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Page 4A Times -Advocate, April 22, 1987
A Good Friday scene
Dashwood and area youth present int.resting Easter play
The Calvary United Church,
Dashwood, presented a drama "Who
Killed Jesus'?" Sunday evening under
the direction of the Youth Leaders,.
Dean Boyle and June Campbell.
The. mood was set with a solo by
Annmarie Hoffman"The Holy City"
accompanied by the organist, Idella
Gabel. -
The Easter Story started with the
scripture readings by Chad
The youth from the three churches
1 United. Lutheran and Catholic) con
verted the front of the church into the
Good Friday scene.
The two crosses that held the two
lheives, Tim Hoffman :md Wayne
Denotnme stood on a hill. The "Old
Rugged Cross" was sung by Jennifer •
Gielnick while the third cross was
brought down the aisle to the place
where Jesus, portrayed by Dwayne
Butler, was flogged, nailed on the
cross, raised for everyone to throw
accusations at him and left to die.
"Who Killed Jesus?" The people had
a trial to determine who really did the
killing? -
The sound effects were handled by
Tommy Rau, lighting by Allan Rader,
Bob Vanderworp, Michael Rader.
WHO WAS THE KILLER - - Youth from three Dashwood area churches presented an
Killed Jesus" at the Dashwood United Church, Sunday night.
Ladies to attend UCW special
The presiding judge was Dan
Weigand assisted by the following:
Constable. Randy Hoffman; crown
attorney, Kim Hoffman; court
secretary, Randy Hoffman.
The people called to the witness
stand: physician, Jeff Kellar; Judas,
Rob. Hoffman; minister, Jeff Butler;
Simon Peter, Connie Kaak; chief of
police; Jeannette Kaak; sol ers Ross
Kellar and Bill Vandkrworp;
everyman, Joe Kaak.
• They all pleaded not guilty.
The jury chosen was the choir, Stan
Itaist, Jack Gaiser, Bill Chandler,
Maxine Gaiser, Marion Rader,
Shirley Tiernan, Bernice Boyle. They
also Sang "Alone" and during the
removal of Jesus from the cross and
carried to the tomb sang "Were you
The verdict brought in was ':We are
all guilty" - Look at your hands, they
all fit the hammer. so "We killed
l{ev. -Bob Sinasac gave a few
remarks and closed with the
benediction. •
Dashwood and Area Business
Association meeting was held Mon-
day evening April 13. Wayne Caldwell
from the Department of Huron Coun-
"-tt Planning and Development was the
.guest speaker. The B.M.A. members
are planning for a village yard sale
June 13 similar to last year. Par-
ticipation, by community members
was appreciated so check your
.closets, garages and basements for
some good deals and help us make the
sale successful like last year.
- - t'('%V meets
Dashwood UCW held their meeting
'l'uesday evening April 14. Mrs. Alice
Tiernan. chairlady of Church in Socie-
ty group. opened the meeting with a
reading "Il is Easter". The hymn
Easter play "Who Christ Arose was sung followed by
T -A photo . prayer offer['d by Mrs. Maida Gaiser.
Good Friday evening service at Thames Road
The Good Friday evening church
service was well attended. We read
Psalm 22 responsively. The choir
sang two Easter numbers accom-
panied by the organist Miss Agnes
Bray. -
Rev. Robert Matheson read the
scripture and gave the meditation en-
titled "The Heart of God in the
World". We all read "The Seven Last
Words" .printed on the back of the
bulletin. The elders served commu-
which brought the service to a
Some 60 adults and children attend-
ed the Easter sunrise worship service
and breakfast Sunday morning in the
Church service
Rev. Robert Matheson was in
charge of the Celebration of the
Resurrection of Our Lord church ser-
vice on Sunday morning. The choir
sang two anthems "i Should Have.
Been Crucified" and "Allelu, Allelu"
accompanied by the organist Miss
Agnes Bray.
Rev. Matheson told the children a
story entitled "Signs of Easter". The
scripture lesson was read from Acts
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10:34-43, 1 Corinthians 5:6b-8, Mat-
-thew 28:1-10. The sermon was entitl-
ed "Resurrection; the Evidence".
