HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-05-13, Page 19ACHIEVEMENTS -- Receiving awards at 4-H Achievement Night at Exeter Public School were Heather Browning, (left) a members of the Crediton I Club, who has completed 24 projects, and leaders Laura Hern, Elimville 11 and Nancy Smith, Elimville 1 who each received the five-year leader award. ' T -A photo 4-H ACHIEVERS — Receiving awards at 4-H Achievement Night at Exeter Public School were Arlene Hoonaard, Elimville I (left) and Laura Draisey, Crediton 1, for six completed projects; and Leanne Jen- nison, Grand Bend!, Sandra DeBoer, Exeter land Teresa McCarter, Exeter 11 for 12 completed projects. • /fix When do little girls begin to notice •the difference between them and lit- tle boys'? • - Kaitlin, as regular readers know, is our almost -six-year-old grandbaby. She has been a great friend of her granddad for a long time. We go horseback riding together and fall down snow hills together and conspire to buy licorice and jube-jubes together. Except for her dad, I have been the only male in her life. Until now, that is. The other day she confided to me that she did not like boys. "Why? They're gross!" she replied and the grimace was akin to that of her grandmother when she sees a snake. "They want girl friends just so they can show off to other boys. They do not want a girl friend because she is a girl." "Yucchh! Some boys are ugly. They have dirty hands and their noses always seem to be watery." I suggested that maybe. just perhaps, or now and then, a girl might have a watery nose. "But we know how to wipe them," she said. surprised that 1 would have the temerity to criticize girls. What, I asked, has caused this sud- den dislike of boys, people she played with for the last three or four years'? "Blame Jeremy, she said. And what did Jeremy do? "He met me by the maple tree in the schoolyard and said I could have half his apple at recess. He said my eyes were pretty and then asked me to marry him when we were both 21 years old. "Can you imagine? Just because he gave me half of his Granny Smith, he thinks he can marry me. It was an old, soft Granny Smith, too. Are all boys like that, PawBob?" (It is the term all our grandkids use, this PawBob. It is a contraction of Grandpaw Bob). • "Like what?" I said, stalling for time. "The minute they give you something, they think you want to marry them," she said. I suggested that, perhaps, some boys are like that but not all of them. "Well, all my boy friends have been like that and I have had nine of there this month." she said and held up 10 fingers. Iii 4 -Hers -- Michelle Turner, (centre) a member of the Varna/Parr Line 4-H Club, received an award for completing six projects during Achievement Night held in St. Joseph School, Clinton. She is shown with two of her club's leaders, Sandra Turner (left) and Kate Keys. We're Fully Equipped for any Job Farm ponds Gravel Bailing Draglln• • Trucking • Gravel, Sand & Stone • Bulldozing • Excavating • Top Soil • Septic Systems "No lob is too big or too small" erner CONTRACTING LTD. Res. Trucking - iixeesveiting Clinton 482-9212. , 'Shop 482-9926 ENTERTAIN Miss Jean Wareing conducted the band from South Iluron District High School at a social evening at River- view Estates, April 25. The talents displayed by the students were great- ly appreciated by all. CHAPARAL FENCING R.R. 1, Lucan Ontario NOM 2J0 ALL TYPES FREE ESTIMATES Industrial Ponces Chan Link & Patio Farm Fences Phone Bob Hardy 227-4160 BRANDY POINT FARMS • Our breeding stock pro- vides our buyers with proven genetics from the top 3% animals tested across Canada • Our program enables us to offer quality and health at a price that is hard to beat • We have an ongoing supply of A.1. sired Hamp/Duroc, York