HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-02-11, Page 16a.
Page 4A Times -Advocate, February 11, 1987
Four prize:winning-teams-will--be
arnong those competing for top prize
in this weekend's snow sculpture con-
test that promises to be a highlight of
the Grand Bend "Winter's a Beach
A local team headed by
Four teams have award-winning experience
talent on hand for earnlval sculpture test
-Sehottroff-.wilWe attempting to turn
their talents from sand to snow. This
past summer. the team placed first in
the annual sandcastle building
Ted Hayes and his London team
will be among the favorites as they
won the 1985 national competition at The resort event will have an inter -
the Quebec Winter -Carnival. -Stiff --nail onal-flavor-as-Erle-Johnson_will _
competition will come from a team
from the University of Western On-
tario headed by Dafnie Peterson.
They recently won the sculpture con-
test at the UWO winter carnival.
and district news
Lynne Desjardine - 238-8768
Roberta Wacker - 238-2471
WINTER SWIM CLASS Students from the Grand Bend Public School were able to go swimming once
each month during the winter on behalf of, the Grand Bend Lionesses. Pt. Franks Optimists and Grand
Bend Lions. Here Steve Chapdelaine 13, practises a rescue with Bobby Mollard, also 13. Next year the
school will -be looking for a classified bronie-cross swim instructor.
Resort residents shiver
in 12 -hour hydro break.
• Wasn't that a storm' Not much dig-
ging out for the Grand Bend area. as
far as snow accumulation. but it will
°.take awhile to replenish the candles •
and kerosene. The power was off for
nearly twelve hours - the longest
hydro loss in years. Those with stoves
and fireplaces fared well. but those
without alternate heating got pretty
chilled. The glow of kerosene lamps
and candles may be romantic, but it's
hard to see, and very difficult to read
by - no wonder our grandparents
always went to bed so early!
This week marks the countdown to
Grand Bend's Winter Carnival. All we
need is more snow and continued cold
temperatures - the enthusiasm is
already there, in large quantities. The
boxes have been built and filled with
snow for the snow sculpture, but_the
quality of river ice rests with the
weather. Hurry and get your tickets
for the steak barbecue and
Sweetheart dance at the Legion -- the
advance sales are running well. The
Children's Party will start at 8 p.m.
on Saturday, February 14 at the
Grand Bend school.
If the snow 'sculpture contest
doesn't provide enough action, stroll
over to the sno-pitch tournament. or
take your kids to the skating party on
Sunday afternoon from 2 to 4 p.m. on
the Old River bed. Getting too cold?
Duck into any one of several area
White you're at the
Cross Country Ski-a-thon
at `the Pinery
Saturday & Sunday Feb. 14 & 15
11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Join us for Dashwood Sausage and Sauerkraut
Pinery Park Store
the 1,835,325 RRSP*
Ron Tippel
Chartered Financial Planner
invites. you lo- Otte
-businesses who will be open for this
special weekend. There's all that to
see and do, plus much more, so
"make it the 'Bend this winter".
In some Legion news, winners of
the Friday meat raffle. were: Ifelen
Noble, Lottie Le Itoeuf• Earl Thomp-
son, Mary Chamberlain, and Jim
Mills. The door prize winner was
Herb Miller.. Remember, it's $7.00
each for the steak barbecue and $3.00
for the dance, -so grab your tickets
while they last!
A native.of the Grand Bend area.
Pearl (Jennison) Desjardine. Rainy
River. recently received a communi-
ty service award for her work as a
senior volunteer during a conference
in Fort Frances. Raised on the
Bluewater.Highway-north of Grand
Bend, Mrs. Desjardine had two
daughters born at South Huron
Hospital and was employed for a lime
at the former Central hotel in Exeter.
A number of couples in Grand Bend
are celebrating their wedding an-
niversaries in February. Pat and Jim'
Redman, Pinedale Subdivision.
celebrated their 30th anniversary last
weekend. Pat also had her wicket at
the Bank of Montreal decorated with
black.balloons for a special birthday
last week! Other anniversaries were
Wayne and Karen Woods. Paula and
Larry Taylor, and Sandy and Jack
Stanlake, all of the Grand Bend area.
Seniors plan
to host event
The thence of the (:rand Bend
Golden Agers meeting for the month
Tomorrow Afternoon (Feb. 12) 1:30 p.m.
