HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-05-06, Page 19Successful year for minor hacker group
The more than 30`persons in atten-
dance at Wednesday's annual -
meeting of the Exeter and Area Minor
Hockey Association learned it takes
a lot of volunteers to operate a sue •
cessful organization.
A total of 9,390 hours were put in by
volunteers during the 1986-87 season.
These hours were broken down to
5,840 for Exeter volunteers, 2,295
hours from Usborne, 695 from
Stephen and 560 hours from Grand
Bend and Bosanquet.
Of the 204 minor players involved
with 15 different teams. 136 came
from Exeter and (he balance were
tlsborne 28. Stephen 18. flensall and
Zurich nine. Hay seven and Grand
Bend and Bosanquet six.
The association rented a total of 628
hours icetime during the 1986-87
season, lincluding tournaments). The
total cost of icetime was $31,420.
During the season each team was
alloted approximately equal time but
due to tournaments both home and
away some lost more of their icetime
than others. The following breakdown
shows total hours of home icetime us-
ed by each team.
Tykes 38 hours, Novice 139, Novice
II 37, Novice 11139, Atom 1 40' I 4012, Atom
11 34, Atom III _41, PeeWeel 40':.
PeeWee 1138'=, PeeWee 11137, Ban-
tam 142':, Bantam II 39, Bantam 111
49. Midget 144, Midget 11 44.
Ice convener Frank Kints said.
"Because the coaches and managers
were very co-operative there were on-
ly two instances when we had no
players on the ice and the icetime was
not --cancelled. Once it was my.
mistake, the other one of our coaches
forgot to cancel. This was a great im-
provement over past years, keep up
the good work".
Incoming president Tom McCann
said the just concluded season was
"one of our most successful ,and the
new Shamrock round robin playoffs
system was very competitive and has
been approved for next year."
McCann continued, "It was also a
good season financially. We didn't get
our municipal grants of $7,756 until
mid-January and ended up with a
surplus of $4,250."
He went on to say "our fund rais-
ing program under the direction of
Sharon Steciuk really made the dif-
NEW MINOR HOCKEY EXECUTIVE - The executive of the Exeter Minor Hockey Association was nam-
ed at Wednesday's annual meeting. Back, left, directors Gary Sararas, Bob Clay, Sharon Steciuk, Jim
Jean, Shamrock rep Dave Urlin and director Frank Kints. Front, director Sharon Lynn, treasurer Frances
Kints. second vice-president Bill Brock, president Tom McCann, first vice-president Larry Taylor and
secretary Sue Guenther. T -A photo
DART INDIVIDUAL WINNERS -- The best individuals in the Exeter
ladies dart league received trophies at Tuesday's annual banquet.
From the top down are Betty Bowerman, Pearl Gans, Marg Wragg,
Barb Hearn, Kate Bierling, Wanda Reynolds and Anna Romaniuk.
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Golf Tips
I1 [ton Kileski
('.11.(:.a. professional
Players searching for a ball should
signal the players behind them to pass
as soon as it becomes apparent that
the ball will not easily be found. They
should not search for five minutes
before doing so. They should not con-
tinue to play until the players follow-
ing them have passed and are out of
You may lift your ball from a man
made obstruction which interferes
with your swing or stance, such as a
water pipe. protective screen, or
sprinkler outlet. but not from an out
a bounds stake or fence. and drop
within two club lengths which pro-
vides the nearest relief.
There are three basic ways of grip-
ping the club - the vardon or overlap-
ping grip. the interlocking grip and
the ten finger grip. The hands must
be facing each other with the back of
the left hand and the palm of the right
hand square to an imaginary target,','
place the club in the hand so that it
runs diagonally across the palm at the
angle it would assume at address.
Place the club underneath the pad
at the rear of the band and curve your
index finger around the shaft. With
the right hand facing the target slip
the middle and ring fingers around
the shaft, insuring that the grip of the
club is against and underneath the
base pads of the fingers, and that the
club is resting in the fingers.
