Times-Advocate, 1987-06-10, Page 211
Cowan will get roasted
et upcoming gotf event
Golfer Gary Cowan hails from Kit-
chenerGary Cowan is the only Cana-
dian to win the U.S. Amateur Golf
Tournament twice. Gary Cowan has
spent a great deal of his golfing
career helping others achieve ex-
cellence through teaching and giving
many hours of his time to service and
community. Gary Cowan, like so
many other Canadian unsung heros
has never been recognized formally
for his contribution to the sport of golf
or enrichment of the quality of life.
That is why Gary Cowan is the cen-
tral figure to be honoured at the sixth
annual Dave Scatcherd Invitational
Golf. Classic, at Grand Bend's
Oakwood Inn and Golf Club, Wednes-
day June 17.
An anticipated 264 golfers and 30
tennis players, some from as far
away as New Brunswick, will par-
ticipate in the two-day events. The in-
terested public can join the gaiter:), of
spectators and follow a favourite
golfer such as Team Canada's hockey
star Paul Henderson. or the Edmon-
ton Oilers own Steve Smith around the
course at Oakwood Colt ('lub. Tennis
ton Oilers own Steve Sith arottna the
cour-sest-Oakwood Golf Club. Tennis
buffs can catch some of the •'love".ac-
lion at designated courts around
.Long time friend' and in-
defatigueable worker Dave Blair of
London and Grand Bend, along with
a volunteer committee of over 65 golf
club members are putting forth their
best efforts to raise $27,000 this year
from the golf classic. Of the $185 en-
trance fee from each golfer and ten-
nis player,.$100 will be donated to the
Scatcherd Children's Centre for Men-
tally Retarded Children in London.
The money is earmarked to build an
additional classroom to the centre.
• Once again the big tent just north
of the golf course will be the scene of
the Wednesday evening awards din-
ner and such media celebrities as Bill
Brady, Peter Garland and Garry
Allen Pricewill be on hand to "roast'
the honoured guest Gary Cowan.
Anglican news
Rev. Walter Vipperman celebrated
Holy Communion at 8:30 and 9`30
a.m. services Sundav at the St. John's
Kickoff is upcoming
On June 9 and 10 between 10 a.m.
and 2:30 p.m.. Huron Country
Playhouse is playing host to about 20
theatre arts students from South
Huron District High School.
Day one was a crash course of
almost every aspect of a standard
theatre's operation while day two will
introduce the students to an actual
tour of the facility and encourage the
students to implement a short scene
of their own.
Glenda Burrell, a theatre arts in-
structor at South Huron District High
School says, "This particular pro-
gram is designed to help students
recognize the many different aspects
of theatre - aside from just, the
stagework." She also adds, "It is very
important to havea liaison between
the theatre and the high school so the
students can work together toward a
product and it's not just an actor on
stage - it's all the "behind the scenes"
work that's important."
Huron Country Playhouse is pleas-
ed to be able to offer its expertise to
the high school students and last year
having assisted the elementary
students - hoping that in the future it
can further expand this unique
Students are
On Saturday, June 20 at 6:00 p.m..
Huron Country Playhouse will kick off
its 16th anniversary season. The even-
ing begins with a scrumptious chicken
BBQ with trimmings served up by the
Board of Directors while special
musical entertainment will be provid-
ed by Musical Directors Michael
Mulrooney and James Grey.
Dessert and coffee will follow the
silent and live auction, the highlight
for those in attendance when they ob-
tain their skillful bargains.
Some of the many items include:
two nights at The Constellation Hotel
on stage
for two adults and two children. one
season's use of a Kubota riding lawn-
mower tractor. one pair of adult •
water skiffs, brass table lamp. private
air show for 12 with cocktails and hors
d'oeuvres, hand made quilt, outdoor
lawn furniture, gift certificates for
several local restaurants, paintings.
and many, many more items.
This evening has been offered for
$3.50 to subscribers and only $7.00 to
anyone who would like to join in on the
festivities. Tickets for this fun night -
out are available by calling the
Playhouse at 238-8451, before July 15.
Anglican Church. In his sermon, Rev. --=
Vipperman spoke of the disciples
before and after receiving the Holy
Spirit and how we may be filled with
this same spirit if we will only allow
it to enter our hearts.
Unfortunately, being human, our
enthusiasm flags, diminished from
time to time because it isn't easy be-
ing an active Christian 100 percent of
the time. But by constant prayers
leaving our hearts and minds open,
we can be filled with His Holy Spirit,
to carry on His work as He commands
"Ask and you shall receive, knock and
it shall be opened unto you". All we
have to do is ask. The choir sang an
anthem ''O Mighty God".
After the service, the coffee hour
was hosted by Mrs. Muriel Hunt.
Catholic news
The pastor, Father Robert Mor-
rissey celebrated all the. masses at
Immaculate Heart of Mary Church
this weekend, the solemn feast of
Pentecost. Billy Spindler was the
reader, Jerry Backx and John
Kelders were communion
distributors. Paul Dietrich and Lydia
Duchow were cantors and the choir
performed "Spirit of God" and "Here
I Am Lord" at communion.
