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Times .Advocate , February 18, 1987 Page 9A
Problem of locked
gates at Oakwood remains unsolved
Grand Bend council failed to reach
a settlement with the Oakwood Park
Association on Monday's regular
Church news
At the Grand Bend United Church
this past Sunday, Rev. Peebles began
with the children's story. "Which is
Greater? 60 plus 10 or 10 plus 60?"
From a Christian point of view, it is
much better to begin at 10, with 60
years ahead to know, love and serve
Rev. Peebles sermon, "Correcting
Our Course," was taken from scrip•
tures read by Elizabeth Adams from
Acts 26. Rev. Peebles commented
that people ask him why so many
things are in such a mess - i.e. rela-
tionships between people, between
governments, between countries. We
must find and face Jesus Christ, and
make the necessary changes in our
life. We have veered off the road, and
missed it altogether. f -
A man named Saul was way. oft
track until he met God on the road,
and was utterly changed into St. Paul.
When we are confronted with pro-
blems, we must ask what Jesus would
do, using- the Bible in its Divine
Wisdom as the ultimate way of cor-
recting our course.
The congregation offered prayers
for fellow parishioner Mr. George
Stacey, who is presently recovering
in hospital from a heart attack he suf-
fered while down south, on vacation
in Florida.
Rev. and Mrs. Peebles left Monday
morning for a two week vacation in
Florida. -They'll he visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Stacey while down there.
Anglican ('hurch
Next Sunday,F ebruary 22, is the oc-
casion of a special Hymn Sing at the
St. John's Anglican Church in Grand
Bend. Members of the Dashwood
United Church choir, and the
Ecumenical Choir, directed by Alan
Cowerhill, will be performing a
beautiful selection of sacred music. A
guest soloist, Mrs. Roberta Walker,
will also he singing.
'Everyone is invited to attend next
Sunday, at 4 p.m. to join in raising
- their. voices in song. Refreshments
will he available afterward: - -
St. John's Anglican Church will be
holding their annual Pancake
Breakfast in the church hall on
Shrove Tuesday, March 3 from 8 a.m.
to 10 a.m. Tickets are On sale for $:3.0O
each, available from any church
Bible class
The Community Bible Study and
coffee hour was held at Sauble Court,
last Tuesday morning. Prayer and a
hymn sing preceded the lesson, led by
Anne Richardson. From the third
study on the last chapter in the book
"Heart Trouble". the ladies Learned
they can be cleansed of their sins.
Their study of God's Word .will
prune them and exercise their faith.
In this way they develop virtue,
knowledge. self control endurance.
kindness, affection, and Christian
Pat Desjardine gave the closing
prayer for the 17 ladies in attendance.
They begin a new study hook next
week on David and the Psalms. All
ladies welcome to attend.
Sharon Vincent, daughter of t'he
late Mr. and Mrs. Earl Vincent of
Shipka and Mark Perry son of Mr.
and Mrs. Bruce Perry, of Exeter,
were married Saturday February 14
at Exeter Pentecostal church. Matron
of honor was Sharon's sister, Mrs.
Eileen Fowler of Parkhill. Best man
was Paul Perry, brother of the
About 60 relatives and friends at-
tended the dinner and reception held
in the church basement. Sharon was
honored at several showers prior to
her wedding.
About 15 friends, neighbours and
relatives galheredSundayafternoon
at Annie Zielman's home tor`a slit -
prise baby shower for Ruth Zehr, of
John and Sandra Dietrich, Pam,
Donna Jean and Bruce, were supper
guests last Tuesday night, with Tracy
and Dave Regier, Kevin Qnd Ricky,
o(the Zurich area. The occasion was
John and Sandra's 19th wedding
Sandra and Tony Regier, Chris,
Heather and Jillian, of Detroit, spent
the weekend with Sandras parents,
. Ken and Ortha Baker.
The Bakers Sr., Sandra and Tony,
Gary and Sheona. Baker, attended the
men's club dance at Dashwood last
Visitors with Hugh and I during the
week and Sunday were Lorne and
Loreen Devine, Grand Bend, Ross
and Donna Corbett, Hensall area. The
Corbetts became fourth time grand-
parents Wednesday when a baby girl
was born to Steve and Janine Corbett.
41I club news
Are your meals flavourable, color-
ful and nutritious? Are the Canada
food rules followed in your household?
When the Grand Bend II 4H club
members met for the second meeting
we had the above questions asked.
Our last meeting was held at the
home of Brenda Love. During this
meeting members learned the kit-
chen basics. One of the home ac-
tivities was to prepare a meal for your
family. Members analyzed menus
which were prepared by leader Bren-
da. Several recipes were discussed in-
cluding a tal3ty treat in which
membersparticipated in making and
tasting. It was a drink called hot ap-
ple cider,
Griff Munce and Bob Earley, presi-
dent and vice-president o; the
Oakwood Association, met with coun-
cil to reach an agreement about the
boundary gate at the end of Hill
Street. This gate situated between
Grand Bend and Oakwood was lock-
ed with barbed wire across the top
this winter.
