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Times -Advocate, May 13,- 1987
Sandra Datars is back
Studont empioym�nt offlce in mall
Following in the footsteps of the
Canada Employment Centre, the
Canada Employment Centre for
Students has moved from its previous
location and taken up residence in
Centre Mall, 414 Main Street, Exeter.
Despite the change of location, the
Centre will, as in previous years, of-
fer excellent Service to both
employers seeking summer
assistance and students seeking sum-
mer employment opportunities.
Manning the office again this sum-
mer is Student Placement Officer
Sandra Datars of Dashwood. Having
recently completed an undergraduate
degree in Honours Psychology, San-
dra plans to return to University in
the fall for post -graduate work.
Each summer;' the Canada
Employment Centre for Students
assists local elementary, secondary
and post -secondary students in fin-
ding Summer employment. The.Cen-
tre functions to refer qualified
students to employment vacancies
which area employers have reported.
Sandra reports that last year was a
tremendous year for the centre, with
an increase in job opportunities of 30
percent over the previous year, and
hopes for a similarly successful year
In 1987.
As in previous summers, numerous
opportunities exist for students in
various employment- sectors. The
Summer -Employment -Experience
Development (SEED) program
created by the Federal Government,
under the Challenge '87 program,has
subsidized many career -related posi-
tions for students in many local
businesses. Provincial government
pro rams such as Student Venture
POSTER WINNERS — Betty Baker, president of the Ontario Nurses Association and v/p of the Registered
Nurses Association of Ontario, presents prizes in the junior category. PS students Matthew Siriis, $20
for 1st, and Kristy Ahrens, $10 for 2nd .place, in o poster contest among Exeter Public School, Zurich
Public School and Precious Blood to mark Notional Nurses Week from May 10 to 16. Hospital administrator
Don Currell, one of the judges, holds the poster of Vanessa Laye, which took 3rd place prize of $5.
Other judges were Audrey Pooley, Norma Lindenfield and Michelle Haberer.
Proceeds to Cancer Society -
Art's Aggregation here June 6
The ' rt Christmas Aggregation
from ..arnia gives full meaning to the
director's surname and the group's
theme song, Let There Be Peace on
"I wanted personally to get involv-
ed in serving the community more;
serving and helping the various com-
munity agencies; -and to assemble a
group which, through singing, would
have to be dedicated to the same pur-
pose" , he explains.
Well, 12 years and $90,000 in dona-
tions to groups later. Art and the Ag-
gregation_have all helped to make
their own little bit of peace on earth.
As part of their continuing service.
the Aggregation will bring their
popular show to South Iluron District
High School in Exeter onSaturday,
June 6.
All proceeds from the event will go
to the Huron Unit of the Canadian
Cancer Society. The Aggregation
doesn't even charge for the large ex-
penditure they face in travelling to
Huron to entertain.
While the list of groups and com-
munity agencies which have benefit-
ted from the Aggregation is extensive
and varied, the work of the Cancer
Society has a special place in Art's
He's had a bout with cancer and
claims he's walking and living proof
that the diseasecan be beaten if
detected in time.
The Aggregation presents a show
that will be enjoyed by every family
member. They come complete with
an eight -piece orchestra, a 40 -voice
choral gruop that has been acclaim-
ed at every performance for their
singing abilities and the humorous
and delightful comedy numbers they
perform in the fapt-paced program.
Residents in Hdron are encourag-
ed to get their tickets early because
the Cancer Society must pre -sell at
feast 300 tickets prior to May 30. Art
explains it this way: "When we come
to Exeter with two trunks of equip-
ment and two buses filled with people
there is considerable time and ex-
pense involved which we cover and
pre -pay. You pay us nothing except
your good respoi)se and enjoyment of
our program and we perform best
when we have a'ood audience."
To add incentive to buyers, those'
who purchase before May 30 will be
eligible for a draw that will result in
the winner receiving a free dinner for
two at Robindale's in Exeter. Ten
others will be rebated the price of one
Tickets are now available in Exeter
at National Trust, the Times -
Advocate and RSD Sports Den.
Others in the area are at Heimrich's,
Zurich; Maida Geiser, Dashwood;
William's Hair Styling, Hensall; and
Merry Rags, Grand Bend.
P8 SCIENCE FAIR WINNERS - Winners in o recent Science Fair at Precious Blood Separate School are
shown here. Back, left, Jennifer Stasiuk, Bryden Gryseels, Greg Agnew, Jacob 'Petersen and Jason
Coalman. Front, Michael Hodgins, Greg Geoffrey, Wendy Brand and Sean McCann.
T -A photo
Legion Auxiliar mdonationsmakes
The Ladies Auxiliary to the R.E.
Pooley Exeter Branch 167 Royal
Canadian Legion held their regular
meeting April 27 with 38 members
President Esther Hillman chaired
the meeting. Mrs. Joan Howard was
initiated into the Auxiliary and
welcomed by all. Anita Hunter won
the mystery prize and Bill McDonald
the 50/50 draw for April.
