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BEST BIDDULPH SPEAKERS Winners in the recent Biddulph Central School public speaking were from
the left Kevin Darling, Sylvia Beatson, Brent Mills and Denise Cowdrey. Sylvia and Brent advance to
the Middlesex North East region finals. T -A photo
Times -Advocate, March 4, 1987 Page 9
Praise and singingatOC-
Our service in the Lucan United
Church was one of Praise and singing
Three mishaps
in OPP area
The first of three accidents in-
vestigated this week.by officers of the
Lucan OPP detachment occurred at
7:20 a.m., Monday on Highway 4. In-
volved were vehicles driven by Heinz
Pietsch, Denfield and Fern Needham.
Ilderton. Constable Holland set
damages at $10,000.
Monday at 9:15 a.m., vehicles
operated by Sandra Ravensberg, St.
Marys and Jack Cooper, London col-
lided on Middlesex road 23. Damages
were listed at $5.000 by Constable
Constable Osterloo estimated
damages at $2.400 when vehicles
driven by Patti Willis, RR 1, Kirkton
and Peter Vernon. Goderich were in
collision on Middlesex road 23 at 10
a.m. Tuesday.
During the week officers in-
vest; aced 26. eneral occurrences
which included one each of wilful
damage, mischief and public
One person was charged with im-
paired driving, another was charged
with a violation of the Liquor Licence
Act and one driving suspension of 12
hours was issued. .
with Nigel and Collette Lacey from
Caronport Saskatchewan. Nigel
played the guitar and the piano and
together with his wife - • made
beautiful music.
The songs they chose were based on
scripture passages - Isaiah 6 verses
1 through 9 prompted "Surely the
presence of the Lord is in this Place"
and "Spirit of the Living God." if you
remember the story, Isaiah was
allowed to glimpse Heaven, hear the
angels singing, feel the vibrations and
see God
immediately he recognized himself
as a sinful man and only after his lips
were cleansed and his sins forgiven
and removed, did God acknowledge
his presence. Then only then did
Isaiah receive his instructions.
The Laceys both. in their
testimonies, stressed the importance
of "coming apart and being
separate." Peter talks of the Holiness
of God that we should imitate that
Holiness to keep us completely apart
from sin and the sins of the world. The
basis of separation is cleanliness, con-
tinue to live as if we believe in a liv-
ing God, soften our hearts in the.w•ine .
of your blood. give us instant recogni-
tion to the One who walks beside us.
'always. in whatever circumstance
and a renewed faith in God's healing
-Lenten Series at noon hour - spon-
sored by Lucan Ministerial Associa-
tion March 4. Community Bible
Church Highway 7, 12:10 to 12: 50 p.m.
March 11, St, Patrick's Hall, March
25, Lucan Revival Centre,- April i,
Lucan United, April 8, Holy Trinity.
All times each day are the same.
Don't forget the World Day of
Prayer service time 7:30 p.m. at
Lucan United Church, everyone
The Children's story time was a
lesson in language given by Mrs.
Sharon Newman, children should be
careful of the words they use, Jesus
is always listening.
Games week
for seniors
This week was all games week. The
president opened the meeting with a
welcome to everyone. One visitor
Stewart Munro was• welcomed.
We are glad to hear that Harry
Noels is back home again. Our sym-
pathy goes to Verna Dowdall in the
loss of her husband Ed. A donation is
to be sent to the heart fund in memory
of Ed.
A reading Doctor Check Out was
read by Jessie Lewis. also a reading
Reflection by Mabel Needham, Mary
Davis also gave a reading A Defini-
tion of a Real Man. All gave a few
laughs. The meeting was then ad-
journed, so everyone could join in the
game of their choice.
Annual Revival Centre meeting
Lucan Revival Centre held their an-
nual business meeting Tuesday even-
ing. Rev. Roger 1<\lason opened the •
meeting reading Luke 1:1-17. This
tells of the godly priest Zechariah
praying for years for a son. -While per-
forming his priestly duties. an angel
told him his wife Elizabeth would
have a son they were to call .John. God
rewarded theirtattraturservice.
A church can wait for years to see
growth. If they are faithful in conti-
nuing their service, as Zechariah was..
God will reward them.
Rev. Mason called the business
meeting to order. Secretary treasurer
Mrs. Lorraine Armitage read the roll
of members present. Mrs. Armitage.
then read the minutes of the meeting
a year ago.
The financial report was handed out
to all present. Mrs. Barbara Sloetjes
read the report of the Sunday School.
Mrs. Terry Ilefferman, Women's
Ministries secretary treasurer. gave
a report.on the finances and activities
of the Women's Ministries for 1986. •
• Mrs. Marti Butler gave a report of
some of the activities of the youth
group of the church. Doug and Marti
Butler have been working with the
}:clung people for a year now. Every
iet`okid week they go to a Youth- for
Christ meeting. Bible study is every
Tuesday evening. Last year they went
to Greenfest. Several young people
presented Ants Ililivania, and Mime
produclions•in fairs and churches.
