HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-04-15, Page 15FINAL PAYS Expect small fax increase for village Although the final budget meeting will not be held until April 28, the overall tax increase for the village of Lucan is expected to be 3.18 percent overall or up by 1.9 mills. Robert Benner who represents the village of Lucan and the township of llleGillivray on the Middlesex Board of Education attended the meeting to explain an increase in the levy for the village which will be :3.1 percent. Benner said the Lucan increase was lower than,so►ne municipalities because of a continuing increase in 4ssessments. Thetigures are 6.7 per- cent for Biddulph and 6.7 percent for 1lcGillivray townshp taxpayers. The overall county education budget is up by more than $2.396,000 to $49,790,819. The increase was kept under six percent by using $377.000 Imin reserve funds. Benner said the use of reserves will be about enough to pay for school repairs throughout the'county. !refiner said 11►e prov invial govern - 4. ment is contributing less money percentage wise to education now then they did 12 years ago. He said Ontario funding was 68 percent in 1975 and now it has dropped to 49.4 percent. • Deputy reeve Harry Wraith said he was unhappy with the amount of money spent on education. He added, "There is a limit on what we can afford." Councillor Bob Hodge disagreed saying, "Our education speaks for itself. The graduates I run across are sharp, productive and amaze me'with what they know." In reply to Wraith's concern, Ben- ner said, "Sure we have a concern. The only,way to cut would be to reduce the costs of instruction. Of our total budget 72 percent goes to salaries. We try to negotiate tough contracts, but you can't treat people' arbitrarily. Our big concern is the quality of education." • Reeve Norm Steeper reported that the levy for the county of Middlesex would be going up by 5.8 percent. Council will be supporting a resolu- tion -from the township of Renfrew _ which calls for more provincial fun- ding for the purchase of motorized fire fighting equipmedt for smaller municipalities. A resolution from the towftship of Beckwith in Lanark county calling for the province to increase the adjusted taxable family income above the cur- rent figure of $21,000 to qualify for participation in the Ontario Home Renewal -Program was approved. Council agreed to go along with a proposal from Lucan Hydro for joint bills for water, sewers and hydro pro- viding the rates for services rendered be negotiated after the first billings. Council as a whole operating as the land division committee granted land severances to Ray Koopman and Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Arnold. Both pro- perties are on Market street. The applications were approved because they are legal in filling lots under the provincial sewage system and the official plan of the village of Lucan. • Bowling scores Inter -town ladies: Lucan 2. Goderich 5, Audrey Watt 311-709. Jan Capitano 267-660, Marg Young 244-627. Monday ladies: Audrey Wall 301-770, Sandra Disler 295-701, Joan Finkbeiner 296-699, Chris Hogan 253-686. May Murphy 260-659, Joan Scott 283-657. !feather Gillan 236-656. Sue Johnston 231-649. Marg Elson 277-632, Pam Hodgins 262-629. Linda Hibbert 2.46-628, Donna Overholt 278-620, Lorraine Mosurinjohn 234-615, Jan Holland 239-601. Beulah Storey 275-600, Vicki Horbanuik 264. Pat Davis 241. Tuesday V'.I3.('.: Chris Smith 241. Scott Smith 215, Stephanie Sandison 214, Jason 1t'yatt 210, Bev Dauncey 198, Shane Gillian 185, Shannon Thomas 178, Josh Appleman 177. Aaron McGill 177. C'olleen's: Cindy Harrigan 349-703, Lori Quinn 26:3.683, Elaine McNair 267-603. Diane Leddy 246. Shirley Rees- 237, Louise 1 lavter 236. Sheila Hodgins - 2:i0, Deb Wonnacott 224. Medway: VeraGiardin 231-647. TOM Barr 228-604. Marilyn Smith .207-601. r + ! 'icd_Smil>ert 237, Paula Weir 2:11. llanney Den Ot- ter 215. ('al ('armichael 224 - Senior citizens: Charlie Grieve 250-639. Edie Burt 257, Jim Burt 222. Muriel Kennedy 220, Harry Noels 216, Helen MacDonald 212. Yvonne Mathers 204. Ed Armstrong 196. Kay Grieve 194. Pat Davis 191. Vi Higgs 191. Wednesday Y.B.('.: Tammy Graham 162,- Amy Damen :138. Jonathon Morgan 136, David Damen 131. Shelly Wyatt 128. Jennifer Corless 126,_ Michael Barton 124, Chris Hietalabti 118, Brad Goddard 117. Wednesday mixed: • Larry MacGregor 251-711. Gary Dunlop 254-704. Bob Pipe 27645-1 Gary Melvin 234-626, Mary Cadman 252, Guenther Bock 242. Brenda Suchard 227._Bill Cornelissen 224. Jackie Arnold 217.