HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-05-20, Page 25•
Hensallrs 3rd Annual
Community Yard & Garage
Sale &
merchants Sidewalk Sale
Saturday, May 23
(Raindate May 30)
• Firemen's breakfast
7:30 a.m.
• BBQ lunch from 10:30 a.m.
• Bake sole
Bargains Galore!
Something for everyone!
Tractors and equipment for
George Quick, 2"2 miles
east and 13/4 miles north of
Sat., May 23 at 1 p.m.
See last week's paper for full
listing plus Gehl 400
harvester, with one row c orn
head -and hay head.
Auctioneer Richard Lobb
Native women theme
for Woodhm !NW
A large crowd attended Woodham
United Church on Mother's Day,
when Rev. Gordon Nickell, Goderich
administered the celebration of infant
baptism to Michael Robert, son of
Bob and Mary Anne Cowdrey, Lind-
sey Jane, daughter of Larry and Jane
Rundle and Adam Jay, son of Brian
and Sandra Thomson.
Miss Jean Copeland spent a few
days last week visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. Carl MacLean and family in
Mr. and Mrs. Reg McCurdy, Jason
and Jeff were Mother's Day supper
gut'sls with Mi . and Mrs. Earl Wat-
son, Grand Bend.
Woodham I.' CW
The May meeting of Woodham
UCW was held May 12 in the church
basement with group four in charge.
Mrs. Ted Insley played quiet music
before the meeting. Airs. Ellis
Strahan opened the Worship Service
with a reading on the Theme "They
('tilled Her Blessed". Mrs. George
Levy read the scripture. A poem To
Bob Heywood,
Friday, May 29 at 6:30 p.m.
South Huron Rec Centre, Exeter Ontario
We will be dispersing by auction the entire household of Mrs.
Cora Wein along with -additions from the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Norm Ferguson of Exeter.
. Watch next week's paper for a full listing of this fine sale.
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Of household, antiques, tools, etc.
* for the estate of the late Rufus Turnbull. 14 River Rd.,*
* Grand Bend, Ont.
Saturday, May 23 - 12:00 noon
* ANTIQUES: Walnut corner what -not, 'wicker rockers, gate-leg*
* table, dishes such as Bridal Rose, complete set for 8 of Rose!
* Chintz, silverware, wash stand, dressers, spool bed, pictures, *
1t jewellery such as pocket watches, etc., quilts, stamps, Queen*
* Victoria books, games, milk can, lantern, wash board, old*
* sleigh, old post cards, etc.
* HOUSEHOLD: Dining table, 4 chairs and cabinet, chesterfield*
* and chair, davenport, 2 bedroom suites, occasional chairs,
* lamps, odd tables, 8 mm power zoom movie camera, projector
and lights, linen, all kinds of dishes, sealers, linen, desk, *
crokinole boards, Xmas decorations, etc.
* MISC.: Quantity of hand and wood working tools, planer and
* motor, shop vacuum, cement mixer and motor, water pump and *
* motor, step ladders, wheel barrow, small stove, windows and
* many misc. items. *
* TERMS: Cash sale day. Booth by Church of God WMS
* Hugh Filson Auctioneers Tom Robson *
666-0833 (519) 666-1967
rt4L***- otit•K*** ***************4f**4*******fit
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S - 3 sealer tri• l four/fes
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etc. etc-
Bob Heywood,
SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1987 at 11:30 a.m.
We have been favoured to disperse by auction top quality furnishings,
appliances, household effects, guns, antiques and collectables from
the Main Street home of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Heywood of Exeter and
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Art Goiser of St. Joseph along with addi•
tions from the William Street home of Mrs. Edith Bowen.
HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Beautiful Simmons love seat•daybed (Sander-
son print), chesterfield and chair (just like new), occasional chair with
oak arms (new), 3 pc. bedroom suite, 3 kitchen chrome sets, chest
of drawers, several upholstered chairs, Moffat refrigerator and range,
Moffat electric dryer, Kenmore automatic washer, Supreme deep
freezer, Kenmore electric sewing machine, 5,000 8.T.U. air conditioner,
humidifier, dehumidifier, Brand new electric heater, BRAUN
BLENDER- MEAT GRINDER SHREDDER, kerosene heater, propane bar-
b-que, lawn chairs, Thomas Electric Double Keyboard Oman, sewing
machine, 2 pr. of singleboxspring and mattresses towels, assorted
spreads and linens, fine china, crystal, Bavaria' wicker, brass, pots
and pons, dishes, 4 horse power roto -tiller, gas lawn mower, PUCH
GAS MOPED, wheelbarrow, vise, town roller, Suzuki motorbike,
snowblower for .7 Hp Massey tractor, 32' extension ladder, 6' aluminum
stepladder, Skilsaw, 54 feet of electric cable for eovestrough, garden
tools, misc. hand tools, garden hose, 2 good bicycles. battery charger.
