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Times -Advocate, April 15, 1987
Teiicliers have power,
Area elementary teachers atten-
ding a professional development day
program in Exeter, Friday, were ad-
vised that teachers are vested with
extremely broad powers to ensure
that schools are drug free, but, t ey
were atso•cautioned that they had to
balance those powers and not under-
mine their ability 16 counsel and ad-
vise students in their teacher and
mentor role.
The comments were made by
theme speaker, Dr. Bob Solomon,
from the law faculty of the Universi-
ty of Western Ontario.
He outlined a variety of laws which
give teach rs power to ensure the
health and .ajety of students, ranging
from the a rug laws, tobacco laws,
alcohol h s, the Criminal Code,
trespass to property act and the
powerful education act.
While he dealt at some length with
the drug laws contained in the Nar-
cotics Control Act and the Food and
Drug Act, he emphasized that the
substances carrying the greatest risk
for students were tobacco and
The law expert, who has been wide -
AT PD PROGRAM -- UWO law faculty member Dr. Bob Solomon, centre, was keynote speaker at Fri-
day's professional development day for area elementary teachers at Exeter. The theme was "School
and the Law". Chatting with Solomon are Seaforth lawyer Heather Ross, who led one of the group ses-
sions, and program chairman Al Taylor of Usborne Central School.
told to use «iutlously
ly published, explained that schools
should adopt policies consistent with
all laws, lamenting (he fact much of
the emphasis in recent years has been
focused on the glamorous drugs such
as heroin, cocaine and cannibus and
little attention has been paid to tobac-
co although it is an offence for anyone
to sell or give it to a minor and a
minor is in contravention of the law
to have possession.
"It is one of the least enforced in
criminal law," he added.
The teachers were told the same
situation surrounds alcohol and yet it
is the greatest threat to students at
the secondary school level.
In reference to the drug laws,
Solomon said they were extremely
stringent and "the most punitive'
pieces of legislation in the country"..
"It can't be made any tougher than
it is," he said about'the Narcotic Con-
trol Act, adding that it gives the police
and courts a high degree of discretion
and the maximum penalties are ex-
tremely high and all cony tions
result in persons having criminal
records even in cases where
discharges are granted.
Dispelling the myth that police are
concentrating on drug traffickers and
serious drugs, Solomon said that 90
percent of all charges were for
possession of drugs and of those, 90
percent were for simple possession of
He explained that there were tens
of thousands of young people con-
victed for possession and the "typical
drug offender" is the -kid in the third
row of your lass who is 17-18 years
In outlining the Education Act, the
Jaw professor notedthat it gives prin-
cipals, vice -principals and teachers
very broad powers and students could
even be expelled for using profane
language, although he whimsically
suggested that would result in not
having any students left in the
The Act gives school officials the
right to search student lockers and
tett themselves and others under
their supervision although the
teachers were advised that any
physical force had to be exercised for
correction and not in anger or
Solomon, in answer to a question,
said that the establishment of school
•policies would be helpful, particular-
ly for alcohol and tobacco and said he
would not want to see a situation
similar to that in the U.S. where they
have armed guards in schools.
Schooland law
PD day subject
students if it is suspected they are
engaged in an illegal activity and
-Solomon noted that a recent decision
by the Ontario court of appeal ruled
that the Charter of - Rights and
Freedoms does not negate officials'
exercise of that authority. In fact, it
has been suggested by the courts that
'officials could be considered in
dereliction of their duties to ignore il-
legal activities.
The trespass to propery act gives
authorities the right to set conditions
on who may enter and under what cir-
cumstances and conditions and ac-
cess can be denied to anyone who has
possession or consumed an illegal
substance. .
The Criminal Code also allows of-
ficials to use reasonable force to pro -
He told the teachers it was difficult
to be "counsellors and cops" and their
problem was to establish a reasonable
balance in the use of their powers and
their role as teachers and counsellors.
"It requires diplomacy and tact,"
he continued, noting that there was no
obligation to report crimes to parents
or police, but teachers had to exercise
a fair measure of judgement.
