HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-02-18, Page 12Page 12 Times -Advocate, February 18, 1987-
A VALENTINE'S BAKE SALE — St. Boniface grade two -three students Jan Genoch, Justin Merner, Neil
Beauchamp and Bridget Groot display some of the goodies at Friday's Valentine's Day bake sale at
St. Boniface Sepiarate School in Zurich. T -A photo
Operetta tickets on sal •
skat n -party.Sunday�►
Tickets are now on sale at St.
Boniface School to see "Jack and the
Bean Stalk". an operetta which will
be presented on Wednesday, March 11
at 7:30 p.m. by the pupils of grades 5
to 8 at a charge of $2.50 per person.
Advance tickets are necessary as only
so many will be sold.
Zone Tournamalit
The Carling O'Keefe Sun Bowl tour-
nament was held at the Town and
Country Lanes on Sunday February
15. _ Sixty-one_ bowlers participated.
This tournament is aimed at the 210
average and under bowler. Thewin-
ners were Patty Green, Grand Bend.
Helen Fortin, Kincardine, Charles
Doxtator, Hensall, Howie Green:
Grand Bend, and Mel Edwards of
Kincardine. These people will bowl as
a team in the regional finals at River-
side Lanes in New Hamburg on
March 291h. From there the winners
will advance to the provincial finals
in Toronto at a later date. "Con-
gratulations bowlers." Tournaments
like this and others can only be suc-
cessful through the support of spon-
sors like Carling O'Keefe breweries
and the dedication of the bowlers.
tournament director. score keepers
and numerous other people. "Thank
The Pepsi Challenge tourna
was recently held at the Town and
Country Lanes will be a good par-
ticipation of Y.B.C. bowlers. Con-
gratulations to the winners and Big
Thank You to Tuckey Beverages for
their support in this tournament.
20th Anniversary
The monthly -meeting of the Ladies
Auxiliary was held at the Rest Home
on Feb. 3 with a very good turn out of
approximately 80 for the lively pro-
gram. Everyone enjoyed the lively
accordion music by Bob Heywood of
Exeter and his friend, Paul playing
the mouth organ, plus the duet sung
by some of the members, were nice.
A cute little skit by Marlene
Gingerich and Verda Baechler per-
taining to `going to Auxiliary
meetings" was enjoyed by all. And a
special treat for us. was the reminisc-
ing of the past 20 years and beginn-
ing of the home and the ladies
It was fun hearing Meda O'Brien go
back over the years when the Home
was first built and the administrator
was Lance heed. Also Cecelia
Farwell (gave an interesting report o
the past ten years'which was also en
joyed. A lovely decorated ( an(
delicious► anniversary cake wa
made by Mary -Lou Erb, which wa
served with ice-cream for lunch
(along with other cakes).
Those in charge of the meeting
were Marlene Gingerich; Jean Burr
Joyce Alexander and Verda
Baechler. Mr. Risi, on behalf of the
residents. thanked the ladies for al
their help during the past 20 yearsto
the home and their dedication to the
residents. After the residents left the
auditorium to get ready for bed, thir
ty members stayed for the meeting
which was chaired by president
Mary -Lou Erb.
There are still some cake, craft
books on sale at Lorraine's store in
Zurich at a reduced price of $1.50. The
quilt is now finished and tickets will
be made for it. Aprons are needed for
the wheel in the lobby.
It's interesting to note that the past -
presidents at the meeting were
Gladys Gingerich, Cecelia Farwell?
Annie Finkbeiner and Margaret
Gingerich. Those missing were Lydia
Regier, Martha Ducharme and Marie
Gelinas Sr. (deceased, past president
is Irene Brisson). The next meeting
t. wi11be on Tues. March 3 at 7:00 p.m.