Picnic table, seve;ol lamps, Mesh playpen and high chair, etc.
tion chino cabinet and sideboard, pendulum mantel clock, pine blanket
box, ornate table desk, several old dressers, 2 antique rocking chairs,
organ stool with glass feet, captain's choir, parlour table, antique hide -
a -bed, trunks, pie bench, old cupboards. old school desk, several or-
nate picture frames, old wooden planes, mowl, bells, wooden clamps,
2 sets of antique scales, several walking sticks, quilt frames, adze,
wooden Ilant, unnex stove, treadle sewing machine, Targe globe for
old Exeter Streetlight,'brass oil con, EDISON DIAMOND AMBEROLA
PHONOGRAPH witabout 50 cylinders, and much more.
GUNS: 1. 303 British Ennfield Sporting Rifle
2. Single shot 22 Remington (1902)
3. 25 caliber Stevens antique rifle. AUCTIONEER
R.R. 1 Centralia, Ontario NOM 1Y0 (519) 235.0874
My Mother" was read by Mrs. Levy
followed by silent prayers. Mrs. Ellis
Strahan read a meditation on the
theme. Mrs. Ted Brine gave a reading
"Beatitudes for Mother" followed by
prayer led by Mrs. Strahan.
Mrs. Bill Spence gave the Study
Book in keeping with the theme on
Mother told of native women in the
United Church and their com-
The offering was received and Miss
Jean Copeland gave a reading "Scat-
ter Sunshine". The minutes were read
and the roll call taken. Mrs. Don
Brine gave the treasurer's report.
Miss Copeland reminded members of
some upcoming events. The Kirkton
ACW 125th anniversary celebration
on May 20 at 1:3811.m. Camp ex-
perience on June 15 at 9:00 a.m. at
Camp Menesetung and the June
meeting is changed to Monday June
8 for a tour of Goodwill Industries in
London at 7:30 p.m. Members are to
meet at the church and bring canned
goods to be given to the Salvation
Jean Copeland gave a list of articles
needed at Camp Bimini to be used in
their crafts and she distributed copies
of a letter to be sent in support of Han-
shian University students who are
Christian workers being held in deten-
tion in Korea. Mrs. Ross McCurdy
thanked everyone for their donations
to the bale which was taken to Good-
will Industries.
Times -Advocate, May 20, 1987
Poge I3A
FIREWORKS IN CREDITON --- The Crediton firemen again sponsored
a very successful fireworks display at the Crediton park, Sunday
night. Shown digging in some of the displays are Doug Lightfoot, John
Pritchard and Jim Finkbeiner. T -A photo
for Crediton
The sermon topic 'at Zion United
Church was taken from John 14:8-31
titled "Christs' Last Will and
There will he no choir practice
Wednesday evening
In hospital at South Huron in Exeter
are Mrs: Helen Ratz and Mrs. Alma
Schwartz. -
The Gideons will be in charge of the
service this coming Sunday, May 24.
The following Sunday May 31 is an-
niversary Sunday at 10:30 a.m. with
a pot luck lunch to follow. The junior
choir from Stephen Central School
will be singing. Rev. Robert Hiltz will
Zurich Golden Agers met Monday
evening May 11 with 20 in attendance.
President Ed Strachan opened the
meeting. The secretary and treasurer
gave their reports and the card con-
vener sent out two cards.
Happy birthday was sung for
Louise Ivanchenko, Eileen Consitt
and Ina Neeb. This was followed with
16 tables of euchre.Sc6res were ladies
high - Nellie Riley; ladies low - Louise
Ivanchenko: men's high - (playing a.
man's hand. Mary Broadfoot; men's
low -t playing a man's hand) Gwen
McKeller; ladies lone hands - Irene
Finlayson; men's lone hands - Jean
Walper and lucky chair - Gladys
Prizes were won by Susie Pollock,
Vera Ross, Greta Restemeyer,
Flossie Talbot, Shirley and Stan
PreszcaIor. Betty and Alphonse
Grenier. Anita Rengough. Gladys
Peck. Noreen Hayter, Greta Miller
and Gertie McCrae.
Frieda Keller won- the prize for
most grandchildren (361.
The Sunshine and Busy Buddies
groups held a dessert euchre in the
Scout hall with Parkhill and Ailsa
Craig as their guests.
There were 16 tables in play and
plenty of desserts. Everyone enjoyed
the desserts with refreshments.
Euchre was then played.
Winners were: high score - hazel
Cunningham and Harry Noels; lone
hands - Grace Fraser and Murray
Carter: low score - Marjorie David-
son and Beth Neil playing a man's
Richard Lobb Auctioneer
Clinton 482-7898
WED., MAY 20 at 6:30 p.m.
Appliances and household ef-
fects at 27 Railway St., Seaforth
for June Elliott.
THURS., MAY 21 at 6:30 p.m.
Modern appliances, furniture at
Richard Lobb's Auction Born,
Clinton for Nancy and Sam
Taylor, Hensall & Mary Sharp,
Clinton. Full list in last week's
SAT., MAY 23 at 1 p.m. Trac-
tors, swather, Dion forage
wagon, harvester, farm
machinery for Geo Quick, 21/2
miles east and 11/4 miles north
of Exeter. Full list in last week's
TUES., MAY 26 at 6:30 p.m.
