HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-02-04, Page 31CREATIVE HANDS Blue Water R
Gingerich, Doreen Oesch and Della
iliary draw at this year's Zurich -11
st Home Apartments resident Susan Ki ter watches as Marie
ascho work on the quilt which will be the rtia4 in the Ladies Aux -
an Festival.
Cougar Col
YM'.g•.s -'z•,:
We would like to welcome everyone
back to school in the New Year 1987!
With the cold wintery days of winter
we have been doing some snow ac-
tivities. What a shock for our two new
students from New Jersey and
We even planned a party for the
birds with peanut butter, sunflower
seeds and cherries.
Thanks to our grade five and six
reading buddies. We were able to do
our Hickory Dickory Dock booklets.
Grades 1 and 9
We are back to school participating
in our regular studies after the
Christmas holidays. Everyone was
eager to get hack to school to see their
We welcome our new student
Kourtney Gamble from California.
Room two presented the winte
'assembly on January 26 with songs
and readings about snow.
Also this month we are recording
the weather on our calendar so we
will be able to count the number of
sunny and snowy days we had in the
month of January.
Grades :1 and 1
In our classroom of grades 3 and 4
We have been making paper bag and
paper plate puppets. After making
Them, we put, on plays for the
kindergarten class.
In social studies, we have been stu-
dying its. In art e're drawing and
studyu,r, polar bea. s.
Energy week has started and we
are drawing posters.
Welcome back to aliew year; 1987.
Everyone in our class has started the
new year discussing how they could
improve their work responsibilities.
,.depends upon persistence
an. effort.
January is the month for us to
prepare speeches. Mr. Weido has
outlined all the important steps regar-
ding the writing of speeches and we
all try to follow them. There will be
quite a variety of topics.
We have had an excellent film on
energy. 'Dudley the Dragon' em-
phasized that we should not waste
Environment week was based on
energy conservation. Bill Allan talk-
ed to us about basic energy sources,
renewable energy and nuclear basics.
To end our conservation program
grades 5 to 8 on February 3 travelled
to the Bruce Nuclear Power Develop-
ment. What an exciting trip!
Grades 7 and 8
Every year we write speeches.
When we have speeches we go up to
the front of the room and talk about
a topic. The purpose of speeches is to
teach us how to speak in front of a
crowd. We learn a lot about how to
research and speak.
When we make a speech it has to be
about three to five minutes long or we
lose marks. We always enjoy saying
our speeches in front of the class. Also
some of us -go to the gym to speak in
front of our school. Some of us would
like to compete in Mensal!.
On January 23 we had a big storm,
so everybody got a day off from
school and work. This winter has been
good to us so far with a fair amount
of snow, good weather. and a snow
• On the day of the storm. most peo-
ple stayed at homw and watched T.V.
or slept. But not the active people.
they went sledding or skating.
We students hope there are many
more storm days to come.
In history class. we are learning
about native people of , North
America. We started this section by
viewing filmstrips on native people.
We are writing1book reports for
every book we read on native people.
Following book reports. we are sure
that a project will come. We will also
be studying the different Indian
It\ the time this is over. we are sure
Zurich Public School
that we will have a headache.
This week the grade eight class has
been talking about high school.
On Thursday, February 5, the
grade eight class will get a tour of the
high school and get to meet all of their
teachers they will have. They will also
discuss the courses they will take.
Last week room eight did posters to
explain the hazards of smoking for
non-smokers week. We also did
poems. The poems were so good I
would like to share one with you.
Ick, Ick,
Smoking is sick
Smoke in the nose, -
Smoke in the mouth.
Golly, Gosh, Gee,
Smoking is gross.""
On Wednesday, January 28, we had
red and white day. I would say almost
everyone wore red and white whether
it wag socks, -pants or a shirt, they
r made sur_c�(hey wore red and white.
We picked red and white because they
are -our school colours, and to get
everybody back in (he school spirit.
It sure worked on one young fellow
in grade eight. He wore red and white
and even painted his face white with
the school symbol in red. Our prin-
cipal was also in the school spirit. He
was wearing white pants a red and
white Zurich Cougars shirt, red and
white shoes, white socks and red stir-
rups. Actually it was a baseball
uniform but it was good. I'm sure
everyone had a good time and a few
Last week was Energy and
Technology Week at Zurich Public
School. Our class has started to watch
a series of videos on retreiving oil,
which I think are quite informative.
We have also started a mile long
spelling list that will eventually
spread to about eighteen pages of
words based only on Energy.- We will
also be writing stories on the same
topic. It has been a fun and infor-
mative week.
Some people from grades seven and
eight went to St. Boniface to compete
in a basketball free-throw contest.
Those who went are 12 -year old
boys, Jason Schilbe and David Kirk.