"You can do more good for students
as counsellors than quasi police." the
professor suggested, adding that it
was a difficult task and urged that the
school board and staff have the onus
Of . developing and implementing
"It's a unique challenge and your
greatest task," he concluded.
Seaforth lawyer addresses many concerns
Seaforth lawyer Heather Ross. a
replacement for a London judge on
Friday's professional development
day for area elementary teachers in
Exeter. offered a wide variety of legal
advice in her informal session and
had to .field some interesting ques-
tions and observations from her mor-
ning audience as well.
She started out touching on some of
the responsibilities of parents. such as
ensuring that their offspring attend
school, follow curfews and report
child abuse and then touched on the
subject of corporal punishment.
"I wouldn't recommend it," she
told the attentive audience, explain-
ing it could open them up to civil or
criminal law as teachers could be
criminally responsible for any thing
considered as excess force.
`Corporal punishment is no longer
socially acceptable," the lawyer
She further explained that only a
principal has the right to suspend a
student and then went on to advise
that no child is obliged to submit to
religious education if the parent of the
child objects. •
The teachers were told they have a
legal and mandatory duty to report
suspected cases of child abuse to a
society set up to handle such situa-
tions and explained they had no fear
of liability if they were not acting
maliciously. A book produced by the
public school teachers' federation on
the subject was termed "excellent".
After relating a situation in which
she was involved in her professional
capacity in relation to a 10 -year-old
who was classed as being hyperac-
tive, Ross explained the mistakes that
had been made by school officials and
also lamented the fact that the Huron
board has only onepsychologist and
suggested he was over-worked and
therefore ineffective because he had
to handle 15,000 students.
"Speak to your board and say Ow!
ratiois ludicrous," she told the
teachers: -
Later in the session, trustee Ilea
Dawson corrected the lawyer by
noting there were just under 10:000
students in the system, but said she
was not 'disagreeing that the
psychologist was over-worked.
The Seaforth lawyer then covered
the problem of children being taken
from schools by parents who do not
have those rights under court -
approved separation or divorce
agreements. She said she tells her
clients to give copies of the court
orders to the schools so they know ex-
actly the . terms and who is the
custodial parent.
When asked by a teacher how they
could stop someone from whisking a
child away from a class. Ms. Ross
said the teacher should take the child
to the office for -clarification, noting
that if the person wishing to take the
child has a valid request, that person
wouldn't object to any interference.
"I don't think we should have to
deal with that at all: it is not my job
to be the policeman," a teacher
"It has to be someone's," Ross
quickly replied.
She was told that while some
schools have policies that no child can
be released without notification from.
the office, that became difficult to en-
force out on the school yard. "It's
great on paper, but the real world is
another thing," a teacher
- Ross said that may indicate a pro-
blem of understaffing, but told the au-
dience that they couldn't be held
responsible if they were discharging
supervisory duties to the best of their
ability. "You don't have eyes in the
back of your head."
The lawyer said that teachers and
nurses appear paranoid about getting
sued, but she has never heard of a
nurse or teacher ending up in that
The teachers were told that if they
were concerned about the lack of
supervision on school grounds, they
should tell someone so their obligation
• in that regard is discharged.
"You may be discharging
yourself," a teacher responded. but
Ms. Ross replied that it was virtual-
ly impossible to fire a teacher unless
a heinous crime had been committed.
The discussion then moved on to
discipline, with a teacher asking if a
student could be taken by the arm,
noting that even in primary grades,
the students advise teachers they
can't be touched or the latter will end
up being sued.
Ms. Ross reminded the teachers
they had been told of their . broad
powers in the theme speech by Dr.
Bob Solomon. and she said grabbing
a student for discipline could not be
considered an assault unless it was
done in anger.
She said she could sympathize With
teachers knowing there were times
and situations "when you'd like to
haul off and hit the little buggers".
The session ended with Ms. Ross
conducting an informal survey as to
the numner of behavioural problems
teachers saw in their respective
classes and the responses ranged up
to one-quarter in some classes.
