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March 4, 1987
Euchre held
at Clandeboye
St. James church held shier euchre
party Tuesday evening. Iligh prizes
went to Mildred. Hirtzel, and Joe
Carter. Lone hands. -Marion Thomp-
son and Jack Gilmour; low scores.
Kay. Armstrong and Roy Cunn-
ingham. Special prizes were won by
• Earl Morgan. Andy Thompson,
Charlie Itollings and Helen Drury.
The next party will be March 10.
Clarence Wilson has.given up his
apartment in Clandeboye and is now
a resident of ('raigholme Nursing
Home in Ailsa Craig. Ile arrived in
time to -help his old Clandeboye
neighbour. Wilfred Cunningham
celebrate his 97th birthday, Friday.
Sincere sympathy is extended to the
Dixon family, the Noyes family and
also to Mrs. Norman Blake, in theloss
Of their loved ones this past week.
Many people from this area attend-
ed the dinner and information
meeting on Sunday -evening, regar-
ding the proposed non-profit Rental
Housing for Senior Citizens Apart-
ment Complex. it was hosted by the.
Lucan District Lions Club.
Hazel Cunningham returned Satur-
day from a six -weeks visit with
Marion and Doug Gollinger and
grandson Nicholas in Cowiehan Bay.
Rev: F. Braby was- in charge of
Morning Pra:-er at St. Patrick's
Church. Mrs. Wayne Carroll provid-
ed music and. Lisa Carroll read the
two lessons. . -
Rev. Brahy took his text from an
Exhortation from the Penitential Ser-
vice on -the observance of Lent. Next
Sunday service is planned for 11 a.m.
Robin Jennings. Lucan, spent the
-weekend with her friend, Lisa Carroll.
Mrs. Joan Greenlee. Derek. Debbie
and ('had spent Saturday with Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Greenlee.
Mrs. Harry Carroll is home from
_South Huron Hospital. Good :health -
Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Hodgins, -
Mrs, Mabel Needham and I visited
the Gardiner funeral home at Arthur,
to pay our respects to the late -Ed
Dowdell, formerly of Lucan area.
Mrs. Greta Gibson and I were lun-
cheon guests with Mrs. Mabel
Needham. Tuesday.
Marylou Tindall, Petrolia. visited
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Boli
Tindall on the weekend. -
Mr. Ilugh Davis entertained Hazel, -
Mr. and . Mrs. Bob MacGillivray.
Courtney and Katie Scarlet. Mr. and
Mrs. Michael Davis, Crystal and
Harley and Ito dinner in London Sun-
day evening. Hazel was observing her
birthday and Michael and Suzanne
their seventh anniversary.
Allan Cunningham. son of Mr. and
Mrs. Arnold Cunningham is home
from University Hospital following
surgery. Let's hope this •is the last.
(;ood Health. '
Jack Riddell
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NEW CREDITON PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT - The Crediton Parks Board is planning to purchase
$10,000 worth of playground equipment to be placed in the Crediton community park. Above, Terry
Paul of Paris Playground Equipment shows a model to committee members Bruce Hodge, Byron Clarke
and Mary Kenney. T=A' photo
For minor ball
Usborne registration today
Don't forget the Usborne baseball
registration will lake place Wednes-
day March 4 at Osborne Central
School from 12 noon to 12::30 p.m.
Church service -
Rev. Robert 1atheson was in
charge- of the Last Sunday After
Epiphany Church Service on Sunday
morning. The children's hymn was
sung "The Lord'S My Shepherd" and
Rev. Matheson told the children's
story "Signs In The Ska•".
The scripture lesson was -read from
Leviticus 19:1-2. 15:18, 1 Corinthians
3:10-11, 16-23. Matthew 5:38-48. The
sermon yvas entitled "Reflections (If
Love". -
I'he palmist teaches -that 10 trust in -
God brings an enduring quality of life
which is described in terms of the pro-
mise to Abraham as "inheriting the
land". •
After all the grand attempts of
human beings to create a tetter world
- materialistically speaking - it real-
ly becomes very apparent to us just
how much of a gulf there is between
the greatest wisdom of human beings
and what God would consider to be his
All we have to do is look at our
climate, the environment, as it has
been tampered with by 'progressive'
human beings. We all .must accept
some blame for the decline of our en-
vironment. Cars - give off carbon
monoxide and lead. Machinery
makes noise. Industry' affects the
water falling from the skies over us.
We can see evidence of acid rain_ in
our own gardens and forests
it is interesting to note how difficult
it is to point a finger at sinners of en-
vironmental, quality. All of us are
equally guilty. All of us need to repent
of- what is happening. But is that
enough? • How do we undo such
disasters as Bhopal. India -and Cher-
nobyl. Ukraine'. How do we clean up
the waters of the Great Lakes?
The Board of Management will hold
a meeting Wednesday March 4 al 8
p.m. in the church basement.
The celebration of the- 100th an-
niversary of the World Day of Prayer
wilt be held Friday March 6 -at 2 p.m.
in Caven Presbyterian Church. Ex-
eter. Don't forget ladies! .
