HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-04-29, Page 20Page IA Times -Advocate, April 29, 1987 Farm groups seek funding from An automatic, multiple-choice, refundable check -off from all agricultural producers has been detailed by a joint committee of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture and the Christian Farmers Federa- lion of Ontario. The committee proposes a refun- dable check -off of $100 or two percent of the property tax rebate whichever is larger (but not to exceed 5250) to provide funding for Ontario's general tarm organizations. It will be refun- dable if producers make a request in writing. The joint proposal has been turned over to the executives of the two organizations for further action. COMPLETE FIRST AID COURSE — Employees of Nabisco Brands Ltd. formerly Canadian Canners Limited recently completed o St. John Ambulance first aid course. Back, left, instructor Betty Osborn, Bob Bilin - sky, Alan Oakes, Tony Mattucci, Dave Robinson and Wolfgang Lausch. Front, Gord McCarter, Kevin Doupe, Rob Rathwell, Mike Boyle and Albert Van Dyken. T -A photo Ontario Hydro seeks 4.9 percent rate hike Ontario Ilydro is proposing to in- crease its electricity rates in 1988 by an average of 4.9 per cent, Chairman 'tom Campbell announced this week. The rate proposal will be reviewed by the Ontario Energy Board. The proposed rate increase would affect over 300 municipal electrical utilities in the province who distribute electricity to their own residential. commercial and industrial customers. The increase would also affect more than 100 direct industrial customers, as well as Ontario Hydro's 800,000 retail customers. Ontario Hydro proposes to increase electricity rates by an average of 5.0 per cent for municipal utilities, 5.4 per cent for large industrial customers served directly by the corporation. and 4.1 per cent for its retail CAIIADA•OPITARIO Crop Insurance Production. costs are higher than ever before. You should insure that investment. You stand to lose more than you might think .from unexpected hail. frost. drought, flood. wind. insect damage and disease. Crop Insuran ;e makes better sense every year. Insure all spring crops by May 1st Agent: Don Weigand RR 1 Dashwood Phone 237-3418 ' ie Agriculture ® Ontari:nom try d Canada Agricuand Fooc customers. The proposed increases average 4.9 per cent and would take effect January 1, 1988. The impact on individual municipal utilities, direct industrial customers and retail customers will vary depen- ding on consumption patterns, supp- ly conditions and rate classifications. Campbell said the proposed in- crease is needed to cover increased costs associated with operating and maintaining existing facilities_ and with new faclities being brought into service to meet customers' growing electricity needs. "The proposal will keep 1988 rates to customers as low as possible, while helping to strengthen Ilydro's finan- cial position," Campbell said. The 1988 rate proposal has been sub- mitted to Energy Minister Vince Ker- rio who in turn will ask the Ontario Golden eggs are auctioned The people at Fisher Poultry Farm inc. of Ayton will be enjoying some mighty expensive devilled eggs. Fisher Poultry shelled out $1,000.00 for a flat of 212 dozen eggs -- the first place winners in the "Brown Egg" class of the Ontario Egg Producers' Marketing Board's 7th annual Egg Quality Contest. the trophy winning eggs were entered by Medway Creamery of II- derton and were produced by Verne Bilyea of Denfield. The trophy winning entries went on the auctioneer's block during the 30th Annual Poultry Conference and Ex- hihition in London. Bids on the six flats of eggs raised a total of $5,900.00 for the London Easter Seals Society in support of physically disabled children -- the largest donation ever in the history of the Egg Auction. Judging of the 140 entries from across Ontario was conducted by of- ficials of Agriculture Canada. OUR SERVICE NEVER ENDS We don't shut our doors after April 30th. If you need year-end tax planning ad- vice stop in and see usbefore you come to see us in 1986 and we'll do our best to help you make your taxes manageable. We'II give you fast, friendly service 'and an accurate return. Plus, ' we're available year-round to answer your questions. Our fees are reasonable. Stop Into one of our convenient of- fices or call for an appointment today. H&R BLOCK The• year-round income tax people. 147 Main St., Exeter 235-1901 Mon. - Wed. 9 - 6; Thurs. - Fri. 9 - 8 Sat. 9 - 4 Energy Board to hold a public hear- ing into the proposed rate increase for municipal utilities and direct in- dustrial customers. The DEB will report to the Minister by the end of August. 'l'he rate increase will be finalized by the Hydro Board of Direc- tors in the fall and will take effect January 1. 1988. The increase would raise the average Ontario municipal householder's monthly bill by less than 83.01) in 1988. based on consump- tion of 1.000 kilowatt-hours of elec- tricity per month. The average hr n' eholder's monthly bill is present- ly about 855.00. Since the proposal is generally similar to refundable check -off con- cepts discussed at recent annual con- ventions of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture, it is expected that OFA will approach government and other general farm organizations for check -off plan support. The executive of the Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario has endorsed the proposal and will recom- mend it to its membership. The CFFO's provincial board is expected to debate the proposal at its July and September meetings. The joint proposal seeks enabling legislation from the provincial legislature. General farm organiza- tions wishing to participate in ttie check -off will need to prove eligibili- ty to a provincial commission. • Save 2O per litre/kilogram on selected quality Shell lubricants Your helpful Shell Agent is really pouring on the savings this Spring just for you. From now until May 15*, 1987, save 204 a Titre or kilogram on a wide selection of quality Shell lubricants. Talk to your local Shell Agent and get full details. Hurry before these great savings run out. The CLARKE SELF SERVE 119 Main St. N., Exeter Ont. (519) 235-0119 Commercial, Industrial and Farm Fleet Lubricants isOn -(1toe,r,opo t,p y� 03°4 f D rsn a `c� G •+.�v � e Yard and Garden Specials - scorrs TURF BUILDER " ® PLUS 2 FERTILIZER Controls 26 broad teal weeds and provdes a complete leedmg tot 400m2 ,ou,i.t Vt.�•ttwty= 99 6.75 kg HOME GARDENER 21-7-7 FERTILIZER Controls dandeltons. chickweed and other broad leaf weeds Coves 425m; 11024 east 99 7o kg. 999 10-10-10 $ ZOO. 25 kg. per bag Peat Moss 4 cu. ft. $725 6 cu. ft. $1075 SEED POTATOES In Stock Superior Kennebec Yukon Gold (Yellow) Sebago Cheiftan (Red) Irish Cobbler Lufkin 114" 75 ib. bag or 25C Ib. SAVE Made n 4447 Canada 9602.797.1 FREE CAP WITH THE PUR CHASE OF THIS LUFKIN TAPE MEASURE. LUFKIN 16 FT. O TAPE MEASURE High strength case with positive lock, write on. •non glare blade. Lightweight. PLAN YOUR DECK NOW 97 REG. 17.99 Treated Lumber 1 x6x5ft 1.55 1 x 6 x 14 ft 4.25 2x4ft 404 ft. 2x6 604 ft: 2 x 8 774 ft. 2 x 10 1.16 ft. 4x4 804 ft. 4 x 6 1.29 ft 1 x6x6ft 1.85 Centrafla Farman Supply Ltd. Centralia 228-6638 Hours: Mon. - Fr. 8 - 12 1 - 6; Sat. 8 - 12 noon _r 1'I 1 e I I I l l l H�e 4