HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-03-04, Page 13DESTRUCTION A fire that destroyed a $250,000 breeder barn on the McKinley farm north of Zurich
early Sunday morning was still smouldering the following day.
Fire destroys breeder barn
A spectacular fire early Sunday -
morning destroyed a breeder barn on
the McKinley Hatcheries farm north
of Zurich. The loss. estimated ai
$250.000 by farm manager Dale
Ratcliffe. included 5.500 breeder
pullets and a, week's supply of hat-
ching eggs.
The fire was raging beyond control
when discovered. The Zurich
-volunteer fire department responded
to a call phoned in by a neighbour.
Fortunately, an east wind kept the
flames away from another breeder
Karn 80 feet away.
Ratcliffe suspects • the fire was
started by -lightning. He said most of
the loss is covered by insurance. and
the barn will -be rebuilt. In the mean -
tine. although hatching eggs will have
tti he purchased, business will not be
Id Day of Prayer. _
at St. Boniface Church in
St. _P'eter's "parish. St:
e World Day of Prayer• a
ial and get-together will
ith - the serving of
nts and birthday cake.
The men's club of the Zurich Men-
nonite Church held a pancake supper
on Shrove Tuesday. March :1 as .olid
several others have pancakes that
day 'also to prepare -for the beginning
of Lent and Ash Wednesday on the
I ne winners .of the recent K of C.
card party held at St. Boniface school.
gym were: high man. Clare Regier: .
low inan. Alphonse Grenier: high
woman. Mary Regier: low woman.
tie between I Agnes Regier and Nora bet-
lone men hands I tie )-Clare Regier and Lee Regier:
lone woman. Betty Grenier,
A social hour followed and
refreshments were served. it will he
announced later -when the next euchre
party wilt be held.
Herb, Turkheim is now home from
being in the hospital and Mrs. Dolly
.Jeffrey is a patient at St. Joseph's
Hospital in London.
Bill and Audrey Hess of Woodstock
were Saturday visitors with his
mother. Mrs. Marguerite Hess and all
enjoyed going out to dinner that even-
ing to Oakwood Inn. Grand Bend.
Michael and Yvonne Hartman of •
Mississauge and Eldon and Luciene
Denomme of London were Sunday
visitors with Mrs. Juliette Denomme.
One of our Zurich bowlers. Jim
t3r•rhuxi.uworking_very hardtaraise_
money for the Big Brothers and Big
Sisters Association. and through the
"Bowling for Millions" annual event
at our local lanes. Jim has raised .
5500 00 or more by nowt through the
alppoi•t of his fellow employees at
Il or
All ladies are invited to attend the
World Day of Prayer that is being
held this Friday afternoon, March 6
at 3:00 p.m.
Zurich. which is hosted this year by
them and
And this being the "U►Oth" anniver-
sary for th
special -soc
take place at the school gym after-
wards' w
ref reshme
Please plan to -attend this meaningful
Northlander -in Exeter. and his
hockey team 4 the res league, plus his
friendsGood work Jim! Also thanks
to all those who sponsored me for the
same purpose as to date I raised $125.
Last .Friday and - Saturday .Fr.
Mooney attended a workshop.
meeting at Si. Peter's Seminary in
London pertaining to ••The Vocation
• and Mission of Lay People in Society
and the Church''
On Friday. March 13-15 there is a
"Come and See" weekend for youth
17 years and older being held at the
On Sunday afternoon the grade two
pupils of St. Boniface parish assembl-
ed for their First Penance Celebration
at the church with Fr.. Mooney) along
With their parents ). Afterwards a lit-
tle celebration washeld for all at the
school gym. -
.loan Smith spent last week visiting
w -it -her sister. Catherine Burn at
Streetsville. - -
. A very nice baby show was held For
Kim. Crete 1 nee flay Wednesday
evening at her home given by her_
sisters.We were also happy to meet
the guest -of honor little Michael
Robert Emile who received several
cute outfits and many useful gifts as
being the only boy in the family 4 he
has four sisters,.
- It was nice to see his new little
cousin. Timothy William Hay.and,his
mom. Shelly. iThe two babies were
.horn the same week 1.
Joe and Carol Rau were the lucky
couple that spent the weekend in
Toronto at the harbour Castle Hilton
I from the Elimination Draw that
was actually won by' Bill Musser of
Grand Bend 1 but couldn't go) The
Lions club held a Monte Carlo Night
on Friday and a limousine picked
them up at the arena at midnight and
drove them to Toronto. They enjoyed
the N.H.L. hockey game between
Toronto and Vancouver and spent
- their spate time shopping and looking
A nice weekend away was also en
joved by Sharon Durand. Heather
Kropp. Sharon Brokenshire.•Michelle.
Durand and Cheryl Morey when they
motored to Troy. Michigan from Fri-
day to Sunday - t also had lovely
weather for going around shopping.
On Saturday Julie Gelinas. Shelly
Hoffman. Zurich and relatives. Carol
Pete from Owen Sound and Terry
Denomme. 'Michigan all travelled to
Toronto for the day by train and en-
joyed seeing the musical production.