Anyone wishing to renew their
subscription to the United ('hta•ch
4P to
A MOPPING WE WILL GO — Lindsay Rotteau, Sara McLaren and
Andrew Davis try out their floor cleaning skills at the Sunshine Kids
Nursery school, Thursday morning. T -A photo
Euchre at Dashwood
Observer please let Mrs. Don Bray
kflow. before March 15.
Tracy Coward of Lindsay College -
spent last week with her parents Mr. -
and Mrs. Dan Coward, Mark and
Patrick Jeffery- spent a couple. of
days last week -in St. Joseph's •
Ilospital. London.
.111r, and Mrs. Hill Rohde • were -
Wednesday evening supper guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pepper, -
Exeter. -
Ken 'Puckery, Camp ('reek, Alberta.
Bruce 'I'irckey. Exeter. and Mr. and
\hs. John Pym, Pauline, Dennis and
Steve were guests at the wedding of
Blair Spencer to Carol. Fleck at
Waterloo. Saturday.
Alr. and Mrs. Bill Rohde spent the
week end in Port Huron.
Kippen 4-H
Kippen :34-11 Club held their second
meeting at Brucefield Church on
February .24. We decided to call
s►urselves "The Sixteen Survivors".
Julie Healy, our -youth leader for
this club, gave her first presentation
to the four new members. The rest of
us adjourned to the kitchen where we
made pizza, apple and celery salad.
and grilled cheese and apple
Sandwiches. -
We discussed the components and
requirements of a good meal. and
learned that a good meal needs to be.
appealing, nutritious and economical.
Press reporter for this meetin was
Kate Papple.
W.I.. News
Kippen East will hold their cultural
activities meeting on Wednesday.
March 18 at 8 p.m. at the home of
Thea Wisch. Roll call to be answered
by bringing an article from another
culture or country and tell its story.
Members are asked to bring one or
more wrapped items to be auctioned
off in the mystery auction.
Rena Caldwell has the motto "Mall
the things we wear our expression
means the most". '
Don't forget to wear your institute
pin or be prepared, to pay a fine.
Kippen United Church
On Sunday. March 1. Rev. Lorne
Keays presided in the pulpit al St. An-
drews and preached a Lenten sermon
"Would You Wash Anyone's Feel?"
The choir sang "Freely, Freely"
accompanied by Barbara Cooper at
tato Wilfred Dixon of Lucan placed by the or an
The euchrej-rly at Dashwood_warr--members-01his-fam+ty ---- planned toboggan party had to be
NATI'ebr'uary 23. Winners were :
high man. Sheldon Wein; high lady.
Mrs. iI'orothy Pfaff; low man.
Margaret. Hess; low lady, Mrs.
Dorothy Rader; lone hands, Mrs.
Jean Wainer; hidden score. Mrs.
Gloria Beirling.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Becker attend-
ed the funeral of a brother-in-law
Howard Simmons of Kitchener.
Flowers in Zion Lutheran church
Sunday were from the funeral of the
=-countr9 crafts�-
Folk Art Thurs. Mar. 5 - 1-4 p.m.
Counted Cross Stitch Mon. Mar. 30 - 7-9 p.m.
Paper Tole 3 sessions 7-9 p.m. -
Mon. Mar. 30 -Apr. 13
I Love To Knit...but...HELP!
Teri will be in to help you with your knitting problems the 2nd
and 4th Fridays in March and April (7-9 p.m.)
So dig out those problems and bring them with you
March 13 and 27 • April 10 and 24
(. Hwy. No. 4 1/4 mile south of Exeter 235-1751 J
Mike Stienrnan of Renfrew is the
proud father of twins, Andrew Earl
and Ryan John.
Mrs. Emma Boogemans has been
transferred from University hospital
to South flurort hospital. Exeter.
Members of the Becker family
gathered at Dashwood Community
centre to celebrate Gramma and
Grampa Becker's birthdays -1 Verna
and Valentine). Present for the occa-
sion were children, grandchildren and
great grandchildren. There Were 73
present. All had an enjoyable time.
• Visitors with Vicar Larry and .Till
Slojhbvic, Sunday, were his mother
and father Steve and Frances Sto-
jhovic, his sister Karla and Anita
Joseph from Hamilton.
Vic and Irene Hartman just return-
ed home from a trip to Venezuela
which they enjoyed as the'weather
was beautiful in the 80 degrees.
Heating & Cooling
• Heating Systems of all
• General Sheet
Metal Work
• Air Conditioning
• Humidifiers
• Ventilation
133 Huron St. E., Exeter
postponed until Sunday. March gat :3
. p.m. at Lyle Kinsman's farm.
The World Day of Prayer will be
held at Sl. Andrews on Friday, March
6 at 2;30 p.m. Everybody welcome,
Nancy and Walter Denys and Jerry
and Bonnie Upshall have returned
home from an enjoyable holiday in
Cromarty church parade
- First Cromarty Beavers, Cubs and
Scouts paraded into Cromarty
Presbyterian Church on Sunday mor-
ning for their annual church service.
Following the opening hymn, Mine
Eyes Have Seen the Glory, Brian
Waddell led in the responsive reading.
