Times-Advocate, 1987-04-22, Page 11i Special Eservices i U.C.ser rices 1 vv a Maundy Thursday service was con- ducted at Mensal! •United Church by • Mr. George Cowan and Rev. Gordon Pickett of Goderich. The story of Jesus' last day on earth was read by the lw•o ministers. In his sermon Mr. Cowan describ- ed the laws and customs of the •Koman and Jewish people al that time in history. explaining how Un- fairly Jesus Was condemned. Mr. Cowan closed by singing, "Dear Lo1d, Forgive •a corned e Rededication of our lives followed A report was given of the Zone kat with the Sacrament of Holy ('om-nu ly which was held in Dashwood on Ilion being conducted by Rev. Pickell April 7. The Fall 'Rally will be in at the front of the church. assisted by Ifolmesville on Thursday October 45. George Cowan and Cecil Pepper. The. An invitation'was received from the. senior choir sang "My Saviour Went Zurich seniors to attend their euchre lives begins lode lives in each one of us. The . Jesus is alive sermon on . closed with a solo by George Cown "How Great Thou Art". The junior choir director is Mrs. Debbie Wood and organist and senior ' choir director is Mrs. Belva Fuss. Three Links Seniors The Three Links Seniors bega• n their April meeting with a -pot -luck supper. President Aldeen Volland wet • ' everyone To ('a1F•ary •µhrtS' on May IN at 8 p.m. in the .1 joyous service was held al sunrise •Township Hall.Lurich on Faster morning. Opening with the Several • games of euchre were hymn -Welcome Happy Morning played following the business portion The scripture was read by Sharon c,f the meeting. Wurm. George Cowan and Mrs. Joyce • •Amber Rebekahs Pepper sang two duets, In the Amber Rebekah Lodge held their Garden" and "Have Thine Own Way. regular meeting on Wednesday even- Lord- The meditation was called ing April 15 when D.D.P. Sister Lila ••fl-, soli really believe''" and the con- Smith made her official visit. All en- {4re01nm joined in for two more . joyed a delicious :beef dinner at the songs -:(esus Christ is Risen Today" • Carmel Presbyterian Church prior 10 and '•The Lord of the Dance" the meeting. Following the half-hour service... N.G. Sister Bonnie Upshall-presid- breakt{tstwas served to more than I30 ed for the. meeting with assis peu,ple_u, the Fellowship -llall_.Joyct---from 17G:Sister Ruby BelC Sister Pepper Was at piano for the service. Hazel Corbett gave a report of the :1t 1-I a.m.. the congregation district meeting held in Exeter and gathered again for an Easter family Sister Olga Chipchase told about the server with Mr. Cowan leading the banquet that she and her hushand at- sert ire. and music provided by both tended in Thunder Bay for Sister Con - junior and senior choirs. As a prelude nie Humby, president of the Interna - to the service a medley of Easter - tional Association of Rebekah hymns was layed beautifully by Assemblies: Mrs [(viva Fuss on organ and Mrs. The district church service will be .levee• Pepper at the piano. held on Sunday, April 26 in Centralia the Easter message. "Easter and united Church. You.' explained the meaning of A social hour followed the meeting. Easter as life, We are all sinners and and the committee in charge served must believe and have faith for birthday cake and ice cream. miracles to happen. We must also Shuffleboard scores for Thursday forgive and repent. The rest of our -April 16 were: ladies.high Dorothy Brintnefl 345, Eileen Dowson 343, Olga Chipchase 340. Men's high scores John Consitt - 358, Ernie Chipchase - 356, John Pepper- 348. Unit Ii U.C.W. met in the church parlour on April 13 with eight members present. Jean Wareing -who presided -for the Ea$t'er meeting, welcomed everyone and read a poem '`God So Loved the World:'. Helen MacLean gave the devotion and Presented the poem "This Glorious Easter Season". The meditation was "Plant* and Reaping" - sowing seeds of friend- ship, love, work, and good health habits, and she closed with the poem "Package of geeds and Prayer". The roll call was answered with an Easter thought. Grace Drummond spoke on the topic and Shirley McAllister presented the film "if We Lose Our Lord". •Jean closed the meeting with a poem and prayer. An Easter egg con- test concluded the evening and Helen served a daintly lunch. Hensall Scouting The Hensall Cubs and Scouts are participatingin the Trees for Canada project. The members in our district. tante are going to be planting 600 trees on Priya: This planting improves ecology in our community, reduces soil erosion, establishes wind breaks and helps to conserve waste areas: It also helps to raise funds for local programs. Each boy will plant a specified number of.