Tractors, forage wagons, Zero
graze harvester machinery, 21/2
miles north of Mitchell for Doug
WED., MAY 27 at 6 p.m. MF 35
tractor, machinery, riding lawn
mower, hen cages and equip-
ment, bean puller and win•
drower, household effects for
Glen McNichol, 21/2 miles south
of Walton and 1'/, miles east of
Family Paradise Rd.
THURS, MAY 28 at 7 p.m. 10
new water beds, bedding, pic-
tures, office equipment, large
carpet of Water Bed Fantasy at
Zehrs Mall Goderich.
SAT., MAY 30 at 10 a.m.:anti.
ques, furniture, appliances, 10 x
18 garage door, like new, at
Lobb Auction Barn Clinton
May 31
be the guest speaker.
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Preszcator,
Crediton and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Fisher, Edgmanville, were Sunday
supper guests with Mrs. Earl Steele,
Seaforth and in the evening they all
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Hubley, Seaforth.
It was reported that the fireworks
which were held Sunday, May 17 were
magnificent. I wasn't home to see
Crediton and District Social Club
held their May dance at .the Com-
munity Centre with 33 people in
Reg Frier provided the music. Ham
and cheese on a bun was prepared by
the lunch committee Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Glavin and Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dallier, Angela
and Michelle, Kitchener called on Mr.
and Mrs. Stan Preszcator, Monday.
The May meeting of the Exeter
UCW began with a moment of silence
in memory of the late Mrs. Forsyth,
followed with prayer by the leader
Olive Thomson.
The ladies were asked to register by
June for the One Day School at Alma
August 8.
Marion Dearing asked for craft
supplies for Camp Bimini. Those sug-
gested were old candles, wax, plastic
bread closers, ribbon, yarn, floss,
shoe boxes, two -litre milk cartons.
These may be brought to the next
In her report on stewardship Beth
Batten stressed the need to support
the mission and service fund.
Muriel Marshall, program leader,
displayed a "Quilt of Celebration" to
demonstrate the fact that the UCW is
also made up of many different kinds
and. qualities of "pieces". Jean Noels
read the scripture from Romans
Hazel Snell and Beryl Elgie read of
, the service work done by members of
the former W.M.S. and W.A. especial-
ly in the West. It was explained that
because of overlapping of the work of
these two organizations it was decid-
ed in 1962 to join the two to become
the U.C.W..
The older and younger women en-
joyed meeting together and began the
custom of using first names.
"A Tribute to Mothers and Grand-
mothers" was read by Hazel Snell.
Prayer by Chris Phillips closed the
* Filson Robson Coming
* Auctions*
* Fri., May 22 sale of bulls
* for Angus Campbell, Iona
* Sat., May 23 estate of the i
* late Rufus Turnbull, Grand
* Bend. *
* Sat., May 30 large estate
Iand consignment auction - II-
derton fair grounds.
Sat., June 6 estate clear -
ing,auction of 100 acre farm,
machinery, and household
for Heber Kew' estate, St.
*Fri., June 12 Auction sale of
* farm machinery and grain *
* handling equipment for *
Stephen Blight Con. 3 *
Nissouri Twp.
Wed., June 17 Production
sale for Thames Bend farm, *
Tovistock. 7:00 p.m. *
Thurs. Eve., June 18 i
Household and misc. auction
for Jim Hosking, Main St., St. *
* Marys. *
* Sat.. June 20 Household
it and misc. sale for Mr. Mit- *
* chell, Kintore.
* Sat., June 27 Household *
* auction for Mr. Rudy 4c
* Zacharius, Komoka.
* Sat., July 4 Horse and *
iequipment sale. Denfield *
Livestock Sales.
ilots of good dates still
available. - -
4c Hugh Filson Tom Robson
i666-0833 666-1967
941*** **** f:4c:4f: 4*
To all who came out to the fireworks, for your coopera-
tion, for parking and for the donations to next year's
fireworks. It all helped to make this years program a
great success.
The. Crediton Volunteer Firemen
Middlesex Corn Producers
Important Information Meeting
Tuesday, May 26, 8 p.m.
Parkview School, Komoka
Topics to be discussed include countervailing du-
ty, stabilization and a sugar policy.
Proposed New Nursery School
Location: Huron Park, Ont. -
Call Barb Wilson as soon as possible at 228-6841
if you are interested
For Pre-schoolers (ages 21/2 to 5 years)
Offering morning or afternoon programs
(Under New Management)
Pineridge Chalet
2nd sideroad west of Hensall •
Now taking bookings for weddings, dances, parties,
family reunions, etc.
No party too small
For more information please call 236-7301
We will be open every Sunday with live bands
from 2 to 5:30 p.m. starting May 24.
Bring your own refreshments (picnic basket??)
Our kitchen will be open.soon
Bring the whole family and enjoy the best in country music.
Admission: donations only to help us get started.
Hope to see you there
We are also looking for musicians, singers and entertainers
Your hosts: Gene and Barb Hartman
are our main ingredients
Our great prices surprise even us!
Come take o look at our terrific
menu. and you'll agree that we're
one of the best places in towns
Restaurant and Dining Lounge
Hwy. 4 and 83, Exeter 235-2949