A Zone Cl "information Seminar"
will be held in Exeter Saturday, June
13. This seminar is open to all in-
terested Branch and Auxiliary
Plans were made for several up-
coming banquets.
A $300 donation was made to the On-
tario Provincial Command Bursary
Program and 1500 to the local Girl
Guide movement whom the Auxiliary
The meeting was then turned over
to Dorothy Pfaff who chaired the elec- Three teams participated in a bowl -
tion of the following officers for ing tournament in Strathroy Wednes-
1987-88 - past president Esther day April 22. Strathroy Legion Aux-
Ilillman; president Shirley Smith; iliary sponsoring the event. Linda
first vice president Ernie Robinson; Webber captain of the team con -
second vice president Joanne sisting of Peg Hunter-Duvar, Gladys
McKnight; secretary Dorothy Pfaff; Bierling, Dorothy Reynolds, Grace
treasurer Annie Lawson; Sgt. at arms - Farquhar and Terry Heywood
Eva Triebner; executive committee brought home the trophy for the best
Dawn Murray, Ise Smith, Elsie team. Linda Webber won the high tri -
McDonald, Barbara Hearn, Audrey ple and Grace Farquhar the high
Baj-ry and Kate Bierling. single:Several ladies won door and
A Joint Installation of Officers will draw prizes.
be held Friday, May 22 at .8 p.m.
Seaforth Legion Branch 156 and
Ladies Auxiliary installation Team
will instal the Exeter Branch and
Auxiliary Officers and the Exeter
Branch and Auxiliary installation
Team wain turn instal the Seaforth
Officers. Everyone is welcome to at-
tend the Installation ceremony and
enjoy the dancing and comradeship
Upcoming invitational bowling
tournaments will be held in Goderich
Saturday May 9 and Seaforth
Wednesday May 13.
President Hillman closed the
meeting. Lunch was served following
the meeting by Margaret Foster and
her group.
Next general meeting is Monday
May 25 at 8:30 p.m.
To name Iiberal May candidate21
Don Hoogermanrest
p dent of the ship prior to the starting time of the Thursday, May 14, 1987" said
Middlesex Provincial Liberal meeting. Boogerman.
Association, gave notice today that ' • Non-residents may vote if they "A cut-off meeting will take place
the Association will hold its candidate were members at least three months at Cedarbrook Fish Market on RR 5
nominating meeting in the electoral in advance of the meeting or by in London at 8 p.m. on Thursday, May
district of Middlesex on Thursday, February 21, 1987. The maximum 14, to determine those eligible to vote
May 21. number of non-residents allowed or renew their membership at the
The meeting is being held at must constitute -no more than 25 per- nominating meeting" added
Delaware Central School at 8:00 p.m. cent of the total membership. Itoogerman.
"Anyone'planning to run for can -
Residents of the ectoral islrict didacy must file a letter of intent with
are eligible to to if th are either myself at RR 5 in London or
members at least 168 hours rior to with the Ontario Liberal Party Office
the meeting, or, immedia e past in Toronto at Suite 310, St. Mary
members who renew their member- Streeet, M4Y 1P9, no later than
"I encourage all members, and
those wishing to become members, to
come out for this event, it is an im-
portant part of the democratic pro-
cess and f am hopeful that there will
be a high turnout" said Boogerman.
ENTERTAINING MOTHERS Juanita, Bernadine and Eleanora Kop
are shown entertoining at a recent mothers and, daughters banquet
at the Granton United Church.
Capital and the Ontario Summer
Employment Program will also pro-
vide jobs for students.
Under the Student Venture Capital
Program, qualified students receive
up to $3000 interest free!. to start a
summer business. The Ontario Sum-
mer Employment Program also pro-
vides government funding, but for the
employer. The -,program offers
qualified employers an hourly wage
subsidy of 11.25, as an incentive for
hiring students. Further information
on these programs and others is
available at the office.
Last summer, 60 percent of the over
600 jobs available through the Exeter
Student -Employment Centre were .
agriculturally-related.positions, a not
surprising statistic given the rich
agricultural land found locally. There
were'227 opportunities for stone pick-
ing jobs alone and over 150 more for
other farm -related positions. Sandra
predicts similar employment
statistics for this summer and urges
both employers offering similar posi-
tions and students interested in this
type of work`to contact the office as
soon as possible.
- Sandra also urges homeowners to
investigate the services offered by the
Student Centre. Should you need any
type of job completed including clean-
ing, grass cutting or leaf raking, en-
thusiastic students are currently.and
will be available throughout the sum-
mer to handle the task, whether on a
.permanent (cutting the lawn each
week) or ori a "one-time only" basis
(spring cleaning). Interested
employers need only call in with the
job position they want filled. -
Qualified students are then referred
to them, usually within 24 hours. The
service is efficient and time -saving
for the employer, but, more impor-
tantly, it's free!
