HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-05-20, Page 17Zur.ich drain issue still unsettled
The ripples from a stormy court of
revision on the Zurich drain were still
having an effect- when Zurich coun-
cillors met for their regular May ses-
sion the following night. Engineer
Don Pletch summarized the pro-
ceedings, which lasted until midnight,
by saying "a strong representation
from Hay are appealing their
assessments on the grounds they are
receiving no benenfits."
Councillor Kay McKinnoon had
received the impression that "they
feel strongly the water is getting
away, and the hell with it - they don't
care about the costs, they won't pay".
Hay -Reeve Lionel Wilder had step-
ped down from his appointment as
Hay's representative on the court of
revision at the last meeting of Hay
township in order to speak freely on
behalf of the Hay appellants.
Carl Regier would be left with a
berm of spoilage three feet deep and
24 feet wide across his property, and
wants rock chutes instead of cat-
chbasins in the drain.
Warren Regier maintains that the
ditch doesn't need cleaning on his pro-
perty, -the
perty,-the channel is already deep
enough. He also wants a bypass angl-
ing around a culvert for two or three
thousand feet as opposed to the six to
seven thousand called for in the
engineer's plan.
Henry Hendrick wants the location
of the culvert changed.
Wilder pointed out on Wednesday
night that the main beneficiaries, the
village residents at the north end of
the drain, were paying very little, and
would derive great benefit from the
clean-out and repair. Meanwhile, the
farmers at the south end who had paid
originally for the drain and were
receiving the water faced the pro-
spect of less land to farm, deeper dit-
ches to cross, and more erosion and
other damage to farmland, and were
being charged an exorbitantly high
assessment for this.
Wilder warned the engineer that he
had better make sure he "had every
i dotted and every t crossed" if the
assessments were appealed to the
drainage tribunal.
Reeve Bob Fisher told fellow coun-
cillors he sympathized with some of
the complaint's, especially those of
Carl Regier. He didn't think Henfirick
would object to bearing the cost of
relocation, as it was at his request and
for his benefit.
Further questioning of the engineer
elicited the information that any
changes to the original report would
mean' a further expenditure of up to
LADIES LEAGUE CHAMPIONS — The Red Devils collected their
trophy at the Zurich bowling banquet in the Hensall Community Cen-
tre. Shown (front left)are Debbie Smith, captain Sandra Dickert, Hilda
Lansbergen and (back) Coby Vandenboomen, Mary Prevett, Judy
Morrison and Dorothy Smith. Missing: Karen Grotto.
$5,000 for revision of the report, prin-
ting and mail -out. •
If the matter is unresolved at the
local level and goes to the drainage
tribunal, a decision would not likely
be rendered before fall.
Fisher said he remains committed
to doing something about the pro-
blem. He led off a lengthy discussion,
in which various options were ex-
amined. After stating that "we would
like' to cooperate with Hay although
they don't seem to want to cooperate
with us", Fisher promised to meet
with Wilder in the next few daysto see
if a mutually acceptable compromise
can be worked out that would settle ,
the dispute without resorting to a
hearing before the tribunal.
Pletch was instructed to make the
changes requested at the court of
revision by the Regiers and Hendrick.
McKinnon asked the engineer to meet
with members of ,Zurich council to
review assessment changes before
thefinaldraft of the revised report is
completed. .
The five tenders-subrnitted for con-
struction on. the drain were returned
unopened lo the tenderers. -
In a related matter, Fisher inform
ed council that neither the ministry of
the environment nor the village would
now consider claims for damages
when sewers backed up last fall. He
said too much time had elapsed, and
the claims should have been submit-
ted right after the event.
Huron County planner Scott
Tousaw also attended the meeting to
say the village's secondary plan was
in the final stages, and council should
now be thinking of preparing a new
zoning bylaw. He was authorized to
begin work on a draft which would in-
corporate the changes made in the •
secondary plan.
The ministry of tourism and recrea-
tion is forwarding a grant of $1,354 for
the summer playground.
