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Times -Advocate, February 18, 1987
Record crowd at swine course
The sixth swine research update at-
tracted a record attendance on
January 27 at Centralia College.
Fourteen speakers summarized
areas of current research interest in
topics ranging from housing to health
to nutrition.
Dr. lain Christison. University of
Saskatchewan, indicated that
research into the problems of poor
ventilation in swine barns has shown
there are several things producers
can do to improve the situation_ Air
recirculation tubes located under ven-
tilation slots near the top of the barn
are a relatively inexpensive and easy- -
to -install method of improving slot in-
let systems. Self-adjusting vents, as
opposed to the type which have to be
manually adjusted twice a day, are
also recommended.
Dr Hein van dor Steen, from The
Netherlands, reviewed reasons for
the extensive use of A.I. in The
Netherlands. In contrast to our A.I.
system in Ontario, A.I. technicians do
75 per cent of the actual inseminations
on the farms. Large numbers of sows
in a small area, large farms and low
costs have all contributed to the suc-
cess of A.I. Skilled farmers and exten-
sive research, education and exte-t-
sion are also considered key tactor •
to overall success. In 1985.40 per cent
of sows were bred A.I., up froin 10 per
cent in 1970. and they hope to reach
80 per cent by 1995. An increase in Bo -
it -yourself -A.1. is also encouraged.
Dr. Gordon Bowman, University of
Guelph, recommended that swine
producers not cull sows on the basis
of perfor►nance. Litter size is not
Bayfield gets
planning grant
Agriculture and Food Minister Jack
Riddell, the MPP for Huron -
Middlesex. has announced the $2,700
final payment on a $18,000 communi-
ty planning grant for the County of
Iluron on behalf of the Village of
Speaking on behalf o[ Bernard
Grandmaitre, Minister of Municipal
Affairs, Mr. Riddell said the grant
was used by the municipality to
prepare a secondary plan.
Community planning grants from
the Ministry of Municipal Affairs are
designed to encourage municipalities
to review and update their planning
programs. zoning -by-laws and other
planning documents.
The grants may also be used for
special studies on local issues such as
Lakeshore development or commer-
cial development along highways.
and for energy -conserving planning
highly heritable or repeatable and
therefore culling for litter size will on-
ly result in a younger sow herd more
prone to disease. "Performance
records should be maintained but
their purpose is primarily to evaluate
the management of the operation, not
the merit of the individual sows", said
Bowman. Ile recommended pro-
ducers cull on age, usually after the
seventh litter; because the likelihood
of the eighth Jitter being better than
the performance of a new gilt is very
Franklin Kains, OMAF
Agricultural Engineer stressed the
importance of improving handling
and loading facilities as a means of
redueinu norcine stress syndrome
and aaut essing animal welfare con-
cerns. Because "pigs can get jamm-
ed up very easily in a funnel chute".
Kains suggested a squared -off en-
trance to the chute to prevent the
animals from bunching and jamming.
To prevent pigs from getting spook-
ed in this fashion, ramps should be
closed "right down to the floor".
Other highlights of a good design
should include a maximum 20 degree
ramp slope with two inch cleats, eight
inches apart. Grants to improve
loading and handling facilities are
available from the Ontario Pork In-
dustry Improvement Plan. Com-
plimentary copies of the proceedings
are available by writing Centralia
College of Agricultural Technology.
Iluron Park, Ontario. NOM 1YO.
Cook's Producers
and Crop
Planning Seminar
AT FARM SHOW — Harry Winters in the centre of Huron Tractor talks to area farmers Larry Lynn and
Ed Kerslake at Tuesday's farm and industry show. T -A photo
P tblic asked to comment
Prepare fisheryementplan
. management
ington Counties) are a multi-million
dollar industry - a significant
economic benefit in what is mainly an
agricultural area.
Because the fisheries resources of
southwestern Ontario are limited, and
there are many conflicting demands
for what is available, an effective
management plan is needed. MNR
staff have compiled a summary en-
titled "Background Information and
Optional Mana S
The Wingham District of the
Ministry of Natural Resources
(MNR ) is inviting public involvement
in preparing their new fisheries
management plan.
The fisheries resource provides im-
portant recreational, environmental
and economic benefits. In fact, the
sport and commerical fisheries of the
Wingham District (which incor-
porates all of Huron and Perth, and
small portions of Bruce and Well-
February 27/87 -
South Huron Recreation Centre
(Exeter) (Combined Meeting for
Hensall, Centralia and Kirkton
**Speaker - Alex Henry - Sylvite Sales Inc.
March 2/87 - Brussels Community Centre
**Speaker - Ross Daily - CFPL TV London
Everyone welcome
gemen trategies
which outlines objectives, issues and
possible strategies and tactics for
managing fisheries to optimum ad-
vantage to the year 2000.