The Sunday School choir. with Carol
Ann Scott al the organ sang A Wise
Man Built his House upon a Rock.
Rev. Robert Johnson told the
children a story showing that some
people are like sponges; they take and
take and take, and in order to get
anything from them they have to be
squeezed. He said we should not be
like a sponge but like Jesus who
shared and gave freely.
The Beavers, Cubs and Scouts and
their .leaders, Margaret Schrader.
7w'yla Waddell, Rhea Cameron, Carol
Ann Scott. Bill Cameron and Nelson
Pullman repeated their Promises.
The Ohl Testament lesson was read
by John Wilkinson and the New Testa-
ment lesson by Jason McCaughey.
The offering was received by Sean
Schrader, Ryan Vanderiet, .Steven
Dearing and Steven Pullman. Mr.
Johnson spoke on the theme Who Is
My Neighbour?
• Following the church service. the
boys- and their families drove to
Dublin Community ('entre where they
enjoyed a pot luck dinner. Bill Mahon
was chairman and introduced the
head table guests who included the
assistant District Commissioner.
Brian Anderson,- of St. Marys. Mr.
Anderson spoke briefly to the spon-
sors, leaders, parents and scouts. -
The Beaver leaders presented pla-
ques to. Greg Paratchek and Wayne
Stoll for completing the Beaver pro-
gram. and a mug inappreciation for
Keo Barry Waddell's help.
Michael -Dearing and Christopher
Scott received plaques for completing
the cub program. Ernest' Fleming,
representing, Dublin .and District
Lions Club presented --the scout
organization with a cheque for $50.
Following the dinner, a film. Follow
The U.C.W. of the United Church
will meet with th U.('.W. of Zion at.lion West United Church for • the
World Day of Prayer on March 6 al
8 p.m. -
The sympathy of the community is
extended to Mrs. Grace Dixon and
family in th sudden death of a loving
husband and father Wilfred Dixon of
A'icGillivray township also to Earl
Dixon in the loss of a brother..
The euchre in the Community ('en-
tre had 10 tables playing with prizes
going to: high score. Mary Kooy, Earl -
Morgan, lone hands. Mary Funlz, Ot-
to Darling. low score. Lydia Regie,.
Allan Pfaff. Closest birthday's Nelson -
Squires, Mildred Hirtzel:
The next party will be March.9 at
.8 p.m. convened by Joe and Margaret
Carter, Mary Meikle. Nelson Squires
and Lydia Ilegier.
Me, Boys, which starred Fred Mac-
Murray as the founder of a boy scout
troop in a small town was shown.
Pearl James presided and gave the
devotions at the Ladies Aid meeting
which was held at her home Monday
evening. Seven members and one
visitor were present and the roll call
was answered by the payment of the
l03 membership fee.
During the business. it was decid-
ed to hold thestrawlerrysupper on
June 17 and a planning committee
was named. A sample of the material
for the new basement drapes was
Bob and Ilelen Parsons spent a few
days in Florida and went to see the
Grand Olde ()prey in Nashville.
Complete Crediton
Heart canvass
•Mrs. Anne Cottle, captain of the
Heart and Stroke fund for Crediton
would like to thank her helpers Isa
Smith and Lori Schenk who gave their
time to help canvass and especially
the residents of Crediton who donated
$280.00 which was collected.
Brenda Glanville and Carl Farr. St.
'Phomas --spent the weekend with
friends and family here.
Mrs. Lorna Barnes and Jenna. IRR
1 'Tedford were Thursday afternoon
visitors with Alr. and Mr's. Stan
Preszcator and evening guests with
the Preszcalors were Mr. and Mrs
David Isaac and 'Pasha. Exeter and
-Mrs. Barbara Lovett. Mitchell.
Crediton and District Social Club
are sponsoring a fund raising dance
on Saturday. March 14, 1987 at Huron
Park Itec Centre. Music' by
Beechwood. Lunch provided. 'Pickets
$10.00 per'_couple advance or $14.01 at
the door. Monies are to aid the
Crediton .Community !tall and the
Crediton .Park Board. Tickets
available t•om ;my club member.
.111r. and Mrs. Stan Preszcator
visited Monday evening with Mr. and
Mrs._ John Arbo and family-:- Elim- -
ville, and Tuesday with Mr. and-A1rs. -
1loward Preszcator, Salford and sup-
per guests with b1r. and Mrs. George
Cameron, RR 1,- Brucefield. -
Sympathy is extended to the
families of the late Wilfred Dixon, KR
2 Lucan. 11r. Dixon was. Claire
Marlene's. grandfather.
Gordon Morlock celebrated his 85th
birthday with his wife and family and
friends at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred- Waterloo.
The sermon topic at Zion United
Church was taken from Galatians
6:11-14 titled ''The Glorious Cross Of
Choir practice will be Wednesday
evening at 8 p.m. in the Sunday Schogl
U.C.W. meeting for March will he
held Thursday March 5. al 8 p.m. in
the Sunday School rooms:
In hospital at South !furor) in Exeler
are Mrs. ()live Baker. Airs. Clara
Ratz, Mrs. Maty Gower and Alrs.
Estrella F'inkbeiner.
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Also available cheese,
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