The Seaforth woman said she was
of the opinion that the county board
was not doing enough to deal with pro-
blem children, but added that the
answer was not to just ship them out
to special institutions.
TALKING ABOUT CHILDREN — John Penn, director of Family and Children's Services for Huron county
was -one of the seminar speakers at Friday's elementary school PD Day in Exeter. From the left Penn
chats with Dorothy Coates, J.A.D. McCurdy; Jim Bishop, Angela McCaw and Joan Perrie, Exeter Public
School. Angela McCaw is a student teacher. T -A photo
Mrs. Dawson said funding was not
easy for special needs but there was
a concern expressed that the
"average" student in the classroom
was not getting enough attention
_because teachers had their hands full
with those with special needs.
One teacher took the occasion to
complain about some class sizes, say-
ing it -was "criminal" to have more
than 25 in any primary class.
Penn /ands ehanges in hiniiiy services act
Huron county's director of Family
and Children's Services John Penn
told one of the seminars at Friday's
PA Day for South Huron public
schools he approves of changes made
in the new Child and Family Services
Penn said, "I applaud the principles
1 y JFK°' had?
1 �+
of the Act which promote and protect
the best interests of kids. i also
recognize the fact parents need help
with their families. We should be sup-
.. iy
DISCUSSION CONTINUES — Continuing their discussion after a workshop on "Have we tamed the animol
(the Young Offenders Act) offered as- port of a PD day on School and the Law held at Exeter Public
School are Hensatl teacher Doug Pearson (left), Exeter vice-principal Larry Black, Huron County proba-
tion. officer Tom Ewer and Stephen Central principal Dorrfinkbeiner.
portive of them and assist in keeping
their children with them instead of
taking them into our care." -
Ile continued, "Our focus is not to
have a child in isolation, but kept in
the family. We are proud of our ser-
vices in Huron. They cover a much
wider range than most urban centres
in the province."
On the subject of child abuse, Ex-
eter public school teacher Jim Bishop
asked, "What position are we as
teachers in in perceiving danger?"
Penn replied. "This is a real dilem-
na. The law is clear. You have a legal
obligation to report when you think
there•is a problem. Your job is not to
establish abuse, but just pass the in-
formation on."
He went on to say, "A person can
be fined for not reporting a child
abuse situation. Over the past 10
years I know of only two instances
were persons were prosecuted in On-
tario. if you wish to call anonymous-
ly that's fine. We will respond."
Currently in Huron county 200
families are involved with Family
and Children's Services. Of 55
children involved. 25 are on consent,
25 in permanent care and five others
in courtship.
The Huron director said, "In this
county we have the best staff I have
ever seen assembled. All 22 of our
staff are well experienced with good
treatment skills."
Of the children under supervision of
the Huron agency, most are in foster
homes. Penn added. "We are in need
for more foster parents especially for
older children."
He talked about the Child Reach
program which is in operation in
several Iluron locations including
Iluron Park. it is aimed at support to
single mothers with children.
On this subject J.A.D. McCurdy
teacher Dorothy Coates said. "The
mothers seem to appreciate the pro-
gram and it is a busy place."
The Huron CFS has hired a parent
aid and is currently assisting seven or
eight families. This person goes into
the home to work with in most cases
very young parents with children.
Penn - added. "This program
enables us to Leave kids at home dur-
ing a very high risk period. We are
fighting for funding on this project.
We haven't received any help from
the county yet. We also use volunteers
with neglected families who need
parenting help."
The Huron CFS director said a
•course has been set up in (he HUron-
Perth Separate School curriculum for
grade four students on child abuse
and hopes to have it extended to the
public school system in the near
The Community Child Abuse pro-
gram has received $60,000 in funding
from the Trillium Foundation, but
Penn added. "We need to raise $60,000 -
locally over the next four years. All
donations are tax deductible."