The first Easter Sunday - was the
day God chose as the first day of the
rest of the life of the world. Our gospel
lesson for today is actually taken
from a service for today called the
"Easter Vigil" and it is just one of 26
readings for that -service. Preachers
are told to allow the scriptures to
speak for themselves.
Easter is one of those Sundays we
really ought to allow the scriptures to
speak on their own. What can a mor-
tal. add to the astounding news God
presents -to us that Jesus has been
raised from the dead. On Good Friday
we spent tnuch of our time in prayer.
On Easter Sunday we should spend
our time celebrating in song for song
in 'Thames Road Church: Rev. Robert and Mrs. Matheson and
The special events evening of the Jennifer:
Huron Perth Presbytery United Mr. and Mrs. Barrie Oliver, David.
Church Women is to be held Wednes- Ryan and Julie, New flamburg spent
day April 29 at 6 p.m. in Kirkton the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Woodham Community ('entre. • Duncan. -
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Duncan, Tam-
my and Michael, Woodham, Mrs.
Clara Richardson and granddaughter
Marie. Fulcher, St. Marys were Sun-
day supper guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Don Richardson and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Rohde, Karen
and Kathy, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs.
Calvin Rohde, Kippen, and Mr. and
Mrs. Glenn Itohde, Danny and Tam-
my were Sunday dinner guests with
Mr. and Mrs.- Bill Rohde. Karen
stayed overnight Sunday with her
cousin Tammy.
Congratulations to Jennifer
Matheson who is one year old today
(Monday ). Her parents are having a
few friends in.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ballantyne and
Wendy visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Dave Moran of Toronto, Sunday.
Rev. Robert Matheson and Mrs.
Rhoda Rohde were in charge of the
worship service at Queensway Nurs-
ing Home last Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Mary Thomson of Exeter. Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Rohde visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Ross at Marian Villa
and were Monday supper guests•with
Mrs. Marguerite Gibson of London.
. Miss. Patricia-lIodgert, 'Toronto
spent the holiday weekend with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Mac Hodgert.
Miss Barbara Miller, Toronto spent
the holiday weekend at her home
is a most appropriate way to mark here.
resurrection - new life in our world. Mrs. Walter Kunicki, London spent
Sacrament of baptism will take the holiday weekend with her parents
place on family Sunday May 10. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Stewart.
A combined session meeting will be Mr. and Mrs. Baden Kirby.
held on Wednesday April 29 at 8 p.tn. Kingston having been visiting with
Shipka ladies at Ecumenical
Several ladies from this 'area at-
tended the Easter Ecumenical -.held
Wednesday night at Church of God in
Grand Bend. Guest speaker was Mrs.
Evelyn (Desjardine) Krueger. of
Owen Sound, a former resident of this
As well a number of folks here at-
tended the joint Good Friday service
held at Grand Bend United Church.
Easter holiday visitors
With Don and. Elizabeth and Clark
Adams, were Brock and Dianne, An-
drew and Dean Adams, also Mark
Adams, all of London, and Les and
Marjorie Adams, of Exeter.
Lorne and Dorothy Fenner, Don
and Mabel Fraser and Karen Guen-
ther tvere dinner guests on Good Fri-
day at Mabel and Dorothy's sister's,
Evelyn and Clyde Nicholson, . of
With Ken and Ortha Baker were
Sandra and Tony Regier, Chris,
Heather and Jill of Detroit. Ken Jr.
Carol, Bonnie. Tracey and Shellie,
Goderich, Sharon, Don and Jamie
Baker, also Gary and Sheona Baker.
The Bakers held their Easter dinner,
Dropin visitors, Sunday with them
The South Huron Rec Centre now offers
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were Marg and Bob Reid, Varna, and say thanks "kindly" to friends and
Earl and Minerva Baker, St. Thomas. neighbours for telephone calls, cards,
The two Baker families called at the visits and food treats brought to our
Roffman funeral home to pay home, over this past five weeks while
respects to their cousin, Willis i had a seige of illness due to a flu
Stewardson, on Sunday afternoon.' virus. Special thanks to Rev. and Mrs.
