HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-04-15, Page 32Page 16A Times -Advocate, April. 15,• 1987 Un vell new eOuiity dlreetory Lists services available Want to know where and whatThis new directory is an updated as the guest speaker. to be printed. These copies will be agencies are available in Huron Coun- version of the Huron Information and Speaking about the 16,000 govern- distributed to all of the municipalities ty'' Simply pick up the -new Huron Multi -Service Centre's W79 directory. ment grant, Riddell said, "It is money and to at least 25 farm organizations, County Information Directory and An ex(ensive list -of services, . we consider wells nt." Pe libraries, .schools and service you'll have the information at your organizations and municipal He also commended the Huron organizations. finger tips. telephone numbers can be foupd in County Community Services Council According to Tom Hanrahan, who The Huron Community Services the directory and are organized on their initiative of "such a useful was the chairman for themeeting, the Council has compiled the directory geographically by municipality. and timely tool" as it is now that the community services council feels the with the assistance of a Summer • The directory was introduced at a people of Huron County need a direc- directories will be well used if plac- Employment Experience Develop luncheon held at Huronview on April tory such as this. ed in these locations. ' ment (SEED) grant and through the 10 with MPP and. Minister of Only 5(t copies were available at the "We are limited U to the number of Farmers 'In Transition program.. Agriculture and Food, .lack Riddell, luncheon. but another 200 copies are copies I; so I don't think it is best to distribute them .privately. Instead, •,r A ROYAL SPEECH to "Mirror. Mirror". Queen Sheryl Oke talks to her subjects in By MPP Jack Riddell Health Minister Murray Elston an- nounced that rig Ontario hospitalswill receive a Iota! of $;3:3.4 million on a one-time basis to help reduce their operating deficits from 1985/86. vis well. in fiscal 1987''88. $62 million will be used to increase the operating • budgets of . all Ontario hospitals. These special adjustments are in ad- dition to the annual four - percent in- - crease alreadb annenmeed for 1987/88. Hospitals account for almost halt of the ministry's total expenditures on health care in the province. In the fiscal year 1987 88. the Health Ministry will spend more than $5 .billion forbospita?lpoperating budgets. j the recent Usborne Central School Operet- T-A photo x UMOMMINiMBISON Help area Mr. Elston also announced a• full review of the hospital funding system. The review will include examination of productivity levels; utilization, of each facility; bed and service alloca- tions by types -and location; oppor- tunities for rationalization of ser- vices: and a review of financial infor- • mation, control systems and the Legislative framework. "While Ontarians are.willing to find our first class health care system, we must I ensure that every health .care dollar is spent efficiently and wisely," Mr. Elston said in announc- ing the review. All hospital board chairmen will be asked to provide their views and suggestions to assist in this important study. In the riding of Huron -Middlesex, those hospitals who will receive extra operating funding includes Clinton Public $18,800; South Huron -Exeter. $1.2,200; Alexander Marine-Goderich, $37,700 and Seaforth Public, $14,700. New Opportunities Franco-Ontarians will have greater opportunity to pursue post -secondary studies -in their own language as a result of an initiative by the Ontario Government. Colleges and Universities Minister Huron Centennial On March 31. the students of grade S. 6, 7 and 8 brought their science fair projects to school. The school buses were rather empty that day as the parents transported many science fair projects. Last period on Tuesday the projects were set up. Grade 4 and 6 were invited to participate this year. We had so many exhibits, that the grade eights had to put their displays in the hall. it was a record turn out for the school. Topics ranged from coke acid tests to a computer -remote controlled toy. There were only three computer projects. Others had used computers to make print-outs. Parents and visitors. looked at the pro- jects on Wednesday. Mr. Desjardine CWS choose new officers • The April meeting of the Mount Carmel C.W.L. took place in the new meeting room with 31 members pre- sent. The theme for the evening was elections. After a short business meeting, president Diane Kaak thanked the members, her executive and Father Gary Goyeau for their support during the past two years. Election chairman Jean Fleming, along with Fattier Gary Goyeau, pro- ceeded with'fhe elections. - The results were as follows; past president - Diane Kaak, president - Theresa Larkin, president elect - Theresa McCann, vice presidents - Diane Andrews and Josephine Dietrich, recording secretary - Mary Glavin, corresponding