The Zurich Bean Festival was ,
given permission to close off the main
street on Friday evening and Satur-
day as far as John St. to allow for the
setting up and operation of a bigger
midway this near.
Council spent 20 minutes in camera
with Percy Bedard Jr. discussing -
possible property development.
A review of dog licence fees was
deferred until the next meetng. The
auditor has the books at present, and
council wants to know the revenue
brought in by tag sales and costs,ol
employing a dog control officer before
taking further action.
Times -Advocate, May 20, 1987 Pucte 5A
PR SENTATION -- Albert Van Dyken •(left) presented a plaque on
behalf of the South Huron Big Brothers/Big Sisters Association to
representatives -of the Zurich and district bowling Ieogue for suppor-
ting the annual bowlathon. Acepting are ladies' league president San-
dra Dickert, men's league president Doug Smith Sr. and top fund-
raiser Doug Smith Jr.
r1��YSU.i I1��lYJ
Mrs. Carmel Sweeny
Phone: 236-4702
MEN'S LEAGUE CHAMPIONS — Members of the Rockettes pose with
their trophies at the Zurich bowling banquet held at the Hensall Com-
munity Centre. Shown (back left) ore Kirby Berdan, Donald Jackson,
Jim"Bell and (front) Jack Fuller and Bill Coleman. Missing: Jim Bedard,
Aub Farquhar; Phil Overholt, Mike Walker and Jamie Gaul.
MEN'S A CHAMPS - The Popeyes won the A championship at the
end of the bowling season in Zurich. Shown (back left) are Gary
Huston, Ron Don, Frank Boilen and (front) Jim Crown and Chuck Dox -
tater. Missing: Ron Crown and George Cayle.
Good tu
A very good turn out was present
for the day of Recollection held at St.
Peter's parish (St. Joseph ► last Tues-
day from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. with
several ladies attending from St.
Boniface. Grand Bend parish and Mt.
Carmel. -
St. Peter's CWL are also sponsor-
ing a leadership course that begins on
May 19 and will continue for five
weeks every Tuesday evening from
7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Cost is $5.00, phone
Mrs. Joe Regier.
On Thursday, May 28 the St.
Boniface PTA general meeting will be
held in the school gym al 7:30 p.m.
Guest speaker will be Mr. Dan
Keillor, director of the Huron Center.
The topic is "Effective Discipline".
The crowning of Mary at the
Church by the school children will
take place this Friday afternoon May
22 at 2 p.m. followed by Beeediction
of the Blessed Sacrament by Fr.
Bingo winners
Winners of last week's Bingo were
Eileen Laframboise of Hayfield with
the $750.00 jack pot, and Bertha Gibbs
of Clinton who won $500.00 for the
Mystery prize.
Best Wishes
Belated happy 42nd wedding an-
niversary wishes go out to Earl and
Anne Flasher(' on May 12.
A surprise 50th birthday party and
barbecue supper was held for Willie
Overholt on Sunday at his home which
was enjoyed by several friends and
Stepha0 Michael Masse was baptiz-
ed last Sunday, May 10 at St. Boniface
Church. He is the son of Rick and
Karen Masse, RR 3 Zurich and his
god -parents are Mike and Lori Masse,
RR 2 Zurich.
Also baptized was Jennifer Anee
Soudant, daughter of David and Heidi
of Hensall with her god -parents being
her grandmothers Mary Soudant, RR
1 Varna, and Mrs. Eisenschink of RR
1 Dashwood.
On the Mother's Day weekend two
LADIES A CHAMPS The Odds and Ends won the A championship
in the Zurich bowling season. Shown (back left) are Donna Webster,
Karen Campbell, Trudy Rooseboom and (front) Jane Consitt, Shelly,
Hay and Bev Bierling. Missing: Penny Watson and Bonnie Rowcliffe.
rn-out for Recollection Day
babies were dedicated at the Men-
nonite Church at the morning ser-
vices. They were Amanda Zehr,
daughter of Ruth and Jerry and
Nickalas Erb, son of Rose and Dale.
