HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-02-11, Page 17WIN CHAMPIONSHIP — The Parkhill Novice Jets won the A championship trophy at the Byron Op- timists tourney in the Argyle arena lost Sunday. Players shown after defeating Mooretown in on ex- citing 2-1 match are in the front Jeremy Slater, Brian Wiersma, Wayne Conway, and Matthew Bax. Se- cond row, Rudy Van Hooydonk, Kevin Mctarty, Simon Desjardine, captain; Ben Kook, A, and Doug Vanderkant. In the front are trainers Tony Box, Pete Wiersmo and coach Wilf Conway. Missing from this _thirsLgame due to the snowstorm was Tommy Maguire, Grand Bend and Mark Wieler-Maguire. Award winning duo thrill resort audience The Grand Bend Concert Associa- tion, through Youth and Music Canada, presented the Triquet/Gon- thier Duo, at the Grand Bend United Church, last Wednesday evening. President of the Association, Lillian Newton, welcomed the audience to the concert and introduced the artists. Julie Triquet, accomplished on both violin and. piano. -performed on her DUO PERFORM — The Grand Bend Concert Association held its third concert in the United church last Wednesday. In the front are ushers Murray McKay an f Patterson, with performers Esther Gonthier, piano, and Julie Triquet, violin. Save now on a deliciously generous dinner for the whole family - includes a 20 piece barrel, plus two SO0 ml salads and a loaf of bread. Available February 9th to March 8th only 11/ Trial aim" kntuaykliedfticken 227 Main St. N. Exeter 31 Ontario St. N. Grand Bend It's ourus violin, accompanied by Esther Gon- thier on the piano. Both of these young ladies have studied extensively, winning numerous awards. Miss Triquet has - performed -with -many -orchestras, at home and abroad. Miss Gonthier is an accompanist for the CBC, and teaches at Laval University. . The'program featured works of music beginning with Mozart, in the 1700's,-- to modern composers. Miss Triquet chose Sonata in E Minor, by Mozart, to introduce the audience to the high .level of performance displayed by both young ladies throughout the concert. The difficul- ty of Mozart's graceful, intricate Allegro variations, "was overidden. with ease, as the phrases echoed back and forth between piano and violin The sweet melody soared high in the Temp di Minuetto, revealing her im- perceptible position shifts and flawless vibrato. The beauty of Mozart's music played with such grace, evokes the elegance of days gone by.. "On Wings of Song" by Mendelssohn, really does seem to float along, expressing the deepest passion of the lowerviolin ranges, to soar aloft in double -stop harmony, filling the hall with a music almost angelic in quality. The third piece, by Debussy, "La Plus que Lente" is a very dramatic, passionate piece, with surges -of power that ebb suddenly away in dreamy, romantic pauses, then soar again to the highest reaches of sound, Miss Gonthier, the pianist, possesses a great feeling for the music, and sympatico with the violin, to blend soperfectlyin timing and tone, one instrument flowing into the other. The Trifle du Diable by Tartini, is attributed to a dream the composer had, of the devil playing for him, so Tartini proceeded to compose the very devil of a piece, all in triple -stops and varying speeds. It is a very dif- ficult, technical work, demanding great contro of the bow. The music flows from a sweet. slow theme, Larghetto, to the quick, bouncy varia- tions of allegro energico to the power of the Grave, culminating in a breath- taking display of trills, double and tripel-stops. Bravo! What a perfor- mance. as the audience clapped wildly. Following a brief intermission, the concertcontinued with 'ebesfrend" .by Kr jsIe _hinl3elf_ a gifted violinist. This familiar romantic air is reminiscent of two lovers in a French cafe in spring - it flows like the verses in an ode to love. "Schon Rosmarin", also by Kreisler, sways along like a graceful waltz. In "Melodie" by Gluck, from "The Magic Flute", the violin sounds in- deed like the flute it emulates, to sing high, sweet and clear in impossibly high trills. The Capriccioso, Opus 28. by Saint- Saens, was one of the last pieces he composed, opening with strength and passion, darting up and down the strings in a tour de force of beautiful melody wrapped in romance. The piece tests the expressiveness of both violinist and pianist, to fully convey the richness of the composition. Beautifully done! The finale, Les eDiableries, is a rather jazzy number by French Cana- dian composer, F Dompierre. It's a