HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-04-29, Page 26Page 10A Times -Advocate, April 29, 1987 15 Personal S DAYS OF SPECTACULAR SCENERY CRUISING RIDEAU, or Trent -Severn Waterways on comfortable cruise ship Kawartha Voyageur. Write Ontario Water- way Cruises, Box 1540 Peterborough, K91 7H7. I7x DISCOVER THE BEAUTIFUL BRUCE PENINSULA, Resorts, lodges, cottages, camp grounds. Fishing and charters, swim on sandy beaches, hiking, scuba diving on ship wrecks. Write Box 269 or call Bruce Peninsula Travel (519)534-2671 Wiarton. I7x RESERVE NOW & SAVE! Join our Agricultural Tour to Britain, June 23 to Ju- ly 13 or our Agricultural Tour to Scan- dinavia, August 29-Septempter 16. Dis- counts available to May I. Call Clare Burt Tours (416)451-4995 or 1-800-268-3090.17x ADOPTION SEARCHES, interested con- tact Donald Gall Sherman 15 -Feb -32 ? Toronto, Triad, Box 5114, Stn. A. Calgary, T2H 1 X I , (403)256-0729 evenings. Adoptees searching: Donna Margaret Alyward 10 -Jan -64 Scarboro, Helen Jane Palmer 10 -Jun -22 London, Douglas Howard Brown 12 -Oct -50 Toronto, Pamela•Maxine Dickey 17 -Feb -63 Toron- to, Linda Ann Browell 09 -June -50 Toron- to, Barbara ??? 22 -Mar -56 Oshawa, Anne Myles 26 -May -52 Sudbury. I7x ADOPTION SEARCHES, Contact Triad, Box 5114, Stn A Calgary, T2H I X I (403)256-0729 evenings. BIRTH RELATIVES searching for: Albert Garstka 23 -Jul -34 Edmonton, Sandra Michelle To- wle 31 -Jul -53 Calgary, Leasa Newcomb 24 -Oct -59 Toronto, Dean Allan Pierce 15 -Jun -62 Barrie, Muriel Anne Tierce 05-Ju1-66 St. Catharines, Charles David Or- fice 19 -May -54 Ottawa, Sandra Lee Thompson 06 -Oct -67 Toronto, Kirk Richard Norman 23 -Jan -57 Toronto, Elizabeth Anne 12 -Nov -68 Victoria. I7x STAR LAKE LODGE, cottages and cam- pground. Few openings in August for cot- tages. Yearly campgrounds. S350 season. Daily rates also available (705)732-4087.17x LOSE 10-29 LB. in 30 days. Nutritionally balanced - All Natural - Easy to Use - Delicious. Master Charge accepted (416)827-8984. 17x 16 For Sale YARD SALE. May 2, 10 a.m. Weather permitting, 134 Columbia Dr. Huron Park. 17c BIG YARD SALE, Saturday, May 2, 174 Market St., Lucan, 8-5. Selection of anti- ques. 17c YARD SALE, Sat. May 2, 9:00 a.m.-? 169 Andrew Street Exeter. Dishes, household items, lighting fixtures, 2 new tents, older solid dresser, antique chair, table tennis table, craft items and yarns, 1983 Suzuki 125 SP Enduro bike, 1969 Pontiac Lauren- tian. I7c YARD SALE - Sat. May 2, 9-1. 426 Marlborough St. Exeter. Rain date May 9. 1 7x YARD SALE, Saturday, May 2nd, 53 Main St., Exeter. Furniture, baby goods, plants and more. 17c PORCH SALE - 28 Victoria St. E. Children's clothing, boys and girls, sizes in- fant to 6X. Some adult clothing, portable sewing machine. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 17• YARD SALE - 42 Ontario St. Grand Bend (beside Christmas Place). Sat. May 2. Home and garden items, dining room table, six chairs, bufet, six piece blond bedroom suite, 3 piece maple bedroom suite, other furniture items, appliances, household goods, tools and lawn mower. 17• GARAGE SALE - Sat. May 2 front lawn of Exeter Produce 9-3. Supported by Good Times ladies slo-pitch team. 17c Agricultural Read Estate United 8 Huron St., Clinton NOM ILO (519) 482-3981 HAYFIELD - New vinyl sided bungalow, 3 bedrooms, garage and private drive, close to lake, fridge and stove included. 100-300 ACRES - LAND ONLY, 'flicker- , smith licker- smith lbwnship. BRU$3EiS - I25 aeres 60 workable, -90 -- sow farrowing operation, with beautiful ranch style home on highway location. