HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-04-29, Page 19Season only two weeks old
Rivalry going Gully
These finishes rocket the Honda pilot
into the points lead in the provincial
CMA Pro Racing action resumes at
Hully Gully, Sunday, May 31.
The OATVA Ontario All Terrain
Vechical Associates opens its "87"
Racing Season this Sunday May 3 at
HuBy Gully. Racing will be hot and
heavy, with new 350 to 500 cc 4 -wheel
Watch out for loca riders Terry
McGregor of Kippen, Paul Farquhar
from Clinton, and Doug Wolf from
Mitchell. These riders all on three -
Practice at noon and racing starts
at 1 p.m.
The 1987 house league season at Gully May 2.
Hully Gully is only two races old and "UFO's sighted at Hully Gully April
already rivalries have been establish- 26". Unbelievably fast objects, that is,
ed between several competitors. CMA sanctioned racing made its first
Some of April 25th's best racing ac- 1987 appearance at Hully Gully count,
tion came in the 125 B class. London's bringing with it an entourage of speed
holeshot artist Steve Clayton won both riders.
starts, and it looked like he would go Sensational in all three junior
one -one on the day. It wasn't to be classes was Steve Bolousky, 1986 na-
though, as he slid out while in the tional schoolboy champion. No one
lead, and the best he could do was could match his speed, though notable
third at the checkered Robert Phillipeck was keen to try.
Hensall's John Kochan had trouble Hully Gully Honda team riders
with Adrian Kemps, and had to set- couldn't have asked for better racing.
the for second behind the Honda CR250 Alan Strickart only had pesky Todd
mounted racer from London. Townend to content with in the
Be sure to catch the exciting action seniors, while Kevin Moore picked up
when House League returns to Hully class wins in Expert 125 and 250.
Times -Advocate, April 29, 1987
Page 3A
BEST IN LUCAN MINOR HOCKEY — The most dedicated players from each team in the Lucan minor
hockey system received awards Saturday night. Back, left, Dan O'Shea, Ken Rollings, Jim McLellan,
Todd Hyde, Greg Boshart and Daryl Boshart. Front, Kyle Darling, Jeff Camnhell. Pat Conlin, Michael
Herbert, Steve Dame and Adam Duskocy. Photo by Gary Wilcox
SURE SHOTS WIN — Sheila's Sure Shots won the 'A' championship
of the Lucan Colleens ladies bowling league. Back, left, Deb Scar-
borough, June Arts and Diana Leddy. Front, Sheila Hodgins and Tam-
my Vanderhoek. T -A photo
TITLE FOR UNPREDICTABLES — The playoff champions in the Lucan
Colleens ladies bowling league were the Unpredictables. Back, left,
Marg Carroll, Toni Gil and Louise Hayter. Front, Jan Capitano, Elaine
McNair and Sharon Kingma. T -A photo
/201W15H .\
COCO Enterprises Inc.
SKATING AWARDS — Recipients of trophies for accomplishment
presented at the Zurich and area Figure Skating Club banquet were
(left front) Jennifer Overholt, Zurich Lions Club; Michelle Ducharme,
The Tenderspot; (centre) Chrystal Jones and Andrea Hendrick, the
Agripress and Havasu; Paula Watson, Christmas Place and (back)
club pro Marcie Pieprzak, incoming president Lois Jones and past
president Jim Denomme.
Holtzmann tops
at Ironwood
Dave Holtzman fired a par 35 to win
low gross honours in "A" flight in
Tuesday's Ironwood men's night. Don
Gifford, also shooting par, won the
low net at 31.
Victorious in "B" flight was Don
Heywood with a 39 followed by Bob
Drummond and Dennis Rowe at 43.
Capping the low net was Brad Mur -
ray's 33 followed by Orvil Rinn and
Jim Campbell.
"C" flight honours went to Bob For-
rest with a 43. The runnerup was Bob
Divisional low net was awarded to
Phil Dube at 35 beating out Ron
Heywood on a countback.
Andy DeBoer captured "D" flight
by turning in a 46 followed by Dave
Frayne's 50. Net winner on a count -
back was Gus Gregus followed by
Ken Hermann.
Nearest pin prizes were won by Bill
Hodge and Orvil Rinn.
Next week Carling O'Keefe will be
the sponsors.
ironwood ladies
all set to go
The executive of the Ironwood
ladies golf club is gearing up for
another busy season.
The regular ladies night has been
changed to Monday except for holiday
weekends when the day will be swit-
ched to Thursday.
The season will get underway on
Monday, May 4 with a pot luck sup-
per. The evening will be sponsored by
The Beat on Exeter's Main street.
The following week on May 11 spon-
sors for ladies night will be Becker's
Farm Equipment.
/OFR Staff
Monday Night
Ladies' Club
Tees off the 1987
Season May 4
Pot luck. rain or shine
Everyone welcome
Membership fee
PRESENTATION — Connie Lewis presented Kerry Dietz with the Ken
Lewis achievement trophy, and she received the Image Cleaners
trophy from Ken Hume at the Zurich and Area Figure Skating wind-
up dinner.
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