secretary - Diana Hardy. treasurer -. Nell McCann. The installation of the new ex- ecutive will take place on April 26 at the 11 a.m. Mass. was very pleased with the exhibits. . The results were: grade 5 biological - Brenda Consitt and Sherri Struthers; Sarah Gingerich and Julie Steckle; Michelle Kinsman and Cin- dy Carter. Grade 5 Physical - Lucan McMillan; Sandra Jackson and Aimee Talbott; Craig McAsh and Trish McAsh. Grade 6 Biological - Michelle Steckle; Nicki Phillips; Bonnie McLeod. Grade 6 Physical - John Mcleath and Jeff Desch; Kris Gemmell and Cora Allen; Angela Faber and Larry Dalrymple. Grade 7 Biological - Tina Cayer; \lIcionald Broadfoot; Sheila Lindsay 'NO Trudy Decker. ('rade 7 Physical - Scott Rathwell ant Mark Bruma; Richard Fitcussi; R Consitt. Grade 8 Biological - Marylee Knox and Lisa Faber ; Heather Jackson, Vicki Upshall;.-Debbie Eaton. Grade 8 Physical - Kate Papple and Cindy Gingerich; Wayne Manson; Fayanne Love. Grade 7 and 8 Computer - Craig Gingerich and Andy Grainger; Michael McCowan and Phuoc Luo- ing; Matt Townsend. Odds and Ends . To highlight the 20th anniversary of Huron Centennial School, the Student Council hopes to find pictures of the 20 graduating classes. These will be copied and placed in the school foyer. Please call the school, if you have a photo to loan. Author Days - On Thursday, April 9 Mary Alice Downie was at our school to share her experiences as an author. Many classes are involved in writing books. A regional author day will be hosteaby Exeter Public School on April 23. by Donald R. Broadfoot ;\! illi! N -�' . Exeter Community /4Good Friday Service C11 a.m. Exeter United Church Friday, April 17 C� 3 )0itittgi hospitals • Gregory Sorbara said the province will increase spending. to expand op- portunities for posf-secondary educa- tion in the French language. Over the next five years, spending will rise to $42 million a year, Mr. Sorbara said. Highlights of the long-term plann- • ing for this initiative include: five- year plans to further improve univer- sity and college programs and ser- vices in French and a significant in- crease in start-up and in extra - formula support. for post -secondary French langua[e programming. Part of this initiative includes the finalization of an agreement between Ontario and Quebec that would allow qualified Ontario students to study at selected schools in Quebec. Some of the programs targetted include den- tistry, pharmacy. speech pathology and audiology along with Master's programs in social work and nursing: In additon, a new program to be called "Operation Education" will be launched to encourage more young Franco-Ontarians to pursue educa- tion at the post -secondary level. Mr. Sorbara said these changes will be implemented on an expanding basis over the five year life of the plan. "The Ontario'Government believes the provision of greater opportunities for Franco-Ontarians to -study in the French language will bring enormous benefits to the individuals and to the communities in which they live and work." Mr. Sorbara said. Town Topics "Did I betray my Lord?" was the title of the poem read by Olive Thom- son to open the Easter meeting of the Exeter U.C.W. During the business session Marion Dearing reported on the successful Quilt and Craft Show; a letter was read by Laura Dickey from the Cana- dian Bible Society telling of some of the workccomplished by the money from th sale of used stamps; members ,were reminded of the "April ev8nt" to be held in the Kirkton-Woodham Hall April 29 al which Bev Robinson will be the speaker; final plans were made for the smorgasbord dinner on May 7. - A faith for Easter was the subject of the Easter program conducted by Lauretta Siegner. Luke 23:24-35 was read followed by a meditation by Marjorie Adams and prayer by Alice May. Susan Graham and Linda Ha ley sang two Easter hymns. 1. ()flowing the showing of a film strip "The Cross" three groups were formed to consider such questions as: what does the cross symbolize in your life? what is the power of the 'cross? 'from whence does ii come? is it easier to forgive others than oneself? what is difficult about offering forgiveness? accepting forgiveness? for you what is the meaning of the cross? A colorful lunch was served by Jean *Murray's group: By Cheryl Mc('arter Exeter two held a pot luck supper at Poole's, April 8. We had foil din- ners,'1.2-3-4 dinners, apple and celery salad, pudding and cookies to eat. Our drink was hot spice apple. Practice began for our skit for the Achievement Program. Foods and Canada's Food Guide was discussed. We meet next on April 15 at 7 p.m. at Poole's. • A successful euchre party was held recently sponsored, by the Humanitarian Services committee of the Exeter Oddfellows and Rebekahs. Winners were: ladies' high - Jean Noels: ladies lone hands - iva Blair and low Mildred Thomson. Men's high - Bob Blair; lone hands - Charles Tindall: low - Joe Carter, Successful bidders in the dutch auc- tion were Bob Blair, Janet Hicks and Allan Johns. distribute them to groups who could ..make. use of them," he explained. it is hoped that the directory will be updated regularly. -to help the public find the services they need as that is the objective of the community ser- vices council. •'1 hope the directory will help peo- ple who feel at lose ends get informa- tion-andhelp, 'concluded Hanrahan. Chorus Line coming soon For the past five months. 