HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-02-04, Page 29BIRTHS -
DESJARDINE - Lee, Sandra and Jason
, announce with love that special little per-
son, Brian Maurice, 7 lb. 8 oz. born
January 13, 1987, at St. Joseph's hospital.
proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
Maurice Desjardine and Mrs. Evelyn
Schroeder. 5*
MacGREGOR Jim and Mary (nee
O'Rourke) are thrille21 to announce the
early arrival of their son Shane Michael on
January 24 at 11:51 p.m. weighing 5 lb. 1
oz. Proud grandmothers are Clare
O'Rourke and Audrey MacGregor both of
Exeter. Special thanks to Dr. Waters and
Dr. Steele, Exeter and Dr. Chernick and
nurses Bridgit and Michelle and staff of 3
S.W. St. Joseph's Hospital. Also thanks for
continuing care of Shane in the Neo -natal
• Unit. 5c
TURNBULL - Charles and Darlene ( nee
Davis) wish to announce the birth of their
son Jamie Walter at lied Deer Regional
Hospital on January 28. 1987. weighing 61:
Ib. Proud grandparents are Jack and hazel
Turnbull, Stratford, Walter and Olga
Davis, Exeter. 5*
VINCENT - Francis and Carol are hap-
py to announce the birth of their first child
Breanne Carolyn, on January 22, 1987. at
• 8:35 p.m. weighing 7 Ib. 5 oz. Proud grand-
parents are Carl and Beryl Vincent of
Grand Bend and Al Vincent of Thedford.5*
- YEO - Violet Evangeline ( McGill) surviv-
ed by husband Floyd Henry Yeo of Huron
Park. Also survived by Merna Zeps of Dor-
chester. Tim Yeo of Guelph, Nancy Yea of
Guelph, Terry and Carl Yeo of London.
- Carotin, Mrs. Murray Spicher of Coll-
ingwood, Barbara Graham of Huron Park.
. Also survived by six stepchildren, 13
grandchildren, 23 stepgrandchildren, 15
great grandchildren. Funeral services held
• at O'Connor Funeral Homes. 49 Goshen St.
N., Zurich, Wednesday 1:00 p.m. February
4, 1987: Visitation Tuesday February 3. 1987
at 2:00 p.m. 5*
The family of Hazel McNaughton invite
you to celebrate with them on the occasion
of her 80th birthday, Sunday. February 8,
1987 2-4 p.m. Orange Hall, Seaforth, Ont.
Best Wishes Only Please. 4.5*
Andrew Dixon's 80th birthday. Hope you
can. come to wish him a happy birthday,
Sunday, February 15, 1-5 p.m. Lucan Com-
munity Centre. Good Wishes only. 5,6*
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Pryde announce
the marriage of their daughter. Peggy
Jane, to Richard Von Drasekt Alliston, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Von Drasek of Mid -
ray. Arkansas. The marriage was per-
formed by the Rev. John Boyne at The
11obe; Rosemont, on January thirty-first.
nineteen hundred eighty-seven. 5*
John Ulch and Sandra Coward ( Dickey t
wish to announce their marriage which
took place on January 30, 1987 in Kirkton.
Ontario. 5c
BECKER - We wish to thank our family.
relatives and neighbours from near and
far, for remembering us in so many
ferent ways on the occasion of our 62nd
wedding anniversary, January 24, 1987.5•
Henry and Annie
CASE - We would like to thank our
friends, neighbours and relatives for the
floral tributes, memorial donations and
food brought to our home after the passing
of a dear husband and father, Donald Case.
Special thanks to Rev. Hawley for his kind
words, the Hopper Hockey Funeral Home,
and the church ladies for the lovely lunch.
Also to the boys who came to help with
chores. Everyone's kindness at this time
was very much appreciated and will
always be remembered. 5'
Phyllis and family
DATARS - We wish to extend our sincere
thanks to relatives and friends for prayers..