• Kathy Hewitt 2I6. Thursday men: Don Watt 299-769. Carl Dunlop 278-713. . Bob . Smith 259-689, Doug Lee 247-683• Russ Smith 240-677, John Jansen 276-667; Fred Cowdrey 228-650, Steve Edwards 270-649. Dave Smith 260-641, Gary Dunlop 257-8.41. Larry Gibson 227-639. Andy McIntyre 271-637. Sandy Hyde 230-636. Jim Burt 282. Friday mixed: Wayne" Smith 286-734, Chris Anderson 240-664, Pat Holland 268-657. Ed Fox 237-651, Bob Sinith 225-647, Jim Burt 2204645,- Lynn S ith 241-615. Sharon -Martens S' Len Anderson 247. :1.W. Local 1620: Jim Smith3)4-712. Joan Finkbeiner 284-672. Bon- nie Haist 298-671, Lynn Smith 237-657. Mark Faubert 234-641. Gary Dunlop 222-625. Gary Wurm 226-617. Basil Short 223-615. Cheryl Smith 241. Kir- by Berdan 235. Darren Mills 233. PIE SOCIAL AT CRAIGHOLME Shown ready to serve up the goodies at Wednesday's pie social at Craigholme in Ailsa Craig are Marjorie White, Connie Watson, Jennie Hartle and Dorothy Blake.T-A photo. WI plans After attending the Lenten noon service at the Anglican Church, Lucan Women's Institute met at the home of president Bernice Lockyer - tor their annual meeting. Plans were made and telephone lists given out for Red Cross blood donors clinic at Lucan Community ('entre on Thursday April 30 from 5 to !r p.m. - ThcQ3fttler project is on display at London Art Gallery April 1-1 to May 10. This consists of paintings of farn> animals by an 88 year old Woodstock artist. The Women's Institute of ox- ford North and South have under- taken to reproduce and distribute the painting to schools of Ontario so that children will be familiar with animals. • •The ()nitric( annual with the theme "Year of the Homeless" will be held May 12 at Beachwood Church. Our blood donor clinic part is to prepare the "In Memorium" a tribute to any W.I. member in the district who has died. Year end reports were received for Tweedsmuir History, Family and Consumer. Agricul:ure, Citizenship and other yearly programs not .covered by. these topics. Mrs. Rosser of Ailsa Craig, district president gave an inspirational talk and installed the officers. President - Mrs. Jim Lockyer. secretary - Mrs. 1V illiam Fronts, treasurer - Mrs. Frank Goring, district director - Mrs. Glen Ilaskett. alternate district direc- tor - Mrs. Frank Goring, 'branch director - Lillian Radcliffe, Mrs. Ot- to Darling and Mrs. Agnes Hotson. ('on eners - agriculture - Mrs. Glen Ilaskett. citizenship and Law - Mrs. Lillian Radcliffe. educational and cultural - Mrs. Ron Crozier. family Learn new chorus at Revival Centre Doug Butler. song leader. taught a new chorus. Ilosanna, Sunday morn- ing. Doug and Martha Butler jubilant- ly sang The Crucified Arose. Rev. Roger Mason ministered from Luke 19:28-48. the story of Christ's triumphant entry into .Jerusalem. .!esus openly presented himself as the Messiah. the _ King of Israel. The responses Jesus received were the . same.as people give to Him today. The people along the route to Jerusalem met Jesus with praise. As this was Passover lime. a major Jewish feast. Jerusalem was filled with people. Spreading their cloaks in the roadway was an acclamation of Jesus'as King. The people were prais- ing Jesus for the mighty works Ile had done. They sang. from Psalm 1I8'26, a Messianic Psalm. -Rejection was the response of the 1'harisees,when they asked Jesus to stop the people from praising Him. Instead Jesus allowed the people to -praise Him. When Jesus saw the ci- t . Ile prophesied the temple and the city would be destroyed. because of their rejection. People still reject Jesus. because to accept .Jesus. they mu- t allow Jesus to dethrone themselves. and allow .Jesus to be 1.oni o1 them- lives. Ignorance ! ' -1 as King was the altitude of tie n indisers in the temp: ",•oplc coming to the Passo\ cr uad to have their currenty changed into temple currency to buy the sacrificial animals. This was taking place in the court of the Gentiles, supposed to be a place of prayer and worship. Jesus walked into this commercial atmosphere. Very angry. ,Jesus drove out the mer- chants. quoting God's house was to be a place of prayer. but they had made 11 a den of thieves. This apathetic at- titude is still in many churches. not recognizing who Jesus is. Upcoming events - April 24 - Chris- tianview Bible College Graduation services in evening. April 26 - Guest speaker - Rev. Esau Nedd. Buckle up • arrive alive No. two District of the Ontario Pro- vincial Police has i'wesligated 14 fatal .Wcidents to ' • Ibis year in which 17 people 1 ve, heen killed. An analysis or ' District's