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY - Port Lambton, one bay garage and hardware store. $100,000.00. NORTH HAY -125 acres, 1% storey brick home and conventional barn, good starter farm. DAIRY - Excellent 30 tie up farm with good buildings and highway location. EXETER - 120 acres, cash crop, good house, conventional barn, excellent starter farm, priced to sell. HAYFIELD - Lakefront property, building lot, beautiful area, well treed. BRUCEFIEL D - Approx. 10 acres, house foundation and small barn. WANTED Small Farm Related • Business. Large Grocery Store • Outlet. Broker • Douglas F. Chubb Regional Rep. - Bruce Rathwell Sales Rep. - Pat Norman Sales Rep. - Kim Rathwell Douglas P. Chubb, BROKER Brace Bothwell, SALES REP Pat Normam SALES REP Kim Rothwell, SALES REP 16 1 or Sole LARGE LAWN SALE, May 2 and 3. Weather permitting. All clean household items. 3 Columbia Crescent, Huron Park. 17• GARAGE SALE, Sat. May 2. 9 a.m. - noon. 70 Ontario St.,(Hwy. 21) Grand Bend. 17x ALFALFA HAY, good quality. First, se- cond and third cuts. Phone Darrel at 234-6227. 14tfx SSS SACRIFICE SACRIFICE SSS Buildings priced for immediate liquidation. All items in stock. 28x40x14 S3,996, 40x60x14 S6,500, 46x80x14 $9,250, 70x90x24 521,789. Various sizes available up to 120 ft. wide. Factory direct clearance. Serious buyers only. All buildings priced far immediate delivery call toll free 1-800-387-2115 or (416) 858-2446. I7x SPRING LAMB - the ideal treat on your barbecue this summer. Get one now for your freezer and be ready to treat your family and guests royally. Call Bill Batten at 235-1331. 24tfx ELECTROLUX VACUUM in excellent condition with power .nozzle and all at- tachments. Only $195. Call Centralis 228-6531. 4tfn VISSCHER FARMS COUNTRY MARKET FINAL WEEK APPLES SECONDS ONLY FRESH CIDER $2.50 a gallon WATCH FOR UPCOMING ADS FOR FRESH CAULIFLOWER AND BROCCOLI (late June) 3 miles west of Exeter on Hwy. 83 OPEN Daily 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. CLOSED SUNDAYS PHONE 237-3442 12tfncc ALFALFA HAY, 55 acres, 3 cuts if possi- ble. Phone 229-8788. 17SA FURNACE - Clare Hecla includes plenam and new ' h.p. motor S100. Call 229-6835. 17SA BOY'S SOCCER SHOES, Mitre, size 2, worn once. Half price. Phone 235-2724. 13tfn HOUSEHOLD SALE - Something for everyone, chest of drawers, lamps, mirrors, books, toys, encyclopedias, bedding, aquarium, lawn chairs, small glass cup- board, oil painting in frame, Mason jars, ladies and men's skates, electrical ap- pliances, etc. Call 284-1669. 17SA WOOD BOLT BINS; steel storage racks; large pedestal grinder; electric chain hoists 550 volts; work benches; small trailer wheels with rubber S25; steel and wood trays and drawers suitable for work ben- ches; electric furnace; oil furnace; new and used steel; sprockets and pulleys; chain, belts, bearings and tools; depot for welding gas. L. Hamilton Machine Shop Ltd. 235-1655. 15tfn AJAY OCTA -GYM combination rower, like new, $175. or best offer. Phone 284-1231. 17SA • MOTHERS' DAY • IDEAL GIFT! Patio furniture, tea cart and gift items at great savings. Warehouse open Fridays and Saturdays. 71 King W. Forest, Ont. (519)786-4405. 17-27c BEIGE STEEL SIDING, 24 foot round pool, new wall, needs liner, solar blanket, boy's socker shoes, size 13 and 1. Men's 10 -speed bike. Phone 228-6862. I7c CHESTERFJELD AND CHAIR, gold and black. Coffee and two end tables. 228-6729. 