snappy modern pi , a curious blend of jazz; elass' and French Cana- dian fiddle m to show off timing and technique, called "le diable boiteux." The second part, "le diable amoureux" is romantic, but still modern, like a portrait by Picasso, done in music. The "le diable gigeux" featured tapping on the piano. and pizzacatto on the violin, like a square dance gone mad! The audience gave a resounding response in appreciation of theim- pressive talents of these two young ladies. A wonderful concert! Two local lads, Jeff Patterson and Murray McKay. were ushers for the evening. At the last concert, at Christmas. their • sisters Sarah Patterson and Karen McKay were ushers. Watch for the next bonus concert on February 26, "Sound and Image '87", to be presented at the Grand Bend public school. Problems in wills outlined February 1 1 , 1987 Page SA Parents in eeiteli-22 -The-Parts-Group resenting—zare=Mkers attending.l'hey-thanked parents of handicapped children and Mr. Little for his informative presen- teens) held a meeting at ARC In- tation. The wisest thing to do, in the dustries on January 27. President long run, is to see a lawyer, to discuss Donna Greb presided, welcoming your personal finances and your everyone and introducing the guest speaker, Chris Little, of Little and Evans, Exeter. Mr. Litle, an attorney. addressed the group on "Making Out Your Will".• He encouraged everyone to make a will, so that.your provisions and inten- tions can be carried out by your spouse or executor. The particular difficultly in providing for a handicap- ped child is the limitation of $3,000 li- quid assets, in order to maintain the government allowance of family benefits. This allowance varies from someone living at home or in- dependently, or being cared for in an institution, in a range of $35010 $600 per month. Parents are caught in a catch-22 situation, in which the law requires them to provide adequately for their handicapped child, yet limits the sum, above which they receive no family benefits. This requires a considerable income.to be placed in the hands of an - executor or administrator, to care for that person throughout their lifetime. Mr. Little discussed discretionary trusts, to be left in the care of siblings, child's special needs. Wendy King reported that the Special Services Advisory Commit- tee, which she chaired, had been dissolved in December, pending a review of the whole Special Services at Home Program. The- relatively new program has gone deeply in debt. due to overwhelming response from parents for services: She encouraged all parents to write to their MP and MPP, to ask for a renewal of the. program. with any changes or additional needs to be outlined. These letters must be writ- ten soon, while the review committee is still in session. Following the discussions. presi- dent Donna Greb announced her wish to resign after organizing the Parents . Group and presiding for two years. Mrs. Joanne Pickering, of Dashwood, was nominated as -president, and she accepted the position for one year, beginning in April. Mrs. Noreen McCann accepted the vice- presidency, and Mrs. Roberta Walker; of Grand Bend. agreed to stay on as secretary. with the monies going to the support Meetings of the Parents Group are of the handicapped sibling. At the pre- held every two months and all parents sent time the court may challenge of_ -handicapped children are en - the existence of a discretionary trust couraged to attend. as we try to -in= as potentioal liquid assests, thereby troduce topics of interest, to support suspending family benefit payments. and help and educate our families and None of the . options are really ultimately, our community. foolproof. Leave your child more of a share than his siblings? Less? Everything? Nothing? Life Insurance benefits? How about leaving your estate to the guardians of a minor child? That too, can be challenged by the -court -Should you leave him your house? How could he afford the -Church of God The Church of God services began in Grand Bend with Sunday School classes for all ages at 10 a.m. The morning worship followed with George Winegarden leading. The scripture was taken from Colossians 1:24-29. Mrs. Janet Desjardine sang upkeep on the Government subsidy? the beautiful hymn "He the Pearly Possible executors to consider are Gates Will Open". Rev. Desjardine lawyers, accountants, trust com- preached the morning message entitl- panies ( very expensive) and of ed "The Gospel for All," with the key course, family