[lowers, cards and expressions of sym-
pathy following the loss of a dear brother
and uncle. 5'
Howard and Elaine and family
DESJARDINE - We would like to express
our thanks to our families and friends for
visits, cards, gifts and flowers while being
a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital and since
returning home. Thanks to Dr. Fellows and
his team. the nurses on the 3rd floor. And
also a special thanks to Gramma and
Grampa Desjardinc, Aunt Carleen and
family, and Lee for the good care of Jason.
Also our thanks to Dr. Steciuk. 5*
Sandra and baby Brian
DOWN - Thanks to all those who helped
at the time of my accident while I was
down and out. Thanks to family, friends
Kand neighbours for calls, visits. cards and
presents encouraging me to get up and
about. 5c
FRAYNE - Many thanks to Dr. Steele.
the nursing staff and my friends for their
thoughtfulness while 1 was patient in South -
Huron Hospital. 5c
VENNER - A sincere thank you to our
many friends. neighbours and relatives for
gifts and cards of good wishes. Special
thanks to our families and to Bob and
Dorothy for the enjoyable evening spent at
their home on the occasion of our recent
marriage. 54-
tRodger and Evelyn
OSGOOD - Mr. and -Mrs. R. A. Osgood
would like to thank all our children,
neighbours. relatives and friends for the
cards, flowers, gifts and visits on the oc-
casion of their 40th wedding anniversary.5'
Bob and Dolly
SKINNER - I "would like to thank my
friends and relatives for the cards, flowers
and treats I received while in St. Joseph's
Hospital and since returning home. 5*
Main Street at Gidley
' Exeter
Sunday, February 8
11:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist
undoy School and Nursery
Everyone Welcome
187 Huron St. W., Exeter
Sunday. February 8
Pastor Kevin Rutledge
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 o.m. Morning Service
Series in Malachi no. 4
"Disputing God's Justice"
7:00 "p.m. Youth Service
Speaker Mr. John Vincent
Wednesday, 7 p.m•. Family Night
Everyone Welcome
94 A
dew Street North
day, February 8
lay School and Bible Study
m. Worship Service
yone Welcome
9:30 o.m. Sun
10:30 a.
iy, Febtluory 8
9:45 a.m.. Sunday School and4
Adu t Bible Class
11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour
6:00 p.m. Communion
Tuesday 8 p.m. Bible Study
All Services held at
Usborne Central School
Huron St. East
Everyone Welcome
Hwy. 4 South •
Pastor REV. 806 IIONNAN
Sunday, February 8
Youth Pastor - Oole•Tollelson
10:00 a.m. Sunday -School
11':00 a.m. Morning Worship S4rvice
7:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service
Wednesday night 7:00 p.m.
Family Night -
Programs for all ages
Nursery available for all services
Everyone welcome . -
Huron Street East, Exeter
Sunday. February 8
10:00 o.m. Worship Service
"God's Spice -rope"
11:00 a.m. Sunday School
7:30 p.m. Evening Worship
"God hos two addresses"
Come and Worship with us
Mr. David Dougall
Sunday, February 8
10:00 a.m. Morning Service
Everyone Welcome
Sunday, February 8
9:30 o.m. Congregation
Christian Education
11:00 Worship Service
Everyone Welcome
Main S1. North
Sunday, February 8
10:00 a.rri. • Worship
Sunday School - (Preschoolers)
2:30 p.m. Worship
Nursery Available
Everyone Welcome
Listen 10
The Back to God Hour
CKNX Dial 920 - 10:30 ct,m.
Faith 20 • Global 6 (cable 3)
Corner of James and Andrew St.
Minister. The Rev. Richard W. Howley
Staff Associate:.