17• KITCHEN CABINETS, 9 ft lower unit with moulded counter top, corresponding upper units, painted finish with colonial hardware. Contact Ted or Donna Jones, 273 Marlborough St., Exeter, Ont. Phone 235-2415. 17tfx PATIO DOORS, 5 feet. Dashwood mill, doors, windows, 27 trusses 4/12 pitch, 24 ft. span, '/: price. Phone 235-1647.17tfnc MOVING - Hide -a -bed, Love seat and chair, automatic washer and Zenith col- oured TV. Phone 238-5492. I7c ELAINE'S WOOL SHOP, 150 Alice Street (behind Bank of Montreal) Lucan, Ontario. '/, price sale. 17-19• TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE TENDER Sealed tenders, clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the under- signed until 4:00 p.m. Friday, May 15, 1987 for the compac- tion and cover of garbage at the Kirkton Landfill Site located on part Lot 5, Southeast boundary conces- sion, Usborne Township. Additional tender informa- tion is available from the undersigned at 235-2900. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Township of Osborne Sandra J. Strang, Clerk P.O. Box 1420 Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S0 EXETER PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION TENDER FOR CHLORINATION FACILITIES AND BUILDING HICKS WELL CONTRACT 86090 SEALED TENDERS addressed to Mr. H.L. Davis, Manager, Exeter Public Utilities Commission, 379 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario, NOM 1S0, will be received by him until 4:00 I1.m. Tuesday, May 19, 1967 for the construction of a 10 square metre addition to the ex- isting Hicks Well Pumphouse, complete with chlorination equip- ment, piping, electrical control, etc. Plans, specifications, and tender forms may be obtained at the office of the undersigned upon payment of a non-refundable fee of $30.00. This fee includes Soles Tax in the amount of $1.96. A certified cheque in the amount of $10,000.00 must accompany each bid. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. B.M. ROSS AND ASSOCIATES LIMITED Consulting Engineers 62 North Street Goderich, Ontario NIA 2T4 (S 19) 524-2641 i 16 For Sole 1 '83 Lionel tent trailer, with icebox, sde4ps six; 1 antique fainting couch, original upholstery; I older white dresser with mir- ror; 1 brand new porta-potti, never been used; 1 older wood burning cook stove; 1 bug tent; 2 1500 watt electric heaters, 240 volt. Phone 262-6702. 17• 2 ALUMINUM AWNINGS, windowand door awning. Apply August Gregus. Phone 235-1647. I7,18c THE "FARMER", Album and your favourite fiddle, country and old tyme music; available at discount prices. "Free catalogue". Write to Save -X Discount Ser- vices, 228 Selkirk Ave., Wpg. MB R2W 2L6. 17x HYDROPONICS GROW INDOORS, without soil - even in winter! Best selection and prices in Canada. Send 52 for catalgue. Canadian Hydroponics Ltd. 8318 - 120th St., Surrey, B.C. V3W 2N4. 17x SOFA AND CHAIR, brown, pillow -back style, almost new, 5850. Phone 238-2142. 17;18c BURGLAR ALARM with automatic dialer and digital alarm switch. Call 236-72+40 anytime. 17c RIDING LAWNMOWER, John Deere model 68, new 8 h.p, engine. Phone .237-3766. I7c COFFEE TABLE and 2 end tables in ex- cellent condition. 580 'for set. Phone 262-3129. 17:18c ABOVE (;ROUND POOL 4'x24' with equipment. For best offer phone 237-3544 after 5 p.m. 17c YARN - Discount Prices, Beehive Brands, Ron's Health Centre, Hensall. 32tfri CHROME KITCHEN SET - 4 well padd- ed brown high back chairs. Table has ar- borite top with heavy chrome base. Great for cottage, starter apartment or rec room 5100. Phone 235-2815 after 6 p.m. 14tfx RIDING LAWNMOWER, Ford LT75, 5750. PHone 234-6403. 