and Lan-. drace boars and F1 York/Landrace gilts. All Boars are priced from.., $275-5375 F1 York Landrace gilts are priced 453 above market hog value. • Our closed herd is ranked "Good" by the OMAF BRED GILTS ALSO AVAILABLE Delivery available KURT KELLER R.R. 1 Mitchell, Ontario 519-348-"43 �tttttr Nine in one month? The relation- ships must have been unusually short. I said. Nine in one month -- 10 if you count fingers and thumbs upraised - is a bit thick even for an attractive, articulate, delightful, fey, beautiful girl like you, Kait. "Not really. Tammy has had 14 in just two weeks. They all inet her under the maple tree and they ended up under the monkeybar and that means they were going steady," she said and tossed her head disdainful- ly as though Tammy were nothing but a tramp. "That's really serious, then, when you meet under the monkeybar'?" 1 asked in all innocence. "Of course, silly. Nobody can see you under the monkeybar." I was afraid to ask what could hap- pen under the monkeybar when nobody can. see you until Kait said Tammy stayed under the monkeybar until the apple was all gone. Two kids, I figure, can get rid of a Granny Smith under a monkeybar in about two minutes, give or take a se- cond or two, if they also eat the core. "Tammy calls them names after she eats the apple and they run back to the ball field with the rest of the boys. I always say thanks for the ap- ple and that's when they want to marry me. "PawBob, do I always have to be polite to boys? Can't I just eat the ap- ple and run?" Now what would Eve have said in answer to that question'? May 13, 1987 Page 5A AMBASSADOR COMING MP Murray Cardiff has announced that Elis Excellency Jon Frederick Breman. Ambassador for the Netherlands, and Mrs. Breman will be visiting the Town of Clinton to par- ticipate in the Dutch Festival, Klompenfeest on May 16. Ambassador and Mrs. Breman will participate in the parade at 11:OOa.m. and the opening ceremonies at 1:00 p.m together with the 55 -member Central Band of the Canadian Arm- ed Forces. "1 am very pleased and honoured to have Ambassador and Mrs Breman visit Iluron - Bruce and at- tend the Klompenfeest." said Cardiff. The Central Band of the Canadian Armed Forces has been welcomed all over the world by school children and Heads of State.Thev are famous for their variety in musical entertainment. On May 17, at 2:00 p.m. Am- bassador and Mrs. Breman will also be attending a Hand Concert in the Village of Drayton. FOR QUALITY FARMLAND DRAINAGE TRUST THE "ALL -PRO TEAM" YOU CAN DEPEND UPON. The Big 'o' Drain Tile Company Limited Canada's leading manufacturer of drainage materials. You have our assurance that Big '0' plastic drainage tubing is the finest available. Our reputation depends on it. For reliable installation contact PARKER & PARKER LTD. FARM AND MUNICIPAL DRAINAGE R.R. 2 Zurich Phone Wayne Cook 236-7390 anytime or 262-3434 anytime QUALITY PRODUCTS it QUALITY INSTALLATION M'OTOKOVCANADA INC. is pleased to announce the appointment of CG FARM SUPPLY LIMITED as Franchise Dealer for TRACTORS FARM SUPPLY LIMITED 22 MAIN STREET -ZURICH 236-4934 236-4321 RIVAL. THE RIGHT TRIFLURALIN trrrrrrrll r- AT THE ,rturrrrrr,, RIGHT ,,L >=RIVftL ' PRICE. ... a{t0E.C. Hoechst Oji Available at: Your Pfizer Ag Chemical dealer HOECHST CANADA INC. • HEAD OFFICE • MONTREAL AGRICULTURE DIVISION Henderson Drive Regina. Saskatchewan S4N 6C2 Re Hoechst ,AND Ho,cAN AND Rnal REG TRADEMARKS 1 ♦ o HwcAN ADGERMANV IWESTI (food things happen when the chemistry h cal. We're Fully Equipped for any Job Farm ponds Gravel Bailing Draglln• • Trucking • Gravel, Sand & Stone • Bulldozing • Excavating • Top Soil • Septic Systems "No lob is too big or too small" erner CONTRACTING LTD. Res. Trucking - iixeesveiting Clinton 482-9212. , 