Julie Crown is the only 12 -year old girl
competing. The 13 -year old boys are
Craig Redick, Justin Scott and Jay
Hitchcock. The only thirteen -year old
,girl is Heather Consitt. The winners
of the competition will travel to com-
pete in Exeter at the high school with
other schools.
tlitzt .,� Lit Yy..
Mrs, Cermarl Sweeney
Phon.: 236.4102
Bowling scores
Mondac Night Ladies
T. Rooseboom 790
J. Bailey 580
M. Becker 611
J. Crown 680
J. Fisher 670
P. Miller 661
D. Smith 718
T. Thiel 569
J. Finkbeiner 677
11. Vanderhoek 596
V. Ford 657
C. Denomme 547
B. Bierling 225
S. Rickert 425
T. Rooseboom 880
Tuesday (:rand ('ove
IIS Bud Itheubottom 278
IIS .l. Itheubottom 214
Vicki Taylor 583
Bud Rhuebottom 592
Tuesday Dashwood C.A.P.
David Fox 82
Wayne Duke 170
Tom Masse 119
Itick McCann 74
IIC W. Mawson 163
Donna Jones 166
Tuesday Nite Men's League
11 John Smits 676 26
B .J Swartzentruber 612 4
I3 M Mommersteeg 585. 20
BS Kevin Jeffrey 677 10
P Ron Dann 747 23
P Tom Smits 732 / 7
K E. Guenther 648 19
T Don Kirk 679 12
FA Tony Bedard 747 12
It Jack Fuller 794 18
Wednesday Ladies League
Vicki Horbaniuk 691
Dorothy Kipfer 432
Ina Browning 549
Mickey Bridges 561
Betty Smith 556
Beryl Elgie 452
Illi V. llorbaniuk 273
115 Ina Browning 224
IHS M. Bridges 224
Wednesday Queensway
Neil Regan 113
Muriel Gunning 86
Wednesday Nite Ladies League
BG Karen Homer 593
.GG C. Weiss 565
TG B. Ducharme 580
DS W. Jennison 484
S Barb Hern 604
BJ B. Hillman 609
Thursday Grand Cove
Frank Allen 609
Ralph Marshall 536
Norma Low 638
Bert Low 622
Dan Dressel 619
M. McLean 528
HS Norma Low 218
11S Bert Low 298
Thursday Golden Age
High Doubles
Ila O'Rourke 220
Frieda Moore 240
Nora Heard 372
Ed Strachan 359
Thursday Mixed League
D Leroy Meloche 697
SP John .Hayter 564
.B Verlyn Huston 583
C Doreen Datars 522
AT Frank Palen 692 .
GT Doug Smith 599
Saturday Ladies Intertown
Zurich III
HTBetty Datars 704
HS Joan Finkbeiner 250
Zurich II
HT Nellie Trott 571
HS Bev Beirling 228
Zurich I
HT . Vicki Taylor 672
HS Vicki Taylor 260
IIT S. Schmidt 745 -
HS S. Schmidt 304
HT Audrey Watt 606
HS Jan Capitano 229
HT Cathy Stanbury 672
HS Cathy Stanbury 266
Sunday Melnick Res.
Robert Nunns 498
Martin Tyers 492
Grant Harper 468
HS Grant Harper 183,
Martin Tyers 183
Don Weaver 186
CHECKING TH S — Basketball free throw chairman Warren Regier (left), Zurich Public School
Phys ea to • - r Bob Redick, St. Boniface Knights of Columbus Grand Knight Doug Debus and St. Boniface
Phys ed eacher Lorne Rideout check the scores of Zurich and St. Boniface students participating in the
council level competition sponsored by the. Knights of Columbu§. Winners go on to the district level
Youth for
The Youth for Christ are planning
to have a skating party at the Zurich
arena on Saturday, February 7 begin-
ning at 7:00 p.m. There is also going
to be a weekend outing for them com-
ing up from February 13-15 at a
"Snow Camp" in Delawan N.Y.
Winners of the K of C card party
held recently at St. Boniface School
gym were: high men's Clare Regier;
high ladies' Mary Regier; low men's
Ray Ducharme; low ladies' Grace
Ducharnie; lone hands men's Clare
Regier, and the ladies' lone hand, tie
between Wilma Pennings and Mary
Faye Regier. The next card party will .
be held on Monday, February 23 at 8
p.m. Everyone is welcome. $2.00 with
lunch served afterwards.
The Knights of Columbus also spon-
sored a basketball free throw at St.
Boniface School Thursday with 65.
students participating, with the most
baskets going to Darrin Durand and
Mary Hartman in the boys and girls
11 years old group; Jason Schilbe and
Charlene Regier, 12 years old group;
Justin Scott and Lori Coeck, 13 years
old; Rob Hoffman and Debbie Regier
won in the 15 year old category and
these students will be competing in
Exeter on Saturday, February 7 at
the- district, competition, against
other area councils.