16:17c WELL WATER PROBLEMS? New ad- vanced technology for efficient treatment of problem water, offering protection throughout entire water system. Rusty ., . Smelly ... Bad Tasting ... Water, hardness, staining, bacteria, and more. No salt or messy chemicals ... maintenance free. See the results for yourself with our 6 -month trial offer. Call toll free 1-800-387-3423 or write Aztec Purification Systems, 6380 -No. 5 Tomken Rd., Mississauga, Ont. L5T 11(2. "The lowest cost system that really works." I7x THE 400 MARKET (flea market) - Barrie. Come where the action is, 25,000 people each weekend and growing. Open Saturday and Sunday year round: Low seasonal rates. Call (705)722-8767 or (705)436-1010 (weekends) 17x THE BARN - Fowlers Corners - Peter- borough. Ontario's most picturesque Flea market. The place to be this summer - Big crowds and low rent. Seasonal rates available Saturday and Sunday. Call Cliff (705)745-1081. 17x SATELLITE TECHNOLOGY, Manitoba's oldest dealer offers official Video Cipher II descramblers, modification available. Dealer inquiries welcome. Call Open Sky Electronics (204)477-1824 Win- nipeg. 17x LAWNMOWER Lawnboy, 3 years old. Chocolate brown velvet chesterfield and chair. Dark wood end tables and hexagon coffee table. All in excellent condition. Phone 235-2961 after 6 p.m. I7c RIFLE, model 99-308 Savage deer rifle, 6 shot rotary magazine. Model 230 -Forney welder with all attachments, Phone 262-2637. 17:18• SOFT ICE CREAM MACHINE, complete 5500. Phone 236-7733. 17:18c HARD TOP CAMPER, fibreglass sides and new canvass, propane/electric stove and fridge. Lightweight, sleeps six, excellent condition. 51500. or best offer. Phone 482-7757 after six or weekends. 17• GOLF CLUBS - complete set of right-hand man's, size 6 ladies roller skates, 2 Spanish guitars, I --shaped chesterfield, '/. bed. Phone Mary ar 235-2000, after 6 235-1772. 17:18c BICYCLES - used ready to ride. Phone 235-0206. 17:18c RIDING LAWNMOWER, 10 h.p. like new. MTD. Phone 235-1586. I7c STROLLER FOR TWINS. Silvercrest in excellent condition. S50. Phone 235-2097. I7c SATELLITE DISH - 10' fibreglass dish, Chaparral Feedhorn, LNA, adjustable stand, Toki I.ED digital receiver with stereo, auto memory, electronic fine tune, wide and narrow bands, auto scan, full function remote control (includes remote dish positioning), matching Toki I.ED digital satellite tracker arm. Includes all hardware, connectors and 150' of coaxial cable. Owner manuals included. Excellent condition. 1986 model. Selling for 52495. Phone 238-5501. 17SA FEED STRAW FOR SALE. 150 round bales of straw kept inside, haled with JD baler. Phone 229-6383 or 229-8102.I7SA AIR CONDITIONER, upright 600 BTU, like new. Phone 262-2102 days or 262-2194 evenings. I7SA D QUALITY MIXED HAY for sale. one 229-'8232. I7SA BICYCLE - Girl's 20", can be converted to boy's. Used only one year. Excellent con- dition 550. Phone 235-0641. 17SA USED CAR and truck parts. Phone 228-6214. McStephen Auto Wreckers.) -24• PATIO SETS. 40 percent off or more. Wide selection. Warehouse open Fridays and Saturdays. 71 King W. Forest, Ont. (519)786-4405. • 12-22c LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHING, at the Everthrift Store from 10 cents to 51.00. All reasonsable offers made on remaining winter stock will be ac- cepted from now until May, 157 Main St. Exeter. 