Oakwood Inn, Grand Bend
4t ¥ ¥
Tomorrow Evening (Feb. 12)
Old Mill Restaurant and Tavern
Main St. Parkhill - 7:00 p.m. -
Slide and Sound Topics on: Pay less or "zero" Tax, Tax Free
Dividends and Capital ,Gains, Tax Deductible Investment
Loons, Income Protecfio n, Retirement Planning, R.R.S.P.,
R.R.I.F. & Annuity Options. Why interest income and infla-
tion' give you negative returns GUARANTEED.
" Money plus yield plus lime equals money dynamics. $7500
annually at 15% for 25 years equals $1,825,325. Your cost
$93,750 at 50% MrR
Investors Group
Mutual Funds
Ron Tippet C.P.P. I Chartered Financial Planner
90 Mountolnvlew Cres., London
471-1691 R.R.S.P. Choices
course, for all those with love 411 their
hearts. There were 29 in attendance
Wednesday afternoon al St. John's
parish hall, chaired by Alec
Hamilton. vice-president.
In their singing. accompanied 1%
Nola Love at the piano. they opened
with the Senior Citizens Song. follow .
ed by several sentimental love songs.
in the business meeting. it was
decided to. donate a gift of money to
Huronview, in lieu • of r birthday
party -program for Mai. On April 7
the Zone eight Senior Citizens of ( )l
tario will hold their• annual meeting
at the Dashwood Community ('entre,
hosted by the Grand Bend Seniors. A
committee was formed to plan a noon
luncheon for about 15010 175 expected
attendance. - .
A happy birthday was sung for
Lawrence Johnson, and a moment ot
silence was observed for two recent-
ly deceased members, Mrs. Vera
Kuntz and Bill Vandenberk, Senior.
In the Midst of their meeting, -they
were paid a 'surprise visit from
Benguin the Penguin: who passed
around a basket of candy to each
member, then skipped silently away.
He was reminding them of the winter
carnival coming up on February
14-15, here in Grand Bend. • .
Nola Love's group was in charge
program, and she had a display of old
valentines, some dating hack to the
early 1900's. She also told some jokes,
had them guessing names of songs,
and told a story of love connected to
the color of roses. i.iz Relouw told a
humorous -glory and Aileen Ravelle
conducted an "old Sayings" contest,
won by Annie Morena.
Games of uno, euchre and crokinole
were played, followed by lunch, with
cupids, hearts and lace serviettes
adorning the lunch table.
be bringing a team from Bloomfield
Hills, Michigan. They have won
several competitions in their area and
participated in the Cranbrook In-
stitute of Science annual ice sculpture
Teams will begin work at 10:00
a.m., Saturday, and the sculptures
are to be completed by 2:00 p.m:,
--Top-prize is 51,000.
Chamber of Commerce carnival
committee chairman Dave Sheppard
advises that a number of businesses
will re -open for the weekend activities
and the resort will once more offer the
aroma of french fries for visitors.
• With the 'exception of summer
sidewalk stands, it will he "business
-as usual for most merchants,'
Restaurants, taverns and dining
lounges are offering special entertain-
n►enl and other attractions for
visitors. -
Other activities include a sno pitch
tournament, cross country skiing.
snow shoeing, a children's party at
the public school on Saturday night
and a skating party for youngsters on.
the -old river bed on Sunday.I lay rides
• will be -operated regularly from the —
. skating rink to the snow sculpture and
silo -pitch sites. .
The Legion will host a steak
barbecue on Saturday' night, follow-
ed by a sweetheart dance.
Alhambra news
• :11gal-cif number 168 held their mon-
thly meeting Monday night in the
Alhambra Hall. They had a report on heart and understands every motive
_the Casino Night, held on January 23, behind our thoughts", 1 Chronicles
also in the hall. -About 60 people had 28 9. Vera -Brown closed-with-prayer.-
losedwithprayer.attended, and Mike Poore of Parkhill Meeting are held weekly and all
won the first prize, a free night at the ladies are welcome.
Pinedale in the honeymoon suite, in-
cluding a delicious dinner and
breakfast too! Dr. P.F. Lauder of
London won the second prize, a 40
ouncer of whiskey. Lee Van Dongen,
a member from Grand Bend area,
won the third prize,.a 26 ounper of li-
quid -gold. All in all. the night was a
great success!
Ifayride and luncheon party is be-
ing planned for the ARC Industries
adults for February 20, to be held at
the Alhambra Hall. A bowling night
and party is being planned for later
in February. to be in Zurich.