members. Handicap- verse, Colossians 1:27, "Christ in you, ped adults living in group homes have the hope of Glory." The Sunday even their living expenses - monitored by . ing services were cancelled due to in - the staff, to insure accuracy and pro- clement weather. per administration of funds available to them. A further consideration is the will of the handicapped person, as regards the propriety of "informed consent," or whether the person is legally capable of making -a will. There was- a lively discussion of these problems by both parents and ' By MRS. TOM KOOY Leis Wilson, Phyllis Tomes and Ellen Brown were the leaders of the February U.C.W. meeting in the United Church Thursday evening. Ideas for the coming year were discussed. Everyone is encouraged to save grocery tapes. Give Valu Mart tapes to Freda Rollings and I.G.A. tapes to Verda Lightfoot. June Essery gave a report of the Huron -Perth Presbyterial. We all en- joyed an interesting tape by Corrie ten Boom. A delicious lunch was serv- ed by Iva Blair, Marian Abbott and Gladys Buswell. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Lily Swartz and family in the sudden death of a lov- ing husband and father Roy Swartz, Exeter. Congratulations to Von Overholt who has a new grandson Adam Joseph, born to Tom and Elaine Hayter. The euchre -at Neil's schoolhouse had nine tables playing with prizes go- ing to: high score Helen MacDonald, Joe Carter; lone hands Grace Dixon and Harry Noels; low score Dorothy Darling and Kay Armstrong; lucky score Margaret Carter and Janet Hicks. The next euchre is February 16 and will be convened by Otto and Dorothy Darling and_ Ear] _.and -Mary Lou Morgan. The Church of God youth `n. their weekly meetings again, on Fri- day night. On Saturday evening, the young people and their leaders join- ed with other youths at the annual Youth for Christ skating party, held at the Zurich arena. The Beaconnaires met last Monday night, with nearly 40 attending, enjoy- ing a potluck supper. Joy Mason and Phyllis Desjardine sang for them. Rev. Desjardine addressed the seniors on "Three Keys to Hap- piness": to fret not: to fear not; and to faint not. based upon Psalm 37. Dashwood WI hear speaker Sy MRS, IRVIN RADER Doshwood The Women's Institute meeting opened with "The Power of Little Things" which was illustrated by us- - ing hands and hearts: The meeting also.revolved around the motto that "Yesterday is a cancelled cheque. Tomorrow is a promissory note, to- day is ready cash - use it wisely". Roll call was answered -by naming something money can't buy: A letter was received from the Provincial - President concerning the 90th An- niversary convention at North Bay: - also 90th. Anniversary Education - Award; FWIC fees and craft contest. Two cards were signed for shut-ins. The euchre is February 11. Guest speaker for the evening was Mrs. Verne Sorensen speaking on "Good Financial planning " for Women". Personals Mr. and Mrs. Arnold _Becker have _ moved from RR 2 Crediton to apart- ment _ 11 at 530 Market Street in Ex- eter. Their- telephone number is. 235-0864. - Dashwood Senior Citizens will meet Monday. February 16 with a pot luck- -- dinner dinner at 12 o'clock noon. The meeting . will be in the afternoon. Dashwood euchre party will be Wednesday February 11 at 8 p.m. CASH BACK HMR BLACK Why wait for your tax refund when you could get Cash Back now? If you qualify you can get 85% of the first $300 of your tax refund and 95% of the rest, usually within twenty-four hours. Plus your tax retum will be expertly prepared at no extra charge. Why wait for the refund cheque to arrive by mail? Ask about Cash Back, the quick tax refund buying service from H&R Block. Owners: Carl Kingston CGA • Peter Black 147 Main St.. Exeter Phone 235-1901 Mon. - Wed. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Thurs. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Sat. 9 - 4 ATTENTION BANK & TRUST COMPANY CUSTOMERS Get instant cash at the National Trust TOTAL Machine located at Darling's I.G.A. All you need is one of these Money Machine Cards and you access your account to get instant cash. National Trust Total Card Bank of Montreal MBB Card Bank of Nova Scotia Cash Stop Card National Bank Client Card Canada Trust Super Card Guaranty Trust Money Machine Card Eta can Premier Trust TOTAL Card Royal Bank Personal Touch Banking Card C.I.B.C. Commerce Convenience Card Toronto Dominion Bank Green Card Royal Trust Select Service Card NATIONAL TRUST A Division at National Victoria and Grey Duna) Exeter 235-0530 1