Munce said that last year some
vandalism occurred at Oakwood
residences near this entrance. Two.
residents requested that they (assoc.)
put a lock op the gate because of this
damage; hoping to deter further
Reeye Harold Green told the two
delegates that the village has receiv-
ed four letters and numerous phone
calls about the locked gate. "People
STORM CLEAN-UP Eighty -six-year-old Jim Prance, Oak Street,
Grand Bend, prepares to clean up -this large red cedar tree. The tree
blew down after high winds swept through the resort recently, slightly
damaging a near -by trailer in Wondergrove.
RUNNERS-UP -- This team number two won second place in the
Grand Bend Public School children's snow sculptures. Front row,
Sarah Bannister, Kyle Vermeulen, and Adam Wiendels. Back row,
Kathleen Fetch, Christina Shepherd, captain, Warren Hoist, and Mark
Mallard. Missing was BiII Turner.
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like to cross-country ski to the
Oakwood Inn that way, without
• travelling by the busy highway",
Green said. if the association wants
it open all summer to get to the beach,
why can't it be open all winter to get
to the Inn? he asked. People either
• -want it open all year or closed off all
year, but not just the winter months,
Green added.
Council felt the padlocked gate
would not stop vandalism. If they
want in they would get in another
Church of God
- The morning worship service at the
Church of God was led by George
%inegarden. Piano and organ were
played by Phyllis and Morley Desjar-
dine. Michelle and Michael Vincent
sang a duet "Whispering Hope".
Rev. Desjardine's message was
taken from Colossians 2:1-7, "The Im-
perative of Spiritual Growth". St.
Paul prayed for•spiritual growth in
the believers and so should we pray
daily to grow in our relationship with
The evening service was opened by
Bethany Desjardine leading the con-
gregation in singing the chorus "Turn
Your Eyes Upon Jesus". Eileen Des-
jardine played a medley of hymns
upon the piano, as a special treat.
Pastor Desjardine's topic was
"Temptation". We can all be assured
that despite the certainty of our temp-
tation, God is faithful and never
allows us to be tempted above what
we are able to bear.
Everyone was reminded to invite
friends to the evening service next
Sunday, February 22, when Bob
I teywood will be there to perform and
to preach.
The women of the Church of God
met Thuusday evening, and enjoyed
their guest Mrs. Rosemary Ferguson,
of Ferguson Apiaries. Mrs. Ferguson
demonstrated the methods used in
candy making with honey - both an in-
teresting and a delicious interlude for
everyone there!
The meeting was chaired by Millie
Desjardine, in the absence of vaca-
tioning president, Lucille Vincent.
The roll call was a funny question and
answer quiz, about "how well we
know each other". After the business
of the meeting, Pat Desjardine did the
"Meet Your Missionary" profile on a
couple working for the Church of God
in Thailand, Karen and Marvin'
Several ladies took part in a skit led
by Katie Vincent, called "To Love
Loving". Millie Desjardine sang a
solo "Getting Used to the Family of
God". The ladies enjoyed the varied
activities of the meeting, and were
glad they had come out, even on such
a cold blustery night.
way. Both parties agreed it's serious,
because a lot of people do enjoy ski-
ing to the Oakwood Inn by this route.
Earley told council that a specific
request was received at their last
regular meeting to have it locked.,,
"We also pay for winter security, a
once a week check" he added.
The two men will go back to their ex-
ecutive and return a reply by letter to
council. Green suggested that they
speak to the sarcastic Oakwood resi-
dent to inform her that Grand Bend
has only a few year-round residents
living near the pathway, who are
mostly seniors, and certainly not
Council will wait for the associa-
tion's reply at the next regular
meeting on March 3.
The annual statement of remunera-
tion and expenses for members of
council was presented at the meeting
showing the following totals for 1986:
Harold Green *4,030.44, Dennis Snider
*3,172.14, Marsha Lemon ;2,634.18,
Bruce Woodley *3,080.70, and Barbara
Southcott *2,598.53.
WINS TRIP -• - Jackie Regier rightwas the lucky winner of a seven-
day trip to Doral Beach, Venezuela. Lioness past -president, Donna
Hoffman congratulates Jackie. Jackie and husband Chuck plan to take
the flight next January. March draw will be a seven -night houseboat
cruise charter on the Trent Severn.
GIANT WABBIT — One of the interesting sculptures at the weekend
Grand Bend winter carnival was this Giant Wabbit.
Weekly Specials.
Prices in effect to Feb. 25/87
or while supplies last
Stanley Delux Garage
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Central Vacuum System
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Ceiling- Fan
Gott 22 gal. poly
Garbage Cans
$ 699
rnal D.01111
Snow Scrapers
and Brushes
In stock only
In stock only
Bird Feeders
Bird Seed
10 kg.
20 kg.
4 blocks west of the Fire Hall