Exeter. Hazel
had entered several baking exhibits
at Hensall spring fair on the weekend,
so we had some prize winner desserts
for our supper.
An update on our nephew, Howard
Dell, of Belleville, who has been in
training this past two years as a bob
sled racer for the 1988 Olympics to be
held in Alberta. In a column last
spring I told of how he met and
became best friends with Prince
Albert, of Monaco, while training in
Not long ago, Prince Albert was in
San Francisco, U.S. attending some
function in memory of his late
mother, Princess Grace. Albert
telegraphed Howard, who is working
in a bank in Calgary for the summer.
that he would be returning home via
Calgary, and he spent three days
there with Howard.
June 17, 1987
Page 5
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