HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-05-13, Page 21Grand Bend Decorating
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TEA PARTY — The Grand Bend Nursery School held its annual Mothers Day tea party at the United
Church rooms last. Tuesday morning. Students shared cake, juice, and tea with their mothers at the
social time. Some of them are shown here with teachers too.
Youths remain active
The Grand Bend Brownies have
been working for the past two tveeks
on crafts for Mother's Day, with
leader Margret Brewer. They created
papier-mache vases and flowers to
put in them from egg cartons. All of
the moms received their gifts Monday
night at a mother -daughter potluck
supper in the SL John's Anglican hall.
The first Grand Bend Girl Guides
RESORT FLAG WINNERS — Three students from Grand Bend Public
School were honored of last week's council meeting. A flag design-
ing contest was held with 33 entries received. Left to right is Grand
Bend Public School teacher Carole Armbruster, first place winner
Joanne Beemer, 13, second winner Eric Clay, 9; and third place win-
ner Jeff Bumstead, 12; with Reeve Harold Green, judge.
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will be finishing their planned ac-
tivities in the next couple of weeks.
Recently three of the Guides attend-
ed a Pathfinder's unit meeting in
'Forest to see if they would like to go
up to Pathfinder level. There is also
a Pathfinder unit in Exeter.
The Grand Bend Cubs enjoyed a
bike rodeo on Thursday, meeting at
the Grand Bend Public School. They
used some materials provided by the
OPP for the rodeo. Both the Cubs and
Beavers are making preparations for
their annual camp -out at Benmiller.
The Cubs will be camping out over-
night, and the Beavers will attend all
day Saturday, on the last weekend in
About town
Grand Bend is starting to fill up
with tourists. The streets were filled
this weekend with sun -worshippers
trying to get an early tan and shop-
pers checking out the stores, both old
and new. Looks like a great season
shaping up for everyone but the
farmers. They could use some rain,
-Ind so could the gardeners, for that
Several al ea relatives attended the
memorial service held on May 9 at the
Exeter United Church, for William
"Bill" Eldon Datars, who has been
presumed lost in a tragic boating
Seventeen United Church Women
were guests of the Zurich UCW Thurs-
day evening. The highlight was a slide
show of a trip to Spain. Joseph Risi
and his wife enjoyed the trip last year.
A number of Grand Bend folks has
a great time on a bus trip Saturday,
to see the Hustlers' show in Toronto.
Don't forget, subscriptions to the
1987-88 Concert Association are
available now, from any member of
the executive.
Science Fair results
Students of Our Lady of Mount
Carmel completed their Science Fair
projects for judging on the last days
of April, and final results were posted
last week.
Winners in Grade three were: first
Jennifer Reaburn, second Anne Con-
lin, and third, David O'Rourke; grade
four were: first, Adam Jean, second
Ljam Karry; third Bet1; Hartman;
grade five _first Chris Oliver, second
Adam Jean, third Tara Conlin; grade
six first Danny Martens, second Lisa
Glavin, third Fiona Walker; grade
seven first David Andrews, second
Sharon DeBruyn and Steve
Vandenberk in a tie, third, 4eff
McCann; grade eight first Darlene
O'Rourke, second Wanda McCann,
third Steve Glavin.
Fourteen of these students will be
going to Seaforth on Wednesday, May
13 for judging. Congratulations to all
the winners, and may they represent
Mount Carmel well, bringing back
more awards for their school!
The senior grades from five to eight
are currently rehearsing for a school
musical, to be performed around the
first weekend of June. There will be
two shows of "Little Orphan Annie"
at Mount Carmel, one evening and
one matinee, and two shows at area
schools, on tour. This will be quite an
ambitious production for the students
and teachers at Mount Carmel, and
so far, the rehearsals are going very
Boundary talks
are continued
The Grand Bend and Bosanquet
boundary negotiating committee held
its third regular session on Thursday
at the Pinedale Motel.
The township presented a reply to
the village's brief. In it, the township
reviewed the status of the negotia-
tions and expressed its views on plan-
ning, servicing and future develop-
ment and presented certain statistical
The village asked a number of ques-
tions of the township and a general
discussion of some of the issues took
The township agreed to make fur-
ther presentation and to provide more
detail to the answers of those ques-
tions at the next meeting.
. Negotiations were adjourned at
12:00 noon and it was agreed the next
session will take place on June 4 at the
Pinedale at 9:00 a.m.
Times -Advocate, May 13, 1987 Page 7A
Churches have special
Mother's Day programs
Father Robert Morrissey was.
celebrant at all Masses for the fourth
Sunday of Easter. The 11 a.m. mass
was held for the special intentions of
all deceased members of thholic
Women's League of the pa CWL
members took part in the liturgy
throughout the service. Carol Luther
was the reader, Rose Van Bruaene
and Mary Fran Gaiser were
Eucharistic ministers, and Lia
Vandenberk, Tillie Van Leeuwen,
Emma Couckyet and Bertha
Baltessen were ushers.
A rosary, in honor of Mary during
her month of May, was recited just
prior to mass by the congregation, led
by Emma Couckyet and Madeline
Dalton. Roberta Walker performed a
solo, Ave Maria, during communion
and the choirs special pieces were
"The Lord's My Shepherd" and "Hail
Mary, Full of Grace".
The CWL new executive marched
into church during the entrance pro-
cessional and they were installed in
a special ceremony during the mass.