Both families had get-togethers and
dinner afterward
A family supper and get-together
was held at the home of Phil and Von-
nie Overholt on Sunday, following go-
ing to Mass at St. Justins Church in
London where their grand -daughter
Melanie Overholt made her first Ho-
ly Communion. The dinner was also
to celebrate her sister Stacey's fourth
birthday. Both girls are the children
of Joey and Sandra Overholt Jr.,
Dan and Carrie Eybergen and two
girls from Waterloo spent the long
holiday weekend with his parents at
their cottage in Grand Bend.
Marc and Cindy Gelinas and two
children of London also spent from
Friday to Monday at her parents cot-
tage in Bayfield.
Little Brian Desjardine, son of Lee
and Sandra, is home after spending
last week in St. Joseph's hospital due
to an operation on his lip and is now
doing fine.
Five-year-old Marcel Gelinas spent
from Mogday to Wednesday in
University Hospital of this week due
to having his tonsils out.
Congratulations to Cam and Kathy
Steckle (nee Love) who were married
on Saturday, May 16 at Carmel
Presbyterian Church in Hensall. The
groom is the son of Paul and Kathy
Steckle and the bride is the daughter •
of Jim and Marjorie Love Pi,
ple Will be living in Zurici iI. t •
former home of 1)ni ,thy oei
Goshen St. .
Therese Stark spent the weeke, i
Windsor visiting with her son ail,
family, David and Carolyn Stark.
Gordie and Cecilia Smith, Zurich,
and son David and Michelle Smith of.
Goderich spent Saturday and Sunday
in Barrie and attended a surprise 25th
anniversary party for Don and
Darlene Smith.
Cyril and Carol Gingerich (Erb) -. Scotland. Visiting for three weeks
are presently spending a month's with the Klopps is Sadie's mother,
vacation in Zurich from their work Mrs. Alison Nicholson from Clyde
with Christian Blind Mission as Bank, Scotland.
representatives in Ethiopia. They Sunday visitors and dinner guests
also attended the wedding of her with Mrs. Margaret Kalbfleisch were
nephew Cam Steckle to Kathy Love her two granddaughters and
on Saturday. May 16. A friend of . husbands, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Budd
theirs from Ann Arbor, Michigan, from Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Charlene, visited with Carol and Cyril Iruy from Ottawa.
while here, as they had once worked Belated congratulations to -bride
together in Ethiopia. The Gingerich's and groom Ituban and Karen
are staying with her father Gordon Chelladurai (nee Ducharme) who
Erb and are visiting with several Erb were married at St. Boniface Church
and Gingerich relatives in the area. on April 25. Karen is the daughter of
Gen Doyle spent the previous Ray and Grace Ducharme of RR 1
weekend in Chatham and Windsor Dashwood.
visiting with relatives. Her daughter Sister Lauretta Farwell of
Evelyn from Montreal spent a few Caledonia spent last week visiting
days with her this past week. with her brother. Clarence Farwell at
Gary and Theresa Egan from the Maplewoods Apts. and her sisters
Utica, Michigan spent the weekend Marcella Dietrich at the Blue Water
with her parents, Vic and Irene Hart- Rest Home and Helene Regier in Mt.
man and picked up their two children Carmel.
who spent the past week with their The kindergarten and grade one
grandparents while mom and dad pupils of St. Boniface School treated
were away on a trip he won. their moms to a Mother's Day tea and
Mrs. Maria Mathonia and daughter program last Friday afternoon.