With Pat and Jake Schroeder were Peebles and the UCW visiting com-
their family, Sue Anne and friend mittee for their visits.
Marlyn of Ottawa, Sandra of London it is nice to be remembered and it
and Dennis of Guelph. - is deeply appreciated. •
Mrs. Annie Zielman, Deb and Angie
hosted a "Janzen" family dinner. on
Good Friday at their home. About 30
relatives attended, coming from
Leamington, Essex, Zurich.
Dashwood, Exeter and London.
The tlitssell families in this area
visited with their parents. ('tiff and
Velma iripashwood.
Visiting Good Friday with Ilugh
and 1 were our son Bill and friend of
London and Saturday callers were
Hugh's sisters Mrs. Blanche Chap-
man, London and Mrs. Hazel Corbett.
Your correspondent would like to
• 1-11 News
Grand Bend ii met at Norma
Walpers for their fifth meeting, April
13. Members worked on their shirts.
Leaders Brenda Love and Norma,
showed the proper way to put on a
button. • -
Roll call'was answered by - Did you
know that the buttonhole is horizon-
tal, and that the thread holding the
botton should also be horizontal'?
Notice -
There will be registration for T -ball
at Shipka Community Centre on April
27, at 6:30 p.m. for children 5 to 8
years of age. For more information
phone 238-8283.
Dessert euchre at Clandeboye
Clandeboye Women's Institute
sponsored a Dessert Euchre at St.
James Church on Tuesday afternoon
with 15 tables in play.
Prizes went.to: high scores Bonnie
Kooey and Ileen Pullman, lone hands
Eva McLean and Murray Carter; low
scores Betty Guilfoyle and Olive
Simpson. Door prizes were won by
Belle Stephenson, Harry and Marion
Noels, Elsie Lewis, Jean Miller,
Eunice Patterson.
Weekend visitors with Gwen and
Ralph Lynn were Mrs. Doris Tomes,
Ruth, Matthew and Rebecca,
Bracebridge and also a friend of the
Tomes, Rachel Moss who was visiting
from England. '
The message of scripture from Mat-
thew 28 was read by Mrs. Grace
Some local youths shared their
talents" with the ladies. Jennifer
Weigand played two piano solos. Tim
Hoffman delivered his prize-winning
speech "Life on the Farm" and Kim
and Tim Hoffman sang a duet.
' An Easter program dialogue was
presented with Grace Merner, Idella
Gabel, Maida Gaiser and Alice
Tieman taking part. The worship por-
tion of the meeting was brought to a
close by singing "Christ the Lord is
Risen To -day".
Mrs. Maida Gaiser presided for the
business. Reports and- cor-
respondence were read. A donation
*was made to ,Campus Crusade for
Christ. Faye Gaiser, a student at
McMaster University, will be work-
ing with the organization from May
15 to August 22 in Victoria. B.C.
We were reminded of some upcom-
ing events. On Wednesday April 29 a
special event will take place at
Kirkton Community Centre at 6 p.m.
with guest speaker Bev Robinson. On
Thursday evening May 7 the ladies
are invited to attend a U.C.W.
meeting in Zurich. A camp site ex-
perience will be held at Camp
Menesetring on Monday June 15.
A number of ladies attended the
Easter Ecumenical Service held at
Church of God, Grand Bend, on April
15. The guest speaker, Mrs. Evelyn
Krueger gave a most inspiring
Mr. and Mrs. David Stormes,
Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Robert.
Stormes, St. Thomas; Susan Stormes,
Chatham; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cor-
nelius, Stacey, Mark and Miss Carla
White, Sarnia, were all guests with
Mrs. Alice Tieman.
Guests with Glen and Marilyn
Rader, Heather and Allen were Jim
and Darlene Lynn, Chris, Shawn and
Jeffery, and Lloyd and Rosie Rader.
They celebrated Lloyd's and Jim's
Mary Rader spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Miller, Charlotte and
Karen, Zion, and Brenda Miller.
A Sunrise Service was held by the
teenagers at both the United and •
Lutheran churches. Both attracted a
good turnout.
Mrs. Jean Walper spent Easter in
London with Stan and Reta Slezak.
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