Everyonewelcome- -
Kim Redick, Zurich was among the
twenty students of SHDHS in Exeter
who spent nine days in Paris, France
recently and arrived home last Tues-
day. Along with two teachers they en-
joyed going to Geneva, and Zurich,
Switzerland, plus other several
Clare and Lucille Masse returned
home on Saturday after a nice two-
week holiday in Florida and while
there visited with Gerald and Ursula
If anyone is wondering what's go-
ing on in town for excitement in the
next few weeks, here's a run down -
on Saturday, February 21 is a dance
at the arena sponsored by the Zurich
and area figure skating club from 9:00
to 1:00, music will be by "Friendship
Train". Tickets are available at the
door for $25.00 a couple which in-
cludes a hot buffet and chances to win
cash draws.
Then the following Saturday.
February 28 is a Carnival Costume
t dance at llessenland. Admission i
$6.00 per person. (prizes fo
1 costumes )
s This Sunday afternoon (Februa
s 22) St. Boniface parish is having it
annual family skating party at th
arena from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. And if yo
don't want to skate come and pla
cards or games in the Communit
Centre. Hot chocolate will also
served. The price is $4.00 per family
I (sponsored by the P.T.A.)
On Monday, February 23 at 8:00 th
K_of_Care holding their second car
party at St. Boniface School gym: Ad
- mission is $2.00 with- refreshments
A good time was had by all who at-
tended the Valentine dance on Satur-
day evening at the arena. The
students of SHDHS had a Valentine
semi -formal dance Thursday at the
Rec Centre.
Judy McDonald and son, Danny of
Melvindale Michigan spent the
weekend visitingwith her brothers
Louis Willert and Greg and Agnes
Willert and. boys and her mother,
Mrs. Ann Willert at the Rest Home
and enjoyed going out for supper on
Saturday night.
John and- Bridget Groot Sr. of RR
3 Zurich returned home Friday from
a nice two-week holiday in Florida
(near Winter -Haven) John's sister
—and -her husband -who are presently
visiting for a month from Holland
with them, also accompanied the
Groots to the sunny south.
Hay township reeve Lionel Wilder
attended the Rural Ontario Municipal
Association Convention in Toronto at
the Royal York from February 8 to 11
along with council members Claire
Deichert and Murray Keys.
Doug and Julie Debus and children
visited on Sunday with Gail and Leo
Debus in Stratford and saw their new-
ly born baby girl, little Jessica Lee
who arrived on February 10.
Bowling scores
Monday Night I.adies
B. Bierling 733 -100
D. Browning 609 83 .
M. Becker 612 54
Z. lnthout 474 34
M. Ducharme 474 34
J. Fisher 633 99
P. Miller 626 76
S. Dickert 689 121
M. Kraft 600 79
M. Foster 634 88
_The I. Reid 633 • 92
TfG-`"`"37-Stadtfi44•- -.. ._.. 83
1313 C. Overholt 495 15
IIA B. Beierling 224
IiS S. Dickert 425
IiT' T. Rooseboom 880
Tuesday Grand ('ove
Vicki Taylor 538
Bill Taylor 4113
Glory Bright 496
Murray McLean 523
HS T. Anderson 212
HS Jack Worton 208
Tuesday Dashwood ('.A.P.
Jeff Dekort 108
Tom Masse 107
Wayne Duke 119
[)avid Fox 70
Rick McCann 90
11(• W. Mawson 158
Donna Jones 147
Tuesday Nite Men's League
NT -Don Gifford 646 215
FA Tony Bedard 732 386
B H. Gingerich 5541 169
DT Leo Hoffman 634 26212
T Carl Zimmer 627 34712
P Ron Dann 627 34712
K L Mommerst g 593 32712
H John Smi 9 25112
B Ron Bierli g 625 26212
R Jim Bedard 809 413
BS Rick Smale 598 25612
N Carl Wurm 667 350
HA Jack Fuller 239
HT - 011ie Edwards 848
HS Jim Smith 355
Wednesday Morning Ladies
ina Browning 490
' Audrey Wilson 496
' Vicki Horbaniuk 578
Rose. Berends 482
Lois Snell 467
Teresa McCann 494
HS Vicki Horbaniuk 217
HS Audrey Wilson 213
Wednesday Nite Ladies League
GB Jean Dann 696
S Barb Hem 751
GG Chris. Weiss 692
DS Corrie Relouw 562
G Pat Redmond 621
B Joyce Hillman 638
Thursday Morn Grand ('ove
Gil Northey 633
Bert Low 582 .