Mrs. Bev Robinson -
Organist and Choirmaster
Mr. Robert Cameron
Sunday. February 8
11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship
with Rev. Richard Howley
11:00 o.m. Sunday Church School
Courtesty Cor for February
Mr. Bill AtIhiIl'235.2998
Nursery Facilities Availoble
Following church service Feb. 8
Annual Meeting
Pot Luck Dinner
Meat provided
GLANVILLE - The family of the late
Graham Glanville wish to thank everyone
for theif expressions of sympathy during
their recent loss. Special thanks is extend-
ed to Dr. Passi and eighth floor staff of
University Hospital, Dr. Steciuk and staff
of South Huron Hospital, Rev. Matheson,
Thames Road UCW for lunch, Hopper
Hockey Funeral Home, Exeter, the pall
bearers and to the many friends and
neighbours who contributed their time,
gifts of food and -kind deeds in our time of
need. Your kindness will always be
remembered. 5c
Grace Masnica and the Glanville family
KIPFER - We would like to thank
everyone for their cards, flowers, gifts and
visits after Maegan's surprise early ar-
rival and since returning home from the
hospital. Everything is greatly ap-
preciated. Special thanks to her new
grandparents for all the little extras. 5c
Maegan, Jill and Brian
LUTHER - We wish to say thank you for
all the beautiful sympathy cards we
received, for [lowers and the people who
took time to telephone and visit us in our
time of sorrow. Special thanks to Sharon
and John. Helen. and Wayne. Eva and
Lloyd and Betty [or the food you brought
to the house. Your kindness and prayers
will never be forgotten. 5'
_ Marguerite and family
STEWART - 1 wish to thank my
neighbours and friends for their acts of
kindness for cards and thoughts while a pa-
tient in St. Joseph's Hospital and since
returning home. 5'
VANDENBERK - The family of the late
William Vandenberk, would like to express
our sincere appreciation to friends and
neighbours, for their loving support, ex-
pressions of sympathy, floral tributes.
mass cards and prayers, memorial dona-
tions, for the loss of a beloved husband,
father and grandfather. Special thanks to
Father Boyer and Father Morrissey for the
comforting mass and the choir. To Dr. P.
McCabe of Stratford and the nurses of the
'2nd floor of the Extended Care Unit. To
Hoffman Funeral services and the CWL for
the lovely lunch! We will always
remember your kindness. 5*
Clazina and family
ALLISON - In loving memory of a dear
. sister, sister-in-law and aunt Violet Allison
who passed away four years ago, February
9, 1983.
This day is remembered,
'And quietly kept.
No words are needed
For we shall never forget.
Sadly missed and always remembered
by Kathleen, Gordon. Jim and Ethel and
family 5*
BAKER - In loving memory of .David
Baker, who passed away February 3. 1980.
A special smile, a special face,'
Part of our family we can never replace.
Loved and remembered every day,
Missed much more than words can say.
When thoughts go back as they often do,
We treasure the memories we have of you.
Lovingly renerr tiered and sadly missed
by Lynda. Mark and Matthew, Mom and
- Dad. Paul, Brenda. Shelley and Shauna.5'r
BRENNER - In loving memory of a (tear.
husband, father, grandfather and great
grandfather, Glen Brenner who passed
away 4 years ago, February 5. 1983.
They who think that you are gone
Because no more your face they see,
Are wrong for in our hearts you live
And always will in memory.
Lovingly remembered by his wife
Evelyne, children. grandchildren and
great grandchildren. - 5*
DESJARDINE - In loving memory of a
Special father. Glenford who passed away
six years ago. January 31. 1981.
I think of you in silence
And often speak of you.
Nov, all I have are memories
Of the things we used to do.
My heart still aches with sadness
My silent tears still flow
.The humour that you shared with me
Meant more than you'll ever. know:
They. say time heals all sorrow
And will help me to forget
But time so far has only proven
How much 1 miss you yet.
Sadly missed by daughter Cassie. 5c
MILLER - In loving memory of a dear
husband, father and grandfather Everard
Miller. who passed away 2 years ago.
February 1. 1985.
Today is remembered and quietly kept,
No words are needed, we will never forget.
Deep in our hearts you will always stay
Loved and remembered every day.
Sadly missed and always loved by wife
Edith, Fred and.June, Earl and Marilyn,
LeRoy and Elsie Keyes and 8
grandchildren. - 5'
TOTTEN - In loving memory o[ a dear
daughter, whom God called home 7 years
ago. February 4, 1980.
Silent memories keep you near,
As time unfolds another year,
No longer in my life to share.