13-17c 16 For Sule WATERBED% double size. Phone 229 6142. I7SA 100 PERCENT Natural Beef - no hor- mones or growth promotants - organic feed - side or quarter - satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 284-1459 after 6 p.m. 17SA WHEELCHAIR - Everest and Jennings - detachable footrests, acorn color, like new, 5350. Phone 284-3722. 17SA FRIDGE, STOVE, colour T.V., also 1967 Ford car. Phone 284-1515. 17SA GREENHOUSE AND HYDROPONIC EQUIPMENT, supplies. Everything you need. Best quality, super low prices. Greenhouses 5169. Halides 5105. Over 3,000 products in stock! Send 52 for info pack and free magazine to Western Water Farms 1244 Seymour St. Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3N9 1-604-682-6636. 17x STEEL BUILDINGS, Spring clearance - we have a limited amount of steel left from our largest winter sale ever - Save thousands - all styles are available. Pioneer Econospan ' 1-800-3$7-6896. 14-17x MIRACLE SPAN number 1 in steel buildings. Check these prices: 25x32 52,597, 40x60 55,797, 32x34 53,497, 50x80 58,897. Other sizes to choose from. All buildings are complete with large doors. Sale ends April 30, 1987 or when allocated steel is sold. Call toll free 1-800-387-4910.14-17x HALIDE AND SODIUM LIGHTS. Com- petitive prices, free advice and service. Your one stop indoor grown shop. Homegrown Halide and Hydroponics. 2737 Weston Rd., Weston, Ont. M9M 2R4. (416)745-5007. 17x MONTREAL MILITARY SURPLUS: Work shirts 52.75, Work Pants 53.50, Work Boots 515. Send S2 for catalogue (Reimbursement 1st order). Military Surplus, Box 243, St. Timothee, Quebec. JOS IXO.17x USED DESKS, Files, storage cabinets, ,tacking, office chairs, steel adjustable shelving, store displays, Blairs New and Us- ed, 21 Alex Ave, Woodbridge. Phone (416)851-8100. Near Hwy 7 and 400. Mon. - Fri. 9-5 Sat. 10-1. 17x THE DOUBLE DUTY DEPOT. Ipper- %ash Beach, Lambton Rd. No. 6. Now open every Sunday from 9-4. Other hours by chance or by appointment. 16tfnc MIXED GRAIN, 50-50 S110.00 ton. Phone 238-2881. 16,17c MASON RISCH PIANO, Kenmore dryer, Simplicity wringer washer. Phone 238-2413. 17SA GOOD QUALITY MIXED HAY for sa:e. Phone 229-8232. 17SA BLUE SPRUCE - dig your choice. Take sod with undisturbed roots, 11/4 miles E. of Wingham, Hwy No. 86. Spruce 52.00/ft., blue spruce 53.50/ft. (tax includ- ed) Mrs. Marsh, centre of three houses E. of school. 357-2387. 16-19c KIRBY VACUUM CLEANER, in ex- cellent condition. Like new, with power nozzle, shampooer, polisher. Less than year old. Will sacrifice 5550.00. New price 51,300. Call Centralia 228-6531. 17SA 17 Wanted To Buy SCRAP CARS OR TRUCKS. Highest prices paid. Phone 228-6214. 1-24• CASH FOR USED cars and trucks for wrecking. 228-6700. John Brock Auto Wreckers, RR 1 Crediton. 3tfnc OLD WRISTWATCHES WANTED: Mens only - Old Rolex and Patek Phillip wristwatches wanted. Also wanted Eatons "Quarter Century" square wristwatches (25 years service). Will pay 5750 and up for this watch. Phone 1-416-365-7240 or write B. Walsh, 173 Queen St. East, Toronto, Ont. M5A 1S2. 17x USED KITCHEN CUPBOARDS, toilet, bath tub and vanity. Also used furniture. Phone 238-2299. 16-18c GOOD SOLID BUNK BEDS, also any us- ed playground equipment. Preferrably wood. Call after 6 p.m. 237-3742. 17c 18 Wanted PIANOS WANTED, not necessarily in good condition. We restore, refinish, tune and repair. Specializing in Piano Grand Square. Village Piano Shop, Elmira (519)669-2280. 17x 19 Property For Sale YES the Garden of Eden is for sale. 3 bedroom bungalow, big rec room, new double garage, all rooms newly panelled, new septic tank, deep well. Forced air gas heat on nearly one acre. Great place for the kiddies. School bus at door. Reduced to 549,700 or best offer. Phone 228-6236 17SA TWO LOTS ON ANDREW ST. N. 60' x 176', serviced. 