'Shop 482-9926 ENTERTAIN Miss Jean Wareing conducted the band from South Iluron District High School at a social evening at River- view Estates, April 25. The talents displayed by the students were great- ly appreciated by all. CHAPARAL FENCING R.R. 1, Lucan Ontario NOM 2J0 ALL TYPES FREE ESTIMATES Industrial Ponces Chan Link & Patio Farm Fences Phone Bob Hardy 227-4160 BRANDY POINT FARMS • Our breeding stock pro- vides our buyers with proven genetics from the top 3% animals tested across Canada • Our program enables us to offer quality and health at a price that is hard to beat • We have an ongoing supply of A.1. sired Hamp/Duroc, York and Lan-. drace boars and F1 York/Landrace gilts. All Boars are priced from.., $275-5375 F1 York Landrace gilts are priced 453 above market hog value. • Our closed herd is ranked "Good" by the OMAF BRED GILTS ALSO AVAILABLE Delivery available KURT KELLER R.R. 1 Mitchell, Ontario 519-348-"43 �tttttr Nine in one month? The relation- ships must have been unusually short. I said. Nine in one month -- 10 if you count fingers and thumbs upraised - is a bit thick even for an attractive, articulate, delightful, fey, beautiful girl like you, Kait. "Not really. Tammy has had 14 in just two weeks. They all inet her under the maple tree and they ended up under the monkeybar and that means they were going steady," she said and tossed her head disdainful- ly as though Tammy were nothing but a tramp. "That's really serious, then, when you meet under the monkeybar'?" 1 asked in all innocence. "Of course, silly. Nobody can see you under the monkeybar." I was afraid to ask what could hap- pen under the monkeybar when nobody can. see you until Kait said Tammy stayed under the monkeybar until the apple was all gone. Two kids, I figure, can get rid of a Granny Smith under a monkeybar in about two minutes, give or take a se- cond or two, if they also eat the core. "Tammy calls them names after she eats the apple and they run back to the ball field with the rest of the boys. I always say thanks for the ap- ple and that's when they want to marry me. "PawBob, do I always have to be polite to boys? Can't I just eat the ap- ple and run?" Now what would Eve have said in answer to that question'? May 13, 1987 Page 5A AMBASSADOR COMING MP Murray Cardiff has announced that Elis Excellency Jon Frederick Breman. Ambassador for the Netherlands, and Mrs. Breman will be visiting the Town of Clinton to par- ticipate in the Dutch Festival, Klompenfeest on May 16. Ambassador and Mrs. Breman will participate in the parade at 11:OOa.m. and the opening ceremonies at 1:00 p.m together with the 55 -member Central Band of the Canadian Arm- ed Forces. "1 am very pleased and honoured to have Ambassador and Mrs Breman visit Iluron - Bruce and at- tend the Klompenfeest." said Cardiff. The Central Band of the Canadian Armed Forces has been welcomed all over the world by school children and Heads of State.Thev are famous for their variety in musical entertainment. On May 17, at 2:00 p.m. Am- bassador and Mrs. Breman will also be attending a Hand Concert in the Village of Drayton. FOR QUALITY FARMLAND DRAINAGE TRUST THE "ALL -PRO TEAM" YOU CAN DEPEND UPON. The Big 'o' Drain Tile Company Limited Canada's leading manufacturer of drainage materials. You have our assurance that Big '0' plastic drainage tubing is the finest available. Our reputation depends on it. For reliable installation contact PARKER & PARKER LTD. FARM AND MUNICIPAL DRAINAGE R.R. 2 Zurich Phone Wayne Cook 236-7390 anytime or 262-3434 anytime QUALITY PRODUCTS it QUALITY INSTALLATION M'OTOKOVCANADA INC. is pleased to announce the appointment of CG FARM SUPPLY LIMITED as Franchise Dealer for TRACTORS FARM SUPPLY LIMITED 22 MAIN STREET -ZURICH 236-4934 236-4321