UCW group
studies Eve
Members of the Dorcas afternoon
unit of Lucan United Church met and
con t nue& RIbie"St`tidy oh "Eve". a --
woman who believed God.
Doreen Smith and Kay Armstrong
read a play telling of the formation of
the Women's World Day of Prayer 100 -
years ago.
Now it is called "World Day of
Prayer" and men. women and
children are invited to a celebration
of this 100th anniversary to be held al
the United Church Friday. March 6 at
7 p.m.
Ladies taking part are from the
following churches. SL Pat's, holy
Trinity. St. James, Lucan Revival
""'Caine aaf—artit'fe�c'' .
A rose quilt is finished and another
to sell al bazaar November 28 is in the
making. Unit members were divided
into groups of 4 which will be respon-
sible to take ftmeral lunches alter-
nately and to do a unit program con-
sisting of a study, worship and lunch.
Easter cards were ordered from
Regal project.
Roll call was answered for Valen-
tine Month with a verse on love from
the Bible. Bernice Lockyer conducted
worship service on love using hymns
and scriptures on this topic. Thank of-
fering envelopes are to be given out
in March.
Lunch was served by Doreen Smith
and Kay' Armstrong and a time of
fellowship enjoyed.
Mrs. Judi Ross gave her report on
the Kid's Club. which meets every
Tuesday evening. Mrs. Ross and Mrs.
Cathy Mason have an attendance of
25 to 30. Last year they held Vacation
Bible School. Tuesday evening they
have a Bible study and crafts for
Deacons elected by acclamation
were-John-Sloetjes-and-David -Rms.
Mrs. Lorraine Armitage was elected
by acclamation for secretary -
Rev. Roger Mason conducted the
Sunday morning service. Rev. Mason
spoke from i Kings 21:1-7. illustrating
the sin of greed. King Ahab hated the
word no. He wanted Naboth's
vineyard. but Naboth refused to sell
it to him. Ahab went to his palace
bedroom. and pouted. as being king.
he Was used to getting anything he
Ahab's wicked wife Jezebel had
Naboth killed. then gave the vineyard
to Ahab. But sin always has its con-
sequences. Ahab was killed in battle..
then Jezebel was thrown out a window
to her death.
With sin always comes sorrow and
destruction. We always suffer conse-
quences for sin, Proverbs 1:19 warns
the result of greed is death. Proverbs
21:26 tells us greed is the practice of
the wicked. Isaiah 56:11 says greedy
people never have enough. In I
Timothy 3:8 Paul states no church
leader should ever be greedy. In
Ephesians 4:18 Christians are warn-
ed not to walk as Gentiles 'walk( in
Rev. Mason prayed for all to ex-
amine themselves. to repent. and ask
God to cleanse and forgive them
before they partook of the communion
-served at the end of the service.
Sunday evening. Rev: Roger Mason
led the service. Rev. Mason
ministered from Mark :3:7-19. Christ's
ministry was a popular one among
the common people, as verses 7 to 9
show. Yet not everyone who followed -
Jesus believed in Him. but they were
attracted to Him. There are people
who attend and support the ministry
of the church, yet not surrender to or
be changed by God.
Peopleiamefrom. great -distances.
from Edom. Syria, Phoenicia. and
Judea to have their needs met by
Jesus. If a church meets the needs of
people they will come to the church.
Jesus had a healing ministry. The
sick were eager to touch- Him.
Spiritual healing for men's souls was
the most important part of Jesus'
ministry. In Mark 16:15-18 Jesus gave
His followers the commission to
preach the gospel. and to pray for the
sick to be healed.
Jesus' ministry was a delegated
one. After His resurrection . Jesus
knew one man could not carry on His
.ministry to the needs of the people. In
verses 13 to 14 Jesus called the 12 men
who He wanted to train and delegate
His ministry to. For three years the
disciples were apprentices under
Jesus' example and teaching. Jews
then sent them out to preach. heal the
sick. and cast out demon'
Named to
farm group
Henry Aukema, a pork producer
from Strathroy in Middlesex County
has been elected to a tw•o-year term
on the executive board of the Chris-
tian Farmers Federation of Ontario.
Also elected to a two-year term was
• Karl -Mantel, a chicken and cash crop-_ -
producer from Waterloo in Hamilton -
Wentworth Region.
Scores from the lanes-
liiter-tovin: Men - Lucan 36 Senior Citizens: Muriel Kennedy
Shakespeare 12. Don Watt 286-1216, 241-652. Vi Higgs 234-638, Jim Burt
Brian Ankers 266-1155. 257-610. Frank DeBlock 219, Charlie
Monday Ladies: Beth Radcliffe Grieve 214. Edie Burt 202, Lillus Clat-
335-760. Lorraine Mosurinjohn281-719, worthey 196, Ed Armstrong 186.
Glena Tripp 256-666, Deb Thompson Yvonne Mathers 182. Gord Higgs 174.