515,000.00 each. Phone 1-743-2094. 12tfnc BEAUTIFUL PEI Property near Mon- tague. 375 acres, 200 clear, balance wood- ed. One mile sandy beach across river from 18 hole golf course. Other buildings and magnificent home, many extras, developers delight. (902)838-2888 Tri County Realty. Dairy farms available including quota and machinery. Call/write P.O. Box 218 Mon- tague, PEI, COA IRO. l 17x OKANAGAN - 10 acres mixed Orchard. 4 Bedroom house plus new cabin, all equip- ment included. 5159,000 leased for 1987. Owner retiring. Olav Wallin, RR 3 Sum- merland, B.C. (604)494-1470. 17x TWO RESIDENTIAL LOTS, on Victoria St. W. Exeter. Bordering woodland. Close to schools. Size 62.7x100. Serviced. One in- dustrial lot 99x165 Wellington St. Call 235-1329. 17tfn 105 ACRES farm land. Contact Joan Mit- chell evenings 225-2540. I7SA YOUR CHOICE - Pay $350 per month and have the choice anytime within the next 12 months of whether or not you will purchase this compact two bedroom home. Move in immediately. Ideal starter or retirement home. First and last payment and references required. Call 235-0514. 17tfx Huron County Board of Education Grass Cutting Contract Tenders Plainly marked sealed tenders will be received prior to noon on Wednesday, May 6, 1987, for grass cut- ting at the following schools: Brussels Public School East Wawanosh Public School Grey Central Public School Hullett Central Public School Turnberry Central Public School All tenders must be submitted on the official tender form which is available at the Huron County Board of Education, 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario and at the above mentioned schools. The lowest or any, tender not necessarily accepted. Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert Street, Canton, Ontario NOM ILO R.B. Allan A. Clark iv I'l upet ty hr Sole LOT ON EASTERN AVE. 92' x 120'. Phone 235-1647. 17tfnc LOT ON MARLBOROUGH ST. 75' x 297'. Phone 235-1647. 17tfnc 20 Pl upf•' ty E or Rent INDUSTRIAL or WAREHOUSE space for rent. Call 235-0141. 16tfnc PRIME RETAIL or OFFICE space available. Call 235-0141. 16ifnc MAY 1st COUNTRY SETTING. 2 bedroom fully broadloomed, main floor apartment. Treed lot, garden plot, separate gas metres and new furnace. 5250.00 mon- thly, first, last and lease adults. 235-2430 or 235-0392 after 6. 12-14•tfnc OFFICE SPACE with telephone answer- ing service available if required. Phone 235-1242. 14tfn INDtJSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL. WAREHOUSING. Office space available' with ample parking. Call Oud Warehous- ing 262-2928 or after 5 p.m. 262-5768.I5tfn IN HENSALL, one bedroom townshouse, close to park, ground level 5250.00 month. Includes heat, parking and garbage pick- up. No pets. Available May 1. Phone 262-2014 or 262-3448. 16tfn LOOKING FOR non smoking roommate for big beautiful house, 5 miles from beach. 5265. per month. Heat, hydro included. Call Mary Lynn 235-2400 or 237-3379. 16, 17c COSY UPPER APARTMENT, with all utilities paid. First and last month's rent in advance. Available May 1 to a non-smoker. No pets. 235-2687 or 235-2187 after 6. 16;17c OFFICE SPACE for RENT. Suitable for professional functions. Close to Main business area. Phone D. Currell'235-2700 for further details or inspection. I7c APARTMENT - May 1, 2 bedroom, downtown location. Phone 235-2468 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 17,18c HIGH TRAFFIC MAIN ST. South loca- tion for rent. Ideal for storeroom or office. Paved parking. Call . Bob Murray at 235-1462. 