Ted Day 577
Norma Low 635
Sally Foster 504
[3a11"Dresses-665-- — —
HS Norma Low 239
HS Dan Dressel 262
Thursday Afternoon Golden Age
lligh Doubles
Ed Strachan 301
Geo. Anderson 306
Nora Heard 420
Lill. Restameyer 304
IIS • Nora Heard 219 -
HS Ed Strachan 184
Thursday Nite Miffed Leagues
B Gary Huston 619
C Doreen Datars 549
G Ilowie Green 603
SP • Kathy Hayter 597
D Doug Smith 619
AT Pat Palen 648
Saturday Ladies' Intertown
Zurich Iii'
HT Betty Datars 597 2
Zurich I
IiS Vicki Taylor 568 5
Zurich iiI
IIT Jean Dann 731 5
Zurich i
HS Vicki Taylor 650
Estelle Haase 581 2
Bev Beirling 733 5
Claudette Elliot 642 7
Zurich II
Sherrie Stade 648 0
pode rich
Shirley Schmidt 702 :t
Jan Capitano 717 4
Del Geddes 717 5
Helen Hardy 571 2
Golden OfimpieJ
This was the week of hearts and
flowers. We hope Friday the 13th and
the full moon did not overshadow your
St.' Valentine's day.
The movies shown on Monday even-
ing were "The Puppy Who wanted a
Boy", and "Near North" covering the
area around Georgian Bay. Following
the films everyone enjoyed
refreshments and a social time.
Thanks to Ervin Steinmann for man-
ning the projector while the Risi's en-
-joy -a -cation
Residents have been busy during
the week with their usual activities of
exercises, singing, baking and
decorating Valentine cookies. Mrs.
Marie Hess is a patient in St. Joseph's
Hospital, London. We wish her a
speedy recovery. Jack Miller has
returned from University Hospital,
London. '
Congratulations to Harold (Tiny)
• and Vera Thiel on their 45th wedding
Bingo was changed from the usual
----Friday.evening.tolb rsd?y..af ernoo.
We extend a thank you to the children
of Mt. Carmel school and also to the
teachers and helpers who brought the
children to entertain the residents and
present them with their valentines on
Friday afternoon. We hope they will
come again soon.
The Sunday evening chapel service
was conducted by Rev. Stephen Alles
of St. Peter's Lutheran Church,,
Golden Agers
The Golden Agers met Monday
evening with 21 in attendance. Presi-
dent Ed Strachan welcomed everyone
to the meeting. 0 Canada was sung
with Gertie Fleischauer as pianist,
which 'was followed by the Lord's
Verda Baechler secretary, and
Barbara Strachan treasurer gave
their reports. Happy birthday was
sung for Arnold Merner, Luella
Willer( and Agnes Regier. Flo Murray
and her quilt committee reported that
the Clean Festival quilt material has
been purchased and will be ready to
quilt Monday and Tuesday of this
week at the town hall. All quitters are
11a O'Rourke read a valentine
poem. Door prize was won by Luella
Willert. Games of euchre and
erokinole were enjoyed by all. The
February group Iia O'Rourke, Mary
and ilarvey Clausius and Kay Hay
served a delicious Valentine
Grocer wants tourist trade
Asks for Sunday opening
Doug Masse, proprietor of the as a tourist area; this makes Sunday been passed designating Zurich as a
Tenderspot, attended the regular openings legal. tourist area, and it is up to council to
February meeting of Zurich council Reeve Bob Fisher suggested Masse accommodate those wishing to stay
to argue for Sunday opening during work through the Zurich Chamber of open.