„young trees on •planting day and they will be knocking- on doors asking for you to sponsor them at a certain amount for each tree planted. Your local Boy Scouts thank you for supporting their efforts and becoming a sponsor for "Trees for Canada" day. Times -Advocate, April 22, 1987 • Page 11 KIPPPEN WI EXECUTIVE -- The executive of the Kippen East Women's Institute is shown here. From the left are president Grace Drummond, vice-president Margaret Hoggarth and Mono Alderdice and treasurer Helen 'MacLean. T -A photo Kippen .East WI holds annual By MARGARET HOGGARTH The annual meeting of Kippen East WI was held on Wednesday April 15 at Hensall- United Church starting with a detrcious supper served by Marg Cole and her group: Grace Drummond thanked the ladies and they were each given Kippen East Cook Book as an added.honue. Mary Broadfoot accompanied the institute. Grace and opening ode on the -piano. We revealed our secret pals and ex- changed gifts. Grace Drummond read a poem "i'm Special": The fine for not wearing the institute pin was 45 cents and six members had to pay - Mary . Broadfoot. Ruby-_- partners. Grace Drummond and Triebner,Thea Wisch. Evelyn Helen MacLean. Frances Kinsman Workman, Charlotte McDowell and - • and Margaret Hoggarth. - Helen Rena Caldwell. MacLean gave courtesy remarks. Mona Alderdice was thanked for*,Mona Alderdice and - Frances the quilt block she had made to he Kinsman. hostesses for•the evening sent to Erland Lee. served tea and cookies. Perfect end - Rena Caldwell presented a silk • to a perfect evening.- - flower arrangement in appreciation Energetic Eight We met at the home of •Bev and Doris Hamilton on Monday April 13. An engraved silver tray was presented to one of our -couples, Bob and .Frances Kinsman who are leav- ing the area at the end of the month. an hour or so drive isn't far these days. We promised to keep in touch. There will be an open house -at Kip - pen Church on -Sunday April 26 bet- ween 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. for those who Hensall and district news Susan Hartman 262-24-19 WINNERS Hensall librarian Susan Hartman hands out the prizes to the winners in the Easter colouring contest sponsored by the library. Holding their entries ore (left) Mindy Bell, first" in the eight to 12 class, runner-up Jennifer Groot and (front) Ryan Munn, who won first prize in the up -to -seven years category. Missing: second place winner Jeff Reid. Awn 20 l'1 an; In mg.1 acne. (.elate and annuiti the tKwk' VI BIG BUNNY — Megan B sbock won the giant rabbit in the raffle sponsored by the Hensel! branch of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Comhierce, A cheque for $127 is being sent to the Children's Miracle Network Telethon to air on May 30-31. Reeve Jim Robinson (left) drew - Megan's name, and bank monager Dave Hewittson presented the • prize • - SALE April 27 - May 2nd Everything Discounted • 10% ■ 50% Oneida flatware 30% off the '3II(1I iiEE: hili sl ) 117 Kin. St. Hensall Phone: 262-2029 Northcrest news Mrs. Lori Archdeacon of Bramalea spent Monday night with her grand- daughter Mrs. Nan Britton. Jessie Armstrong visited with her family Saturday night at Betty and Don Flear's. Guests with Glen and Pearl McKnight for Easter were son Jack and Raye McKnight of Ottawa, daughter Mary and Don Gravett and son John of Hanover. Also present were son Mark of Toronto and son Gary with wife Lynn of Port Elgin. Mrs. Cora Sills of Seaforth visited with Babe McGregor on Saturday. Miss Robin McLellan of Toronto area visited over Easter with her grandmother Ida- McLellan. Northcrest resident Mrs. Rose Pyke returned home Easter Sunday after a long winter spent in Florida. Personals Mr. Harry Klungel returned home last Wednesday from a visit with members of his family in the Netherlands. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cook return- ed last week from an enjoyable winter spent in the sunny south. - The Beavers visited Queensway on Thursday. evening' to share Easter treats with the residents. _ Mary Buchanan and Dorothy Kipfer visited Washington D.C. for five days. just in time to enjoy the Cherry Blossom festival which is held at this time every spring. They had a lovely trip. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Zwaan celebrated their 25th wedding an- niversary with a party at the Hensall Community Centre on Saturday evening. The family of Mr. and Mrs. William Bailey gathered for Easter at the King St. home of daughter Deb Wood and family. Albert and Bev Hovius and children moved to their new home on Albert St. over the weekend and are welcomed back to their old neighbourhood. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hartman and Brad spent Easter- Sunday at the home of parents Vic and Irene Hart- man who were pleased to have their eight children and nine grandchildren with them to share the day. ' Brad Hartman visited overnight at the Pineridge Chalet with his aunt and uncle Eug and Barb Hartman and cousins Eugene and Kerri. The Light Touch s JACK LAVENDER 0A -it friend underwent surgery this morning. The hospital separated him from his earnings. • r r • • Happiness is finding your contact lens before the first inning, • • • • • Wisdom- is knowing what to do, skill is knowing how to do it, and virtue is choosing not to. • • • • • Most footprints in the sands of time were mode by work shoes. • • r • . • Adolescence - is when boys discover girls, and girls discover they've been discovered. • • Now's the time to discover the value of "original equip- ment" parts found at Jack's Small Engine Repair Service 107 Queen•St. Hensall 262-2103 auditors - Phyllis Parsons- and Margaret Hoggarth. . Hilda Payne was made a member of the Historical Society to represent Kippen East, Grace Eyre conducted • an in- teresting program for. Canadian in- dustries. Mary Broadfoot opened with a poem "Home Most members handed in a topic for a short speech and•spoke on various subjects such as spring. a stormy day. sex..free trade. P.D. day's. education. favourite_trip. funny movies and favourite dress. Two contests were conducted by Hilda Payne: These were won by to Grace Drummond for continuing to be our president for several years now. - Margaret Hoggarth presented a farewell gift •of a glass bowl to. Frances Kinsman, who is moving away from the area at the end, of •April. Rena Caldwell gave a report of the district board meeting held on April 7. Tuesday May 5 at 8 p.m. was selected as the night to arrange the program for 1987/88 at home of coor- dinator, Mary Hoggarth. Hilda Payne directed the installa- tion of officers. Frances Kinsman gave the report of the nominating committee. Following is a list of 1987/88 officers: past president - Ruby Triebner, president - Grace Drum- mond, first vice president - Margaret • Hoggarth, second vice president - Mona Alderdice, .secretary - Helen MacLean, treasurer - Mona Alder - dice, public relations - Margaret Hog- garth, branch directors - Phyllis Par- sons and Charlotte Me'Dowell and co- ordinator - Margaret Hoggarth. District director is Hilda Payne. alternate district director - Ruby Triebner, resolutions Mona Alder - dice, sunshine- Grace Eyre, assistant sunshine = Charlotte McDowell, education -and cultural affairs - Helen MacLean and Dorothy Bell, family and consumer affairs - Rena Caldwell and Charlotte McDowell, agriculture and Canadian industries - Grace Eyre and Phyllis Parsons, citizenship and world affairs •- Margaret Hoggarth and Thea- Wisch, curator - Hilda Payne, pianist - Mary Broadfoot, assistant pianist - Verda Sinclair and I'TFnijLcFN 482-7103 PECK APPLIANCES "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" Lawn Cutting Made Easy John Deere 165 No clutching, no shif- ting! Smooth one -lever control of speed .and direction • Whisper quiet 12.5 HP engine • 38" cut... you can mow an acre an hour • Hydrostatic drive no gears to shift • John Deere sets the standard by which all other lawn tractors ore judged u (At] Exeter 233-1113 wish to bid farewell to Bob artd Frances. Kippen United Church On Easter Sunday the Easter lilies in the -sanctuary of St. Andrews were placed there by Lloyd. June and Scott Cooper in memory of Morley and Florence Cooper. The choir sang the anthems "[Jodie" and "Easter Song". Rev. Lorne Keays' sermon was on '-The Meaning of the Resurrection". Help the minister please by letting • • him know of parishioners who are in hospital. •• Kippen Gun Club Jamie Caldwell, president of the Kippen Gun Club, along with helpers Dan Crerar, Bob Baker and Al Kyle. arranged the grand opening on Tues- day April 7. There was a good turnout for the first shoot of the year. Following is a list of shooters and their scores: Paul Middleton - 50: Al Kyle = 24; Brad Mann - 24; Bert Mahaffy - 2:3: Jamie Caldwell - 23: Lloyd Haskell - 23; Lloyd Veneer - 23: veil Voskamo - 23; Jack Milia - 23: Ed Steegstra -22; Glen Mogk - 22: Jody Mosurinjohn -21: Dennis Steep - 21: Bob Baker - 21: Paul Mellor - 21; Roger Haines - 21; Ken Whetham - 21: Brent Dawe - 21; Jim Butcher - 20: Kevin Clark - -20; Harrison Schock - 18; Paul Lamb - 18; Al Edwards - 18; Shanon Miller - 17; John Glazier - 16; Bart Postom - 11. "„) GIFT FOR PRESIDENT - - Rena Caldwell presents a gift of apprecia- tion to Kippen East UCW president Grace Drummond. Intcirlo t"%t"15tlii✓ ram'', Thursday, May 7th Hensall and District Community Centre Hensall- 6:30p.m. Doors Open 8:30 p.m. Live Wintario Draw with Faye Dance and Greg Beresford Admission tickets available in Hensall at: The Flower Basket ' The Birch Tree • The Spinning Wheel a William's Hairstyling • Ron's Health Centre CIBC - Main Branch For further information please call -262-2812. t3 t