The kids at the Bean Sprout
- Nursery School along, with some
mothers spent Thursday afternoon
going skating at the arena. All had
Tots of fun.
For those young couples wishing to
make an engaged encounter the up
coming dates are: February 13-15,
March 27-29 and April 24-26. For more
information phone Jim and Norma
Poel at 461-1701. And the dates for the
next marriage encounter weekends
are: April 3-5 for men and August
21-23 for the ladies. If interested phone
Bill and Betty Pond in London at
438-7545. -'
The annual "Bowl for Millions" to
raise -money for the Big -Brothers -and
Big Sisters Association in Exeter will
take place again at the Town and
Times -Advocate; February 4, 1987 Page 19A
Christ to skating
Country Lanes in Zurich between the Guess they say the ground hog
week of February 8 and 15. So so- didn't see his shadow on February 2.
meone may call on you to. sponsor so we should be in for an early spring?
them for this very worthwhile cause. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Geoffrey
The Zurich Minor Athletic Associa- spent the weekend in Windsor at the
tion are having a bake sale at the home of their son, Gary and Anna
arena ( upstairs ► on Saturday, Geoffrey and family and .celebrated
February 14. Any donations and your Beatie's birthday ( which was on
support will be very appreciated. February 1) also there attending were
Karl Regier Sr. enjoyed spending son, Bryan Geoffrey and friend Gail
from Friday to Monday of this past from Detroit. And while there Kevin
week at Lake Nipissing ice -fishing attended the Belle River old-timers
along with a group of friends from hockey tournament which his brother
various places. Gary, is a team member. Beatie was
Some members of St. Boniface also happy, to receive long distance
CW1,.. are busy practicing for a three- phone callsfrom her daughter, Mary -
act play called "Three Bright Girls" Ann and Jim Vanos in Germany. and
that will be put on in April. And Ron Bedard in Florida.
several students of SHDHS are also The Zurich Golden Agers will be
getting : together once a week an meeting at the township hall on Mon -
rehearsing for a musical "Choru' day, February 9 at 2 in the afternoon.
Line" to be ready in May. All seniors are invited. .
Don and Betty Oke returned home Friends of Christy Ducharme, be
on Sunday after having a lovely three-Friends
Renee Sweeney, Aimee Durand
week holiday. The trip began with a and Nicole Beauchamp enjoyed spen-
four-day Bahamian Cruise ( which ding Saturday and Sunday at her.
Betty won recently through the trip of house having a pyjama party.
the month draw last August through
the Hensall Kinsmen's Club). They •
sailed from Miami and went to the >
Islands of Freeport, and Nassau 6en0/d gunrJe.3
( which they really enjoyed and found
restful and relaxing). All is well that ends well, and it ap-
The rest of the time they spent pears as though ourfriendthe ground
visiting with relatives, Morris and hog might not venture out.
Kay Webb at Riviera Beach in The movies shown on Mondayeven-
Florida, also friends Gord and Dot ing were "New Zealand" and "Paris"
Hess and Beatrice Hess at Punta Gor- after which refreshments were
da, Florida and Duke and Edith - enjoyed.
Yungblut in West Palm 'Beach. The residents were pleased to
Best wishes for a speedy recovery welcome the members of the Chris -
is extended to Louis Ducharme, Lon- tian Reformed choir when they came
don ( formerly Zurich ) who was a pa- to visit and sing on Tuesday evening. •
tient in St. Joseph's Hospital and is No one was anxious to go much fur -
now home recuperating. ther than the door for fresh air this
Lee and Rose Regier visited on Sun- week when the temperatures were
day with his father, Peter Regier Sr. frigid and the weather blustery.
who is a patient at K -W Hospital in Residents and staff extend a speedy
Kitchener. recovery to Mrs. Violet Dunn who is
On Tuesday evening there was an a patient in South Huron Hospital.
important meeting for parents to at- Exetert.
-tend at-S—Joseph's-Sc-hool-in Clinton When the sun shines brightly,peo
regarding Catholic secondary educa- plc have a tendency—te start----
tion in Huron County. housecleaning corners and drawers.
and anything such as narrow ribbon.
nylons, panty hose, bits and pieces of
quilt baits. etc. would be appreciated
for use in the hobby shop.
Bingo was played on Friday even-
ing followed by refreshments. The
Sunday evening chapel service was
conducted by Merlin Bender .of the
Conservative Mennonite Church.
THROW — Craig Redick was one of 65 students aged 11 to 14 from
Zurich Public and St. Boniface who took part in the basketball free
throw competition sponsored by the Knights of Columbus at St.
Boniface. Winners go on to the district competition in Exeter.
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