In his sermon, Father Morrissey
referred to the dramatic setting of the
gospel. part of Jesus' farewell ' 'he
Apostles on the last days beta.
death. Christ told them how he to
them, and would not leave them or
phans. He would ask the Father to
send them the Spirit of Truth. By vir-
tue of- our baptism. we are also
prepared to ':see" the Holy Spirit.
How can we recognize Him in our
lives? 1 the will disturb us, so that we
stop and take a second look; 2? He
gives us comfort and strength,,,as in
the loss of a loved one; 3 i He is always
wllh us. as dependable as the oxygen
in the air we breathe. The Spirit of
Truth gives us comfort, strength and
Congratulations to Joe Mom
mersteeg, son of Luke and Jean, and
Krisan Datars, daughter of Betty
Deters. who were united by the sacra-
ment of matrimony this past
weekend. Congratulations also to.
Jonathan David Sharpe. the son of
David and Leona ( Hogan t, who was
received into the Catholic communi-
ty this -past week by sacrament of
The sympathy of the parish is ex-
tended to /he family of Shirley Page,
who died suddenly this past week, and
to Helen Obermeyer, whose brother
Tom Brine, died this past week.
CWL members - remember the
special mother/daughter/grand-
ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS - Dianne Hamilton (left) of the Hurondale 4-H Club received an award at
Achievement Night held at Exeter Public School for completing 12 projects. Lori Parker, Hurondale; Tobi -
Lyn Taylor, Elimville I; and Pam Dietrich, Grand Bend II were awarded for completing six projects.
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Times -Advocate, June 10, 1987
Page 7A
Mt. Carmel
balloons fly
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church
is celebrating its centennial this year.
The P.T.A. and students of Mount
Carmel School joined in the celebra-
tion with a special project of their own
on Friday morning.
The entire student body gathered
outside the school to send helium -
filled balloons aloft, each one bearing
a tag with the child's name to be iden-
';tied and mailed back by the official
Jebration on July 4 and 5. A prize
will be awarded to one boy and'girl
whose balloon travelled furthest away
by that date. -
PTA president, Roberta Walker
organized the event with school prin-
cipal Laurie Kraftcheck. Mr. Far-
quhar, of "Go Fly a Kite" from the
Grey Otter Art Gallery in Grand Bend
came out to provide a kite -flying ex-
hibition with'some of his special stunt
kites. Unfortunately. the wind did not
cooperate, resulting in a dead calm -
no good for kites. Mr. Farquhar will
be invited back 'for the school play
day, so the children will have another
chance to see his kites.
Everyone watched as the balloons
rose slowly into the calm air. until
they were tiny dots of color. to be
caught by the higher air currents.
How far will they get? Only -time will
tell. The event provided a nice break
in routine for the students, and a
memorable kick-off for their centen-
nial celebration. Happy 100 years.
Mount ('armel!
The students are also hard at work
on their school play. the musical
"Anne" that famous red haired
Tickets are on sale for $2.00 apiece
fot the 7:30 p.m. performances on
June 16 and 17. It promises to be a
real winner. so get your tickets soon!
daughter potluck supper to beheld on
June 15 at 7 p.m. in the Alhambra
hall. In honor of senior citizens
month. all senior members are guests
to be treated by the council.
Secondary school credit courses in
religion are being offered again in
September for Huron -Perth students.
The courses will be offered in
Seaforth for grade nine, in Goderich
for grade 10 and in Zurich for grade
nine. Please get your applications
from Father Morrissey.
Grand Bend Fire
Yard Sale
Sat., June 13
8 a.m.
READY TO SET OFF BALLOONS — Students of Our Lady of Mount
Carmel Separate School participated in a Friday liftoff of balloons
to publicize the Centennial -of the church on July 4 and 5. The liftoff
was sponsored by the PTA under the supervision of president Roberto
Walker. T -A photo
Decoration or
Grand Bend United Church Cemetery,
Sunday, June 21/87
at 2:30 p.m.
Speaker: Rev. R. Peebles.
Please bring lawn chairs. In case of rain -- in church
Beautify Your Windows
With Draco Verticals
2 5 Off
Plus free valance
in Stock
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for Patio Doors
up to
5 Off
TERMS - Cash, Mastercard
Grand Bend Decorating
Hwy. No. 21
Grand Bend
and Flooring Centre
Now two Locations
Holiday Fashions
Sunday, June 14
at 1 p.m.
$8.00 per person
- Luncheon 8 Fashion Show
- Quiche/Salad - Coffee /Tea
- Dessert - Door Prizes
Sponsored by: Coconut Bay. Perry's Originals, The Sun Shop,
"Tan" Fastic Experience, White's Pharmacy, Stendhal Cosmetics
Door prizes courtesy of the above plus: Grand Bend Emporium,
Falmer Bill's Flowers
36 Ontario St. N., Grand Bend