July and August. Masse said many Commerce "to make this a communis McKinnon agreed, saying Zurich is
cottagers preferred coming to Zurich ty affair", adding he had talked to part of the tourist area, and
for groceries on Sundays, and last four business people and all were businesses should have the opportuni -
year business had been better on against Sunday openings. ty to serve these prospects. The deci
holidays than on regular Mondays Councillors Herb Turkheim and sion to stay open or closed on Sunday
and Tuesdays. Ray McKinnon disagreed with the should be left up to the individual
He said if people wanting to shop on Reeve's stand. (Councillor Paul Mor- retailers.
Sundays could not do so in Zurich, rison did not arrive until after the - Fisher heatedly remarked that he
they would take their business to discussion, and Councillor Ken Fen- didn't care if he had to curse and
Grand Bend or Bayfield. He wanted wick was absent ), swear or had a conflict of interest, but
to know if the village had a bylaw Turkheim said what others wanted he couldn't afford to hire someone in
already in place designating Zurich was irrelevant. He said a bylaw has order to stay open on Sundays. He
' asked clerk Richard Beachey to look
About people you know Masse tthe he matter rtinent ywill be plaw and ut on the
agenda of the March meeting, and a
The children in grade 4 (students of Peterson of Clinton, There were also decision made at that time.
Mrs. Craig) entertained some senior 10 boxes of Valentine candies won by Dog control officer Dave Groot's
citizens and grandparents to a lovely various people. . written request for a pay raise will
Valentine program at St. Boniface' Best wishes for a speedy recovery also be on the March agenda. McKin-
_School Friday morning,_ and were. is extended to Herb Turkheim who is non wanted to know how much
treated to some delicious shortbread a patient in University I lospital, Lon_- revenue the sale of dog tags brought
heart shaped cookies they made. don due to an operation. - in last year., He said the expense of
The kids at the Bean Sprout. Larry Denomme spent a few days controlling dogs should be borne by
Nursery School also had a little Vaten- in Exeter hospital this past week. dog owners, and if the sale of tags is
tine party last week. Earl and Doreen Oesch spent the not bringing in enough money to
Larry and Debbie Denomme and last two weeks in Toronto babysitting cover those costs, the licence fee
family spent the previous weekend in their two grandchildren, while should be increased.
Toronto. And Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd parents Faye and Tim Morris were • Beachey was asked to have the 1986
Denomme spent the same weekend in away on vacation to Florida and the figures ready for the next meeting.
Windsor. Barbados. Then on Monday, Doreen In his report as council represen-
Cecil and Wanda Regier and fami- left for some warmer weather in thetative on the recreation, parks and
ly motored to Florida recently and sunny south along with Helen and community centre board, Morrison
--spent a week visiting with his parents, Keith Gingerich where they will visit said no money above the normal pro -
Gerald and Ursula Regier at Boynton with several friends and relatives who vincia I grant of $4.000 will be
-Beach and just arrived home in time are there.available this year for enclosing the
on Saturday, February 7 ahead of our Peter and Bonnie Regier and fami- walkway at the arena. Stanley and
big storm on Sunday! ly of London spent Saturday and Sun- Stephen township residents who are
Herb and Donna Klopp recently at_—day_with their parents Lee and Rose members of either the figure skating .