'.'Cats" held at the Elgin Theatre.
The Golden Agers wilt be holding
their monthly meeting on Monday.
March 9 at 2 p.m. in the afternoon at
the township hall. All seniors are
welcome. Also. anyone is welcome to
join them fqr a few games of bowling.
every Thursday in Zurich at 2 p.m.
The senior citizens are also
welcome-to-drnp-in_a _Lorraine's
Crafts and pass the time visiting for
• a couple of hours or so. while quilting
on a baby quilt that is set up for
ancone who wants to get out. and
have a little something to do.
N1ark Heinrich returned home
---Trom Venezuela after spending eight
days there with some friends.
It was a "trip of the month" draw
he won last November through the
Hensall Kinsmen's club.
Don't forget to get your tickets for
the skating carnival, that will be held
-in Zurich on Sunday. March 15 begin-
ning at 2 p.m. Theme is "Weather On
Ice". All the. children of the skating
club are busy learning their parts.
Recently a nice joint birthday sup-
per was held at the home .of Maria
and Joe Kenda Sr. who -was
celebrating his birthday on February
25: also for Maria's sister, Christina,
from London. Those present were
daughter. Etelena Kenda. Laddie and
Carla Valdener and Susan. Also her
sister. husband and two children all
from London and son Joe and Marilyn
Kenda Jr.. Zurich.
Congratulations to Gus and Bella
Soudant who -celebrated their 25th
wedding _anniversary on Tuesday,
March :3. A family get-together and
dinner was held in their honor on Sun-
day at the Captain's Cove Restaurant
in Bayfield. and all returned to their
parents home afterwards.
Local bowlers
in top ten
For the second -year in a row our
singles competitors finished in the top
Bantam Girl - Bonnie McLeod.
ninth out 16 with a 412. Triple bowl-
ing 13 pins over her average 124.
:Junior Girl - Patti -Ann Dickert, 5th
- out of 14 with a 571 triple bowling :35
pins over her average 154. Senior Girl
- Christine Weiss, 2nd out of 9 with 736
triple bowling 40 pins over her
average which is 205. Bantam Boy
Jeff Kirk. 9th out of 16 with a 408 tri-
ple bowling 9 pins over his average.
Junior Boy - Trevor Lansbergen, tied
for 3rd out of 14 with a 576 triple bowl-
ing 9 pins over his average. Senior
-Boy - Jay Caers, 5th out of -1:3 with a
55:3 triple bowling just under his
average for the first two games but
excelling in the third -with a 2.16 which
is 57 pins over his average.
Congratulations singles. and thanks
to all parents who supported us at the
lanes and with transportation.
Bantam Boys and Girls teams
bowling in Owen Sound. Boys coach
Earl McNab bowlers Dwayne
McNab. Chris Weigand. Kent Bierl-
ing, Andy Lansbergen and Greg
Cregan. Finished in 6th position out
of 13 teams with a pin fall of 1811.
Girls coach Hilda Lansbergen.
bowlers Kelly Lansbergen, Angie
Clarke. Danielle McKinnon. Amy
Sweilzer and Crystal Bierling. Finish-
ed in 9th position out of 1 I teams with
a pin fall of 1554.
I. ATMs' ATt M
WINNING SPEAKERS Laura Lee Creces (let) came first in the
junior division of the public speaking contest at St. Honiface Separate
School, Zurich. Lisa Rau was sefond. Debbie Regier placed first in
the senior category,' and Joanne Regier was second. (Christy
Ducharme and Tina Genoch were third and fourth in the juniors, and
Aimee Gelinas and Tammy Rau come third and fourth in the senior
Iivision.l ,
(ole/en' rmpJes
There is no doubt but that March
roared in -like a lion. Nature's way of
telling us not be too complacent about
an early spring.
Movies shown on Monday evening
were "Run Appaloosa Run". A story
everyone enjoyed. Everyone enjoyed
refreshments following the pictures.
On Tuesday evening the Christian
Reformed choir visited the Home and
entertained the residents to an even-
ing of music which is always ap-
preciated by them.
Everyone is occupied with the
various programs offered during the
mornings by our Adjuvant and during
the afternoons in the hobby shop
where our projects are in full swing
for the Easter trade.
The sympathy of residents and staff
-is extended to the family of the late
Mrs. Melissa Gardner and Mrs.
Ferne Armitage.
Bingo was played on Friday even-
ing followed by refreshments. We
welcome Mrs. Helen Bedard to the
-..__Uomf..She, is,.a_tormer-Zurich-.r:.'
dent. The Sunday evening chapel ser-
vice was conducted by Rev. Brian
Elder of Crediton United Church
CA,REFULI — Mayro Brenneman carries an egg on a spoon during
Winter Fun Day at Zurich Public School. She is being encouraged by
Susan McAaioms (left) and Patti Miller.
Cougar Column
S , February has been an exciting
month in Kindergarten. We worked
hard to learn poems and songs for the
,.Valentine's Day Assembly. We made
heart -shaped hats to wear on our
heads: Everybody seemed to enjoy
the assembly.