17,18c 32' x 20' HEAT ED SHOP in Exeter. Phone 235-2738. 17c RENOVATED 1 and 2 bedroom/ apart- ments, Exeter, stove, fridges supplied. One block from Main Street and post office. References required. No pets. Phone 527-1938. 17tfn APARTMENT - small one bedroom, new- ly decorated, one block to downtown. Suitable for one non smoker. Apply 235-0791. 17• 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE, Simcoe Street, available June 1. Phone 235-0758: 17;18c AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. One bedroom apartment, heat included, 5225.00, located between Ailsa Craig and Crediton. Phone 293-3011 after 4 p.m. 17tfn TOWNHOUSE, 3 bedroom, Simcoe St. available June 1..Phone 236-4230. 17tfn YOUR CHOICE - Pay S350 per month and have the choice anytime within the next 12 months of whether or not you will purchase this compact two bedroom honie. Move in immediately. Ideal starter or retirement home. First and last payment and references required. Call 235-0514. 17tfx 21 For Rent THE "OLD TOWN HALL" auditorium for rentals including weddings, meetings, banquet room, lectures, exhibitions, films, etc. Kitchen facilities available. Contact Ellison Travel, 235-2000. 8tfn 395 ACRES OF FARM LAND, is available for lease. Property is located near Varna, Ontario and consists of part of lot 20, 21, 22 and 23. Concession 5 and part of lot 19, 20 and 22 BRN. For additional informa- tion phone C. E. Shewfelt at 235-2111 in Exeter. 16, 17c 2 -WAY FM RADIO - lease fully - synthesized, full -featured Canadian Mar- coni radios from 521.50/month. Purchase as low as $569. Tenex Communications Inc., 232-4477 (Ailsa Craig), 473-9877 (London). 16-20c 2 -WAY FM RADIO - Our repeaters give up to 75 mile range without expensive base radio. Special prices for Canadian Marconi radios purchased for use on our systems. Rental and leasing plans available. Tenex Communications Inc., 232-4477 (Ailsa Craig) 473-9877. 16-20c 05 ACRES OF CASH CROP in Stanley Township, 3 miles south of Varna. 262-5233. 17c CLINTON RETIREMENT HOME, pro- viding care for the elderly. All private rooms. Inquiries welcome. Reasonable rates 482-5208. 17-29c ROOM FOR RENT, ground floor, im- mediate possession. Phone 228-6867. 17c 22 For Sale or Rent TRAILERS, travel, SIT► wheels, hardtops, new and used. Golden Falcon, Prowler, Boler, Lionel. Hitches, truck caps. Sales, Rentals, Repairs. 25 years in business. Camp -Out, Hwy 8, 1 mi. west of Stratford. 393-5938. 12-30c HOUSE - 3 bedroom plus with attached garage. Main St. Kippen. Phone 262-5513. 17SA `,','nrte(I to Rent GOOD PRODUCTIVE LAND, at a realistic price. Advance payment. 228-6288. 12tfnc WANT TO RENT, Good land for 1987 crop year in Exeter area. 229-6383 or 229-8102. 17SA• THREE BEDROOM HOUSE, for June or July 1. References available. 482-9347. 16,17c HOUSE TRAILER - small, May to Oc- tober. Must be moveable. Have job, need accommodation. 229-8740. 17SA • STORAGE BUILDING for motorhome near Hensall. Requires 11 ft. high doorway. Call 262-2124. 17c 2 BEDROOM APT. or house in Grand Bend or Port Franks area for May 1. Phone 235-2657. 17c 25 Notices NOTICE TO TENANTS - All past tenants who resided in one of the following Heu- sall properties since August 1, 1985 are hereby notified that the Landlord has fil- ed a retroactive rent review application at the Rent Review Services office, 176 Ox- ford Street. A copy of the application can be obtained by contacting Don Crich Con- struction at 432-1115 between 9 and 4 p.m., Monday to Friday. . 