tended the baptism of_their-grandson, Regier and Clem and Theresa Regier. club or the minor athletic association
little -Andrew William Earle; son of- - Eartartd-Marvel-Benomme-and son—will_nothave to pay a surcharge -for
Linda and Bob in London which took Craig, of St. Clair Michigan spent the use of the arena ice. -----
place at St. Ansgar Lutheran Church. previous weekend with their daughter Turkheim, chairman of the hydro
Those also attending from town were and son-in-law, Shetty and Rick Hoff: and water system committee, inform -
Doug and Martha Klopp, Paul, - man and family and celebrated three ed council that the joint operating
Heather and Timmy Klopp; and birthdays together: her mother's was agreement between the Dashwood
grand grandmothers Mrs. Irene • on February 10. Shelly's on the 12th and Zurich systems has been signed -
McClinchey and Mrs. Clara Klopp. and Tina's on the 11th. All enjoyed for 1987. Both systems will be contrae-
The last bingo winners (of having dinner at Robindales in Exeter ling their billing out to the Stratford
February 5) were Judy Dykstra of on February 7. PUC in April. McKinnon asked that
Clinton, the big Bonanza worth John and.Bern Denomme are retur- any change in the sewer rate be in
_ $1,400.14: And the mystery prize of a ning home from spending a couple of place before then. because a later
Micro -wave oven and $125.00 went to weeks in Windsor after visiting with 'change would mean an extra charge
Lois Armstrong from Exeter. The several family members and by Stratford. At present the rate is 70
Jack Pot of $750.00 was won by Viol a relatives.: percent of the water rate.
` ' ' The session adjourned at 8:30.
Council went into an in camera
meeting with members of the
economic development committee -
and Brad Oke of Oke Woodsmith
Building Systems.
1.311.YSv.a QS YY
Mrs, Cartrol Sweeney .
Phan*: 236.4702
"* • -4 ,} ler
R ;
Set charges
The village of Zurich has passed a
bylaw setting out the charges when
village employees perform services
for the public.
The charge for the clerk to prepare
a tax certificate wilt be $12. Letters
regarding taxes will also be 812. and
letters regarding work orders will
cost 810 each.
Hourly charges for services by the
roads superintendent will be: man -
815; tractor - $11.80: bucket - $2.45;
blade - $1; snow blower -$3.15; mower
- $2.75; truck - $5.10; snow plow -
$7.80; garden tractor - $5.70; snow
blower - $2.45; mower - $1.10; lawn
mower - 82.10; chain saw - $3. No
machinery may be rented without a
Photocopy rates were established.
Single copies using 811 by 11 inch or
812 by 14 inch paper will cost 25* each.
and 10 by 14 sheets will be 30(t. Larger
amounts will be proportionately
We Bring Out Your Best!
HOURS Turas. •-$;Thurs. ••6;Ir►.♦•6;&
�-ak - -.-Sat. 1 - 12
• S% Oil Senior Citizens perms.
sets It cuts
Thursdays only
BAKE SALE — Barb Jeffrey (left) and Sally Desjardine display some
of the goodies offered for sale at the Zurich arena during Zurich minor
hockey day. The next big event will be the novice tournament from
February 27 to 29.
Deb's Coiffure
Welcome . Unisex Haii Styles
zu,IC 236.4$0
....• ..
The Select Committee on Retail Store Hours, an all party committee of the Legislative
Assembly of Ontario, will meet to review the issue of Si ay Shopping and Retail Store
Hours. Specifically, the Committee will be addressing necessary amendments to the
Retail Business Holidays Act in respect of Sundays and Holiday openings, exemptions,
employee protection and penalties. The Committee will conduct public hearings in the
Legislative Building, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario and other locations, as may be
required, commencing February, 1987.
The Committee invites written or oral submissions from individuals, groups or organiza-
tions wishing to comment on Sunday Shopping and Retail Store Hours. Written submis-
sions must be deposited with the Clerk of the Committee not later than Friday, March 6,
1987. Requests for an appointment before the Committee for oral presentations should
be directed to the Clerk of the Committee not later than Friday, February 20, 1987.
When such a request is made please indicate whether the presentation will be in the
English or French language.
Chairman Clerk of the Committee
Room 110, Legislative Building
Queen's Park
Toronto, Ontario M7A 1A2
(416) 965-5774
Collect calls will be accepted