:103-662. Hazel Williams 230-628, Sue .,]tredtaesdat;.. v,11.,te.,c.
"""'So ntsConta iddeTit ""`�
Mar} Scott '147 618, Joyce Sovereign HollinGraham 155, Shelly Wyatt 129, Wesley
217.614, Marg Young 220-607, Joan- Jasongs 126, Jennifer (rah Cu 121,
Mawdsley 119. Sarah Culbert
Finkbeiner 240.604, Judi Thomas 269, 112, Chris Goddard 111. Wendy
Beulah Storey 239. Hickson 109, Lisa Hietatahti 102
Tuesday t'.ILC.: Chris Smith 236 Wednesday Mixed: Bob Pipe
Jason Woytowich 215, Douglas 291-776, Larry MacGregor 272-683,
Hockey 204. Craig Williams 193,
Becky VanGeel 185. Scott Smith 176.
Matthew Dickey 176. Jason Wyatt 158.
Desmond Rodgers 158.
Colleen's: Shirley Rees 252-669, Val
Neil 223-650, Elaine McNair 245-630,
Lori Quinn 234-612, Louise Hayter
241-601. Thelma Hodgins 229, Sandra
Jemec 228, Mice 1I0dgins 226. Cindy
Ilarrigan 220.
Medway: Bill Bere 263-619, Willard
Smibert :303-616, Shirley Bosley 245.
Donna Jeffrey 219.
The Middlesex County
Board of Education
Kindergarten Pre -Registration
Pre -registration for children eligible to commence
kindergarten in September 1987 is being carried out
-in Middlesex County Public Schools. Children who will
be five years old by December 31, 1987 are eligibi
to attend,'
Please contact your local school by March 31, 1987
for more information regarding registration times
and procedures.
E.R. Poole,
F.S. Toll,
Director of Education
Gary Dunlop 244-659. Gary Melvin
269-658, Tom Dobinson 233:645, Guen-
ther Bock 261-603. Pat Ryan 220.
Thursday hien: Ron Dickey 330-817,
Bob Pipe 254-794. Bob Smith 276-767,
pon Watt 313-;.;1. Bill McDonald
280-695, Jamie - Bond 271-680, John
Jansen 281-679. Roger Hw'uk 233-671.
Ross McRoberts 265-663, Mike Neil
248-655, Kevin Lightfoot 242-655, Brian
Ankers 247-650. Br; ' Taylor 235-649,
Jim Smith 3l3 Larry Gibson
222-644, Gary I 'aiup 230-642. Carl
Du'Tlop 245-6
(Friday Mi..e.. Wayne Smith
288-701. Jeff Par :95-731, Pete Smith
306-663 AI i ' • . X230-649, I:ynn
Smith to I. Laron. Martens
221-62' t --'-e 'turt 225 -Cr. Darleen
Fe t t►:3, Doris Corless '249.
(' ,. icor 231, Paul Smith
2. ,ti
Sunday `l ed: Jim Smith 325-799,
t-!ena Trii.,, 298-7" Linda Webber
298-752. Fred Wells :310-722. Larry
Atkins 267-696, Larry Gibson 246-682.
Cheryl Smith 233-629, Don Morgan
,11-416, Brice Harris 258.610, Bruce
V ichan 229-606.
('.A.W.: Cheryl Smith 312-742, Lyn -
Riley 258-700, Gary Wurm 270677,
Jim Smith 252-671, Basil Short 264&12,
Vicki Horbanuik 249-618, Gary Dunlop
215-613, Wayne Wilson 246-610.
Smurfs: Kristen Hickson 81,
Stephen Wraith 80, Tiffany Butler 80.
Jason Smith 76. -
LET'S PLAY BALL - Shown in a baseball skit during a talent show Friday
are Shollon MacFarland, Jenny Geoghegan, Janet Coughlin, Erin Haskett
Start program
on child abuse
to pare
Eight Middlesex County public
schools will start their pilot program
on Child Abuse Prevention after the
March break: The program will be
presented to grade three pupils.
Before the break. each school will
host a community awareness night to
which parents and other members of
the public are invited. Purpose of the.
awareness night presentations is to
give parents and others an opportuni-
ty to learn about the program and to
ask questions.
Schools, dates and times of the
public meetings are : Leesboro.
March 3. 7:30: Oxbow, March 4, 7::30:
River ffeights, March 4. 7:30: Centen-
nial, March 5, 7:30; Colborne Street.
March 10, 8:00; Ekcoe Central.
March 10. 7:30; McGillivray Central.
March 10. 8:00: and Plover Mills.
March 12, 7:30.
The Middlesex County Board of
Education wants to increase public
awareness that • lv detection of
child ;abuse. p:irtn•:Ilarly sexual
abuse. is ext t.:It.:y i,,,po:lant. The
program • helpful information
to parent, ,an. -hers concerning
tsst: rails ;o child abuse. •
at Biddulph Central School
and Leanne Lewis.
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