Each new officer lit a candle and took
her oath of office to serve her parish,
God and Canada.
The new executive includes: past -
president Thea Stokkermans, presi-
dent Rose Van Bruaene, president-
elect Roberta Walker, vice president
Rita Smits, second vice-president
Margret Breuer, secretary Carol
Luther, corresponding secretary Sal-
ly Johnson and _treasurer Yvonne
Father Morrissey presented new
president Rose VanBruaene with a
gavel, and past -president Thea Stok-
kermans gave her the president's pin.
Several CWL members also received
their 25 -year pins from the new presi-
dent, for 25 years of loyal service in
the CWL, Corrie Relouw, Francine
Smits, Annie Grootjens and Bertha
Baltessen were pinned.
Father Morrissey based his sermon
on the gospel of the Good Shepherd
and the 23rd Psalm "The sheep listen
to His voice as He calls them by
Name". God calls us each by name,
as individuals. Many have a low opi-
nion of themselves; remember that
Jesus thought we were all worth
redeeming and dying for. Sinners that
we are, there is always someone who
loves and remembers us, who calls us
by name to follow Him, the friend of
all sinners, the Good Shepherd.
Father Morrissey wished all the
mothers a happy Mother's Day. He
encouraged all women to join the
CWL, especially now during the CWL
month in May. The next general
meeting is May 25.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church
is having a giant yard sale on Satur-
day, May 16 from 9 to 5 p.m. on the
school parking lot and all proceeds go
to their centennial fund.
May is also the month to collect for
Multiple Sclerosis. There were
several tables open on Friday and
Saturday,in Grand Bend, in front of
the Liquor Store, the TD Bank, and
Leo's Tenderspot, manned by various
organizations. Twelve members of
the CWL sold carnations in bunches
or single flowers to raise -money for
Multiple Sclerosis, at a table in front
of the Tenderspot. The total collec-
tions for the two days in Grand Bend
came to about $1560.00 and the
organizers were very pleased. Thanks
to all the volunteers and to all those
who donated so generously.
Church of God
The Grand Bend Church of God
welcomed all the mothers present on
their special Mother's Day. The scrip-
ture reading was from 1 Samuel
1:1-10. Pastor Desjardine spoke of the
story of Hannah, who prayed to God
for a son, promising to dedicate the
child to God if her prayers were
answered. Later Hannah was able to
present her child Samuel to God. He
grew up in the temple and became a
true man of God.
Millie Desjardine sang a special
number "I Have Returned to the God
of My Childhood". Each lady was
presented with a gift of a flowering
plant by the youths, after the service.
In the evening service, the pastor
continued speaking from Psalm 119.
The writer of the Psalm had been in
deep despair, and called on the Lord
for direction and deliverance. Morley
and Millie Desjardine sang a special
The Beaconnaires had their
meeting on Monday, May 4 at the
Church of God. They enjoyed their
customary delicious pot -luck meal
together. Following the dinner, slides
were shown by Rev. Lindsay from the
Parkhill United Church, of his bus trip
last fall to the U.S.
The Women of the Church of God
met on Thursday evening for a carry -
in mother -daughter supper. They en-
joyed some games after the meal and
a short talk on the missions by Pat
Desjardine, finishing with a reading
by Lucille Vincent.
Anglican Church
Rev. Walter Vipperman celebrated
the Sunday service at St. John's
Anglican Church with holy commu-
nion. In his sermon, Rev. Vipperman
spoke of the importance of the Chris-
tian religions keeping within the
guidelines laid down by the Apostles.
Mrs. Ruth McIntosh was hostess of
the coffee hour after the service.
The Anglican Ladies' Group is
holding its annual spring tea bake
sale and talent table on this Saturday,
May 16, from 2 to 4 p.m. in the parish
Bible study
There were 16 ladies in attendence
at the community Bible study at Sau-
ble Court Tuesday morning. Nita
Sinclair opened prayer followed by a
hymn sing. The ladies studied 1
Samuel 23, where they saw God's con-
tinuing presence with David as he fled
from King Saul, his pursuer. David
ran, hoping to avoid confrontation,
but should they meet, David had
every reason to seek revenge.
The lesson was led by Pat Desjar-
dine, with a closing prayer by Millie
Desjardine, with special thoughts for
the sick and shut-ins.
Mothers Day Service
Millie Kane and Elizabeth Norris
were door greeters for this special
Mothers Day service at the GB United
Special music was provided by the
junior Sunday School classes accom-
panied at the piano by Irene Kennedy.
They sang "Little Lunch, I'm Happy
to be Me, and Smile". Jason Desjar-
dine and Joan Eagleson read the
lesson from Deut. 6:4-9; 16-25,
wherein parents are advised to teach
their children at every opportunity,
morning, noon and night.
Rev. R. Peebles told the children to
watch for the acid test. He
demonstrated with two glasses • of
water how one could fizz over the top
when something happens to upset it.
Christians remain calm and cheerful.
He said that mothers are like forest
rangers. They watch over the
trees/people. The grade "A" ones ane -
needed to build churches; and the
smoldering fires should be stamped
out before they get beyond help.
Peebles concluded with a touching
solo "Mothers Prayers Have Follow-
ed Me ... I'm Coming Home."
Don Kobe, GB, has been elected as
chairman of the Huron -Perth
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