Sectional qualifying for the Ontario
.Junior and Bantams will be held at
Thames Valley in London on June 29.
F'ees and forms must be in to the
O.G.A. office by Monday June 8. The
Birthday party
at shuffleboard
In Tuesday's regular shuffleboard
play for Exeter and area seniors.
Iloward Johns recorded the top score
for the men . Ile was followed by John
Pepper at 371 who was celebrating his
85th birthday and John Eberle 317.
Verda Lightfoot was best for the
ladies with a score of 367. Next came
Olive Essery 326 and B. Brown 297.
A social time followed Tuesday's
games with cake and cookies honour-
ing John Pepper on his birthday.
Olive Essery recorded a score of 399
to lead the female competitors in
Wednesday's action. Other top scores
were Belva Rowe 372 and Pearl
McKnight 301.
F'or (he men the leading scorers
were Lorne Shelton 290, Ross Mar-
shall 285 and John Pepper 205.
Heywood best
Tuesday, (he Ironwood Men's ('lub
saw the "Die Hards" play in
unseasonable cool temperatures with
play sponsored by Carling O'Keefe.
Don Heywood topped "A and 13"
flight with a low gross of 39 followed
by Will Chisholm with a 39 on a count
back. "A and 13" flight low net Was
won by Orval Rinn with a 30 with Bill
Steele as runnerup.
"C and D" flight honours went to
Ken Herman with 49. Runnerup was
Bob Russell at 53. Divisional low net
was awarded to Ross Ferguson with
a 35Yollowed by 36 brought in by An-
dy DeBoer.
Need players
for bantams
A bantam baseball team is being
organized in Exeter for the upcoming
summer season, but some players are
needed to fill the roster.
Coach Gary Hartman has called a
practice for tonight. Wednesday at
6:30 p.m. at the South Huron Rec Cen-
tre diamond. Anyone who has boys.
wishing to compete who were not 15^
years of age by January 1, 1987 will
be welcome.
Anyone needing further informa-
tion should contact coach Gary Hart-
man at 235-1542.
ference bringing in 64,626.32. Our food
booth at the recent -home and garden
show added another $475.
McCann paid tribute to past presi-
dent Paul Charrette saying, "what
we've done in the last four or five
`years is a credit to Paul and what he
has contributed.
The association agreed to .amend
the constitution to establish a fund of
$15,000 which are the proceeds of the
van ticket draw of a year ago. The
fund will have a term of at least threef"
years and will provide an annual pay:.
ment not to exceed $5.000.
McCann said, "We are trying to en-
sure future executives will not run in-
to financial problems. We must also
remember that we haven't purchas-
ed any equipment recently and our
ice time is going up 10 percent which
will mean a additional $3,140.
Dave Urlin suggested $5,000 be us-
ed to buy the necessary equipment.
McCann replied, "We are trying to
guard against bad years.".
In addition to president McCann.
the executive includes vice-president
Larry Taylor and Bill Brock.
secretary Sue Guenther; treasurer
Frances Kints, director Frank Kints.
Jim Jean, Sharon Stecuik, Gary
Sararas, Sharon Lynn and Bob Clay
and Shamrock rep. Dave Urlin.
In concluding remarks McCann
said, "We are now taking applications
for coaches and also want all to know
that we have individuals and groups
who will pay registration fees for
youngsters who can't afford them.
The trick is to hold opinions without
letting opinions hold you.
tee is $15.
Sectional qualifying for the -Ontario
Atnateur will be held at Sunningdale
in London on Monday June ft with the
fee' $50.00) and form to be sent to the
O.G.A. office by May 15.
All forms tor junior. amateur..
match play. Crown Life etc.. are
available to all O.G.A. members at
the Exeter Golf pro shop.
Times -Advocate, May 6, 1987
Page 3A
ACES WERE SECO D - the Aces were.secon• place finishers in the
Exeter ladies dart league. Back, left, Dorothy Reynolds and Marie
Wall. Front, Rita Lessard and Betty Bowerman. T -A photo
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