Linda returned home on Sunday after Some of the younger. grades en -
a lovely two week vacation in Ger- joyed going on a nature hike at Mor -
many where they spent Mother's Day rison Dam recently accompanied by
with Maria's mother and visited with a few teachers and parents.
several relatives and family Best wishes for speedy recovery
members. are extended to To, \' e, who is
Out-of-town guests attending the a patient in Scn,tl, .1 • if
Love-Steckle wedding and reception Recenth :' l) 111.11 ipmer ,,s ht '
in Varna last Saturday were relatives at the home til ttehec•t i d i')nei
and friends from Ethiopia. Halifac Wilder in honor of their n c sa
- Ohio, Brockville, Sudbury. Barre Ti‘ of London who is the
•Michigan, Windsor, Torunto. hit- daui'hle'r nf,Francis and Anna Mae
ehener and the surrounding area. Corriveau and fiance of Bill
1' S. Wonder who decorated up their Berkelmans who are planning to be
1101 . e `o cute with streamers, wed- married on June 13.
g hi l t; -end "just married" signs? The Knights of ('olunrbus. Sea forth
and Lori Raneri from Council 5289, celebrated their 2,51h an -
Alio spent the holiday weekend niversary as an organization on
i their friends. Debbie and Rick Saturday, May 9 beginning with a
I ner and family. Mass at St. James Church in Seaforth
itecent two-week visitors with Ted with Bishop Sherlock officiating. The.
and Sadie Klopp were her sister and Grand Knights were honor guards.
husband, Margaret and Willie Everyone enjoyed a delicious sup -
Kilpatrick from Clyde Bank. per and dance afterwards at the Com -
Scotland, along with her niece, Lynn munity Centre. Several. from ttie
from Oxford, Scotland. and Mrs. An- Zurich area attended the special
nfe Kilpatrick from Glasgow. event.
gr so —"4 • . w -. - i` 1 . 4`4
HIGHS -- Taking the trophies for high scores at the Zurich bowling
banquet for the women were (left) Sharon Campbell, high single:
Sandra Dickert, high average and Trudy Rooseboom, high triple .
Men's winners were 011ie Edwards, high triple: Jim Smith, high single,
and Jock Fuller, high average.
Bowling banquet
A nice time was had by all who at-
tended the bowling banquet in Hensall
on Saturday. Everyone enjoyed a
delicious roast beef dinner with all the
Congratulations to all the teams
who won trophies. Prizes and awards
were also handed out to those who col-
lected over $100.00 for (he Big
Brothers and Sisters Association.
Tony and Marlene Bedard i pro-
prietor's of . the Town and Country
Lanes in Zurich) were presented with
a gift, and a certificate for dinner.for
two at Robindale's in Exeter.
The team picked for the next
season's executives for the ladies
league will be the "Dashwood Plus".
Dancing to the music of the Melody
Makers ended a fine evening.
The Zurich Town and Country 5 Pin
Bowlers Association has completed a
most successful season since its
organization only last August.
It boasts full membership of 220. of
which 17 bowlers advanced to their
own Ontario Championships.
Frank Palen, 011ie Edwards, Sherri
Stade. June Fisher. Sandra Dickert
and Ron Dann represented us in the
Carling O'Keefe OV Open Champion-
ships at Hamilton. .
Chuck Doxtator, Howie Green. and
Patti Green bowled in the Carling
O'Keefe OV Sun Bowl Championships
at Cambridge. _
Carl Zimmer, Doug Smith Sr. and
Doug Smith Jr. represented our
leagues in. the Walker's Special Old
league executive Ontario Champion-
ships at London.
Linda Weber. Joyce Hillman,
Kathy Mason and Cheryl Pohl par-
ticipated in the Ontario Thomas
Adams Championships at Oshawa.
Jack Fuller competed in a rolloff at
Toronto for the right to represent
Southern Ontario in the Carling
O'Keefe National Singles Champion-
ships on C.B.C. television.
Qualifiers in the Ontario Five Pin
Bowlers' Association Team Cham-
pionships regional round at Mount
Forest were Leslie Bailey, Debbi
Milli, Bernice Eckel. Joyce Bailey,
Doreen Browning and Doris Smith.
They finished third.
The Town and Country Association
executive wishes to thank alt of its
members for their strong participa-
tion in all of our Ontario Five Pin
Bowlers Association tournaments.
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