Some major issues have been iden-
tified. At present, the demand for the
more popular species - trout, salmon,
yellow perch and bass - exceeds the
supply. At the same time, other
species are being under-utilized. A
user -conflict potentially exists bet-
ween sport and commerical
fishermen. Many anglers are disap-
pointed at the lack of trophy -size bass
in local waters. Habitat deterioration
and destruction through pollution,
erosion and certain agricultural prac-
tices remains a serious problem.
Mike Malhiot, district biologist with
the Ministry, stressed the imporjance
of public involvement. "Input from
the users of the resource is critical to
the development of a final fisheries
plan if managers are to provide the
public with the fisheries opportunities
and products that they desire", he
SERVING UP BEANS — Pauline McCann and Gail Turner were serv- said.
ing up beans in the Cook's booth at Huron Tractor's farm and industry Anglers, commercial fishermen,
show, Monday. T -A photo landowners and interested citizens
are urged to come out and share their
ideas and concerns with MNR staff.
An open house will be held at the
Wingham District Office from 12 noon
until 8:00 p.m. on Thursday October
23 and Friday October 24. Written
submissions will also be accepted un-
til October 31.
We recommend
B152 Soybeans
Exceptional yield potential
Tap the export market with these clear
hilum NK soybeans. Excellent
resistance to phytophthora root
rot and excellent standability ensure
top yields at harvest. 8152 Soy-
beans adapt best to narrow rows
and loamy soils in the 2900 heat
unit area. Don't delay ... order
your supplies now!
You're personally invited to attend
A JIeJping Jlaiid
for Grain finers
e Special Canadian Grains
Program is assisting farmers
with $1 billion. This initiative,
announced by Prime Minister
Brian Mulroney, is the largest of
its kind ever undertaken by any
Canadian government on behalf
of farmers.
It is a natio ial program that
responds to a national need. It
will help offset low grain and
oilseed prices resulting from
the subsidy war between the
European Community and the
United States.
The first $300 million will be in
the hands of grain and oilseed
farmers this winter. Another
$700 million will be paid out in
the spring.
The details of this historic
program are as follows:
1 You will benefit if, in 1986,
■ you grew wheat, barley,
oats, rye, mixed grains, corn,
soybeans, canola, sunflower
seeds for crushing or flax.
,1•414.••.1•••••.‘4.......4A /"
it /.
. 0 4 --41.1•-/ '
/ yyw�
4,40. vif ,..r-
„ / ! ' 2 ,st.k_16-
Deutz -Allis Progress Day
Mark your calendar...we're holding a "Deutz -Allis Progress Day:' It's an excel-
lent opportunity for you and a select group of other forward looking farmers
in the area to come see what Deutz -Allis is all about. Since the formation of
Deutz -Allis just a year and a half ago, the new company has soared to new
heights. We've expanded our line of products to serve you better. From the
new 7100 Series tractors to the growing li,ie gf QuadraDisk planters. implements
and hay tools. there's a whole lot more to see and learn. '
You could be a winner just for showing! The registration card enclosed
with this letter is your ticket for admission to the program. It will also be used
for a special drawing to be held at the close of the program. The winner will
receive free use of a Deutz -Allis tractor for 100 hours during the spring
planting season. extending through June 30. 19871
As a participant in the program. you'll also be able to sign up for a Deutz -Allis
tractor demonstration right on your own farm.
We hope you'll accept our invitation and reserve an hour and a half to
attend :Deutz -Allis Progress Day!"
Come See What Sets Us Apart!
Host Hyde Bros. Ltd.
Location Hansell Arena
Date Ee6._2s- Time 2:00 p.m.
e 41-
Pedigreed seed, high moisture
corn, high moisture barley and - -
farm fed grain are also covered.
2 The first cheques are
■ being mailed directly to
Western farmers based on
Canadian Wheat Board permit
book data.
3 If your crops are not
■ included in permit book
data, or if you are a qualifying
producer who -doesn't receive a
cheque,you,can pick up an..--
appilcation at the following •
• Offices of Members of
• Grain elevators
• Grain producer organizations
• Agriculture Canada offices and
research stations
• Farm Credit Corporation
You can also have forms mailed
to you by contacting the
Special Canadian Grains
Program, ,
Agriculture Canada,
Ottawa K 1 A 1J3.
Phone (613) 957-7078.
MARCH 31st, 1987.
The Government of Canada is
committed to ensuring that
agriculture remains a strong
and vibrant part of our country's
economy. The Special Canadian
Grains Program is a part of that
I Igo Government " Gouvernement
of Canada du Canada