17-19c 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of THERESA ANNA DUCHARME, deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Theresa Anna Ducharme, late of the Village of Zurich, County of Huron, who died on or about the 30th day of November 1986 are required to file par- ticulars of same with Elmer D. Bell, Solicitor, Exeter, Ontario by the 9th day of May 1987 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. ELMER D. BELL, Solicitor for the executor, Exeter, Ontario NOM ISO 16-18c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Minnie Elizabeth Har- rison, late of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, housekeeper, who died on or about March 13, 1987. Creditors and others having " claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the under- signed on or before the 15th day of May, 1987 after which date the estate assets will be distributed having regard only to claims that have then been received. RAYMOND 8 McLEAN Barristers and Solicitors Exeter, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors 17 28 Auction Sales DISTRICT COURT OF ONTARIO PRESZCATOR VS. BIERLING Auction sale under the direction of the District Court of Ontario will be held on the 6th day of May, A.D. 1987 at the hour of 7:30 p.m. at the undermentioned premises by Robert Heywood, Auctioneer, of the following lands: The westerly 170 feet of even depth throughout of Lot 1093, Plan 376, Town of Exeter, County of Huron known as 144 Andrew St., Exeter, Ontario on which is said to be erected a dwelling. The properly will be sold in one kt, sub- ject to a reserve bid, 10 percent on' the date of the sale and the balance in thirty days. Conditions of Sale will be read by the auc- tioneer immediately prior to the auction. F. Jewell Local Registrar. District Court of Ontario Court House. Goderich, Ontario 15-1 c ONTARIO'S LARGEST FARM MACHINERY CONSIGNMENT SALE, Norwich, Ont. Fri, May 8, 1987. 10 a.m. (Sales conducted 2nd Friday each month). Approximately 150-175 tractors plus all types of farm equipment. Consignments welcome. For more information call (519)424-9998 or (519)424-9093. Pro- prietors K.S. Hamulecki and Sons. 17x SATURDAY, MAY 2 - 10:30 a.m. FARM SOLD: Selling the full line of farm machinery, race and show horse equip- ment, standard bred mare, cattle, tools and some antique furniture. Property of Ivan and May Cochrane, RR 2 Blackstock, Hwy 7A, 4 miles east of Port Perry. After 47 years in the horse business at the same loca- tion, there are too m any items to list in- dividually. Please come and enjoy the day. Actioneers Don and Phil Cochrane (416)985-2788. I7x Auction Sales and more Tenders on Page 17A Announcement Grand Bend Sanitation Services Tim Boyd wishes to announce the sale of Grand Bend Sanitation Services to Mr. Andy O'Brien, a former employee. Mr. O'Brien will be pleased to serve our former customers for all their septic tank cleaning and portable toilet rental needs. Thank you to all our customers for their patronage during the past 10 years. Grand Bend Sanitation Services 23B-2291 Announcement Tim Boyd & Son Construction Tim Boyd, former owner of Grand Bend Sanitation Services will continue the operation of TIM BOYD & SON CONSTRUCTION Contact us for septic tank and weeping bed installa- tion and repairs, excavating, backhoe, crawler ser- vices and trucking. TIM BOYD & SON CONSTRUCTION 238-3S56