40 dedicated and enthusiastic in- dividuals'. have been working very diligently to make South Huron District high School's production of ('horns Line" a success. "'('his is our greatest challenge ever." says co-director Glenda Bur- rill "We have done large productions in the past but "A Chorus Line" is very denianding..11 has something for everyone: ballet. jazz• singing, music. • humour• drama and much, much MOW. The play takes the audience -through the final grueling audition run by the director Zach, played by teacher Dennis Nielsen. At the begin • ning of the show Zach has assembled . 3:3 semi-finalists and is putting them through a variety of dance combina- tions_ Soon he thins this group down to the final 16. They -and the audience know that eventually this number will be cut in half and 'Lath will choose four°men and four women to be in his new musical. So come out on May 7. 8 and 9 and root tor your own favourites. Tickets .are on. sale at the main office and at the Beat: Blood Donor Clinic at South. Huron District High School April 22 1 - 4 p.m. 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. Nursery available BARN DANCE Thursday, April 16 SINGLES DANCE Music by LEE DAVIDSON AND • SAGEBRUSH Dancing 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Saturday, April 18 Music by COUNTRY VERSATILES Dancing 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. No Blue Jens, Plasma! 349-2678 Group Reservations Welcome, • • Huron County Family Planning Services Invites you to attend FAMILY PLANNING CLINIC Clinic Open 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Every Tuesday HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT ANN ST.. EXETER For information Call 235-1014 Weekdays or Tuesday Evenings. Everyone welcome QUEEN'S SEAFORTH PARTY HEARTY WITH Someone Else's Kids THURS., FRI., SAT. Girls Nite Out THURSDAY, APRIL 23 DINING ROOM SPECIALS on Easter Sunday OPEN GOOD FRIDAY NOON TILL 11 P.M. Party for David Hartman & Jane Straatman April 25 -Leprechaun Hall, Lucan Arena For more info call 227-4064 or 227-4578) Party for Ken VanWieren Fri., April 24 For information call 262-2238 i Open 25th Wedding Anniversary Dance for Pete and Marlene Zwaan of Hensall Saturday, April 18th, 1987 Lust and ht•st wishes- Mom and Dad from your children. - 1 or - more information c all 262.3542 or 262-6478 Best wishes only We look forward to haring you celebrate with us - and our parents Amold & Belle Memer the happy occasion of their 60th Wedding Anniversary at an "Open House" Sunday, April 26, 1987 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. Towq Hall Zurich "Your friendship is a treasured gift. We Expect no other^ TURKEY DRAW WINNERS In a recent draw at Devon Corners Gas Bar Dan Ryder Huorn Park, Centralia A. Fouts 408 Oak Park Drive, London Tickets were drawn by Don Thompson, Manager Standard Trust Mark & Shirley Whitney were married April 28, 1947 (heir family would like to in- vite friends, neighbours and relatives to heli) telet)r.)te their -loth anniversary OPEN HOUSE at Dashwood Community Centre - on Sun., April 26 from 2 - 4 p.m. Best ‘‘ /,hes only, please .r.,‘,11.14 . 4II s. Sunshine Kids Co-operative Preschool invites children age 2' 1 - 5 yr. to come and join in the fun and activities of their OPEN HOUSE Mon. April 27 - Thurs., April 30 From 9:00 - 11:30 a.m. at the Exeter United Church We are an integrated school in operation for over 10 years. For more information about our program call 235-2079 Exeter United Church presents uroniaSinge IN A CELEBRATION OF -. span • 0 AT THE EXETER UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, MAY 3 AT 7:30 P.M. ADULTS $5.00 CHILDREN $3.00 Tickets available from the church office, any choir member or call 235-2865 Zurich Recreation Committee EASTER BINGO Thurs., April 16 Zurich Community Centre Jackpot $750 must go Bonanza game 54 calls Prize value over. $600 Doors open at 6:30 - Starts at 7:45 • 4 flash games • 1 early bird • 10 regular • 1 mystery prize Extra Hams and Turkeys Next Bingo April 30 All proceeds to community projects Bring your dabbers No one under 16 allowed to play. • • .Vali BURKLEY Oe RESTAURANT Would like to wish Exeter 8 sur- rounding area and especially our customers a Happy Easter t C C c CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY OPEN SATURDAY OPEN EASTER SUNDAY We welcome you to enjoy our Easter Specials Baked sweet ham with raisin sauce Roast Turkey with natural sauce Meat Pie Fresh rainbow trout with lemon Chet.steak with onion rings Enjoy Your Easter Weekend! From the New Burk ley Resaturant and Staff - • V V ----- V V- c c c C C