But in my heart you're always there.
Sadly missed by mom. 5'
Coming Events
BINGO - Every Tuesday evening al
Vanastra Centre, RR 5 Clinton, 8 p.m.
First regular card $1.00, 15 regular games
of $20 each, 3 share the wealth. Jack Pot
$200 must go. Admission restricted to 16
years and over. -
Kingston, Ontario. February 7 and 8 10
a.m. until 5 p.m. daily. Portsmouth Olym-
pic harbour Site. 48 selected dealers from
Ontario and Quebec. Sx
JACK RIDDELL - appreciation night din-
ner dance, Lucan Community Centre.
Saturday. February 21, $25.00 per couple.
For tickets 227-4840. .4 -fie
EUCHRE PARTY' Crediton Communi-
ty Centre, Tuesday, February 12 at 8:15
p.m. Lunch provided. Sponsored by
Women's Institute. 5,6c
Saturday, March 21, Exeter United
Church, 1-4 p.m. 5.6'
SINGLES DANCE - Saturday. February
7, at the Victorian Inn, Stratford. Dancing
9-1 to the Country Versatiles. Sc
vites you to attend the Child Health Clinic.
held at the Health Unit office, South Huron
Ilospjtal, Exeter on Monday, February 9.
1987 rom 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. for: 1) health
surveillance. 2) anaemia screening, 3► im
munization, 4) hearing screening, 5) vision
screening. Adult immunization will also be
offered at this clinic. 5c•
111.:VINE. -- In loving memory of a dear
husband.. lather and grandfather, Ervin
who passed away one year ago, February
4. 1946. •
God saw you getting tired.
When a cure was not to be,
So Ile closed His arms around you.
And whispered "Come to Me."
You didn't deserve what you went through.
So. God gave you a rest,
His garden must be beautiful
F'or He only takes the best.
Loved and always remembered by wife
Hedy. daughters Elaine and Bill and
Yvonne and 'toward and grandchildren.5*
SWEITZER -- In loving memory of a dear
husband. father and grantpa Stuart Mat-
thew' who passed away 1I years ago,
February' 7, 1976.
Days of sadness still come o'er us
Tears in silence often flow
For memory keeps you ever near us
Though you died eleven years ago.
Lovingly and still sadly missed by your
.wife Doris, daughter Bonnie, sons James
and Scott. son-in-law Mike, daughter -in-
laws Marg and Joan. Grandchildren Jeff.
Arne, Dody-Lyn, Derek: Jason. 5'
Read this page to find out
Energy can
be saved-
• Fiscal-T(n•esight. careful planning.
timely action,, and a relatively small
investmment -- are saving an estimated
S28 -million a year for Ontario':, -
elementary and secondary schools.
Ontario Energy Minister Vincent G.
Kerrio announced today. -
"In 1976: after the firstenergy price
shocks, my ministry got -together with -
the Ministry of Education to deal with
rapidly rising energy costs. Together
they worked out an energy manage-
ment program for Ontario's schools,
which has produced total savings to
date of more than S200 -million," \h•.
Kerrio said.
The minister stressed (hat energy
management is generally straightfor-
ward. and involves things like install-
ing -more energy-efficient. doors_ and
windows and automatic setback then
mostals. adding insulation and swit-
ching from oil heating to other less ex-
pensive fuels.
Under the schools energy manage-
ment program, school boards provide
an average of one-quarter of the cos(
of energy conservation measures.
with the remaining 75 percent shared
equally by the ministries of Energy
and Education. '
"The goal of the program is to
upgrade provincial educational
facilities by making- them more
energy-efficient. Over the past 10
years. major economics have been
achieved under the program with a
relatively small investment. said
Education Minister Scan Conway-.,
Mr. Conway pointed out that the
schools program has cost about
$18 -million to date, and that, the
money has been invested in some
4.600 elementary a nd secondary
schools. Ile noted that the investment
is saving an estimated $28 -million in
avoided costs in 1985-86 alone. and -
that saving money on energy helps
make more funds available for
'"schools to implement educational pro-
grams and services:- - -
Mr. Kerrio added that better l
energy management in the public sec-
tor achieves several governinent
goa Is.