For out-of-town functions. the
MacGregor Ball will• be March 7. a
Saturday night, and the ever popular
Windsor Weekend will he held on
March 21 and 22. Please let Grand
Commander Cor Vandenberk know if
you are interested in attending one or
both of these events.
Harbour sets
season rates
Bible class
The community 'Bible study and
coffee hour was held at Sauble court
-Tuesday morning; with 17 attending.
Prayer and a hymn sing preceded the
lesson. Anne Richardson led the.se-
cond study, entitled "The Pure
Heart" from the- book "A Woman's
Workshop on Heart Trouble."
This chapter shows the joys of
knowing Christ the Saviour, and will
be reflected in our speech and actions.
If our hearts have true forgiveness.
then our compassion will reach out to
others. " The Lord searches every
The (:rand Bend Harbour ('ommit-
- lee- n el for a regular -meeting on
January 28 with all members present.
lig addition to the three members of
c•t„ alcil, the new executive members
:;re Reiss Lingard, chairman. Terry
('rape. vice -chairman, -Brian Hall and
('anieron Ilaist.
- The new rates to be charged in 1987
are as follows: dockage, 50e/ft.:
government pier.- 10e/ft.: launch
ramp. $1.(0: season pass, $50.00: com-
mercial pass. $100.80; pumpout.
$10.06: dry dockage, $100.00: seasonal
boaters-$32.1t0/ft., and the gas to re-
main at toe over harbour cost.
It was decided that the. capital
budget would be to repair the
t.aughton docks and the launch ramp.
The proposed harbour budget was set
at $87.300.00 for the year. -
- Barb -McGregor was instructed to
send letters to all six employees who
are -returning for another season. All
-positions for -the harbour are now full.
Staff will be Scott Ilayter. Lee
O'Rourke, John Harris, Patti Love,
Starr Jesney, and David Gill.
Harbour committee will meet on
Thursday. February 19 at 7:30 p.m.
Fire budget
We're one of Oratorio's largest power boot
deolers. 10 years in business with brand new
yllro modern toc,litie$. Reawred rmmedi-
Wel y.
The successful condPdote will excel of orgo-
nuohon and be ded,coted to decal. Must be
proficient in tvping ono dic}s. Computer ex•
perence on asset, not 0 reQuirement, but will
oe expected 10 learn This is 0 busy varied
pas 0 t,0n for someone wto en lays O challenge.
We're the power boat specialists and we soli
everything from luxury yachts to small runo-
bouts, and we set o tot of them! We oleo Ieose
ell makes Of oufOmob, es. We need a super
achiever who loves boots (con too!) and ,s
not afraid of hard work including weekends
in return for 100 earnings and prestige.
For our brand new model service shop doing
alt phases of power boot repair and mo nle-
nonce and electronic installations. Must Pea
highly Personable individual with suvenes-
Ingelver ienceond0high degree 0f interper-
sOnalOnd written skills and 0 thorough know-
ledge et power boots primarily inboard and
1 f veu Teel you have the 9VaI)f cations for ony
of these positions. Orad ore 0 ngn•sr—kno et- send
me your resume.
P.O. BOX 339
cSwr zgea 1baL
R.R. 2, Grand Bend 238-8270
• 20"- Diamond vision
picture tube
• Simulated wood grain
• 125 channel tuner
• 18 function wireless
• Quick view • Off timer
CS -1942C
A Grand Bend and area fire com-
mittee meeting was held recently at
the Grand Bend council chamber.
Deputy -reeve Dennis Snider, Grand
Bend, Bill Kingdon. _i3osanquet
Township, and Ken McCann. from
Stephen township were all present.
Fire chief Prosper VanBruaene told
the committer that the department
needs new pagers. The present scan-
ners being used are about ten years
old and only work for approximately
one hour outside the home.
• The new. pagers. will cost about
$11,000.0() plus $1,00().()0 for a decoder.
It was also learned that a JEPP
program (Joint Emergency Planning
Program) introduced by the federal
government in 1982, may enable the
department to claim up to 50 percent
of this cost.
The pagerswereincluded in the
1987 proposed budget.
HS -329 UR
• 4head
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Still freeze frame
• One touch record
• 27 Function wireless
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• 105 channel tuner
See the selection
Mon. - Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Sat. 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Winter Carniva
Vertical Drapes
Venetian Blinds
King Kolb' Sleepless Nights
Mattresses Try
Super Specials
on Carpets
and Vinyls
All stock
1/2p ripe
TERMS Cash, Mastercard
and Flooring Centre
Now two Locations
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