If you are interested in hiring a stu- '
dent, ler any type of job,please call
Sandra at 235-1711 (the phone is now
in operation) or visit the new office
faclities in the Centre Mall. Similar-
ly students, elementary, secondary
and post -secondary ones, are strong-
ly'urged to visit the office to register
for the summer ahead and to check
for possible job opportunities. Cur-
rently, many are available in the
area. The 'office is open from 8:15
a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. ,{
Dashwood WI meets
Seni�rs enjoy triptoi'.Info‘
A bus load of Senior `Citizens from
Dashwood and area including
Dashwood, Grand Bend and Zurich
travelled to Toronto Saturday to see
grandmothers were present, besides
special guests.
The ladies outlined programs for
1987-88. Everyone was reminded of
the District annual at Usborne Cen-
the Hustler show by the Young Men's . tral school May 21.
Bible class. It was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Alice Tiernan reported on the
picnic in June at the pinery.
Tim Hoffman gave an interesting
talk on farming. Jane Hayter played
several piano numbers. Rob Essery
showed pictures of his trips in Europe
which everyone enjoyed.
Mary Weber, Mildred Kellerman
and Luella Tiernan were in charge of
the program. Several ladies won
Personals ( •
Ken McCrae is`apattent at South
Street Victoria Hospital,'•I,ondon.
Murray and Anne Reid returned
Grandmothers were special guests. from Alabama after a wonderful trip
Twenty-one members and some 21 with friends Joe and Evelyn Wyatt..
Skit on laundering
Anyone interested in going to Aston
Villa in the Muskoka area September
18-21, or a one -day trip to Golasantis
tropical garden also Jack Miner's Oc-
tober 27 please call Pearl Miller at
Dashwood Women's Institute
- Men's neckties were distributed
and the ladies learned how to tie a
man's necktie at the Dashwood in-
stitute meeting. Members were in-
vited to enter Monther's House of
Achievement for 4.Hirls
g .
Mandy, daughter of Ruth and Jerry
Zehr, at Zurich Mennonite Chureh.on_
Sunday morning.
Barbara and Gerald Higdon, of
Rothsay, visited recently here at her
sisters, Beverley and John Keller,
Sherri -Lynn and Stephen.
Sandra and Tony Regier, Chris,
Heather and Jill, of Detroit, visited
relatives here on the weekend..
Hugh and i visited Sunday evening
with Lorne and Loreen Devine, pt
their a , . rtment in Zurich.
The Shipka area_giris who compris-
ed the Grand Bend 114-H club of 'Sur-
viving with Style", attended their
achievement day at Exeter Public
School Tuesday night.
The girls completing this club were
Pam Dietrich, Connie Russell, Patti •
Desjardine and Elizabeth Gaudio.
Mothers of all the girls also attended.
The girls did a skit titled, "A petite
lesson in laundering."
Leaders of this club were Bonnie
Hotson and Brenda Love.
Jake and Pat Schroeder, attended
the baptism of their great nephew,
Adam, son of Peter and Wendy Case,
of Hensall, Sunday, at Exeter United
Schilbe family members gathered
Sunday at the home of Marg and Bob
Reid, at Varna, to celebrate Mrs. Em-
ma Schilbe's birthday. Others atten-
ding were Ken and Ortha Baker,
Shipka; Oval and Mae Schilbe,
Thamesville; Beatrice and Les
Locke, Trenton; Lou and Dolores
Schilbe, Zurich; Earl and Frances
Schilbe, Bert and Doris Schilbe, Laird
and Vivian Schilbe, Elsie and Jake
Reder, all of Bayfield area.
Those attending a family gatheriing
and dinner Sunday with Mrs. Annie\
Zielman Deb and Angie were Mrs.
Loreen Zehr, Terry and Dwight, Ruth
and Jerry Zehr and Mandy, all of
Zurich; Wolfegang Lockner, David,
Elizabeth and Jonathon, of Bayfield;
Gerald and Mary Ellen Zielman and
Justin, of this area; Roger Ward, of
Grand Bend area.
The occasion was the dedication of
Dashwood Seniors met May 19 for
their regular meetins.
Visitors with Mary Rader Sunday
were Fred and June Miller, Brenda,
Charlotte and Karen. Other visitors
were Paul and Susan Rader, Ben and
Robin, London.
Mother's Day "visitors with Vera
and Lloyd Gue.ither were Betty, Joe
and Katelyn O'Rourke, Atwood, Barb
Guenther, London, • Ed Van Corp,
Thedord, Jack and Mary Guenther,
Zurich and Bob and Barb Oesch
Please give your news to Mrs. Ber-
nice Boyle at 237-3212 from now to
June 11.
COUNTY PAGE Corrie Oke of
Usborne Central School was at
the latest session of Huron coun-
ty council as a pa • e. T -A • hoto
DISHING UP FOOD --- Velma Carroll and Leone [Irot'k sort,* up some
of the food at Thursday's sm_ orgosbord dinner of Exeter United
Church. T -A photo