traffic fatal .es reveal. r over 50 percent of tho-' killed '.' cre not wearing seathelt It. it mind That seatbelt ;ipl, ,ay riot prevent C0"isr,n,. -0 (plainly will prevent per les and in many cases ner., Obviously stringent mist he taken to control thi Good sen "le nice weather brought a good erg,•, : out for the seniors meeting Thursday afternoon. The president "cicomed everyone including one visitor Dorothy Bullock. • Harry Noels made a motion second- ed by Laurence Hirizel that we donate some coffee to the blood donor clinic. Sympathy was extended to Florence Huffman in the loss of her brother-in- law. flelen MacDonald made a mo- Commissioner R.A. Ferguson's "Strict is Fair" program will be con- tinued with special emphasis on seatbelt enforcement. Staff Sergeant Don Bell of the No. tw•oaDistrict Head- quarters has instructed officers to lay charges and not issue warnings per- taining to seatbelts and child restraint laws. This is to ensure compliance and reduce carnage on the highways. The next time you get in your vehi- cle remember to"Buckle Up and Ar- rive Alive." tors crowd tion that we give a donation to the cancer fund. A reading was given by Hazel Cun- ningham 'Reflection'. Ethel Crouch - also gave a reading 'The Family Reunion'. Euchre winners were high score - Ilelen MacDonald and Murray Carter, lone hands - Lily Dobbs and Chris !lessells, low score - Wilma !lessells and Lulu Culbert. Crdit win- ner Dorothy Bullock. and consumer - Mrs. William Froats,- international affairs - Mrs. Ernie Ilord i Merton). Tweedsmuir History curator - Mrs. .Jim Robertson, Tweedsmuir committee - Rita Cunn- ingham. Dorothy Darling and Marian Lee, auditor - Barbara Wraith.. • The next meeting will be May 13 at 2 p.m. at the Optimist Room when Mrs. Ernie Ilord will show slides of our lwmnningprovince P.E.I. Roll call will be to give a fact about P.E.I. Members are asked to bring something to sell. baking, plants, sew- ing etc. Ladies of the community are invited to join this group whose mot- to is "For Home and Country". Times -Advocate, April 15, 1987 Page 15 nos RECORD HIGH SCORES - In recent league play -at the Lucan Lanes Linda Webber recorded a 405 single and Janice-Capitano-tossed a 926 triple. - - T-A photo II_ `U f and district news Susan cook 227.4911 NOTICE of Road Closing TAKE NOTICE that the Corporation of the Township of-Bid- dulph, proposes to enact a bylaw pursuant to Section 298 of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 302 to stop up and close that part of the allowance for road between Lots 10 and 11, Con- cession 4, in the Township of Biddulph designated as Port 1 ac- cording to reference plan No. 33R-7389 deposited in the Land Registry Office at London. • ` AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the lands comprising that part of the said road allowance to be stopped up and closed - shall continue to be vested in the Corporation of the Township of Biddulph to be dealt with from time to time as the Council of the said Corporation may see fit and deem proper. AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the Council shall hear, in person or by his Counsel, Solicitor or Agent, any person who claims that his land will be prejudically affected by the propos- ed by-law for closing up the above mentioned portion of road allowance at a meeting of Council which will be held for that purpose in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Office at R.R. 3, Lucan, Ontario on the 5th day of May, 1987, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock in the pfternoon. A full description and a plan of the road allowancd to be closed may be seen at the Office of the Clerk-Treasurele. Dated at the Township of Biddulph this 20th day of March, 1987. TOWNSHIP OF BIDDULPH R.G. Hands, Clerk PUBLIC NOTIC MARTEN'S FURNITURE (EXETER) Has Retained FEDERAL CLOSE-OUT LIQUIDATORS INC. to Co -Ordinate The Complete and Total LIQUIDATION of Marten's Entire EXETER Showroom LEASE HAS EXPIRED! Brand name living room suites, bedroom suites, dining room suites, mattresses and box springs, occasional chairs, dinet- tes, wall units, lamps, pictures, accessories, including office furniture and fixtures, $180,000°" furniture inventory (supplemented) TERMS OF SALE: Cash, cheque, VISA, Mastercard, on the spot credit - Delivery available. Everything is disposal priced, but is strictly being offered on a 1st come, 1st serve basis. LIQUIDATION PALE HOURSSAT. 9�a.m N - 9- 6 p.m. 63 MAIN ST. EXETER PHONE: 235-1964 SALE CONDUCTED AT MARTEN'S FURNITURE EXETER, ONLY 1'