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Times -Advocate, May 6, 1987
Minor hockey sponsoring Ronnie Hawkins show May 23
The Exeter Minor Hockey Association is sponsoring a major
fund raising event and one which appears to be very popular with
area residents.
Al the South Huron Rec Centre on Saturday, May 23, the
•EMIUA will be presenting the music,of Ronnie Hawkins and his
- Hawkins is well known for producing.music which can be en-
joyed by persons of any age. Ile appears regularly on television
and was featured in last year's New Year's Eve presentation on
television from Nathan Phillips Square in Toronto helping to bring
in the new year.
Larry Taylor of the local hockey group reports that Hawkins
will be on stage for two shows of one hour each. Providing backup
entertainment for Hawkins will be the.local musical group Whiskey
Tickets are on sale for the May 23 performances at
Gentleman's Choice, Wuerth's Shoes, Gerry MacLeans and"Son.
Anstett Jewellers and the 'Times Advocate and the South Huron
Rec Centre. •
Losers of the.. Week
A couple of radio stations that we listen to take calls from.•
listeners about something good or bad they have heard about.
J.P. MCcCarthv of WJR in Detroit calls his losers and win-
ners of the day while Peter Garland of CFPL in London tabs his
callers That's Really Good or That's Really Dumb.
- We have a couple of losers or that's. really dumb this week.
Sorry to report that the Tavistock Braves hockey team left their
dressing room in Lucan in shambles following a loss in the seventh
Optimistic for next year
and deciding game for the OHA Junior 'D' championship.
Lucan manager Jim Hearn tells us it will cost at least $300 to
repair the tile floor which was damaged by broken glass.
The other -concerns the few Toronto Maple Leaf fans if they
can be called that who telephoned coach Jaques Jemers and other
members of the Detroit Red Wings with threats in the middle of
the night. •
sports spotlight
by Ross Haugh
It's Never Over
We have talked in recent weeks about sporting events not be-
ing over until their over according the Yogie Bera. Here's another
to add to the lengthy list.
The Toronto Blue Jays now on a six game winning streak have
been pulling their wins out of the fire with regularity. Going back
few weeks our friends who support the Cleveland Indians will
remember one disastrous evening when the Jays came back from
a five run deficit in the ninth inning.
Saturday afternoon, they did it again. This time with two out
and nobody on base 'and trailing 2-1 the .Jays bounced back with
a walk to Fred McGriff, a single by Rob Ducey and double by Tony
Ducey from Cambridge, the only Canadian on the Toronto
roster is showing well following his recent recall from Syracuse.
He kept Saturday's rally alive with a hit and drove in a rup in Sun-
day's 3-1 win over Texas.
Does Spring Training Help?
How benficial is the month or so that major league baseball
players spend in the sunny south in spring training?
Most will agree that the workouts in the warmer climates are
beneficial, but there is one exception this year.
Take the case of Tim Raines who failed to negotiate a free
agent contract with the Montreal Expos and was not able to sign
up until May 1, thus missing all pre -season action.
What did Raines do in his first game Saturday? He tripled in
the first inning, added two singles along the way and ended the
day with a grand slam homer.
He started Sunday again in auspicious fashion with a home
run in his first trip to the plate and Expo fans are sure glad to see
him back.
Well Timed
The Detroit Tigers and Oakland Athletics went into extra inn-
ings Friday night and Saturday afternoon before a decision could
be reached. The A's won both games.
The interesting fact was each game went 13 innings and each
took .exactly the same time of four hours and 17 minutes to
onoure atan.nI.banquet
A few rtiinutes-later Gates was
back to share trophies with goalie
Rick Pikul as the most valuable
. players during the regular schedule.
Club president Gabby Mol presented
the trophies he donated.
Then it was Pikul's turn to be back
to accept the Huron Motor Products
trophy from Bob llamather as the
most valuable player in the playoffs.