"Wiser energy use helps reduce
operating costs for public facilities.
and also reduces Ontario's reliance on
oil, which has a vojalile price and
uncertain security. Achieving major
economics in the public sector com-
panies will he encouraged to adopt
similar measures whetbthey see the
tremendous savings (hat are their."
he said.
Skier with
a heart ...
Laurie Graham, Canada's Female
Athlete of the Year has been named
Honourary Provincial Campaign
Chairperson of the 1987 Heart and
Stroke Month fund-raising campaign.
Graham, now competing in the
World Championships in Switzerland,
volunteered her name and reputation
to assist the heart and Stroke Foun-
dation of Ontario's effort to raise $7.8
million in Ontario. "I believe real pro-
gress is being made against heart
disease and stroke which affects
almost one person in two," Graham
said. "Research and education are
contributing -tothe success. As a
result, approximately 20,000 people a
year are being saved from death."
Dr. Anthony Graham, president of
the heart and Stroke Foundation of
Ontario said, "We are very pleased to
have Laurie's support. She is a
leading international athlete who sup-
ports geyd health, physical activity and
Wise nutritional habits, all of which
reduce the risks associated with heart
More than 70,000 volunteers can-
vass door-to-door for the Heart and
Stroke Foundation of Ontario during
February, Heart. and Stroke Month
The Foundation's purpose is to raise
funds for research -and education to
reduce death and disability from
heart disease and stroke.
Approximately, 30,000 people in On-
tario die from heart disease and
stroke and 80,0(0 in Canada, more
than cancer or any other cause of
Tines Advocate, February 4, 1987
Page 17A
TAKES TEAMWORK- _ Robert Rammeloo, Sarah -Patterson and Chad
Pickering show team work is necessary in this race at Wednesday's
winter carnival at Stephen Central School. T -A photo.
Grand Theatre has
contest for writers
Artisitc Director, Larry Lillo, has
announced the first Grand
Theatre/CIQM 103.1 FM Young
Playwrights' Competition. Presented
with the generous assistance of the
London Foundation, the Young
Playwrights' Competition was devis-
ed to encourageyoung literary and
dramatic talent in the Southwestern
Ontario region. This competition is
open to all students between the ages
of twelve-and-nineteen_currently_at-
tending a school in Southwestern -On-
tario. Three winning scripts will be
selected to receive workshopping with
professional directors and actors,
along with cash awards made a to the
"Pm very excited about this project
and am already looking forward to
the scripts coming in", said Lillo. "I
think young people today have a lot
of worthwhile things to say about
their lives, our society and the world.
I hope this competition will enlighten
them to the possibility of expressing
themselves in the theatre".
Scripts submitted to the competi-
tion may he of any length, any genre
and suitable for theatre or radio pro-
duction. Scripts will be read first by
an in-house jury and passed to a
three-person panel for final adjudica-
tion. Three scripts selected from the
entries will receive a workshop and
public reading in the McManus Studio
of The Grand Theatre. Cash awards
and prizes will be awarded to the win-
ning playwrights, with $250.00 given
for first prize, $200.00 for second prize
and $150.00 for third prize. As well, the
winning playwrights each will receive
two subscriptions to The Grand
Theatre's 1987-88 season.
The deadline for entry into The
Grand Theatre/CIQM 103.1 FM
Young Playwrights' Competition is
March 27. All scripts submitted must
be typed or neatly printed. Winners
will be announced on April 17, with
workshops beginning May 11. Public
readings of the scripts will take place
-in the.McManus Studio of The Grand
Theatre on May 15 and 16.
To submit scripts or for more infor-
mation, please contact Young
Playwrights' Competition, The Grand
Theatre. 471 Richmond Street, Lon-
don, Ontario N6A 3E4, or call (:,19)
Farmers Club
Annual Meeting
Thurs. Feb. 19
1:30 p.m.
Community Centre
All members welcome
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Watch next week's TA