Two seminars are being planned
for the near future. On May 27. the
Chernicks, a husband and wife doc-
tor team from London will be speak-
ing on Growing up sexually at Robert-
son school in Goderich. June 1 and 2
at the Huron Family and Children's
Services Office in Goderich, Alex
Zaphiris anexpert on the subject will
be speaking on child sexual abuse and
. About child sex abuse, Penn said,
"About 90 percent of- the cases are
treatable. For the guy who admits do-
ing it, he can be convicted. The other
10 percent are what we call low pro-
gnosis. They can't be treated and
must be put away."
He added, "Something has to he
done to give more weight to testimony
for four year-olds in this type of court
case. They tell the truth and I would
believe them a lot quicker than some
15 year-olds."
Probation offker says anima/ isn't tamed
Iluron County probation officer
Tom Ewer tackled the theme "have
we tamed the animal?" at Friday's
professional development day in Ex-
eter. The "animal" was identified tri
the Young Offenders Act, passed in-
to law in April 1984 to replace the 1908
Juvenile Delinquents Act.
Ewer explained the differences in
philosophy and implementation in the
two to his audience of elementary
school teachers.
The Juvenile Delinquents Act gave
minimum attention to accountability,
and assumed a young person who had
run afoul of the law was not a
criminal but a misdirected child who
could be saved by a court acting as a
wise but kind and stern father.
The Young Offenders Act shifts
responsibility for his or her actions
onto the individual, and emphasizes
punishment rather than rehabilita-
tion. Ewer said the Young Offenders.
Act states unequivocally that young
persons who commit offences shall
bear full responsibility for their il-
legal actions, and society must be pro-
tected from their illegal behavior.
However, because of implimentation
and interpretation, many receive
Ewer said that while the Juvenile
Delinquents Act allowed various
agencies to quickly zero in to help a
child in trouble with the law, its
replacement has too many loopholes,
and allocates rights which can act
against an adolescent's need. "The in-
itial impact was administrative chaos
for every professional in the field,"
Ewer revealed.
Ewer said police were overwhelm-
ed with paperwork, and apprehensive
about interpreting the extent of their
authority. Consequently, there was in
the first year a phenomenal decrease
in the number of charges being laid.
This sent a message to young
teenagers: Let's do it. Nothing
Judges dismissed cases if forms •
were filled out incorrectly.
Children's Aid or family and
children's services once took charge
of out -of -control children. These agen-
cies' hands are now tied because of
the 'way the new act is being
Fifty percent of adolescents charg-
ed under the Juvenile Delinquents Act
were not represented by lawyers. The
family court judge played the role of
• strict but caring father. Young per-
sons could be sent tea training school
(where the focus was on rehabilita-
tion) for an indefinite term, and
gradually phased back into society.
Now young offenders are given
determinate sentences. They can
refuse their consent to counselling or
treatment, and "walk after three
'There is no method to collect fines
front young offenders, so this
sentence is meaningless.
• Ewer said lawyers have been the
main beneficiaries of the Young Of-
fenders Act. One was heard to refer
to it as "our pension plan".
A child can demand to be
represented by a lawyer even if his or
her parents object, and has that right
at every stage of the legal process.
Many more cases are going to trial as
lawyers in effect say "Let's plead not
guilty and see what happens". Guil-
ty verdicts are then appealed.
Ewer said all this delay in dealing
with a young person in trouble with
the law is not beneficial to this age
group. He agrees that y 'ung of-
fenders are entitled to pier_. legal
representation, but disagrees with the
attempt by some lawyers to get their
clients bff at any cost.
Another concern under the hew act
is or split jurisdiction. Now youths in
the 12 to 15 age group come under the
jurisdiction of the ministry of com-
munity and social services, and 16
and 17-year-olds are dealt with by the
ministry of correctional services.
Ewer, a community and social ser-
vices employee, is concerned that
under the new system troubled
youngsters are 'falling through the
cracks". Ile told his audience he
thinks the time has come for the pro-
fessionals in the schools and in the
agencies dealing with these young
people to go out on a limb and
challenge the Young Offenders Act.
"We are losing a lot of these kids."
Ewer concluded that despite some
amendments. thepromises of further
review and change from the federal
government, the-Voung Offenders Act
is still out of control and needs to be