Team captain Randy Kraul receiv-
ed the Rowe Fuels trophy from Bob
Rowe. It goes to the player showing
sportsmanship. perseverance ani
Optimism for a good year in the
1987-88.OHA Senior 'B' season was
prevalent at Friday's annual awards
dinner for the Exeter Mohawks.
Captain Randy Kraut who has in-
dicated he will be back for another
term said, "i'm excited about next
year. Even if you fail one year• it's
important to look ahead. We are a
good organization."
Publicity director John Pryde told
the many team sponsors in atten-
dance. "We really appreciate your
support. Senior 'B' hockey is very ex-
pensive, but we will be back with a system 11•orked well."
renewed commitment." Campbell continued, "Another
President Gabby Mol ccnrnented, highlight was going to the Palmerston
"We had a great year. I'm proud of tournament to defend the title we won
the team even if we didn't go -as far a year earlier. After losing to the
as we wanted to. f enjoyed working ,Durham Huskies 2-0 we came on to
with the players. management. win the consolation title."
coaches and sponsors". In indicating he would not return as
Manager Doc Campbell said the head coach for the 1987-88 season,
team turned in good performances. Jack Chipchase said, "Exeter can
He added, "We played -19 games and support a senior 'B' team and I'm
lost only 10 while Tavistock who beat sorry we couldn't bring home a cham-
us in the playoffs dropped 17 games. pionship. 1 was involved with the
Our move to having a two coach team for eight years and each year
we had better players and more
He concluded, "It's time for a new
coach who will bring in new ideas."
Veteran defenceman Barry
Baynham presented a gift to coach
• ('hipchase on behalf of his team-
mates and said, "Jack was dedicated
to his job and spent a lot of time pass-
ing on his expertise. He was a good
coach and a good friend."
Al Gates received the Molson
trophy from Simon Van Dam as the
_leading scorer in the regular -season
with 19 goals and 33 assists for 52
Gates also led the league in game
winning goals and was assessed only
six minutes in penalties during the en-
tire season.
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GETS DEDICATION AWARD — Exeter Mohawks captain Randy Kraut
received the Rowe Fuels trophy from Bob Rowe at Friday's annual
awards banquet. The trophy goes to the player showing sportsman-
ship, perseverance and dedication. - �-A photo
MOST VALUABLE MOHAWKS Club president Gabby Mol presents
the Exeter Mohawks most valuable player in the regular schedule
awards to Al Gates and Rick Pikul. T -A photo
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COACH GETS GIFT - Barry Baynham of the Exeter Mohawks
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T -A photo
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Fishing derby
set Saturday
The Ausable Bayfield Conservation
Foundation has, for the second year,
become a co-sponsor of the Morrison
Dam Trout Derby. The Foundation
has worked with the Exeter Lions
club and the Ausable Bayfield Conser-
vation Authority to enable the stock-
ing of about 300 trout which range in
size up to five pounds.
The stocking of these trout will oc-
cur just before derby day which is
May 9. These heftier trout will join the
400 pan -sized fish that have already
been placed in the reservoir by the
Ausable Bayfield Conservation
Authority and the Ministrfof Natural
The Conservation Foundation is a
charitable organization that uses a
donations to fund special conserva-
tion projects..John Tinney, the Foun-
dation's chairman, says that the ad-
dition of trout to Morrison Reservoir
provides opportunities for resources
management education. in addition to
the recreational benefits.
Larry Wein is the fishing derby co-
ordinator for the Exeter LionS. The
derby gets underway at 8 a.m. Satur-
day and prizes will be awarded at 3
Prizes of $50 each are being provid-
ed by the first two tagged fish caught
by a person 16 years of age or under.
The Conservation Authority
reminds boaters that motors are not
allowed on Morrison Reservoir. The
Ausable • Bayfield Conservation
Authority also has a supply of the 1987
Fishing Regulations Summary, for
those uncertain about the new licence.
To learn more about using Morrison
Dam Conservation Area contact the
i[u:;able Hayfield Conservation
Authority at 235-2610.
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