Also this month, we have learned
how to use the computers with the
-help of two grade eight students, Dan:
ny Thiel and Derick McGee. Every
morning they came down and helped
to play the games. We really enjoy us-
ing the computers.
February is the month of love. In
Kindergarten we have been talking
about emotions and how to deal with
the feelings we have. We made "love"
booklets. sweetheart recipes- and
everything we could think of with
hearts. .
The 'Kids on the Block' puppets
performed, and we saw how people
reacted todisabilities. Most of all we
learned that kids are different on the
-outside. but we all share the same
feelings inside and that's what
Grades 1 and 2
This month was very exciting. For
ground hog day we made groundhog.
puppets. We -enjoyed asking Mr. -
.Groundhog questions.
We held Valentine's Day on
February 1:3, with an exchange of
cards and treats.
The winter fun day was on Wednes-
day February 25th.` - - ---_ ---
We would like to welcome the new
student in grade two, Rayna Milne
from Malaysia.
Grade 3 and t
February as we know it. is the
month when we learn how to write
and present speeches. We write about
many interesting and amusing topics.
Pretty soon it was time to say them
in class.
The grades three and four students
that were. chosen to represent our
class in the gym were Jeff Kirk. --
Angie .Clarke, Angela Erb and
Michelle O'Connor. They did very
well. considering it was their first
time. -
To go along with speeches. there
was a mini -course on communicating
on February 17 and ,,18. Sabrina
Schilbe and Jeff Kirk had lots of fun
attending that: --
Grade 5 and 6
Our class has had a very exciting
month. Speeches relating to all possi-
ble topics were presented in class.
The speeches were of excellent quali-
ty. Jason Erb, Jennifer Morrison,
Jodie McGee, Jamie McGee. Julie
Restemayer, Joel Siebert, Paula Wat-
son, De Ann Foreman, and Susan
Ferguson represented our clash in the
gym. .
Jodie and Jaime McGee were the
winners in this division and went on
to speak in Hensall.
Mrs. Graham, Art Co-ordinator,
came to our class to teach us weav-
ing. We made head bands and belts.
Mr. Weido also introduced the
Science Safari activities to us.
Presently we are enjoying aero-
dynamics in science classes.
Grade 7 and 8
This month we had a special guest
come to our school. Her name was
Mrs. Graham. She told us a lot about
art. We made masks out of old potatoe
sacks. We shaped a face out of the
sack and then we let it dry for the
night. Then during the next art class
we painted them. We all thought.it
was a lot of fun.
Also this month we learned how to
make belts. Mrs. Graham gave us
each five straws and some yarn. We
weaved through the five straws with
the yarn. Then every time we got near
the tnp-we_puiled-the-yarn down—
When we were finished it was a belt.
We all thought it was good fun.
Valentine Assembly
On February 13 grades seven and
eight put on an assembly. There were
a variety of plays, songs. poems and
funny jokes. The kindergarten class
sang some songs and recited poems
to celebrate Valentine's Day. We real-
ly enjoyed it. .
On the 20th. grades five to eight
went to the St. Boniface school to see
a performance put on by a crazy pro-
fessor and a friendly dinosaur. -
They showed a slide selection about
how Natural Gas is found and what it
is used for. They also sang and danc-
ed to some amusing songs.
A student in grade five named R.J.
Milne volunteered to put some balls
and sticks together to demonstrate
what gas atoms look like.
They also showed us some ex-
periments using natural gas. The per-
formance was very interesting and
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On February 25 our school had a
snowday. The students in grades 7
and 8 helped run the games while the
student council served hot chocolate.
I think the students had a lot of fun
playing the games. Some of . the
games were Fire Brigade, Snow
Mountain, Izzy Dizzy and many more.
It was a very enjoyable day.
On February 13 we had public
speaking in the gym. The people went
to the gym had a chance to go to lien-
sall. The speakers representing room
eight were David Kirk, Chris Semple.
Patti Miller,.Jadi Erb, Mark Stuart,_
Tammy Restemayer, Daniel Thiel.
Heather Consitt, Derick McGree,
Dwana Foreman and Andrea
In the intermediate division Mark
Stuart and Tammy Restemayer went
to IlensaII Mark placed third at the
, Times -Advocate, March 4, 1987 Page b 1
Public School
Ilensall competitior ___ . - _ --- -
On Febru... y 3 the senior students
from . our school went to the Bruce -
Nuclear Power Development as a
follow up to energy week. When we .
reached the plant we were ushered in-
to a room where we saw some things , -
on the tour. We also saw -something •
that were on the tour. We also saw
some things that were used to pro-
duce electricity. Then we left to get
on the bus:
First on the tour we saw the train-
ing centre. Inside were classrooms
and a simulator of the control room.
Next we.left for Douglas Point which
was the generating station that was
no longer in use.:Next, we went to the
two stations labeled Bruce 'A' and
Bruce 'B'. The next stop was the -
heavy water -plant. Then we went to
the information centre so we could get
pamphlets. eat.and go home. _
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